padmeonline · 5 years
Location: Wolverine’s Shop Players: Padme and @iamwolv3rin3​
She waited for his last customer to walk away--her attempts to be grateful would sort of be a moot point if she scared away his customers--but once the coast was clear, she moved to the front of the shop and set a large triple chocolate cake onto the countertop. “This doesn’t begin to express how thankful I am to you, but it’s a start,” she began. Before he had time to answer, she rushed forward and hugged him tightly. 
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pteroblaqtyl · 5 years
we are n o t x-men
Blaq, as social as she was, constantly kept to herself. Especially in circus, since Seraph's death and triple so since she never helped avenge her. Loyalties changed, pride had fallen, and walls had been rebuilt. She had loyalty to few circus members but even less to the clan itself, the betrayals were too damn high and basic moral non-existent. When Blaq had joined circus, in the beginning there was a small semblance of empathy, and yeah there was anarchy too, but no mindless cruelty and slaughtering of members. Not that it mattered anymore. People saw circus for what they wanted it to be, the scary scapegoat for violence, bloodshed, and ‘lazies.’ Not for what they have done, or were capable of. How the times have changed.
it worked in her favor and the favor of others. They didn’t have to worry about her scheming or rage if they avoided her. And for a small (unnecessary but vital to her image) fee, Blaq had no problem digging around anything or anyone for info, as long as the price was right, and as long as it fit her own motives. She stopped her pacing to lean against the wall, outstretching an arm to flip, spin and play with her daggers, her patience hiding her uneasiness, waiting for Wolverine to show. She was fifteen minutes early, and she truly expected him to be late, her patience would wane by then.
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playermercutio · 5 years
player : mercutio and @iamwolv3rin3 floor : who knows notes : based on 2012. 
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ofsyphon · 5 years
location: blood oath hq
players: @iamwolv3rin3​ and Syphon
The pounding on his door, amplified the pounding of his head. Syphon wouldn’t say that he was hung over. At least, he didn’t think he was. Okay so he had gone a little bit over board on the five drinks in a day rule that he established by... a lot. At least a bottle and a half had been consumed by himself. The upside, he wasn’t out in some feild half or completly naked. Hadn’t hung out with Randy or Mandy since the last boss fight. In fact he had been doing pretty well.
Until, he learned that Kitty found out about his one nighter with Hela.
And that she had gone and beat the woman up and killed someone?
Syphon didn’t know how true that part of the story was. But it was enough to worry him; which had led to and extra shot. As he stewed and tried to think of the best course of action. Before to long, he had passed out against his bed on the floor bottle in hand. When had he ended up in his bed, with the bedsheets tossed around him he didn’t know but that was beside the point.
Bang, Bang, Bang.
The pressing matter was the incessant banging at his door. Reaching for the alarm clock on his night stand. Syphon hurled it towards the door, well, more like the general direction. Since his vision was obscured by the pillow planted firmly on his head.
“ SHUT UP,” he croked waving his hand furiously towards a person on the other side. As if to shoo them away. “ COME BACK TOMMORROW! When i’ve firmly attached my head back onto my body.”
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hadeswrxtes · 5 years
location: nova hospital  players: @iamwolv3rin3 and hades
“Thanks, doc, I really needed another round.” Hades sighed in relief as the doctor pumped another dose of pain meds into his system. He had been in the hospital a couple of days now and while he was getting better, he still felt so so so much pain. The bites were taking their damn sweet time healing and recovery was brutal on him. He felt the familiar light headed feeling hit him, a high that had a small smile tug at his lips. 
He heard his door open, turning to the side, only to have his smile morph into an amused smirk. 
“Hey wolfie, I didn’t think you’d visit today. I feel extra special now.” 
