#i.e. nothing's happening and the characters are just sitting listening to this guy reminisce
meezer · 7 months
I knitted a lot today while listening to the heart of darkness audiobook. but this means I have not had a lot of leisure time and time alone... time to p3r
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calliettes-posts · 3 years
I was reminiscing about druck s6 once again ( because that's all I do now apparently), and how much I related to the characters, especially fatou and kieu my, because that season specifically wasn't written for white people, but for BIPOC and I personally think you could tell by how they didn't have the BIPOC characters explain themselves, but added things like:
1. The face time call with the grand parents ( especially when fatou needed translation, I could relate so much, except our face time calls are way more chaotic)
2. Kieu My speaking in Vietnamese to her parents (again might not a big deal to others but it meant a lot to me because, same)
3. Kieu My basically telling her parents she will go with them to the police to I assume translate for them (I can't tell you the amount of times I had to translate something for my parents, I felt so seen in that moment)
4. Fatous and Avas hairstyles ( I already did a whole post about it, but that was one of the most important things for me personally, it was so casual and I loved it)
5. Ava talking about the demonstration and mailin and fatou IMMEDIATELY UNDERSTANDING AND NOT NEEDING AN EXPLANATION FOR IT (IMO that's the most telling point, because till today there are some people who don't understand why ava was hurt, because she didn't explain herself, and I loved it so much that she didn't, because it wouldn't have made sense to tell fatou what happened and fatou as a black girl asking why she was hurt, it just wouldn't have, as black girls they have a shared experience, when it comes to racism and it wouldn't have made sense to explain that experience, just so the white audience would eventually catch on, and finally understand where avas hurt was coming from, BIPOC always have to explain their racist experiences to white people, just to be taking seriously, and even then they're dismissed, like we saw in avas case, I loved that fatou and ava were made best friends, because do you know how exhausting it can be to having to explain yourself over and over again, just because the person just doesn't get it, and in many cases even questions it? Anyways, let's move on)
5. Kieu My bringing and Fatou making food from their ethnic background (again another subtle way to show your background without shoving it in someone's face)
6. Kieu My talking about her experience with migration, i.e talking how her parents basically gave up everything for her ( I actually loved that scene so much, because although fatou and kieu my both have a migrational background, they have different experiences with it, while fatous parents were already born and established in Germany, kieu my still had to help her parents with translating for example, so she might have a different relationship to that than fatou, I could actually relate more to her than fatou in that moment)
7. Kieu My and Fatou talking about their respective ethnic backgrounds (again you can see the differences between their experiences with migration again)
8. Kieu My mentioning once that most guys she was had an Asian fetish and leaving it at that ( again, fatou gets it, the fetishism especially, you can't tell me that a black wlw wouldn't have had any experiences with that, we already saw it in ep2 with that girl asking for a threesome)
9. Ilai and Fatou listening to music from their ethnic background and then talking about their grandparents (another way of showing culture without mentioning it specifically, i had to smile throughout that scene, because it reminded me so much of my siblings and I, where we would sit and laugh and talk about our relatives who live abroad)
10. FATOU WEARING A TRADITIONAL WEST-AFRICAN DRESS TO THE APPOINTMENT???? AND EVEN TO SCHOOL!???! HELLO???(My ass would have never, I was so shocked, but in a good way)
11. Having songs from artists of different backgrounds included in the soundtrack, for example yemi alade, rina sawayama, etc. (Again that might mean nothing to others, but for me hearing nigerian artists, and even the accent and language meant so much to me, to this day I can't describe it)
12. Kieu My and Finn texting in Vietnamese and talking about their family structures ( like ava and fatou, kieu my and finn have a shared experience, even more so because they share the same ethnic background, they can relate to things others can't, like finn said he can't explain certain things to zoe because she wouldn't understand, this was only seen over Chats, so i hope we'll have more of their interactions in s7, I also remember being so confused when I saw the first chat between them, because I wouldn't have expected that, but like in avas and fatous case, it makes sense, and I'm so glad the SM team went down that route)
13. Social Media interaction like Kieu My posting about lunar year, sharing and tagging finn in a post about how ethnic, specifically Asian parents behave (sharing things about your culture and relating to funny content about your ethnic background FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE SAME BACKGROUND is something I do on the daily basis, I even send them to my aunt who also finds them funny)
Of course druck made some mistakes, like letting ava accidentally fall into the angry black woman trope, and I hope they learnt from it, and did the necessary research about it, and not including fatou more in the racism storyline in s6, IMO that was a wasted opportunity, but I'm really glad to have found a show (especially European), where BIPOC characters can freely live without having their whole personality based on their ethnicity, but at the same are in touch with their culture and can share and relate to similar experiences without having to explain themselves, because they are actually written for those people. This is so important to me, and I wish that there'll be more shows like that in the future.
