#iconless since i am not on my laptop
solacanis · 4 months
Hello my dear children! Okay but let me start by saying that I need my icons but they are in my old laptop and I am lazy to turn it on so I will be iconless for a bit. Now, I am planning to keep roleplaying BUT the fandom is kind of dead and I hope the new season brings new, fresh and cool people to roleplay with because these past couple of years I have met/interacted with some weirdos and I just don't want nor do I have the time for silly games. During those years I have met amazing people and I have been friends with them since then but we are suffering because this fandom has changed over the last 6-7 years and I personally want to interact with people who are cool and just want to have a good time. We all have a life outside this silly screen and making friends at this age (in my case I am 30 years old and I am ancient, sorry about that) it is very difficult so I interact with the people I met when I was roleplaying before even Covid happened so I am not so good at making conversations or actively seek a friendship. But I am hoping to stay here for a longer time and keep roleplaying with my friends and meet new people! I will be rebranding and remaking promo posts for all my blogs that I want to keep active so stay tuned for that! In the meantime, feel free to send messages to Vinny and don't be shy!
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
💏 - from Angel to Cordy
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
18 …as encouragement.
                  things has been weird lately, especially with the whole being a HIGHER being, coming back and having amnesia then memories being and then being haunted by a rokcy monster, ready to flinch the earth and kill everyone, VAMPIRE or not.                               the team was out there and angel was on his office, bringing up tactics of how to defeat the monster that seemed to know him. or at least, the half ass bad side of him with no soul that went grrrr and arghhh every time blood surfaced and changed his visage.  the vision entered, a sigh falling from her lips. they didn’t have time to speak, to decide PRIOR of what things could have happened and become if things didn’t get in the way.  so she decided to deal with it in a cordelia chase fashion. 
                        advancing swiftly, she placed her hands against each side of his pale face and brought their lips in a kiss. a soft kiss, a gentle kiss.  an ENCOURAGING kiss? it held for few seconds before she slowly drifted apart and looked into his eyes.  
                      ‘ you got it champ.  as you have always, it doesn’t matter if you know karate or kung fu. it mattters that you have the heart of a warrior. the kindness of one, one of the many reasons why i have fallen for you.’ 
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hopecrux · 2 years
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#  HOPECRUX  :   ind.   priv.   sel.   mat.   portrayal   of   SHEZ   of   FIRE   EMBLEM   WARRIORS   THREE   HOPES   .   heavy   in   themes   of   FATE  AS  A  CYCLE  ,  HEROES   OF   HUMBLE   ORIGINS  ,  FINDING  YOUR  OWN  MEANING  &  BELONGING  ,  FOUND    FAMILY  ,  &  more.   as   guided   by   SILAS   (   21  ,  est  ,  she/her.  )
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i am iconless for the moment.  i likely will be until i can get my hands on caps from the game.  my laptop’s capacity is limited in terms of screencapping capability and storage, and i’m not really able to screencap things on my own.  as such, i’ll be iconless for a good while, but if any of my partners want to use icons, that’s perfectly okay with me !!
i write male!shez.  i will be using resources of the male protagonist, reblogging images/art of the male protagonist, etc.
i am extremely headcanon based.  since the game has now released and we’re getting more information about shez, i will likely pick and choose what i want to incorporate into my portrayal of him and what i want to discard.  i’m still extremely headcanon based regardless, and i may become canon divergent depending on what we find out about shez.
i will tag spoilers for about a month after release.  i’ll be using the tag  three hopes spoilers //, but after july 24th i will not be tagging spoilers any longer, as most people will have had time to either see playthroughs of the game or play at least one route for themselves.
psd credits.  psd is PAPER ANGEL by SOMRESOURCES for my banner, i made my current border, and my icon psd is PARIS HOLDS THE KEY by SOMRESOURCES.
plotting.  if you wanna plot something, feel free to shoot me a message either in IMs or over discord if you have it, which mutuals can always ask for !!  i’m always open to plotting or just shooting the shit about characters or ideas, and i love getting to know people, since it makes writing a lot easier and a lot more fun !! 
misc.  for any scenarios in which it’s unspecified, i default to the azure gleam route, as those are the characters i like and am most familiar with.  when interacting with characters outside of them, i’ll likely set them as allies with shez as a part of their party. 
asks to threads.  if you wanna reblog an ask to make it a thread, go for it !!  that’s probably the easiest way to get the ball rolling in terms of writing together because i admittedly suck at plotting sometimes.