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userluna · 5 years
(promise) {wolverine}
Send one for my muse’s reaction! | for @iamwolv3rin3
(promise) - for your muse to make mine a promise, whether they intend to keep it or not
“I think someone followed me,” Luna said as soon as she got into Bishop’s shop. She’d taken care to teleport far from it, taking a few side streets and opting to pretend to shop in other stores for a half hour before she wandered towards his own. Her stealth was maxed out so she used it as she stepped out of a nearby shop, hoping to shake them off her trail. Even now, she peeked out the windows carefully to make sure she wasn’t being watched before she could settle in. 
“Luna. No one followed you. It’s alright,” his voice was soothing, not exasperated or annoyed. It caused her to turn around and actually look at him, her entire reason for making the half hour detour, and wonder if she was being a bit overzealous. “I just want to be careful. Catalyst has a lot of enemies and if they ever found out–” 
“They won’t, we’ve been careful. It’s okay. Breathe.” Luna let out a short huff of breathe. His lip twitched, trying to contain a chuckle. “Okay, okay, you’re right. I’m being paranoid. I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” she said, concern causing a divot in her brow. He beckoned her over and she went, slipping into his arms easily, her head resting on his chest. This time, she did breathe, letting the tension slip from her shoulders. 
“Nothing’s going to happen to me,” Bishop said as he pressed a kiss into her hair. Luna looked up and game him a half smile, “Promise?”
“Promise. Now come on, you promised me a date before your guard rotation.”
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padmeonline · 5 years
Location: Floor 61 Battlefield 
Players: @iamwolv3rin3 and Padme 
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Padme had always believed they stood the best chance of getting out of this game if they stayed in a group; she believed in the guilds, believed that all of their power together was worth far more than any one alone, no matter how good they might be. When they fought together, they were stronger together, when they leaned on one another, they could stand twice as long. But there was always the other side of the coin: when one fell, the rest could go tumbling down like Dominos.
The last thing Padme saw of the battle was Luna’s shadow disappearing above her; she hadn’t had the time or the luxury to watch what happened next, to see if the knife found its mark, but she knew it would. She had to trust Luna. Her job was to focus on making sure there was a way down. It took all her magic bar to keep a vine that big up in the air, to keep it steady, so when the raptors arrived, they already had the advantage. When the big guy, roaring in agony, swiped out with a tail as thick as two men and five times as long, it caught her around the middle and sent her flying.
And the vine fell. 
Everything after was a blur. Later, she’d only remember the loud crunch as her head hit root, remembered visions of green and red, remember the hissing--the raptors chatting over their meal. She didn’t feel the bites, didn’t feel much of anything, only that the blood beneath her head was cool and the air was hot and muggy, and there was something coming near. Something human. Another player. 
She tried to wave them away, to tell them to run, but the words wouldn’t leave her lips, and her arms wouldn’t move. They were getting closer and closer to becoming dessert, and she couldn’t do anything to stop them. 
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hadeswrxtes · 5 years
location: wolverine’s shop players: hades and @iamwolv3rin3
His feet took him there before he even realized it. He didn’t notice the rain that was pouring down over him in sheets, didn’t notice the cold that was seeping into his bones, nor the ache in his shoulders from the tension. He just knew that he had one idea, and he needed to see it through. 
Before he knew it, he was in front of Wolverine’s shop, fist pounding against the wood as he knocked. 
“Wolverine! Listen I uh-...” He must have looked insane. 
“I need to talk to you. I need to...” He needed to be able to feel the same way he had felt the last time they had talked. He needed to know why he could talk about his sister with little to no pain when with him, when just thinking about her made his chest hurt. 
“This is important!” 
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padmeonline · 5 years
so what’s your game plan, if you got one? {Wolverine}
Black Panther Soundtrack Meme || @iamwolv3rin3
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“Of course I have one.” Padme crossed her arms over her chest, looking far more offended than she had any right to, seeing as it was a lie, and she had no plan whatsoever. “We just…” She gestured vaguely toward the building before them. “Ya know? And if that doesn’t work, I set it on fire, you grab the stuff, we run, it’s all over before dinner. No big deal.” 
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