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english2301 · 6 years
Exercise #3
After reading Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl,”  write a scene that reads like a list of directions for how to do something i.e. fix a bike, make a cake, whatever you like. Notice how Kincaid starts with a verb: “wash,” “eat,” “grow” and more rarely “I” and “you.” Come up with your own take on her style. Add the commentary/questions of the person getting these directions, as she does in italics, so that the scene has two characters.
Some things to consider when writing: how does Kincaid’s list of directions include the characters’ emotional conflict? How does Kincaid work both characters’ feelings into what is otherwise just a set of rules of how to be a “girl”? Try to do this in your own scene.
Another idea: feel free to write your own version of “Girl,” an alternative version called “Boy,” or any take on this theme: “Student,” “Sister,” “Employee” etc.
-----Student Submissions-----
How To Be A Black Man In America
By Tiffany
Don’t hang out with crowds. Crowds mean danger. Better yet, crowds mean you're up to no good. Don’t wear a hoodie even if it’s cold outside because we all know what happens to young black boys who wear hoodies. Don’t associate with those loudmouthed boys from school because they won’t amount to nothing with their obnoxious music and their shameful way of speaking. Don’t look guilty when in front of the police. By guilty, don’t have that fearful look in your eyes. Don’t stay too long in a high-class store, the cashier might think you are up to no good.But I have the money to buy those clothes. Who cares if you have the money or not? They don't. Whenever you encounter a situation, Don’t run. Running means guilt. Don’t come home too late. They might think you are up to no good. Don’t wear jeans and a bandana when you are outside. You know what they will think when they see you. Always look busy when outside. The more occupied you are, the better the chances of survival. Never talk back to the police. You know they are just dying to shoot a young unarmed black man. What if I’m innocent? How many times do I have to tell you? They don’t care if your innocent or not. Mind your business everywhere you go. Most people mind their business and they still get shot at.  They weren’t minding their business hard enough. Stay in school so you can go on to college. Who can say anything to a black man with a college degree? And last but not least, never ever be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If so, you only have two options. Dead or Jail.
by Racine
Wake up and get dressed; make sure your shirt is ironed the night before; fiddle with your makeup because it is unruly to leave the house without looking like the rest of society; throw your heavy textbooks in your bag; waddle through the blistering winds to the bus stop; push and shove your way to get the end seat once on the train; scroll your playlist for Nujabes; listen to Nujabes; read the books; fall asleep while reading the books; Wake up and go to work; mentally prepare yourself for the lunch rush of midtown; smile at the ignorance of your customers; this is how you choose your battles wisely; Smile - no, wince at the ignorance of your coworkers; make sure you translate correctly for fear of miscommunication; buy your overpriced lunch; wear your winter jacket; debate whether or not to call the BBB or OSHA; eat your overpriced lunch; you are not done; read the pages of your textbook; run upstairs; deal with the highschool students who just messed up the aisle you just fixed; translate to the many mothers leading their adorable children by their hands; Why are there so many mothers here?; stare at the clock; smile at the cute guy across the counter; buy an overpriced bottle of sugarless tea; drink your sugarless tea; stare at the clock; think of your chapters you could be reading if you were not here; this is how you pass time; think of the albums by Nujabes you could enjoy had you the freedom of not smiling all the friggin time; stare at the clock; take off your uniform; order your favorite Starbucks drink; drink your favorite Starbucks drink; shove your way onto a crowded 4 train; take this train home; arrive home around 11 pm; settle down; find a new clean shirt; this shirt must be ironed; you have a long day ahead of you; find your textbook; read your textbook; smile in your family members face; assure them that you are okay; fall asleep with your book in your hand around 3 AM; wake up to your phone’s alarm by 6 AM; battery half dead; get ready; go to school; endure this long day; keep smiling; You got this; Or do you?   
by Arthur
Wake up in the morning 7:30 Monday to Fridays just so you tell her Good Morning have great day today and on Saturdays and Sundays it's 8; go to school and have a okay day and wait for her to text you; when she asks to call you always say yes because you don't want to make it seem you don't have time for her; wait for her to tell you about her day first before you start talking; never sound any different so she doesn't needlessly worry about you, when she does always have a white lie ready; shouldn't i just tell her the truth? You are but you can’t tell the whole truth because her problems are worse and you can't have her worrying for you; have some joke ready to change the mood when it seems that the conversation is getting dark and gloomy; bring up the good times here and there so that she can reminisce and cheer up; never ask her the question what is she doing and never bring up what work you have to do; if she does ask tell her you will do it another time or you did it already because she will find any way to leave so you can do it; never remind her of the time so that the call will not end; always notice the tiredness in her voice and her sighs so you can remind her when to sleep; but wasn't I not supposed to remind her of the time? Yes but you cannot be the reason she is tired tomorrow and doesn't get up to go to school. Always listen to her dreams and never contain your excitement for them because she does the same for you. Only get angry when she speaks bad about herself or you feel as if she is going down a bad path; never ever judge her because she is a human being and we all make mistakes; get those thoughts about being with her out of your head because it will never happen; don't tell her you have them either, she already knows and she will not share them back; always smile when she remembers things you did together because it makes you happy; always brag when you win a game with her so she gets mad and try her hardest; try not to show you are a sore loser because she is going to gloat in your face; WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T SUCK YOUR TEETH WHEN SHE MENTIONS HIM; why the hell shouldn't I am i not angry?; you are but you getting angry will make her not speak to you about her problems; hold your tongue and listen to her remember everything about him to the tiniest details; listen to her voice change into a sad voice when she mentions their good times; hear her laugh when she mentions their funny times; don't believe her when she snaps out of it and tells you she doesn't love him; why not? Come on we both know she is lying to spare your feelings; last but not least when she tells you she loves you never take it romantically because you will not only hurt you but also her because she isn't looking for a partner from you she is looking for a friend. 
