#i've said it a ton of times but tysm guys
fastcardotmp3 · 5 months
hi! me again! composing this as i'm reading the post you linked (thank you!! and pls forgive any insane rambling as i've just finished writing all my midterm report cards and my brain is much l m f a o)
when i thought of them breaking up, i wouldn't have guessed it would be steve to initiate it! this bit specifically was so interesting:
"It's not just one thing, it's bigger than them just like the world, and it's Steve, ultimately, who decides he's scared enough of all the big upheavals that he can't be attached to Eddie like that right now, trapped in a tiny apartment together with nowhere for all the complexity to go.
Steve says he can't take care of himself while he's waiting for the other shoe to drop on Eddie's end of things, and so he walks away before Eddie can."
we are in eddie's head so thoroughly that i think it's easy to maybe brush aside how steve must be feeling throughout the entirety of this? poor steve always choosing the most difficult (but lovely) people to love, and always putting them first until he can't anymore!! that fear of being hurt or left behind is So Real and I actually could read 160k of meta from steve's POV solely so i can see his reaction to finding out eddie has run off. MOVING ON!
do they live apart during this time? i imagine if that were the case that it might have been difficult, having lived on top of one another for so long. also difficult for the ladies as well, considering they are all very much entangled.
"It's Eddie who says, I don't think I ever really grasped what it was like for you when I ran. I don't think I ever really apologized. I'm sorry.
It's Eddie who lays it all out on the table and makes it clear, I don't need you to fix me anymore, I just like holding your hand."
TO ME, this is so important!!!!! how lovely for steve to hear something like this, to maybe be validated and reassured in a way he probably hasn't been in a while.
the idea of it not being earth-shattering every time, of giving themselves breathing room...ugh. i just love it!! talk about dynamic.
tysm for tolerating me!! once my brain is no longer mush i will be crawling back to talk wasteland with you because i love an apocalyptic take so fucking muuuuuuuuuch and i need to know more.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥹💚💚💚💚💚💚
first of all when i tell you i have thought about writing about the chapters when Eddie runs away from Steve's POV one trillion and one times only to not do it because it would be a ton of work and approximately 3 people would end up reading it fjkadslfj...... but trust that it lives in my brain that fic...... it lives......
SECOND of all!!! it's so important to me that it's steve who creates that boundary! as much as he loves Eddie, the guy put him through so much and he only really let himself feel it for a very short period of time! they are all about the give and take to me and finding the balance within each other for what that means! that's why in META i gave him that chance to say I need to be mad at you about this, because they both needed to realize that Steve had been going through it too GAH
which is why, in the unwritten parts of it that exist only in my head, they definitely do live separately while they're broken up. it takes months for them to find their footing and they genuinely aren't sure for a minute that they'll work it out, so yeah, they live apart in all the ways they can while still being intrinsically linked and you know what? i think it's good for them. hard! but good.
because like i said in that other post, it gives them a chance to realize that the things they've thought for a while were necessary about sticking together aren't something they need for survival anymore. the closeness isn't keeping them alive, it's just something they want. figuring out that distinction is a big deal and they deserve the chance to discover it!
i am not simply tolerating you dude i am thriving i am living i am grateful for your thoughtful thoughts! i wish you luck on your post midterms life and when you want to talk about wasteland i am here because....... that is also my baby omg
<3 < 3 <3
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Hi again 🩷 Could you do Ichiro hypmic 🎉 with f!mc? Tysm🩷
Writer's corner: Hey, sweetheart! Of course I could do it! Still so sorry for being this late, but it's still summer so I hope you'll be able to enjoy what I've written for you! I've developed it as a scenario. I hope it's okay for you! If it's not, please, let me know so I can fix it for you! Thank you for requesting! ❤️Enjoy the amazing summer~!
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER
Warnings: mention of alcohol for +18!, but sfw and wholesome
☀️𝐈𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨☀️ 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲
🎉: summer party with them and they get drunk (R)
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☀️Actually Ichiro is not the type of guy drinking alcohol. We all know he would prefer to spend a party drinking coca-cola instead of enjoying beer, wine, champagne or every kind of alcoholic drinks.
☀️And, well.. mc knew it too until she found herself at a summer party at the beach with him. The party was chill and it was going pretty fine. She had met tons of new people and potential friends while enjoying chats and drinks with them. The party was set at the beach and it was evening. All the people were wearing swimsuits and fresh dresses or clothing, nothing too fancy but comfortable, as most of them were wearing sandals of flip-flops on the sand. There was a bonfire with people sitting around chatting and there was even a small kiosk selling drinks or even fresh fruit juices. There was even music playing in the background while some people were trying to spread positivity, dancing on the sand. Everything was so wholesome and Ichiro had insisted so much to bring mc there with him! It was evident he wanted it to be a date. And she could see Ichiro having fun as well, drinking coca-cola and even tasting some alcoholic drinks as well, thing that surprised mc, actually. She could notice how his sparkling and gentle eyes were usually looking at her, as for checking if she was doing fine or needed anything. She could only smile at him to reassure him that, yes, she was enjoying the party and everything was doing well.
