skullboned · 2 years
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          “okay, so all you’ve gotta do is stick these sensors on...” em explained as she placed sensors on either of quinn’s temples. “and then you’re connected. so i’ll boot up the system and then put some on myself and then we’re in the virtual reality space together. it’ll read your subconscious to create the space, whatever it is, hopefully it’s fun.” emerald clicked a few buttons on her laptop to initiate the sequence before she placed two sensors on her own temples, immediately transported to whatever her stepmother’s brain had cooked up. 
@ichormartyred​ !! 
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ofsacriilege · 2 years
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"you’re beautiful.” his tone is idle, position casual where he sprawls out across the couch, gaze following her every move. he’s half drunk on the scent of her but smart enough to keep it relatively under wraps, though he doubts that she’s ignorant to the scent he’s giving off either. he’s been patient - still being patient - but patience is running out. it’s worth it for the build up, worth it to have her submit to him. he wants to take her, to own her but not to steal her; it’s no good if she doesn’t give it all up willingly. “come here.” his voice plays at a request as he gestures to his lap but there’s an underlying edge to it that doesn’t anticipate being denied.
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skullboned · 2 years
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           “it just wouldn’t be a good idea, alright? i’m a danger to be around, you should know that, with how we met.” no matter how tempting this lil minx might be, having anyone around him was a great safety risk not only to himself but to their own bodily wellbeing. pietro was an assassin and he knew how his fellow assassin’s brains worked. it was only a matter of time before they decided that wanda was a target, too. “you’re a fine girl, i’m sure you could get any pick of the fellas down at the pub.” 
@ichormartyred​ !!
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skullboned · 2 years
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          “what exactly do you think this kind of behavior would get you?” attitcus crossed his arms, brows arched as he stared fiona down, entirely unamused. fiona was a young adult, not a child, so he didn’t understand how she thought she could get away with behaving like a spoiled brat. atticus was only her stepfather, but he would not stand for her trying to make a fool of him when he was not doing anything to hinder her happiness. 
@ichormartyred​ !!
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skullboned · 2 years
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          “you’ll have to be quiet, sister. you don’t want isil to wake up and hear you moaning for me, do you?” anarion murmured against earien’s lips, nimble fingers tugging the ties of her dress loose. he didn’t understand why their father insisted that his older siblings share a room even as adults, but anarion supposed that it was to keep misbehaved boys like himself from crawling into her bed at night. the youngest sibling and the most disliked by their father, anarion had moved away from home as soon as he reached adulthood, though occasionally he snuck back inside his childhood home to give his sister exactly what she desired. 
@ichormartyred​ !!
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skullboned · 2 years
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             “it is not that i do not desire the same as you do, it just...the intention is different for elves.” anarion did not even believe he would be put in such a position, to explain the traditions of his kin to someone who was not familiar. he did not think he would have the opportunity to even do those traditions himself...this was truly a moment of blind sighting for the elf. “the intimate acts are reserved for the wedding night, as, to our kind, intercourse is the wedding and in of itself. the most sacred intertwining of souls...i do not want you to tie yourself to me in this way if it is not your intent.” 
@ichormartyred​ !! 
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skullboned · 2 years
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            “are you certain that this is your will?” the idea was certain an uncouth one. elves only fell in love once, and his One had been spoken for for centuries now. it would not be fair to anariel, truly, to be wed to him when he did not have the capability to love her back. however, she was well aware of where his heart lay, and he was willing to give her this if it was truly what she wanted.  “i will do as you desire, anariel, if it so brings you comfort.” 
@ichormartyred​ !! 
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skullboned · 2 years
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                “thank you for escorting me today, uncle. it was discouraging that no one else wanted to attend the theater, and i know that you are not the most enthralled by it. it was a most touching gesture.” eve disliked going just about anywhere without at least one of their family members, not to mention how dangerous that tended to be because of their status. she smiled at her uncle from across the carriage, fingernails digging into her cuticles. “i hope you enjoyed my company, even if you did not enjoy the reason for the outing itself.” 
@ichormartyred​ !! 
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skullboned · 2 years
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                Pietro could remember the last time that they were together like this. Back when they were first orphaned, before they were separated. The candles weren’t such a comforting thing then, more a necessity. The food they’d eaten was comparable to scraps instead of whatever fancy meal that Clint had provided for them. And now, his sister was a woman...a gorgeous woman at that, which only aided in awakening an all-too familiar urge within him. Now that the drugs were out of his system, his addiction predisposed body craved a replacement. And what was more addictive than the sins of the flesh?                   Pietro’s gaze dropped to Wanda’s ample bosom, perpetually on display. He’d seen her in that show and knew just how delectable she could look. His hand quickly followed, fingertips smoothing over the skin with a featherlight touch. “I should not want you, sister, but...it is hard to forget the intimate knowledge I have of you already, and how desperately I crave to be inside you once more.” 
