#i.  stefan baratheon  —  starter.
crvwnfought · 2 years
open  starter    /    stefan baratheon. where:   the stables   |   when:   the day after the trail.
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        he  had wanted  to  visit  the  stables immediately, worrying that in his absence phantom had been uncared or worse, harmed, but his siblings had insisted that he rest despite stefan claiming he was fine. physically, at least. the ordeal had left it’s mark, leading to a restless night despite his exhaustion, but now that he was here amongst the familiarity of the stables, for even though it wasn’t his stables the smell was similar and the atmosphere similarly calming, a hint of peace washed over him. phantom nickered the moment he saw stefan.        ❝  hello, boy. i’ve missed you.  ❞        he stroked the stallion’s neck and fed him a carrot, which the horse eagerly ate. upon looking over his horse, he was relieved to see him in good health.         ❝  i’m glad you’re in better shape than i. soon we’ll be free of this hellhole,  ❞       he said softly, not realizing he was no longer alone.
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warsmade · 2 years
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closed  starter  for  jocelyn  baratheon  (  @ladystormlander​  )  .
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          there  have  been  many  decisions  in  his  life  that  have  been  made  for  him  -  including  every  single  one  of  his  betrothals  .  while  he  had  never  been  cruel  to  those  who  had  been  given  the  same  cruel  fate  as  himself  ,  olyvar  was  not  secretive  of  his  intentions  to  end  whatever  betrothal  came  his  way  .  thankfully  their  betrothal  came  to  a  mutual  end  when  the  lady  baratheon’s  parents  died  ...  even  if  the  circumstances  were  less  than  ideal  .  still  ,  he’s  grateful  there  was  no  ill  will  held  between  them  and  after  recent  events  ,  oly  figures  it’s  best  to  stay  friends  rather  than  enemies  with  house  baratheon  .   ❝   lady  baratheon  ,  it’s  been  quite  some  time  .   ❞   he  greets  ,  bowing  his  head  out  of  respect  .   ❝   i’m  glad  to  hear  of  stefan’s  freedom  ...  i  always  knew  he  was  innocent  .   ❞
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flvvrpetals · 2 years
closed starter for @knightsfcll​ ( theodore baratheon ) *pre trystane & aurore thread.
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the fact that wyllas had yet to cross paths with theodore since stefan’s release was a tragedy. especially considering that his dear friend had been keeping secrets from him, mind flashing back to theodore openly asking lady manderly for her favor before the joust had began. cassana and jeyne’s words both ring through his head at the memory, what are the baratheons doing for you- he shakes the thought off. theodore is his friend, he would not abandon wyllas so easily for someone more powerful. “ theodore, i have been searching for you all evening. where have you been hiding?”
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sciientiae · 2 years
open starter!
AS THEY DRAGGED STEFAN out of the sept, ayleen could swear she felt the floor swaying under her feet. she’d always liked to think of herself as perfectly rational, never the slave of passions — even as... recent events had already proven that to be a bit of a stretch to say the least. yet in this moment all that lady ayleen baratheon, woman of science, could do was make a desperate attempt at running after the guards who had taken her brother away — making her way through the crowd of mourners was difficult, even as she used her elbows and ducked in a rather undignified fashion — before finally running headlong into someone unfortunate enough not to get out of the way. “oh!” left her mouth first. then, “my apologies, i have to– i need to–” she attempted to regain her composure, yet all she could muster was a vague gesture towards the doors of the sept, stefan and the guards long gone.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
open  starter    /    stefan baratheon. status:   open for responses ! where:   the dessert table. when:   the evening of the wedding.
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        the  sooner  this  damn  celebration  was  over the better. then they could all leave this city, something he’d wanted since the very day he’d first set foot inside its walls and the feeling had only increased given recent events he wished he could forget, and it also meant an end to empty small talk and stuffy nobles. he would have remained on the outskirts of the room had his sweet tooth not caught sight of the decadent treats on one of the tables. the one currently in his hand might be his fifth and likely not his last.       ❝  the cakes and tarts are the one saving grace of this affair.  ❞        other than his betrothed, but stefan couldn’t cling to her like a shadow for the entire night despite wishing he could.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
open  starter    /    stefan baratheon. status:   closed for responses ! where:   a courtyard in staerdale. when:   mid-day, the day after his arrival.
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        a  quiet  fury  burned  within  his  veins as he walked back from the stables. he wished he could remain there or ride far away from this haunted place, but stefan baratheon was no coward, and he looked upon court with new eyes; it was a battle, different from ones he fought with swords, but a battle nonetheless. garbed in baratheon black and gold, he studied the structures towering above him, a curious mask upon his face, concealing the critical assessment he was making. no warrior entered a new territory and didn’t observe both its strengthens and weaknesses.       ❝  you’d think the targaryens have resided here for centuries.  ❞        he murmured to himself. how easy they’d erased the arryns. he wondered if all saw staerdale as he did - a towering monument to the dragon’s cruelty, declaring that the same fate could befall anyone if they dared draw the dragon’s ire. he should know. he’d almost preceded the arryns in the grave.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
starter    /    stefan baratheon. where:   staerdale gardens. who:   @caelestiaes , @flvvrpetals , @russaldondarrion , @prodiiteur​
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        seven  months  away  had  hardly  been  enough for the baratheon who’d spent the large portion of his past time at court wrongly imprisoned. he bore it with more composure this time, but his patience was still a thin thread. this afternoon it felt very close to snapping. so like an archer who needed to restock his arrows, stefan retreated to a secluded area of the gardens. luck was, however, rarely on his side when at court because he’d only been alone for a few minutes before he heard someone approaching from behind.        ❝  i’m not in the best mood for small talk.  ❞       while his sea remained clam, there was an undercurrent of tension to his voice.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
open starter   /   stefan baratheon. when:   the masquerade ball.   |   where:   the very outskirts of the ballroom.
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        any  excitement  he’d  once  felt  about  the ball had quickly faded upon his remembrance that these events were always plagued by politics and empty small talk. the ball room, despite its size, had quickly turned into a cage with stefan trapped within. even his outfit felt constricting. to make matters worse, he had no way of finding the one person in this entire place he actually wanted to see. so he had retreated to the outskirts of the room, glass of wine in one hand. at least here he could escape the endless chatter. or so he thought.        ❝   i see i haven’t hid myself well enough.   ❞        he regretted the bite in his tone as soon as he spoke. a sigh fell from his lips. he made a point to soften his voice when he spoke this time.          ❝   have you enjoyed the ball thus far? his grace has certainly thrown a lavish event.   ❞
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