☀️However it didn't pass much time until mc didn't see Ichiro around anymore. She was chatting with the people she had met at the party when suddenly one of them said: "Where is Ichiro?". That's when mc immediately got her expression changed into a worried and serious one, as she walked away from that group, wanting to look for that guy with heterochromia in his eyes. Mc's hand was still holding a glass still full of her favourite drink when she noticed him dancing around, clearly drunk. His cheeks were all red and his sparkling eyes were glowing even more due to his drunk state. His body was moving in random and slightly funny dancing movements. His black short hair was following his head's moves and, occasionally, even the gentle breeze of the nearby sea, as mc's worried eyes were fixed on him. All the people were amused and were laughing. Mc couldn't stand him being at the center of everyone's attention; not like that!! Ichiro deserved to be appreciated for his actual skills and rap abilities, not for his random drunk dancing state!
☀️That's why she immediately got closer and, wrapping an arm around his one, mc managed to bring him away from there. She got some water at the kiosk and brought him away of everyone's attention. His cheeks blushed even more as his green and red eyes were fixed on her in a lovingly and unusually shy look. Mc could see something different in his eyes as they both sat next to each other and she gave him some water to help him sober down. Ichiro didn't manage to get the water that he immediately bowed down and vomited behind a rock. Of course mc helped him, holding his forehead with her gentle hands, while comforting him. She even gave him some water so he could get rid of the vomit of his mouth after that. She looked at him worried, while his eyes met hers in shyness. Ichiro suddenly spoke in a whisper, still being quite drunk: "Sorry about that, mc.. You probably now think that I'm a stupid alcoholist or something like that, huh..?". Mc couldn't help but blushed as in a few seconds his head laid on her shoulder and a soft snore could be heard. Ichiro was becoming clingier as he snuggled on her chest: "I messed everything up with you, mc.. I'm so sorry... I haven't even told you about my feelings for you..". Mc could hear from his voice that he was still drunk while whispering, his head was laid on her shoulder and one of his hand was caressing her chin, while the other one was holding the bottle of water. His eyes were slightly closed, but a sparkle from his irids could still be seen, as his lips brushed against mc's chin and her left cheek. A soft and low whisper reached her ear just like the sea breeze touched her hair:
"Is it too late for me to tell you that I love you...?"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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elmleif · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
tysm for tagging me @softimbue!! i'm not sure who to tag so pls if you feel like doing this you're more than welcome to just pretend i tagged you lol.
1: are you named after anyone?
nope!! just erin since my family has irish lineage!
2: when was the last time you cried?
eh every day the last few weeks, breakup tingz!!
3: do you have kids?
no, and I don’t plan on ever having any tbh some people just aren’t maternal and that’s ok!!
4: do you use sarcasm a lot?
I feel like I have a good grasp on one single type of sarcasm aka the very animated exaggerated kind, so I’ll use that sometimes but still don’t get it when people are sarcastic with me with a straight face, you’re just speaking to me normally yeah of course I took what u said at face value and believed it lol 10 years and my ex still uses dry sarcasm on me and is shocked when I believe what he’s telling me????
5: what sports do you play/have you played?
I was on a basketball team for one day as a teen and left the first practice bc I failed every layup we had to do and cried hysterically bc I was so embarrassed LOL no sports for me.
6: what's the first thing you notice about people?
eye contact, if you make strong eye contact i immediately am very very afraid of you.
7: eye color?
idk like a darker grey/blue??
8: scary movies or happy endings?
hmmm idk i haven't watched a movie in at least a year or so, so whichever kind of movie wont make me cry whether that be happy or sad tears bc once i start crying i literally cannot stop myself lol
9: any special talents?
cannot think of anything off the top of my head tbh lol
10: where were you born?
in queens!! where i stayed until i was 19 until leaving for 🤮texas🤮
11: what are your hobbies?
sims, and for a while collecting squishmallows but i have to get rid of all of them to move :-( i have tons of clay and earring supplies though so i'm hoping i'll have the energy/mental capacity to begin exploring that once i move!!
12: do you have any pets?
yes at the moment i have my siamese cat nelson, and my ex and i's pitbull Nala who'll be staying behind in texas. my heart dog chappie passed away about a year or two ago so i'm hoping to get another chinese crested one day again, they're such special little babies and i've never experienced a love as unconditional as chappie's that little guy was my whole entire world :-(
13: how tall are you?
somehow this usually surprises online mutuals, maybe i give off taller vibes?? but i'm 5'2!!
