iconiclkld · 4 years
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WE HAVE A JUNE WINNER! Our kick-ass customer Leopoldo has won $100 CASH for reppin' his favorite vape shop 😁! Don't forget you can win too- all ya need is a free iconic sticker to slap on the back of your vehicle! #letsplay #iconiclakeland #iconicwinner #Leopoldowon #cashmoney #hundreddollars #vape #vapeshop #vaping #eliquid #vapesupplies #coils #comehang #lovelakeland #localvape #polkcountyvapes #iconic #weopen #lovelakeland #lovepolk (at Iconic Lakeland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUBKN8nhWU/?igshid=svyzguvdn9h
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iconiclkld · 4 years
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Congratulations to our March “Is this your car!?” winner!!!! Rociel can now acquire all the toilet papers with her crispy Benjamin! 😆😆😂 Come see us in the shop to stock up and grab a sticker!!! Due to social distancing, hunting for your sticker s gives us and our friends something fun to do 😁! Once we find you that will place you in the pool to be selected for April’s winner! Stay safe, sane and healthy and as always stay Iconic!!!!!! #iconiclakeland #irishiconic2020 #iconicwinner #ISTHISYOURCAR #march #makeyourwalletgreatagain #lakelandvapes #lakelandwins #polkcountyvapes #polkcountywins #lovelakeland #lovepolk #iconiclakelandlovesyou #ivapeivote #ivapeiwin #everymonth #anewwinner #onehundreddollars #freshandcrisp #quarantinecash #OMGthatsmycar #whereisthetoiletpaper #letsgoviralinagoodway www. Iconiclakeland.com (at Iconic Lakeland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AqHFdpAe4/?igshid=sjcrwlxtp5hl
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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In Florida we are only able to dream of gorgeous fall foliage draping our streets and setting the scene for all our fall festivities, however, winning $100 CASH from our favorite Vape Shop is a reality! The driver of this Mercury Mountaineer is our November "Is This Your Car Winner"! We hope this $100 brings you closer to whatever it is your heart desires this season. Bring us your vehicle and smiling face so we can give you some money! We are incredibly thankful for each and every one of our clients! Thank you for coming and sharing your stories, pets and babies with us! Thank you for advocating along side us for our vaping rights. Thank you for making Iconic one of the best vape shops in town and one of the best places to work. We love that you continue to choose us as your guide on the journey to a healthier lifestyle! If you haven't already, pop an Iconic sticker on the back of your car and maybe you'll be our next CASH WINNER! We pick a new winner every month. We also have a new Deal of the Month every month and offer shipping or free pick-up in store when you order online at www.iconiclakeland.com. Don't forget to stay in touch with your representatives to be sure they know you will keep fighting to protect your right to vape. If you, AS AN ADULT, want to vape Pumpkin Spice Donut or Huckleberry Cheesecake you should able to (You can- these are both available at Iconic NOW!). #iconiclakeland #ISTHISYOURCAR #november #mercueymountaineer #onehundreddollars #cashwinner #iconicsticker #iconicwinner #everymonth #wegiveawaymoney #iconiclakelandlovesyou #dreamoffallcolors #dreamoffallweather #dreamofmoney #fallingintoyourhands #iconicmakesdreamscometrue #makeyourwalletgreatagain #lovelakeland #lovepolk #lakelandvapes #lakelandwins #polkcountyvapes #polkcountywins #advocate #ivapeivote #vapewin #adultsonly #nominors #shopsmall #winbig (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Xcwhdn49g/?igshid=g6jqdw9qh849
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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Well done, Adam, you claimed your prize before you ran out of time. We thoroughly enjoyed this hunt and eagerly await the next month of fun and games. We can smell the prey hiding in their vehicles all over Polk County. Worry not, Adam will keep us sated... For now. Mwahahaha See you again November 1st when we announce a new winner. Slap an Iconic sticker on your vehicle and you might be the winner of $100 CASH! #iconiclakeland #iconicwinner #octoberwinner #thisisadamscar #adamwon #onehundreddollars #cashmoney #lovelakeland #loveiconic #lovewinning #ISTHISYOURCAR #vapewin #newwinner #everymonth #putastickeronyourcar #makeyourwalletgreatagain (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XlkrNnkXv/?igshid=zghvnv2x8n39
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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Dear Driver and Iconic Supporter, I first saw you driving around Lakeland. You were wearing a white Ford Expedition and sported an Iconic Sticker on your rear window. You looked so good on the hot pavement. I doubt you even noticed me, but I couldn't take my eyes off you. I don't know what it was about you, probably the Iconic sticker, but you have completely bewitched me. I cannot stop thinking about you. I wonder where you are and what you're doing. I wonder if we might ever bump into each other at Iconic. I dream of seeing your face light up when I hand you $100 cash, just for loving on Iconic. You see, I know already that we share interests and I bet we would get along so well. I have posted fliers all over Iconic and social media in the hope that we will once again be reunited. If anyone knows who my #missedconnection is, please tell them that I know they are a real winner and deserving of $100 cash. All they have to do is bring their WHITE FORD EXPEDITION to Iconic. Together we will shout with joy, we will take selfies and we will forever cherish our time together... If only they come to Iconic. Until that beautiful day, I swear I won't give up looking for you. Unless it's October 1st, then I'll stop. Please come find me at Iconic before October 1st! #iconiclakeland #iconiclakelandlovesyou #missedconnections #ISTHISYOURCAR #winner #100cash #allyours #whitefordexpedition #iconicwinner #vapewin #lovelakeland #lakelandvapes #lakelandwins #polkcountyvapes #polkcountywins #cantstopthinkingaboutyou #comeseeus #timesrunningout #makeyourwalletgreatagain #letusrewardyou #thanksforyoursupport #supportvaping #supportlocal #shopsmall #shoplocal #vapewithiconic #winwithiconic #wearentstalkingyou #actuallyweare #butwearentcreepy #welikegivingawaymoney #makingitrainonthewinners #hundreddollarbillyall #iconicsticker #makesitrain #whereareyou #youshouldbehere #septemberwinner (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wj18rpZX3/?igshid=1ty1p6k1fdjdg
