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oxiemonbo · 4 months
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weopen designs are questionable, and hard, but ill get there in the end. its a weopen based on an eclipse well thats at-least what i’m trying to do
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kkkkkkkitty · 4 months
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haitanisbug · 11 months
Bought me a pepper spray stick and a knife today and my brother had to show me how to close my knife lmfaoooo 😭 im not harming no one with this thing
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dannyphantom-zero · 4 months
Doctor Danny chapter 2
Danny weighed his current options. As a civilians he could just walk away and pretend he never saw anything. But as a doctor with very strong morals, he couldn't leave a man to bleed out in some unsterile alleyway.
He wondered for a brief second how future him would feel about this, probably frustrated, still Danny picked up the very unstable patient and laid him in the backseat secured by seatbelts.
He wanted to take his to a hospital but he knew this patient wouldn't consent even if he could which he couldn't right now because he was unconscious.
Danny decided to respect the vigilante to the best of his ability. After parking the car he scooped up the vigilante bridal style and turned invisible.
He flew up to his apartment and went intangible, making it so he could safely pass through the wall.
As soon as he laid the patient on the floor he realized something needed to be done about his "research", he couldn't let the vigilante see it and start questioning it. So he opted for turning the cork board around.
It was regrettable that he couldn't put the guy on a proper bed but he didn't have one himself so there wasn't much he could do in that regard.
Danny peeled off the blood soaked clothes. He hated it when he had to cut clothes but in this case it was the only way to see the wound better.
It seemed like some kind of jagged weopen had made deep gashes to his abdomen.
He got to work cleaning the wound, despite how much he had bled before the seriousness of the injury seemed to be exaggerated by the mount of blood Danny saw at first glance. It looked completely treatable.
"There seems to be a deep puncture wound near the aorta, thankfully it didn't hit it" Danny muttered to himself.
"There a slight abrasion on the abdomen over the inferior mesenteric but not deep enough to cause any real damage. He would be fine after getting some stitches"
Danny really wanted to do this at the hospital, it would be so much better but he really didn't want to be watched all the time because he knows the vigilantes identity.
Gathering all his courage Danny grabbed his tools. He was hoping the unconscious vigilante wouldn't wake up during this. Danny could administer anesthesia but he was a licensed anesthesiologist. He also didn't have any anesthesia.
Well, most people didn't use anesthesia for stitches anyway, but he didn't have the numbing shots either. The most he could offer of his patients woke up is some pain killers and towel to bite on.
Danny decided to use absorbable sutures, a type of dissolvable stitches.
"Alright now, please don't wake up" Danny pleaded in a whisper.
He began stitching up the wounds. Because he was a vigilante, Danny had a bunch he wouldn't stop just because he was injured, Danny would have to put in extra stitches in case he tears the other ones.
Danny finished and sighed in relief. The man was still asleep.
He picked up the bloody towels and set out a clean shirt pair of clothes for the man. The man's pants were also stained with blood.
Danny left the apartment for a few seconds to get food. He was trying to be polite, he never really had guests so of the man was hungry he wanted to be ready.
Jason opened his eyes slowly. His entire body felt sore. His hand went up to his face only to feel a hard metal. His helmet. He pulled off the helmet and took a big gasp of fresh air.
The helmet must've shut off and stopped ventilating.
Jason scanned the surroundings. It looked like a small apartment, it was almost bare, not even a bed, on fact Jason just realized he woke up on the floor.
Well, at least there was a blanket beneath him. He was restrained on any way he could see, there weren't any visible surveillance devices either.
Jason sat up and felt the wounds to see how bad they were when his hand grazed a bandage. It was tight but comfortable, like a pro.
Jason peeked beneath the wrappings to find stitches.
"Why?" Jason asked himself in bewilderment. Who in their right mind would go through all the trouble.
Jason heard a sound from around the corner of the room he was in. It sounded like the door was opening.
Jason braced himself. Danny walked in carrying two bags, one with two steaks and the other with a case of beer. He didn't make it a habit to drink but he knew that the beer could be an olive branch.
