lillywillow86 · 2 months
When Pelo cast spells be like
Edited by me Pelo belongs to me Old viper belongs to my friend spud Drawn by me
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Apologies for the Delayed Fishing Report: ICAST Adventures and Quality Time
I want to apologize as I do not have a current fishing report. If you follow the link you can read about what we have been up to and why we haven't been fishing! I think you will enjoy the story. Have a blessed week my friends. Tight Lines and Good times!
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dijidweeeb · 1 year
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Magazine Advertisement ICAST (2010)
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Drafted Again (The Invisible Cities) I 2023 I Mixed media on paper, photography and digital retouch I 280x590cm
The idea for Drafted Again (The Invisible Cities) came from the re-reading of the homonymous manuscript written by Italo Calvino, now used as a starting ground for a meditation upon the structuralist (philosophycal) method and its possible applications to pictorial syntax.
The work is a dummy-model, a photographic collage of shots of urban everyday life, recorded during long walks in the labyrinthine historic neighborhoods of some Sardinian towns; glimpses of streets traveled distractedly and anonymously, while disinterested and dreaming, looking at the sky. The photos, in fact, taken from the bottom-up, do not investigate the present surroundings but, instead, insist on what has been there and what will be of that same architectural limbo. These images, subsequently selected and post-produced so that their chromatic and topographical character got completely deleted, were then fused and connected, glued and painted, superimposed and torn, semi-arbitrarily, onto a paper surface in order to conceal something that one can associate to the view of a map of a contingent, plausible city; a mixture of all and none, lived and never visited, familiar and foggy: invisible.
There are many pictorial and conceptual layers beneath: first of all, the performative one - the promenades through the historic districts of Sardinia and the repetitive and compulsive shooting made at every intersection or plain street encountered and the consequent, particularly difficult, staging of the work, remembrance of a shamanic, mnemonic dance, carried out in the hope of being able to reassemble, through hypnagogic shocks, the vague memory of those once visited barrios; the other layer is conceptual: photographs and practical operations overlap in a Platonic mimesis, manifesting through anatomical images the processes of memory; and finally, the last layer, the practical one - each material is meticulously arranged in a precise position, covering and hiding, accentuating and enhancing the plastic and icastic values ​​of the compositional foundations of the work.
Drafted Again (Le Città Invisibili) I 2023 I Media misti su tela e carta, fotografie e ritocco digitali I 280x590cm
L'opera Drafted Again (Le Città Invisibili) nasce dalla rilettura dell'ononimo manoscritto di Italo Calvino, ora utilizzato come spunto di riflessione sull'analisi strutturalista e sulla sua eventuale applicazione alla sintassi pittorica.
L'opera è un menabò, un collage fotografico di scatti di quotidiano urbano registrati durante le lunghe camminate presso i labirintici quartieri storici di alcune località sarde; squarci di strade percorse distrattamente e anonimamente, disinteressati e sognanti, guardando il cielo. Le foto, infatti, scattate alla volta ciana, non indagano sul presente, ma su quello che c'è stato e su quel che sarà di quello stesso limbo architettonico. Queste, successivamente selezionate e post-prodotte affinché ne venisse completamente annullata la cifra cromatica e topografica, sono state poi fuse e collegate, incollate e dipinte, sovrapposte e strappate, semi-arbitrariamente, sopra una superficie cartacea in modo da dissimulare, alla visione, quella che può ricordare la mappa di una città contingente, plausibile, miscuglio di tutte e di nessuna, vissuta e mai visitata: invisibile.
L'opera funziona attraverso stratificazioni e strutturazioni pittoriche e concettuali: prima di tutto performative - le promenades presso i quartieri storici della Sardegna e il ripetitivo e compulsivo scatto presso ogni incrocio e via incontrata e l'allestimento dell'opera conseguente, particolarmente difficoltoso, rimembranza di una danza sciamanica, mnemonica, svolta nella speranza di poter riassemblare, tramite scosse ipnagogiche, il vago ricordo di quei rioni; concettuali: le fotografie e le operazioni pratiche si sovrappongono, in una mimesi platonica, manifestando per immagini anatomiche quelli che sono i processi della memoria; e infine pratiche - ogni materiale viene meticolosamente predisposto in una precisa posizione, coprendo e nascondendo, accentuando e valorizzando, i valori plastici e icastici delle fondamenta compositive dell'opera.
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softenedsunbeams · 16 days
gift for yuo
icast moonjelkuugggfgghhjhuujjjj
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newsheadlinesnow · 2 months
Arkpax Brings High-Performance IP67 Waterproof Power Stations to ICAST 2024
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mouthpiecengr · 2 months
2027: Hope shattered as family, business associates warn Jubril Dotun Sanusi against entering politics
Friends, family, and business associates of Chief (Engr) Jubril Dotun Sanusi, CEO of Ilaji Hotels and Sports Resort, ICAST Schools, and TNL Drilling Services, have urged him not to enter politics. A business partner, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed this concern following a recent visits by groups and associations encouraging Sanusi to run for Oyo State Governor in 2027.  The partner…
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segkbf · 2 months
SEGKBF Attends ICAST 2024
The world’s largest sportfishing trade show, ICAST 2024, has once again taken Orlando, Florida by storm! This year’s event was held July 16-19 and brought together the industry’s top manufacturers, retailers, and media to showcase the latest products and trends in the fishing world.  With over 15,000 attendees, the show floor was buzzing with excitement for the new products to be…
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themfp1 · 2 months
Despite Being Target of Over Regulation, Fishing Industry Resilient at ICAST
By: Gabriella Hoffman I found myself at the other major July convention, ICAST, earlier this month. While it didn’t receive the same level of coverage and attention as the RNC Convention in Milwaukee, newsworthy happenings also transpired at the world’s largest sport fishing trade show. ICAST is short for the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades and is put on annually by the…
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masterdonald101452 · 2 months
Surprising deermeatfordinner at ICAST!
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universalnewspoint · 3 months
LiTime to Debut New Electric Outboard Motor LiFePO4 Battery at ICAST, the World’s Largest Sport Fishing Trade Show
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lillywillow86 · 2 months
When Pelo cast spells be like:
Edited by me Pelo belongs to me Old viper belongs to my friend spud Drawn by me
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hopetribune · 3 months
LiTime to Debut New Electric Outboard Motor LiFePO4 Battery at ICAST, the World’s Largest Sport Fishing Trade Show
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conversationpoint · 3 months
LiTime to Debut New Electric Outboard Motor LiFePO4 Battery at ICAST, the World’s Largest Sport Fishing Trade Show
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chicagofires · 3 months
It's like the writers have so many opportunities to do really good work with INTENTION behind it & they continue to just not show up in certain spaces.
Like do you know what would have made my jaw drop with this article!? If it had read that the new chief was a WOMAN with an estranged husband who works well under pressure but has a completely different leadership style than Boden.
It's like how many times has the show mentioned there being little women in leadership positions within the CFD? & how many times has a woman in leadership been represented outside of DC Hill & Seagar.... ugh idk hope the new guy is at least interesting.
couldn’t agree more anon!
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iaccessibility · 10 months
The iCast: 10 – iPods and Nothing
https://media.blubrry.com/iacast/pinecast.com/listen/ccd05225-20db-448a-b637-7ce2dab68b8b.mp3 Episode Notes In this episode of the iCast, Michael and Marty discuss the new Nothing Chats app, and how many are using iPods after they have been discontinued. App Picks No App picks for this episode. Feedback Please send us feedback to [email protected] Send us your feedback online:…
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