#i've never trusted the genetics in these damn games anyway
tau1tvec · 2 years
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Thank GOD I can still play offline.
Hennyway, began expanding on the garden house... Dantes has his own room now, and a cute little sleeping bag for when Alena or Alex stay over, which means Mags gets a big room to herself, at least until... well, she doesn't.
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sharpen-jadescythe · 2 years
Saddy New Year!
Poor Sharpen.
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Alessandre: *whips off Sharpen's blanket*
Sharpen: Aaaugh! Are you crazy? It's cold out here, and my daughter is freezing!!
Nautistrasz: I'm a baby and I'm here too, by the way.
Sharpen: You're hardly innocent! Nauti, you kept biting my toes which is why you were supposed to sleep outside the damn blanket!
Al: Sharpen, language. As you say, there are very young ones present.
Sharpen: Al, what are you doing here in the Dragon Isles, anyway! And don't you know most of the world was up till midnight for New Years?! Oh wait, I just remembered the sorry grump I'm dealing with.
Al: Ah, the poor orphaned Highmountain Tauren baby. Sunny is her name, right? I assumed she'd be used to camping outside and in the ice and snow.
Sharpen: Explain your presence in the Jadescythe Expedition camp, now. I thought I was trusted to work alone with my team of explorers.
Al: But it's January first. I've been waiting for this day.
Sharpen: *finishes tucking himself and the small Tauren toddler back into their camping cot* I'm so happy for you. And your day-waiting that you like to do.
Al: It's in your contract. Time is up! Now that everything Stormwind naively provided to you for this venture has officially come into my possession, I'll be making some changes around here.
Sharpen: I can't believe you just did this to me...
Al: Outsmarted a certain green-haired himbo obsessed with nature and doing good deeds for the Alliance? It's my specialty.
Sharpen: But we were so close to tracking down a rare pine pecker. I was going to prove that the northern reticulated pine pecker has two fewer freckles than the northeastern one, and that means in two thousand more years, enough genetic drift will have happened to qualify it as a different species!
Al: *sighs, leans in* Sharpen, this comes from the heart. It's meant with love... You are a boring goody-goody and nobody likes you personally.
Sharpen: *is stunned*
Al: We're here for one thing and one thing only. To slaughter enough wildlife and fell enough trees for food and fuel to supply the great Kaldorei war machine while the other races aren't looking!
Sharpen: *Is even more devastated.* That's... Al, that's just so wrong. Wrong on so many levels. And Tyrande, especially not Malfurion, they would never sign off on this.
Al: Well, not officially. I have them both over a barrel sort of. Malfurion very badly wants his world tree back. And after three years of waiting, Tyrande wants her fretting husband back focused on her. Also uh, rumor has it that Malfurion is, heh, a kind of tree. Which makes all the more sense. The way I maneuvered our dear noble leaders into that one was a thing of beauty.
Sharpen: *now extremely devastated*
Al: Hey, as a spymaster, I have to make sure the dirty job of protecting our people gets done one way or another.
Sharpen: But the pretty trees? All the sweet animals? And I was supposed to be in charge of studying them, caring for their habitat.
Nautistrasz: This is the kind of game I like. The kind where people's feelings get hurt! Wheeee!!
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