#ic. leoth
thanedai · 4 years
@gatheringstars //luke & leoth
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The hangar was quiet, but the ghost of celebration lingered in a few belongings scattered, haphazard, across the floor. Leoth wandered like a ghost or an afterthought, picking up discarded cups and bottles of alcohol. The Death Star had exploded into millions upon millions of tiny, glittering shards. Thousands or more dead, their DNA as scattered as the trash littering the hangar. A protocol droid wobbled up to him and the tinny "thank you" felt as if it echoed in the empty air.
He wasn't remorseful over the Empire. The Force was a neutral thing. It didn't discern evil from good. He still felt it shake him when the x-wing's missiles hit their mark. Like a thermal detonator. Like the wasteland that the Empire had left in their wake trying to eradicate Praxon from the galaxy, leaving the once verdant planet a husk.
It was late. He could feel the exhaustion settling in his bones. Leoth often found himself in the hangar at late hours when his mind wouldn't rest. There was something soothing about listening to the astromechs buzz as they glided past, or the uneven footsteps of a droid, the clack and clang of tools on durasteel. He often would search out Mykal at times like this, finding him in the usual place as he buried his arms in a ship. Mykal was not around, now, but there was someone in place of him.
Leoth had stolen glances of the rebel’s new hero among the crowd. It seemed he had found himself right in the thick of it, a bright spark of energy in the Force. Leoth was curious, but not enough to push forth his presence, and he had not intended to do so now. 
                   “I see someone has come upon my secret hiding place,” Leoth said, though it was hardly anything like that at all. Just an area of the hangar almost closed off by crates and equipment. Mykal’s usual work space. “I do not usually find anyone here.”
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edeioninkina-a · 5 years
@fiercekunoichi // cont. from x
          It wasn’t so bad that he couldn’t keep up, but the wound in his side had yet to stop bleeding. While infection could not and had never set at home (the aggressive nature of their magic would not allow it), he wasn’t entirely certain the same could be said for these places so far away. Leoth considered her for a moment. Her stature was quite small despite the power he’d seen come from it. He felt like he was becoming quite the burden to her in their current situation. How many stopped to help a stranger? Not many. Of course she would turn out to be a healer.
                          “Dacha. I... That would be appreciated,” he said, carefully, despite wanting to refuse. It would be stupid if he did. 
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“They’ll Keep You Running.”
Inspired from this video.
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Monica didn’t know where she was, but it was freezing. It was freezing cold and dark, the only light source the flashlight gripped between two shaking hands; she whirled, first to the left, then to the right, desperately trying to get her bearings but she was certain she’d never been here before.
She was also absolutely certain she was not alone.
The bright yellow beam thrashing from side to side in her frenzied attempt to orient herself caught a pair of fathomless obsidian eyes from a gloomy doorway and for one terrible moment Monica recognized that awful pale face from years and years ago. What was his name? Oh, what was his name?!
He smirked at her, a slashing of cracked, thin lips and blood so dark it looked black spilled over his sharp teeth as he rasped his name at her.
“Leothes...And how I’ve missed you, dear, sweet little girl. Come here, come back to me, let me taste you...”
Monica didn’t remember much about this man but she knew enough not to be alone with him and it set her to a sprint further down the hallway, ignoring the sickening, sweet beckoning of clawed fingers looming from the gloom. He shrieked his outrage at her refusal as she fled, and for a few terrible moments she could hear him skittering along the wall, chasing after her. Something deep within her told her he would do terrible things to her if she let him catch up. She rounded the corner and ducked into the first room with an open door, slamming it closed behind her as she fought off the heat pooling low at the memory of those ever-seeking clawed fingers.
During her mad dash she’d seen other doors opening, seen others from years ago, and all of them were those she recognized from Dot’s subconscious. Characters that Dot had given life to and there were faces Monica had offered her opinions on, had spent time with. Where was she?! Not all of them she recognized, but they all looked at her with the same desire, the same burning obsession, and the werewolf she knew was named Osirith was drooling so heavily it splashed onto the floor when she’d run past his open door. It was like they were all starving for her, waiting for their turn to be of use to her again, toys not taken off the shelf until company comes over and that seemed the perfect breeding ground for obsessions.
Dangerous, covetous obsessions.