14: favorite subject in school?
art!!! i had a very rocky high school experience and honestly did not attend school very much AT ALL, but my high school art teacher was so kind and supportive and always made me feel so safe coming to school when i otherwise didn't. and fun fact she was Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong's ex girlfriend and was even in Up in Smoke LOL
15: dream job?
i used to be a librarian before i moved to Texas so i'd say that's my dream job once agian!! i've been a dog groomer for 8-9 years now and it's quite literally destroying my body and I really hope I'm able to find another librarian position back up north soon.
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baekberrie · 5 years
✨thank you for 1k+ followers✨
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Hi everyone! So a while ago I hit 1k followers and since then I’ve always wanted to thank you but in a very special way but never got the chance to do it sooner because this thing I’ve prepared has taken me an infinity of time. I hope that all of you who wants to can enjoy it just as much as I enjoy having you guys by my side✨💕
So to make it extra special, I’m posting this today, 9th April, my 18th birthday.  I don’t mean to boast about it, I rather thank you all once more. I joined Tumblr at the age of eleven on twelve so I can say that I’ve been around for a while, made friends, stopped and returned. I want to thank everyone who kept up with my clinginess as a kid, when someone liked the same animes as I did, I just had to be friends with them, I believe I’ve been quite bothersome to some of you, but you were all so kind and sweet to me anyway, which I appreciate so much✨So truly, thank you for making my time here amazing even as a kid who shouldn’t have been on this site at such a early age (lol)✨ 
But then I grew up and slowly got into kpop and during my years as an exo stan, I got to make so many friends who truly made very happy. I especially want to thank all the people who read my works who support me and who always told me when something I wrote touched them, you guys can’t imagine how much that means to me, you are the highlight of my writing, I don’t write for myself anymore, I write for you. I want to thank you for supporting me through my development as a writer and sticking around even when my writing was whack.
I could rant all day about how much you guys mean to me but long story short, I want to thank all of you for giving me a fantastic experience, thank you for accepting me and my flaws, for caring when I felt down, I owe all of you a lot because you were a great part of my happiness, I hope you all can be blessed with the best goods in life! I love you! Much love, P💘✨
@softhaos @byunfirstlady @baekpedia @baekphia @tipannies @kpopfanfictrash @yeolology @whimsical-ness @xiuxiuflake @zupcia @apollo-moon @sunsmileyeol @baekchelor @506boo @0506lover @everybodyloveslaymond @luvhtears @ilovkji-main @etherealbbh @tiny-myeon @xosehun @vanillainverse @suho-mochi @alevchaan @heartbeatofexo @kollectionn @mysunshinejongin @sushimanjuu @baekhyunie-l @xiahrn @byunvoyage @loveserum @subaek @poutypuppybaekhyun @finn-shitposts @baektempo @exosoftpics @noona-clock @vroomvroombaek @the-real-inu-girl @kagomehigurashi @guru--guru @tsu-kii @inuyashaqueen @love-across-the-time @1daehyun @pebble-xo @sefuns @pinklilies @blckbear
I’m sorry if I missed anyone, I’m aware that I didn’t tag so many blogs but some people changed their URL and I can’t find them anymore :( I’ll add more to the list later! If I missed you, just tell me and I’ll fix.
Some of you who are anime blogs are probably wondering why you are tagged in a kpop and aesthetic’s blog follow forever, the truth is, I’ve followed you guys since the very beginning and I somehow consider you a part of my more or less childhood (it sounds weird but..)
Some of you aren’t mutuals with me, so if you’re wondering, your are people that with their content have made me dream and given me happiness, the fanfic writers who and inspired me to become better and the amazing editors who always worke hard and give us quality content, I thought it was important tag you too, so that’s why💘💕✨
Also big thanks to the BBH-net members who are all friends with me and super nice and amazing people, I hope we can last long! <33
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writing-not · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
MADS YOU ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART!! Tysm for taking the time to send me this! I'll try my best to be nice to myself 'cause I've been feeling like shit lately so this is a nice exercise!
My teeth - It may not be much to others but it's a big deal for me considering I have around four dentists in the family. I like to pride myself on this because grandma said they're pretty 😤
My passion for learning and reading - I'm open to a lot of topics! Even though I'm not an expert, I still try to learn.
My silent activism - But I'm trying to take part in fighting for what I stand for, slowly but surely.
Being able to speed read - Apparently I can do 500-700 wpm (words per minute) according to one site lol but I have to do it again with another to make sure.
Being queer - I've spent so much of my (pre-) formative years (questioning and) hating myself for being gay and trans but after working on myself for a very long time, I finally got to accept myself for who I really am as a queer teen.