by Kaniz 
Wake up and recognize your first conscious breath as the first blessing of the day. Start your morning off with a stack of warm pancakes and remember to have fresh fruit on the side. Wash off your ideas of failure from the day before and wear renewed determination around your neck. There is a book waiting to be picked up by you, waiting for you to take everything it is able to give. Pick it up and read it. And remember that a well-educated woman is only the most dangerous kind. What if I have my own things to say? Brew a warm cup of tea: add some cardamoms, a bay leaf or two, ginger, and a healthy sprinkle of your favorite tea leaves. Sit by a window with the most sunlight and wait to see what falls from the tips of your fingers. Give yourself to your pen and watch as the pages bleed with your voice. What if they don’t like what I have to say? Say it again, and again, and again, until you realize that your truths are louder than those too scared to accept them. Declare that you are happy in your wholeness, love and be loved in return by your own reflection. What a blessing it is to belong to yourself. How do I stay honest? Allow yourself to break when the time comes. Remember that the cracks in your soul are now new spaces for growth, for life. Smile at every stranger whose soul you seem to recognize, maybe they’ll introduce you to the next part of yourself. How do I change the world? Speak, darling. Your words are bigger than you, bigger than this mold they will try to fit you in. You were born with your mother’s fire, and her mother before her, and her mother before her. Do not feel alone in moments of weakness, but instead remember the stories of the generations before you and find your strength in the blood that flows through your veins. You are here to be a beautiful rebellion. 
By Niles
Walk in your power, but not too strongly. Make it clear that you will not be underestimated, but peacefully. Raise your arms up high, but slowly, so it doesn’t seem as if you’re reaching for a weapon. Respectfully declare that you are reaching for your drivers license and that being black in America isn’t a crime. Tell the cops that they are part of the problem, and the system won’t change until they do. Wait patiently and graciously as the officers do their part to keep us safe. Drive away with a ticket in hand and thank the officers for their lenience and kindness. Use the cotton of your ancestors to plug the bullet holes in your torso so you don’t bleed out. When you get home, and your children greet you with love and colloquialisms remind them that the corporate job you hold doesn’t allow for “yo”s and “bro”s, and that professionalism and AAE do not intersect as one is broken and the other whole. If they look wounded, do not offer comfort, prepare them for the sting of metal laced hatred piercing skin. Read them “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and make it clear that Uncle Tom is a hero just as much as Batman or Superman because to assimilate is to survive and not thrive. When you tuck them in, check for jewelry, I know they don’t know but the golden chains around their necks and the metal ones around grandpappy’s ankles shake the same, burn the same, and hold them back just the same, they are weighted: we have always paid in blood made heavy with the magic of our slain ancestors.
By Danyelle
Walk the line between sarcasm and disappointment. Don’t teeter now. Did you teeter? Are you a child? They are the children, not you. Now, did it work? Does she know that you disapprove, that you want her to stop? No. Well that’s because you teetered. Take command. Make your voice iron. A venom voice does nothing. Be a rock, be a mountain, but never be a volcano. How do I not be a volcano? Don’t let her fan the flames. She’s laughing and looking and now her friends are whispering too. Move on, get them distracted. Teach, do your job. But it will happen again, and the magma is getting hotter. Focus on the others, use them as a balm. Now this one is calling out, and that one is not paying attention. Don’t let them be the priority. Call on another student. Give them the spotlight. Those two are talking, whispering. I thought they didn’t recover from their big falling out? I am now the common enemy? I was too sarcastic; I gave them matches to light. Enough. Breathe. Focus on someone else. Focus on your lesson plan in front of you. That student needs help, help them. Talk to them. Be kind. Be gentle. Tell a joke. Be encouraging. Gain one ally for every enemy. Walk around as they do their silent work. Think of ways to make them excited for next class. Think of the new seating arrangements that you should have planned days ago. 
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