There was just one problem, how would he eat with his helmet on. Maybe Danny could wrap up the food for the vigilante after he is done cooking it so he could eat in peace.
At least that was the plan. Danny almost shrieked when he saw the vague outline of a man's head.
Danny closed his eyes tight and blindly made his way to kitchen tripping in the process.
Jason had been expecting some thug, what he got was this. A healthy man.
He watched as Danny fumbled around trying not to look at Jason's face. He decided enough was enough when he heard a loud 'thump' followed by a silent "fuck~".
Jason put his helmet on and made his way to where Danny was. Danny stood up.
"Sorry, I wasn't expecting that" Danny said.
"Who are you?"
Danny didn't answer.
"I'm a doctor"
Jason felt a little frustrated, he was asking for a name.
"Im trying my best to stay out of your way, I only helped you because you were bleeding out in an alleyway and as a doctor I couldn't ignore that"
"And your making food because?"
Danny grew red.
"I'm hungry" Danny said.
"That's a lot of food for one person"
"I figured you would need something to eat, I was going to wrap it up for you"
"No need I'll eat here-"
Jason almost flinched.
"Sorry, I just, if you take off your helmet and I see you, then you'll be watching me so I don't tell anyone who you are. I don't have time for that"
Jason was even more intrigued. This guy acted like he was a vigilante.
"You seem familiar with this kind of stuff"
Danny shook his head.
"No, not really"
Danny started cooking the steaks.
"If you want to take off your helmet you can go to the next room. I'll let you know when the foods done."
"Alright" Jason said numbly before slipping out of the room. The only other room was the one he woke up in and the bathroom. So naturally he started snooping.
Not that there was much to find.
"It's ready!"  Jason bumped into a wall in surprise and knocked a cork board off the wall.
"Shit!" Jason said as he picked it up. He felt something on the other side. Jason flipped it around and laid it on the table.
It seemed like this person was gathering Intel on the biggest crooks in Gotham, he even knew who was "compromised".
"Is that...me?"
There was a picture of Jason that he had never seen before, it was of himself standing on a rooftop.
"I look kinda like Batman" Jason thought for a second.
"I'm coming in" Danny announced. Jason scrambled to put on his helmet but he wasn't able to return the cork board in time.
"Oh no" Danny said setting down the food before he took the cork board he checked it over making sure everything was intact.
"This is just research so I can better understand my patients, It's nothing weird"
Jason put up his hands.
"I don't think it's weird that you have a crock board full of pictures, especially mine. Nope, that not weird"
Danny let out an exhausted laugh.
"Yeah I had to pay for that one, it just reminded me of someone, not that it matters"
"What, did it remind you of Batman?"
"Ha, no. You looked lonely but free, I- know someone who can relate to that"
"Lonely but free" Jason muttered.
"Anyways here" Danny said holding the food out to Jason.
"I hope we never meet again, in a good way"
Jason grinned beneath the helmet.
"I hope we do" he opened the window.
"See you later Doctor" he said waving before leaping gracefully out of the window, food in hand.
"Wait what?" Danny asked.
"Do not!" Danny shouted out the window.
"Do not come back!"
Jason shook his head, there was no way he was going to leave him alone, call it curiosity but Danny wasn't different from most Gothamites.
And he wanted to know more about him. Danny's reluctance to know Jason made him want to get closer even more.
Danny sighed, there was no way he could shake a vigilante off his trail. He just hoped Jason didn't interrupt his work or his research.
