#i've just had a lof of friends to hang out with
leniinero · 3 years
November 4th 2021 4:49am
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Throwback posts//
December 1st 2020
There have been times in my life especially lately where I've needed someone to talk to because I feel so down and lonely and have reached out and those very people either straight up said "no, not here for all of that" or "i try to keep positive so I'd rather not listen to sad stuff" or "not this again!....just cheer up! Think happy thoughts!"
Okay. Great. That's so easy. 😒
Um okay. So next time people wonder why I'm so quiet and keep to myself. This is why.
I dont want to bother anyone.
No one looks out for Lenii. Am I supposed to have this figured out by 31? Like is that there blueprint?
I scream but nobody listens.
Clinical depression is real and it brings a mess of friends. There's a block party in our heads that we weren't invited to.
The demons ain't the only ones up at night.
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January 14, 2020
People dont understand how severe depression can be and how it affects everyone differently.
People really think you just dont care about the way you look, how clean your area, your schooling, your health is etc. You do care, you always care, you're just sucked so deep in your head that doing anything else seems impossible. You cant get over depression or even work on it when people around you, those that claim to love/care for you, give you shit. And say "it's a phase"; "get over it, pull yourself out of it!" Dont you think if it were that easy mental illness would be a thing? Ever?
It's like those 80s movies or that episode of Supernatural where you're running from the monster you cant see....or hear but you know it's there because you sense it. It's there! So you run into your room, block the doors and windows, sit on your bed. And try to breathe, you think you're safe so you start to calm down so you can focus on what to do next. How to stay alive.
And right when all starts to seem well, the monster you thought you left on the other side of the door.....grabs you by the ankles and starts to pull you under the bed. You cry, you scream, you knock shit over. And all that left is a mess. A mess and your nail Marks on the floor.
We do know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, we just don't think we deserve to see it.
Instead of at least trying to understand or be there for this person or even just listening; you're judging and assuming.
Hey, how about you just ask? Or even a "hang in there buddy!" Would do just fine.
I'm over it. ✌
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October 17, 2020
I dont just think people don't understand the severity of depression. If you couple it with anxiety, its even worse. I've had a clear plan in my head since my mom died in 2014, a plan of what I've wanted to do with my life. I've seen a post of about how they take months to do something that would only take 30 minutes because that's what depression does to you. Its more than a quick moment of sadness or uncertainty;its more than a funk. Its a serious thing that a lof of people just brush off when someone else has it. I think that's why "Glass House" is such an important song to me. Because its therapeutic even if it is sad. Because even if it increases the pain, it makes me feel understood. Even if it is by complete strangers like Kells & Naomi.
I spent all of my 20s in waste. I moved to another state to start over..Im almost 31 and I've done little to nothing to make these plans happen.
And what's worse is that people keep reminding me of how much of a fuck up I am. So when I over post about stuff that makes me happy, that's just me, trying to make myself happy. I dont mean to be annoying.
Ive tried to reach out to people that I thought cared about me, people I've known forever as a last ditch effort. But nothing. They've literally told me no. Don't wanna hear it. Id rather not listen to you talk about sad things..etc. This is why I just keep things to myself. (With the exception of this post)
So, lets talk about you....show me a picture or lyric or quote or link that helps you get through hard times.
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I'm gonna have to do a separate post on these songs.
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