A hollow inhale caught her attention and she pushed off the door, shining the light into the corner of the unlit room. She was bathed in darkness save for that beam of light and it didn’t fail her--she illuminated what looked to be a man in the corner, sitting upright in a chair, eyes closed as if asleep but as she kept the shaking light on him, he slowly started to move. His head made a slight move downward and his eyes snapped open; she was met with feral sapphire eyes, eyes that glowered at her for a split second before he realized who she was and his entire expression changed. He was pale but unintentionally so, as if he would have more tone to his skin if he wasn’t in the dark all the time; the unnatural pale to his skin made his features appear more gaunt than they were but he wasn’t scarily thin by any means. He was huge, Monica had to admit that awful realization to herself as he slowly, slowly straightened up, his brown hair at one time likely was well-kept but it hung long now, over his shoulders and down his back. The strands split over his features, revealing sharp cheekbones and a smile that would haunt Monica’s dreams. It was crazed, delusional, looking at her as if she was his long lost wife finally come home to him--but she’d never seen him before in her life.
“It’s you...” He rasped out in a voice like metal on gravel, deep and accented by the darkness that surrounded him. Monica took a step to the side, immediately losing the door in the gloom as he advanced slowly. He raised his hand as if to touch her, closing the distance one slow step at a time. “It’s actually...you...”
“W-Where am I? Who are you?!” Monica cut off in a yelp as she stumbled over something in the dark, landing roughly on her ass. With her firm grip on the light she didn’t drop it, but the light shining up from the floor made this man seem even taller, larger than she knew he was and those eyes brightened, glowing at her with open, blatant desire.
“She always promises we’ll get a turn with you,” the man didn’t seem bothered that Monica was slowly trying to crawl backward away from him. “We just wait here for you. We wait and wait and wait, watching you through her eyes, through the eyes of others. Wanting you, so badly...” He trailed off in a breathless laugh. “It’s so awful, loving you so much and you don’t even know.”
He wasn’t making sense to her and Monica could blame some of that on how frantic she was to get away from him--he was too close for her to risk standing and putting herself even closer to him, and before she liked, his bare feet were between her shoes. He dropped to his knees, one large hand hitting the floor so close to her hip she felt the thud in her bones.
“Can i touch you, Monica? Your skin looks so soft,” he ran his tongue over his lips, his free hand skimming so close to her face she would have sworn he did touch her. “I’ve come close to touching you, before. Those times Dot fucks you and whispers in your ear about how you’ll always be hers?” The man patted his bare chest with a sickening smile. “It’s me. That’s me.”
Up close, she could take in his features even more clearly between his wild hair and Monica could see he was attractive, square cut features and those cheekbones that cut into his face so that the light hitting him tossed him in such stark relief she was worried she would never be able to see anyone else. She could barely focus on his words, because he was too big, too close, crowding her and as she tried to crawl backward again she slammed into the wall and lost her hold on her flashlight.
In an instant, he was there, his nose inches from hers, his glowing eyes raking over her face like a blind man seeing for the very first time. The flashlight clattered to the floor just out of reach and with the light behind him, Monica couldn’t see anything else. Just him.
“You like to run, don’t you?” He laughed a little, continually catching her gaze any time she tried to look away. “You don’t want to know how much we love you but we’ll always be here, just for you. It doesn’t matter where Dot puts us. What worlds she throws us into.”
Monica tried to turn her head but his hand slammed into the wall by her head, his forehead pressing against hers and she was trapped in those strange, glowing eyes.
“We’ll always be yours.”
This close those eyes looked...electronic? Was he...Oh god, Dot had created an android for her. Monica could vaguely remember a long, long time ago when Dot had mentioned creating an android/cyborg for her, since she was often talking about wanting to fuck one. Monica thought it was a joke at the time, she didn’t know Dot had been serious! But here he was, very real and very much in the flesh.
As if picking up on her thoughts, this unnamed “man” smiled, nosing against her cheek as he spoke against her ear--and this close, she could hear the metal, robotic whirring every single time he moved.
“It isn’t fair, sweetheart, it’s not fair,” he didn’t sound like he was whining, oh no, he sounded like he was teasing her. “I’m sure I worked perfectly when I was first made but I sat here, collecting dust, coveting you with nothing but pictures and memories made with others.”
“T-That’s not...m-my fault, I didn’t know you were here.” Monica squirmed, her shoes dragging on the floor between his legs.
“No, no you didn’t,” he cooed at her, bringing his fingers up to caress her skin. He was ice cold, no body heat because he wasn’t alive and Monica bit her lip to stifle the terrified moan at her own body betraying her at the knowledge of what he was and what he could--no, what he would do to her. “But you know I’m here now, don’t you? Yes,” he spoke along with her fearful nodding. “So you can fix me. You can fill the hole, here.”