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boguspearl · 1 year
So the new episode of The bad batch showed us some really awesome sides of omega some we see quite often but others we rarely see like this one we see omega's usual serious battle face where she's fighting to save her friends and brothers
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But then we get this one, one of my favorite moments of the entire season actually this shows us something we have only seen in The bad batch one other time I'm talking about on Saleucami back in season one when omega was playing with the other kids we see omega actually happy and eager to do something that doesn't involve fighting or stealing
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And now this one we see omega happy and at peace in fact I think this scene on the boat is the first time we've seen omega by choice leave her weopen behind (somone fact check me there please) we see omega at peace and with her guard down
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And now for the point to my little rant this one we see a side of omega that we have never seen in the bad batch before we see omega's true view of the batch constantly moving around and fighting. This is the first time we are seeing omega, not the clone that is genetically tied to crave violence and live for battle a Clone who has been inhanced to mature and grow faster a Clone that has been inhanced to not be affected by killing to not have mental breakdowns due to fear and losing there homes and having there brother's leave. No this is omega an unaltered Clone, she is a child no more than 14 years old she may have Jango fett's DNA and can handle herself in a fight and probably bottle her emotions up for a while but not forever
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So I would like you to meet omega, omega the child the child that is suffering from borderline depression because Echo left and is obviously still struggling with the loss of kamino. Let's hope that she has a few episodes of happiness on pabu before anything else happens
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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Fannar: My other heart.. its here isn't it?
Arlo stared at Fannar with a veiled expression. 
He imagined he felt it and scoffed looking away. He got up and walked out of the room to a kitchen. Fannar watched him from the tub, leaning over to watch him better, as he weopened an old working fridge, finding some yogurt and juice. He returned with the food and placed it on a stool next to the tub.
Arlo: Eat, there's a bed upstairs. Don't bother leaving the house. The Nexus here keep you safe. If you leave, I can't protect you from my brother or his minions. Because believe me, he's going to get his minions to catch us. He needs to 'save' me and he needs to ‘save’ Anika. Otherwise he'll never live with his guilt. 
They almost answered that if they left their grandfather would find him and take them home.. but they realized that might take longer than what the minions would.. they were probably quicker and closer by so that might be risky. 
Fannar: You didn't answer me.. but I guess that is answer enough. -they took the food, and ate quietly, letting themself soak for a bit more. - He needs to free Anika from something she doesn't want to be freed from.. impressive.
Arlo: It’s from him that she needs freeing -he chuckled.
Fannar blinked, surprised and sighed. It was nice to have something to eat, and a bed sounded nice too. 
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goffjames · 11 months
Spotlight Poetry - Because - A Poem by Paul Butters
© Deb Breton, Why Are We Here, 2021 Because by Paul Butters It might well be that the cosmos existsOnly because we do tooAnd we sense the universe around us.It’s like Schrōdinger’s Cat:Only existing for sure when weOpen The Box.Or that Double Slit Quantum Particle ThingBy Thomas YoungWhere Quanta seem to knowWhen we are watching. Those glorious sunrises and sunsetsWhat we live forOnly…
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minusgangtime · 1 year
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(“Bullets don’t work. MB.”)
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(So,I was watching the whole gorefield abuse mix..then I came up with a RP idea-
So darkon sends down a dark parasite and puts it inside midnight,after some adorable daytime midnight and MB shenanigans,the sunsets and midnight falls asleep out of nowhere,seeing this,MB puts her on the couch and does his nightly routine,then he hears creepy skittering in the living room,he goes to try and get midnight but to his horror,she’s not there,in a panic MB hides behind the TV where he takes a peak at the creature,the creature was a mutated midnight! (Aka gorefields first form.) even worse,the way she spoke was blunt and cruel,NOTHING like MBs precious little mi-mi,after a bit,midnight shifts into gorefields second form,she grabs MB and squeezes him tightly,resulting in a bruise on his stomach and his wings being broken,before she can kill him though,the sun rises and makes contact with midnight,she immediately shifts back into her kitten form with absolutely no idea what just happened. The parasite in her controls her body and brain,but only at night,as it’s weakness to sun. MB,not realizing this immediately runs away from midnight in fright kinda accidentally slamming the door on midnight,as she had slammed her head into the door trying to chase MB to find out why he was so scared. MB realizes that midnights eyes in the night were black and white,and that’s when he realizes that that midnight was not his mi-mi,and hour later he finally opens the door and apologizes to midnight and once more,wholesome playtime between the two,as sunsets approaching,MBs getting weopens he needs to take on what he calls gorenight,as the sun sets,midnight,following her dad’s instructions,tries to stay awake as long as she possibly can,but it’s no use,as she falls asleep,gorenight,takes control.
