#i've not tested or anything it's just a lurgy
verecunda · 2 months
Health-related stuff: a restrospective. XD
Looking over the last few months like Jesus Christ, I really haven't been well. Obviously, I was aware of it, but between the infections, the pain, the fatigue, the various lurgies (the Covid test was negative, but now I'm not sure that was accurate...), everything from about February onwards has just sort of blurred all together.
Doing much better now, thank God, still not quite 100%, but at least I'm back to wanting to do things and feeling like I've got a bit of energy to do them.
The one great thing, though, is how not-depressed I've felt. Everything's been pretty much physical, and if my mood has dropped, it's been in a general frustrated-with-feeling-crappy way, it's not been anything prolonged or overwhelming.
Also really looking forward to when we go on holiday at the start of August. Not that I've exactly been very active (see above!) but at least I can take it easy for a bit without feeling like there's all this stuff I have to "catch up" on.
Just. God, it's been a hell of a time.
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kaylor · 2 years
i've got secondhand glasto-rona and i'm gonna b honest i'm not pleased about it
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