(Extra 'cause self love bitches, I rarely talk good about myself) My love of music/arts/cinema - Surfacing one's raw emotion through art and media, it's like touching the souls of what could once have been stardust and molecules. Unholy, how one can touch the universe so gently with little effort but the complexity of art.
I don't know a lot of people who follow me who are ok with tagging so I'm doing this without crying, I hope this isn't annoying you guys @peonierose @angelasscribbles @bebepac @xpandass420x @choicesjunk
I hope this is ok, Mads!! Again, tysm for sending this in, ILY A BUTT TON! 💜💜💜💜
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anxious2dsimp · 3 years
hi, congrats on 100 followers!!
could i get a matchup from haikyuu? my location is the café, and my style is 90’s grunge with a bit of dark academia. my pronouns are she/her. tysm!!
Hello dear anon, thank youuuu it means a ton! Omg yes, I love your vibe, turn it up!! Virtual Matchup loading...
I Match you with: Tsukishima Kei
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Location: The Café
Aesthetic/Style: 90's Grunge + Dark Academia
Kei wasn't a people person, which was pretty easy to tell just from his demeanor, but unbeknownst to many, this was especially true when he hasn't had coffee. It's deeply ingrained in his routine, going to the same café every morning. Well, except today, because waking up late forced him to miss his morning drink. So once he was finally free that afternoon, he decided to go get a coffee to turn his crappy day around. Walking into the café he was happy to leave behind the harsh winter rain and be engulfed by the warmth of the cozy shop and the smell of coffee brewing. Unfortunately, he realized he had miscalculated his plan after ordering his cup of black coffee and a slice of strawberry shortcake. The café was so full it only had a few stools left by the bar area but the rain would ruin the food if he took it home, so he had to stay, hopefully far from any chatty strangers.
That's when he spotted you; sitting at the bar by the window, a big mug sitting by your laptop as you worked away on it, so focused that your expression was more of a frown than neutral despite managing to look peaceful. Cozied up in your warm brown jacket, you were somehow unaware of the constant conversations and the clanking of cutlery as you bounced your boots against your stool. Deciding you seemed like a more ideal stool neighbor than the rest, he headed over to you and cleared his throat to get your attention. "Is it taken?" he asked, not even bothering to smile while nodding towards the spot. "No, go ahead," you replied unfazed as you shot him a tired smile and scooted your things together. Tsukishima sat down, finally able to take a sip of coffee as he took out his phone. You two were so absorbed in your stuff that you didn't notice the seat at the other side of Kei became available and was immediately taken by a bubbly woman around you guy's age. "Is the cake here good? I've always wanted to try it," you heard her say to the blonde guy next to you. "I guess," he replied so sharply that you could tell he was annoyed without even looking. "Cool, I will take your word for it," she giggled before continuing, batting her eyelashes at Kei while trying to spark up a conversation. Tsukishima tried his best to be as dry replying as possible so she'd get the hint, but not even his evident frown got her to leave him alone, her blabbering getting on your nerves too. So seeing how she was annoying both of you, you decided to step in.
"Hi, sorry to bother you," you spoke up and leaned on your arm as you faced the woman, catching the attention of both. "Can we help you?" It was the first time the girl didn't sound sickly sweet while speaking, in fact she sounded condescending, only making your next move easier. "I was about to ask you the same thing," you said neutrally, her becoming visibly confused. "My friend and I are working on a project here, so it'd be lovely if you left us to it," you said, gesturing to the guy and the laptop, yet past the initial shock she didn’t seem convinced. On the other hand, the blonde guy wasn’t even caught off guard; a barely noticeable yet sly smile settling on his features once your gazes met. Internally Tsukki was glad he sat next to you and your quick thinking. "Really? Well, I haven't seen you guys exchange a word this whole time," the girl said defensively, only for the blonde to sigh audibly as he picked up his mug. "You've been observing us this whole time? Kinda creepy," he said coldly before turning to you, "you're right, we should get back to work." Embarrassed by Tsukishima's direct comment, the girl just huffed and left in a hurry, leaving you two finally in silence.
Despite that, things didn't go back to the way they were now that you realized how handsome the stranger was when he wasn't angry, but not wanting to make his day worse you just kept your mouth shut. “Thank you,” you heard him say, surprised he spoke up at all after what you witnessed. “Oh, it’s nothing, it just seemed like she was getting on both of our nerves so,” you chuckled as a genuine smile became faintly visible on his lips. “I’m Tsukishima Kei,” he said, extending his pale hand at you. “(Y/N),” you said, shaking his hand. “Here’s the thing, I don’t like feeling like I owe people things, so would you get coffee with me someday so we're even?” It was your turn to smile brightly raising an eyebrow at the intriguing guy and deciding to take him up on the casual offer. Regardless of whether or not you picked up on it, Kei wasn’t as nonchalant about seeing you again as he let on.
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