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skullboned · 2 years
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              for some reason elektra could not name, she was drawn to this werewolf. perhaps it was the knowledge that her father would disapprove of her interesting in him, perhaps it was simply the way that he spoke to her, like she was more than just her station, as an object to be used as desired. despite her better judgement, elektra crouched in order to unlock ransom’s shackles, dark eyes meeting his as she freed him. for the moment, at least. to treat him more humanely. “do your wrists feel better?” 
@ichormartyred​ !!
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skullboned · 2 years
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                “i need your help, selina,” they had agreed to go their separate ways, but wasn’t it the way of life that what you craved returned to you in one form or another? bruce felt rather pathetic, donned solely in a silk robe embroidered with his initials, soaked from the rain, so shaky he was practically on his knees on the stoop in front of selina’s apartment. she had said she had a thing about strays, hadn’t she? “someone broke into my cave while i was asleep. the manor is on fire. i’m lucky to be alive.” 
@ichormartyred​ !! 
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skullboned · 2 years
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           mitchell had never been the best at admitting his feelings, and being turned only really intensified that inability. every one was that more acute, the rage, the hunger, the lust...the love. somewhere along the way of this foolhardy plan he’d hatched with george, mitchell had fallen in love with annie. lovesick to the point that he had slaughtered countless people just because he couldn’t face the overwhelming love that washed over him, especially once annie was dragged into limbo by the good speciest pastor fuck-face mctwat.             but by some guardian angel or a helluva leap of self control, mitchell managed to rescue annie, to be the knight in shining armor that she deserved and now he was sat across her at the breakfast table in their new home, shitty ex-hotel honolulu heights, unsure of how he could break the news to someone he considered one of his best friends that he’d gone and mucked it all up by catching feelings. after all, who exactly wanted a vampire for a paramour? “i didn’t bring you back from limbo just to make me breakfast, annie. you deserve a higher purpose, a life--er, afterlife. whatever.” 
@ichormartyred​ !! 
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skullboned · 2 years
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           “hiya. i’m elle, your new scene partner,” elle’s fingernails dug into the fabric of the backpack strap weighing her shoulder down, inspecting the, quite frankly, adorable woman in front of her. faith seemed to be, unfortunately, just elle’s type, which never bode well in intimate circumstances and her...proclivities. it was strange, though. typically, all elle could focus on when meeting someone new was their throat, the thrum of their heartbeat, their smell. but for all intents and purposes, it appeared that faith wasn’t even alive. fascinating. “i’m sorta new to,” elle gestured vague with her hand. “this, so i trust you to lead to way. i don’t want to fuck up my first smut film.” 
@ichormartyred​ !!
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skullboned · 2 years
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                 bambi downed the rest of his drink, trying to gain the courage to continue what the papers were calling his ‘path of destruction’. the urge was there, it always was, thrumming beneath his skin like the blood that coursed through him, like the blood that splattered his features every time he killed. “so. you wanna get out of here or what?” 
@ichormartyred​ !!
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skullboned · 2 years
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       elrohir hadn’t spoken since he and elladan, arwen, and their father had seen their mother off on a ship toward valinor, so tortured by her time spent as a captive of the orcs that she no longer felt safe in arda. it was as though his heart had been torn from his chest and thrown across the sea with her, elrohir was so empty. numb. to lose someone close to you as an immortal was particularly painful, as one would expect, and unless circumstances were dire, incredibly rare. war had already ravaged the race of elves, it felt too much to handle.         so, he had wandered into the sparse tree line surrounding imladris, dizzy with the weight of his emotions. far enough away from the city for his liking, elrohir’s lost his posture, slowly degrading from a slump to his knees, leaning against the trunk of a tree for support. his vision was blurred with tears, but he didn’t need to see to be know who had been following him, knew his presence by breath and space alone. “you need not worry about me, elladan.” 
@ichormartyred​ !! 
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skullboned · 2 years
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            “not to sound like an american colonist circa de 1775, but the british are coming.” well. there wasn’t any way that didn’t sound exactly like that, but sometimes urgent messages had to come with snappy quips for no discernable reason. will ducks under elizabeth’s arm and into her home, heading straight toward his typical hiding place--a little crevice between a bookshelf and the wall. he shoved himself and his collection of molotov cocktails in the small space, offering his partner in crime a mischievous smile. “give those cunts hell for me, yeah?” 
@ichormartyred​ !!
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