Nearly the rest follows what happens in the Garfield gameboyd animation,but don’t worry,this RP has a good ending,as gorenight evolves into the tall slender form,she attempts to crush MB,while mocking his and midnights bond,remembering his promise to midnight,MB turns his fear into determination and rage,and turns into his phonies form,healing his broken wings and injuries he got in the story! He then flies up to gorenight head and injects the vaccine that he managed to make from gorenights blood into her,this makes gorenight vomit the parasite itself as midnight finally turns back to normal,but is in midnightzilla mode and unconscious,as the parasite tries to fly away,MB burns it alive with a ranged fire attack,MB then collapses tired,as he snuggles with midnightzilla,as they both finally rest peacefully ÓwÒ)
-mod Shelby
(Oh boy... OwO")
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loksutra · 2 years
राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघाचा शस्त्रपूजनावरून वाद, जिल्हा न्यायालयाने नोटीस पाठवली
राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघाचा शस्त्रपूजनावरून वाद, जिल्हा न्यायालयाने नोटीस पाठवली
आरएसएसच्या शस्त्रपूजा परंपरेविरोधात काँग्रेस नेते मोहनीश जबलपुरे यांनी नागपूर जिल्हा न्यायालयात धाव घेतली. न्यायालयाने या संदर्भात नोटीस पाठवली आहे. Rss Weopen पूजा वादात प्रतिमा क्रेडिट स्रोत: सोशल मीडिया राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ कामगारांच्या वतीने दरवर्षी विजयादशमीच्या दिवशी शस्त्रपूजन करण्यावरून वाद निर्माण झाला आहे. आरएसएसच्या या परंपरेच्या विरोधात काँग्रेस नेते मोहनीश जबलपुरे जिल्हा…
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ladieswholead · 2 years
Expresso – Funding Female Founders
Expresso – Funding Female Founders
 We recently concluded our Expressoat The Quorum, Mumbai, where weopened the stage to a round of pitching, thereby creating access to a power-packed consortium of investors and mentors, with an underlying objective to help honepitching skills and share invaluable insights to accelerate growth.
We also had a fireside video chat with Sakshi Chopra, MD – Sequoia India who shared her knowledge on industry, female funding and strategy and talked about bridging the gap to make the journey of women entrepreneurs more rewarding and gainful in all aspects.
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mrgameboy4 · 3 years
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#GameBoy4 #GameBoy4apparel #merch #GameBoy4merch #GAMEBOY4 #G-/B #entrepreneur GameBoy4music #supportthebrand #protectingthebrand @mr.gameboy4 #customapparel #comeshopwithus #hoodyseason #WhenitcoldOutside #weopen #spotify #applemusic #iheartradio #pandora #itunes #supportblackownedbusinesses https://www.instagram.com/p/CXL3wy4lhSz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blog4prince-blog · 3 years
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Go baseline and crash boards! #wavey #weopen #style #rawedgemarket #italiansportswear https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUWUD7h5oV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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djivoryp · 3 years
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New venue #weopen (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CThu6qlrYTJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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boguspearl · 7 months
What abt the nabka? What abt the fact that Hamas was created by Israel? What abt the 75 year occupation? What of it? Can you comprehend?
Well Isreal did make Hamas but was it there fault that Hamas turned on them they made Hamas with intention of ending one war but once it was over Hamas couldn't stand peace they couldn't see Isreal as a country and could not stand to see negotiations between the two countries and so they overthrew their own government and ended negotiations and because negotiations can have infinite possible endings they could very well have ended the occupation but they didn't they attacked Isreal with suicide bombers and build secret weopens factories to smuggle and sell weopens to God knows who abd has probably been responsible for God knows how many deaths how many children lay dead on the street filled with bullets because of them but Isreal is no better the both broke the number one rule of warfare so big the made it an intentional law at : leave the civilians out of war
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shawnrichards2020 · 3 years
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Welcome to my trap... #WeOpen #PopUpStyle #WORDADDICT #BaphLyfe ☠💀👻☻ https://www.instagram.com/p/CTIyhVsr6J-hOpRRKXzzVCF80sW6ntAABl0f8E0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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