Monica’s breath caught in her throat as his free hand yanked hers up to his chest; more cold flesh greeted her shaking fingers and she could feel his processing body beneath the wall of muscle.
“You’re going to help me, aren’t you, Monica? You can fix me, you can make me whole, just like Dot promised.” He inclined his head to the side, his hair spilling over his shoulder as he crowded closer. “Tell me, just one time, tell me you love me.”
Monica faltered; she didn’t know him. It was true, she loved all of Dot’s creations and she could hardly handle what he was telling her--
“Tell us,” rasped a voice from the darkness and Monica glanced over the android’s shoulder to see Leothes leering at her from the gathering shadows.
“It isn’t fair, to keep us waiting, sweetheart.” The Android encouraged, but his voice kept snapping to a deeper voice box, as if he had multiple settings and Monica could only wonder at the implications and how Dot planned to make use of that in the future.
Monica’s gaze snapped to her right side and she felt her throat run dry at the porcelain face that greeted her. He was breath-takingly beautiful, flawless in every way; the light from the dropped flashlight and from the android’s eyes illuminated this newcomer’s glassy eyes--oh, no, they were glass. He was a doll, a life-size mannequin sculpted from porcelain and marble, resembling some of the most beautiful men Monica had ever seen. He was very obviously designed with her in mind, not unlike the long-haired bishounen she’d coveted and cooed over for years. How many creations designed just for her was Dot hiding?! The Doll blinked cutely at her, his expression that of devoted reverence and he cupped her cheek, eyes drifting to her lips.
“Say...the words...” He implored, his voice breathy from parted pink lips. “You can’t...hide anymore.”
“We’ll always find you.”
The Android’s smile was lifeless to compliment Leothes’s sick promise but that smile carried a terrible promise of it’s own, of an eternity of love; he would love her long after she was gone, and he didn’t need to tell her that he would spend every minute of that eternity sharing a coffin with her. The Doll’s cold fingers caressed her cheek in yearning and he leaned in to kiss her but was stopped by the Android.
“No. She has to say it.”
“I-I...I l-love y-you,” Monica could barely whisper the words but that was all they needed. Leothes’s shadows closed around her, swallowing the flashlight as the Doll claimed her mouth and the Android leaned in to speak against her ear.
“We love you too, Monica. Forever.”
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thanedai · 3 years
@gatheringstars​  // continued from x
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         Leoth was glad she seemed to be adapting. He couldn’t be around all the time, and he doubted she would want that either way. He wasn’t her shadow. Chase may have given him the duty of keeping an eye on her, but that didn’t mean much when he had other things to attend to. The first few weeks he had been by her side relatively often. It was a security measure, something he could have handed off to his subordinates. He hadn’t wanted to. 
        It was Leoth who had brought her in-- it made sense he would maintain that position. Now, he often wondered whether the citizens of Valden City were being kind, or if they looked at her as less than Veruna: fragile, the faintest hint of magic, mortal. Did they talk about her in quiet whispers, switching to Alsalian to avoid being understood? Did they take her seriously? Or were they too-curious, trying too hard to be helpful, stepping over personal boundaries to sate their interests?
         He found himself considering these things a lot, even when she wasn’t around. He found himself considering her a lot. Maybe it was the way Lightning seemed to move forward in what had to be a strange environment for her. Valden City was a sprawling metropolis blended into the forest. It wasn’t like Laurs’s skyscrapers and crystalline streets. Leoth wasn’t so sure he wouldn’t be more than a little apprehensive if their roles were reversed. She was making a temporary home for herself here. Leoth admired that. 
        It was his straying thoughts that kept bringing him back to her apartment. Her question was not unfounded, as he did have to keep tabs on her once a week. But he’d already come for that days ago. There was no reason for him to be here other than his own interest. It felt strange to realize that. When had he started deciding to do things without duty attached?  
                               “Ne...informal, if that’s alright.” She had already invited him in, and yet Leoth checked anyway. He crossed the threshold, glanced at the flowers in the vase. Pink, like her hair. “I see you’re...making yourself a little more comfortable. Were you able to visit the market?”
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thanedai · 4 years
@hisfailure​ // plotted starter
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           Leoth woke with a wicked pain in his jaw and blood in his mouth. His face was pressed against the floor, its rough, jagged surface scraping his cheek as he struggled to right himself. Something jangled, the clink of metal on metal. His body protested. His shoulder ached and his head felt as if he had slipped sideways instead of upright. It took a moment to steady himself on his knees as he glanced around the cell and through the bars at the other occupant. 
            Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi--right. The Republic had been quite adamant they send someone to assist Praxon’s representative. Esbrushing up against pecially when rumors of a possible Separatist attack was imminent. Leoth silently cursed his superior’s stubbornness. She really couldn’t leave things alone sometimes, could she? Kenobi was still unconscious as far as Leoth could tell. The Force said he was still alive. 
                     “Mmm...Mas’er Jedi--” Leoth tried, his jaw screaming in protest. Not a good sign. He reached out instead with the Force, brushing against unfamiliar shields like a hesitant child. It’s different connecting with someone other than a Praxonite. Different, but ultimately the same. Just unfamiliar... Jedi are not with the alignments, after all. 
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thanedai · 3 years
“let’s go do something to get your mind off it.” Lightning to Leoth
He had never been afraid of any one magic line before he met Darus. They were not taught to see the powers given by the Vadya as good or bad. They just were. The use of those powers were what mattered. Leoth remembered when he was young, too young, and his special magic manifested. How his touch had turned his sparring partner's arm black, the screaming as it traveled up even after he had released her. How he had cried and cried as they sealed his power. How he refused to speak after. All he could see was her, screaming as her body turned black, turned ice, shattered into a thousand blackened, bloody pieces.
He had not been afraid of his magic line even then. He never thought someone would use their magic like that on purpose. He had been a naive, over optimistic child, he supposed. But even as an adult, it never occurred to him to be afraid of anyone's magic. He'd seen too much. Chaín's destructive power alone was frightening. And yet all it took were a few words.
A few simple little words of Chal's magic line.
The magic had invaded his mind, found all the little secrets he kept and tore them open. It dug deep, through memories he kept hidden, and cherished ones he held onto. It clawed into the most vulnerable parts and hooked its talons in so he was merely a puppet on its strings.
In his nightmares he was still on those strings. He was still a mindless drone, unable to pull away from those claws. And he was going to kill his teammates, his friends, his family.
Those mornings, after the nightmare released his lungs, Leoth couldn't shake the feeling like it was still there in his mind. The magic breaking down all his carefully built barriers.
He went to work. He returned early. Chaín tried to rope him into the usual conversation and caught him stumbling, stuttering over words, lacking his usual eloquence.
Chasihma...if you was havin' a bad day, ya should just called me.
Leoth just nodded and couldnt find it in him to explain that he didnt want to be home alone.
Lightning interrupts the silence of his empty, lacking apartment. She is a bright light on an otherwise dark day. Leoth doesn't tell her what's wrong. He doesn't say much at all except to assure her that she's welcome, more than welcome. And maybe his voice cracks on that, and he looks away.
The suggestion brings his gaze back on her. He's not sure he has the energy to do anything other than sit down and let the day move on to the next. Tomorrow will be better. But he's not sure how to explain everything going on in his head without shaking apart.
"Like what?" Leoth asks, glad the words come out clear and clean and without stutter. "It's... really fine. You don't need to... to waste your time on my...ah, overreacting."
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thanedai · 4 years
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Lightning hesitated. She wasn’t typically an insecure person. There was confidence in every stride and stance she took. Holding her ground and daring others to challenge her, but this was something new, something she did not have much experience with. A fragile thing that could be so easily broken that her usual confidence wavered and gave way to fear. She tried to look at it from a logical perspective, and Light could see how ridiculous it sounded. Their relationship was different, and just as special. She knew that, and yet… The anxiety did not recede. The only way she could find to soothe away these ridiculous fears was to ask him.
She didn’t want to, though. He’d been… gloomy, for lack of a better word, since that fateful meeting. It only added to her own insecurity, and she had seen how close he and… Chase? Were to one another. Lightning wasn’t sure how she should refer to her, but that was what he’d called her. It was what had started her insecurities. She didn’t want to add to his sullen state, but she needed to ask. Not only had she noticed how close they were, but the similarities between herself and Chase.
“Leoth…” she started, deciding to take the more blunt and honest approach to it like she always had. A part of her wanted to run away, but she held her ground instead. She would not run away from the truth. Even if it was something she didn’t want to hear. She was also careful in her wording. Respectful, as she held no ill will towards Chase in any way. “Am I substitute for her? Chasaya? Am I her replacement to you?”