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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Congratulations Brandon! Brandon is the "Is This Your Car" winner for July! Thank you for supporting our shop by sporting our sticker on your car! Have fun with your $100! You, too, can be like Brandon and win $100 cash. Slap an Iconic sticker (these are free!) on the back of your car and drive safely! All month long your friendly neighborhood Iconic Vaporistas are looking for cars with our sticker. The first of the month we pick one lucky winner and give them a crispy $100 bill, CASH! That's it! No strings attached. Just a handsome Benjamin that is gauranteed to hit the spot in your wallet. A quick recap: 1. Place an Iconic sticker on your vehicle. 2. Drive! Safely. We. Will. Find. You. 3. A winner is picked on the 1st of the month. 4. Check in store or pull us up on your favorite social media platform and see if you've won! #Iconiclakeland #isthisyourcar #itsbrandonscar #brandonwoncashmoney #iconicwinner #iconicbenfranklin #thanksforyoursupport #iconicsticker #driveiconic #winwithiconic #everymonth #wepickawinner #wewillfindyou #drivesafely #winnerwinnerchickendinner🍗 #allwedoiswinwinwin #andgiveyoumoney #cashmoney #lovelakeland #loveiconic #lakelandvapes #lakelandwins #polkcountyvapes #polkcountywins #vapelocal #vapeiconic #vapewin (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz53ut0nDWn/?igshid=1qumbf2e6pgmu
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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"Is this your car?" June Winner!! Come in, prove its your vehicle and get that $hmoney!!! We have a nice crisp $100 dollar bill with your name on it. We have the big phoney check too😋😋!! Clock is ticking!!!! You have 30 days to claim the Benjimin!!! Do you want this to be you?? Come in, say hello to our elite staff, check out our amazing selections, then when you leave, take one of our kicks ass stickers and place it in a highly visable place on your ride. When we are out 'n about we will scope your sticker and we'll enter you in for the chance to be $100 richer $$🤑🤑🤑 #Iconiclakeland #iconicwinner #isthisyourcar #winaticonic #lovewinning #lovelakeland #cashforcamrys#stickitandwinit #reversehunt #werelookingforyourbehind #wehaveaspecialsetofskills #weseeyourollin #wewillfindyou (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLfUMNnkoH/?igshid=1ujadkc8tvanu
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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WE ARE TRYING TO GIVE AWAY $100 CASH. Do you drive a Black Honda Civic? Does your sister, brother, parent, cousin, friend or ANYONE you know drive a BLACK HONDA CIVIC? If so, is there an Iconic Sticker on the Civic? If there is, the owner of this vehicle may have WON $100 CASH and time is running out to claim it! You have until April 1st to get your money! *Cute picture of cute puppy for attention* #cashmoney #winner #blackhondacivic #Iconiclakeland #iconicwinner #puppy #australianshepherd #moneymoneymoney #isthisyourcar #claimitbeforeitsgone #lakelandvapes #lovelakeland #lovewinning https://www.instagram.com/p/ByBBYYdH4QK/?igshid=h1z77ub70ail
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iconiclkld · 4 years
Congratulations to Timothy V., our "Is This Your Car" winner for February! If you want to win $100 cash be sure to slap an Iconic sticker on your vehicle and hit the streets! Drive safely so our staff don't have to swerve and speed to stalk you. Then check our social media or stop in the store to see if you've won! We draw a new winner the first of every month! #iconiclakeland #iconicvalentine2020 #iconicwinner #ISTHISYOURCAR #february #makeyourwalletgreatagain #lakelandvapes #lakelandwins #polkcountyvapes #polkcountywins #lovelakeland #lovepolk #iconiclakelandlovesyou #ivapeivote #ivapeiwin #everymonth #anewwinner #onehundreddollars #freshandcrisp www. Iconiclakeland.com (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Hn0y2nc3x/?igshid=1gvh0awqyjxe3
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iconiclkld · 5 years
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😈Thank you to all who have joined. You who wear our mark upon your backs are our willing prey and we thank you for your monthly sacrifice. The driver of this white Scion XA has until sunset (or 8pm) on All Hallows Eve to present themselves upon the altar (just come to Iconic) so that the ritual (you won $100 bucks!) can be complete. Mwahahaha! 😈☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ #putastickeronyourcar #winahundredbucks #cashmoney #iconiclakeland #ISTHISYOURCAR #youwon #claimyourprize #beforehalloween #everymonth #anewwinner #lovelakeland #loveiconic #lakelandvapes #lakelandwins #polkcountyvapes #polkcountywins #makeyourwalletgreatagain #iconic #weloveyou #thanksforyoursupport #iconicsticker #iconicwinner #whitescionxa #vapewin (at ICONIC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FqCwdH5hY/?igshid=1x8vftxc43wt6
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