#iamdid & tcoiif probably take place at the same time?? idk about that but there is DEFINETLY some overlap there.
madasacrow · 2 years
sifting through everything for MaaC which is kind of a nightmare ngl, separating this from Fandom Influence is certainly a larger task than I thought. my main point of contention right now though is the order in which everything takes place. like after Act 04: The Consequence of Imagination is Fear, it gets....Messy. meta-wise, IAMDID would come next & then CG. and I guess canon-wise it'd make sense, too, because then it focuses on Alice (who would take a backseat in Act 04 due to it being about Jervis & Jonathan's relationship).
During Act 04 it can be hinted at with Alice not feeling well & her getting weird dreams. IAMDID would then also flow easily into CG, because then Lannie can be introduced during that (it also just makes sense bc he knows the most about the Crowley Family History for some reason). And then that would be a good way to ease into CG since he's one of the main characters of that.
boom. problem solved. im a genius.
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