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             His feelings had become complicated ever since Chase took the throne. Despite everything they had gone through to get to this point. they had grown further and further apart. Onlookers wouldn’t be able to tell. They would see the two of them conversing, sharing their familiar back and forth, and think that nothing had changed. But the two of them knew better. Chase had made her decision when she took the throne. He could remain at her side as he had always wanted, but it would not be as the friends they had been.
              Leoth thought he could deal with that. He had never once thought Chase would reciprocate his feelings. He was content to simply follow his own heart, his own path. Their friendship would always be enough. The casual familiarity between them was a comfort. And so now that even that was taken from him, it had begun to wear him down. He questioned what exactly he was holding onto. Did he even have a purpose anymore if Chasaya hardly needed him? 
            It cut him deeply when she decided he would be watching Lightning for the foreseeable future. She was his charge. It had hurt more than he could say, because in giving her personal vassal such an order, Chase had essentially said he was unnecessary. It was the final slap in the face, the punch in the gut. Cutting of the strings that bound him to his duty. 
            He had not expected to develop any kind of affection for the woman from another world. She reminded him a little of his Edeioninkina Ahn, but they were not the same. He had been curious to see their interaction, wondered how Chase would react to Lighting– two proud and powerful people. Seeing Chase, however, had stung as it always did. Their usual conversation sounded to anyone listening as old friends catching up, but he felt the tension. The stilted way of his answers. Her publicity smiles. Her red eyes had been knife slits on Lightning, appraising her every move. Leoth found himself unable to read the reason behind it.. Chase was quickly becoming someone he didn’t know and he longed for the past, when he didn’t feel so off kilter.
            In the days that passed, he couldn’t shake the feeling of utter displacement. It didn’t help that his position put them in contact often. Leoth knew his sullen demeanor was becoming obvious. Lightning’s wary concern proved it. She looked just as displaced as he felt in his quiet apartment. 
             The question caught him off guard. Of all the things he thought she would say… Leoth settled at the table in what amounted to an open-planned dining room. He set his mug of tea down, putting the other in front of her with unnecessary caution. As if making noise would answer the question without him opening his mouth at all. A bomb about to go off. Leoth frowned as he looked up.  
                         “No,” he said, considering his words and realizing how upsetting the idea was. A replacement? “You insult yourself. …You insult her.” He shook his head. “No one could be her substitute. …But no one could replace you either. Why do you ask such a question?”
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thanedai · 4 years
i don’t need your help. //Lightning @ Leoth
"If you're sure."
Leoth has never been the kind of person to impose himself on anyone. His mothers, especially Gojwin, had always said he wasn't assertive enough. He was far too soft, stepping aside when others told him to do so once. But what they saw as being soft, he simply considered respectful. Boundaries existed for a reason, and there was no reason he should push his authority on someone who did not want it.
Lightning was more than capable of taking care of herself.
There was part of him that did feel slighted if only because his orders were to do exactly the opposite of what she was telling him. Assist until he no longer had to. Leoth brushed off the thoughts. If she wanted to take care of things on her own, in a city she only had passing familiarity and a country whose customs she barely knew... then that up to Lightning.
"I'm here if you change your mind."
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thanedai · 4 years
“ i can stay, if you want. ” //Lightning @ Leoth :)
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             He had a hard time getting out bed that morning and the rest of the day remained in a fog he couldn’t lift. Chaín had got up very close into his personal space, pressed a hand to his forehead like a veruna mother to her child. 
                       “Zraideida, Leoth?” Are you well? 
              His answer was supposed to be yes, I’m fine. Because Leoth was always fine, and there was never anything wrong. He didn’t have bad days, or lapses in mood. Occasionally, he was just...hard to find. Oh, Leoth? Sometimes he gets busy taking care of paperwork, that’s all. It was never anything else, or at least that’s what everyone said, skirting around the issue like one would a particularly nasty, dead bug that no one wanted to clean up. For it to be so blatantly pointed out in the middle of a slow work day meant he was being too obvious. His answer was supposed to be yes, I’m fine.
                     “Ah...yaidu nay...” Leoth said, instead, making Chaín’s soft frown deepen before a soft smile spread across his face. 
                     “That bad, ne?” Chaín said, clapping him on the shoulder with a squeeze. “Go home. It’s a slow day, chasihma.”
             And for once, he had not protested. He had simply nodded, allowing Chaín to take care of his ride home. That had been hours ago. He glanced at the time on his e-watch. He would have been home for an hour and forty-five minutes: well past the time of day that he met Lightning for something or other--a spar, tea at the cafe, the business of getting her back home. He’d forgotten to send her a message, half asleep on his couch letting the vidscreen watch him. 