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dehimmel · 3 years
-- hiiii so sorry for the radio silence (again) but ive been kinda busy since my old laptop broke -
i got a new one but ive been with a friend in another state & am still here until saturday so ive been too preoccupied to write even tho i wanted to do some iconless. the good news is that her bf helped me get my icons off of my old laptop so i have them again ready to go when i get home !!
i gotta reinstall genshin & shit but. poggers. hoping to word vomit some replies within the next week. <:)
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sweetcstfantasy · 2 years
just as a little fyi for the people whose drafts are getting posted (over the last few days and the next few as well) I am working from a different laptop right now, since mine is getting worked on. So I don’t have access to my icons at the moment. you’re more than welcome to keep using them, but until I get it back I will be iconless and I’m sad about it but that’s just how it is lol. Sorry <3
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lightsaver · 3 years
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#LIGHTSAVER.          headcanon  based  writing  blog  for     rey  kenobi     from  lucasfilm’s  star  wars.     canon  divergent.     extremely  selective  &  mutuals  only.     extremely  low  activity.     mostly  crossover  friendly.     est.  jan  2022.     wielded  by  sef.     (  26,     she  /  they,     est  time.  )
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⸺⸺     spring  semester  is  back  gdi .    after  an  extremely  long  hiatus  in  the  wake  of  my  laptop’s  hard  drive  giving  out  this  past  summer ,    it’s  unsurprisingly  apparent  that  i  have  not  recovered  since .    i  am  completely  starting  fresh  again ,    with  no  previous  psd’s ,    icons ,    graphics ,    or  anything  else .    that  being  said :   i  am  on  the  hunt  for  a  psd  commission .    if  you  have  any  good  recc’s ,    please  please  please  dm  me !    until  then ,    i  will  be  going  iconless  indefinitely .
this  spring  i  am  back  in  classes ,    but  i  have  also  quit  my  job  to  continue  schooling .    i  will  have  a  lot  more  time  on  my  hands ,    but  most  of  my  free  time  will  be  spent  in  the  lab  as  i  need  at  least  300  hours  this  sem .    any  activity  here  will  be  sporadic ,    but  i  truly  miss  writing  here  and  the  friendships  i’ve  made .
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1. DOC.     2. EDITS.     3. PINS.     4. BLOGS.
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rpnsl · 3 years
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⸺⸺     spring  semester  is  back  god  damnit .    after  an  extremely  long  hiatus  in  the  wake  of  my  laptop’s  hard  drive  giving  out  this  past  summer ,    it’s  unsurprisingly  apparent  that  i  have  not  recovered  since .    i  am  completely  starting  fresh  again ,    with  no  previous  psd’s ,    icons ,    graphics ,    or  anything  else .    that  being  said :   i  am  on  the  hunt  for  a  psd  commission .    if  you  have  any  good  recc’s ,    please  please  please  dm  me !    until  then ,    i  will  be  going  iconless  indefinitely .
this  spring  i  am  back  in  classes ,    but  i  have  also  quit  my  job  to  continue  schooling .    i  will  have  a  lot  more  time  on  my  hands ,    but  most  of  my  free  time  will  be  spent  in  the  lab  as  i  need  at  least  300  hours  this  sem .    any  activity  here  will  be  sporadic ,    but  i  truly  miss  writing  here  and  the  friendships  i’ve  made .    if  we  have  a  thread  from  before  my  hiatus  that  you  would  like  to  continue ,    please  message  me  if  i  have  not  already  done  so !
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stolenparticlesarch · 5 years
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so, i’ve got my sister’s laptop, and i’ve got my icons on my external drive, but i may still be iconless at times, since i don’t have access to ps to make more atm. but for the night, i am here and ready to write !!!
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ooc;;  hey, just a reminder, guys, that monday through thursday i’m in class most of the day (i don’t get home until 4-6pm est depending on the day) and that most of my classes are back to back so i don’t have a whole lot of time to poke in drafts beyond my lunch break/waiting on my ride.  so the bulk of whatever i do on here will be after those times.
i probably won’t post any drafts i have been able to finish until that point, either, since my laptop doesn’t have icons (unless you don’t mind iconless replies, in which case i can post as i do them).  anyway, this is just a note since i am fairly absent during the day. (except for right now bc i’m on my lunch break.)
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starter call! got some new followers and not much to do on this blog (i... think... i don’t owe any replies at the moment? what is this what could it mean what is it LIKE to not be behind on everything who am i) so go ahead and hit that heart (or that reply button) if you want something. Length may vary; I may contact you via IMs to discuss verse or setup; and since I’m gonna be without my laptop for a while starting tomorrow, starters will probably be iconless.  EDIT: ok alright that’s enough for now! might wake this up again later when i’m not dealing w tech issues but for right now i’m capping this one here.
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