huanglulu · 2 years
IDOLISH7 Part 6 Thoughts
Since i finish reading idolish7 part 6. I would like to write my thoughts on my overall thought of part 6 as a whole
Continue from ending of part 5. We saw that Zero Musical by TRIGGER was a big success and Sosuke was able to scout TRIGGER back under Yaotome production. I am happy for TRIGGER going through everything from back in Part3 going back to where they belong once again.
Kujou asking Tenn and Alya to go back to where they come back from. Which was quite irresponsible of him. I always thought that once Kujou time was stop down there ever since Zero disappear, Similar to Yuki back then when he thought he had lost Banri. However, Yuki had Momo to bring him out of that world unlike Kujou who never had anyone and Tenn and Alya weren’t able to help to let him let go of the ghost call ‘Zero’ back then.
Thankfully due to the Zero Musical. Kujou was able to feel the time he, Haruki and Zero felt back then and he had came to acknowledge and let go of that persistence and that was something he had been living on since Zero disappeared. I really love how this part was written about Zero and how Tenn immediately lecture Kujou that he had change his live and not to run away from his responsibility.
I also love how I mange to see Tamaki inner conflict. Tamaki had really grown alot. He had learn to so much considerate of his team mate and especially his partner Sougo. He and Sougo had really bonded so much since they first started as Mezzo that it brings me to tear.
Tamaki is now lost seeing that everyone had a purpose even Sougo found what he wanted to do as a composer. He however had no goal at all. I am glad that he manage to find a purpose in composing dance step for IDOLISH7 and feel so proud of him.
Zool had even come a longer way. I love how the Zool member bonded. I always knew Torao parent must have devoid him of any passion of doing anything due to always rejecting whenever he said he wanted to do something. However, i never expected it scarred Torao so deep that he wasn’t hesitant to even speak up of what he actually wanted to do those whom he cared about and him not being able to speak about it naturally to the other Zool member shown how much he had grown closer to them seeing them as a family.
Also, It warm that it bring a smile on my face seeing how Zool member Touma Minami was there to comfort Torao and their interaction with Ryou. They were all grateful to Ryou for bringing them together.
Seeing their speech at BORW, tears me up a little looking back at how i read everything since part 1. How everyone come so far gone through so many together.
The performance was wonderful as well. I was thinking it might be a draw since every group did well. I was surprise when i7 won, though sad for other group.  I am happy for i7 seeing how far they have come since part 1. I would cried if I was their manager and watching them since the start singing on the road side to where they are today. To be honest everyone was was a winner to me at BORW. 
It was a nice wrap up for the milestone. The staff aligning it with New year count down makes me feel like I was actually watching BORW live and counting down with them. 
Overall, I enjoy Part 6 the warm laughter and everything that i brought me watching i7, Zool bond and how Re:Vale was such great Senpai always brought me a smile. 
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