ziriam · 9 years
iamacarrotcupcake answered your photo: “sooo, are ya’ll ready?????”:
Aw yiss!!!! So cute! :3333 I'm so pumped for holiday music tbh!!
I always start out with my favorites:
a charlie brown christmas, barenaked ladies’ xmas album, and doctor octoroc’s 8-bit jesus are among them~
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iamacarrotcupcake said: Hope you feel better soon <33 Period pain is the worst. :(
dizzyfishy said: Noooo I’m so sorry you’re feeling awful.   Feel better soon. <3333
Thanks guys ;-; It’s as much the weakness as the pain that’s a problem, but hey, at least I get to go to bed soon. I’ll be okay <3
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danaamundsen · 9 years
iamacarrotcupcake replied to your post: i recorded a bit today :) here’s 50 mi...
omg yessss this is so perfect *o*
aw THANK YOU so much! :D
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homemadeknees · 9 years
iamacarrotcupcake replied to your post “I feel so incredibly affectionate and Clair de Lune is playing and I...”
clair de lune is one of my favorite piano pieces ever omgggg. so serene <3
That’s exactly it! That piece evokes so much emotion within me, it’s so strange
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ziriam · 9 years
iamacarrotcupcake replied to your post: “I am so very tired”:
-poufs you with pillows-
*is poufed*
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ziriam · 9 years
iamacarrotcupcake replied to your quote: “I’m gonna write an advice column for bad guys. It’s called “DON’T PISS...”:
lmao i'm both surprised and not surprised that this has been said on the show. english dub 10/10 A+
this is, like the ONLY anime where I recommend the english localization over the original japanese hands down
the writing is absolutely hilarious, not to mention the characterizations for everybody is pretty damn relatable
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