           He didn’t even need to say anything. The sag of his shoulders when he opened the door, the glazed look in his eyes, his inability to focus for even the few seconds of her arrival. Leoth licked his lips. His answer should be, no, it’s fine, thank you. I’m just tired.
                      “...I’d like that.” His mouth betrayed him. “I think...I need some company.”  
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thanedai · 4 years
@gatheringstars​ // lightning & leoth’s no good very bad day
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           Awareness came to him in slow waves of pain. He tried, at first, to feel with his magic, but it was like a lance through his head. His breathing sped up as panic attempted to override his senses, but his training was quick to take over. Wait, don’t panic, assess the situation. Leoth let out the next breath slowly through his nose. His head pounded in earnest. There was something sticky dripping into his right eye; blood. He smelled it. That tangy, metallic odor. Tasted it on his tongue. From the sting of his mouth he must have bit into his lip. Leoth forced his eyes open. 
          At first the colors melded together. The sunlight sent daggers into his brain and he winced. It took a moment before he could try again, disorientation making his senses muddy. The light was coming in through the balcony of tree leaves and the cracked windshield. The tarka was at an odd angle, but not flipped or even on its side. He was leaning hard into the side door, which was slammed up against the rock face. Had they crashed off the edge of the cliffs? 
        The thought dredged up panic and adrenaline (where is Chasaya?) as he tried to straighten himself in the seat. His nerves screamed as he attempted to move his right arm, to pull himself up and he gasped. Black dots swam in his vision and he stopped--no, no, don’t black out. Leoth breathed, turned his head instead and his gaze landed on the other occupant of the tarka. 
         Lightning. He could see blood on her as well, but it looked like she was breathing. Vague memories came back to him-- right. He had been assigned to her; something he was admittedly a little bothered about. But he couldn’t think about that now. Right now, they had to get out of this vehicle. 
                     “Ligh’nin--” Leoth swallowed, wet his lips. Meolaicha. “Lightning.”
         His voice was strained, and there was no movement from the woman in the seat. Leoth took a deep breath as he tried to reach over. His left arm was fine, but he could feel something catching on his legs. His right leg was pinned, he could feel it as he tried to push himself up to better reach her. Leoth grimaced as he reached out to her, setting a palm on her shoulder. 
                      “Lightning--w-wake up.”
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thanedai · 4 years
@kepthope​ // came across Leoth
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                    “Thank you for the assistance. I hope we did not cause you too much trouble. I’m afraid we were unaware of the change in allegiance to our once allies.”
            Leoth sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Even my...erm, superior admitted we may have been entirely out of our depth had you and your battalion not arrived in time.” Not that Chase would ever admit that to anyone other than he and her brother.
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thanedai · 4 years
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                      “You requested a bodyguard. The company sent me. If I am not to your... exact liking, I am positive you could make another request.” 
            Leoth knew he looked... rough. His last job had not been much more than a week ago, and it had been difficult. Nothing he couldn’t handle, but humans always managed to surprise him. They were fragile bodied people with a capacity for violence that rivaled the worst of his own people. He had done his best to clean up and hide the fading bruises. Obviously he hadn’t done a great job. 
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thanedai · 3 years
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    "I'm sorry. The galaxy can only hold so much stupid. I ain't contributing." //For whoever would be more annoyed by her lol
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                “If you have other suggestions, I will take them,” Leoth said, eyes narrowed on her. His ears drooped with his frown. “A well-calculated risk is not stupidity. It is strategy. If you would like to be left out of the details, I can make adjustments.”
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thanedai · 3 years
@hisfailure // spectrum - survive said the prophet
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Leoth was not a particularly talkative person, and so it was not unusual that he had spent most of his days lost in thought. He tried his best to keep his presence calm in the Force, but the undercurrent of his thoughts gave way to melancholy. Hard to shut off. At least he was present at all. He would be lying if he said he hadn't missed the existence of another Force sensitive. Even if Obi-Wan wasn't one of his own.
"What is it that keeps you moving forward?" Leoth said, voice hoarse from disuse, breaking his silence. A pause. "...You do not have to answer, of course."
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thanedai · 3 years
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                 “My head is...spinning.”
          He would really like to just lay down for a minute. Just a minute.
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thanedai · 4 years
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                      “I’m tired.”
            It was a rare admission. Leoth didn’t allow himself to make even the slightest hint of a complaint. 
                      “I feel like I am seven thousand years old and ready for the Calling.”  
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