normallyxstrange · 3 years
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@immortalwoes​ sent: "Honestly, I'm alright." The vampire insisted as another loud pop sounded off from the dying engine of his vehicle. Sure, it didn't help that he went through the windshield when crashing into the sign designating the location as New Ashton, but he was no longer covered in glass at least. That was a start. "Lost me visual and ended up on the bloody front lawn of the municipality is all. Whereabouts am I?" He asked, glancing down at the smashed sign and kneeling to get a better view. "New something. Not sodding New York, that much I can gather." - Spike to Andy
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     Now and again, a vision would hit and it would be crystal clear. Destination, purpose, right down even to a person’s name and appearance. Everything spelled out in big neon flashing letters that left nothing to be guessed.
     This… this was not one of those times.
     She’d seen glass, heard a crash, smelled something like exhaust. She assumed a car accident, someone hurt. Location was even more vague, but trusting her gut brought her there. Now it was just a matter of it all happening. Sooner rather than later, she hoped. Andy didn’t exactly want to spend most of her night standing around, waiting, but when duty called, it called loudly. Screamed was more accurate.
     So, the redhead perched herself on a bench, sipping from a strawberry slushie she grabbed at the convenience store on the way here. A few cars passed, but none that seemed to be the one in question--until one came whizzing by, far faster than the speed limit, and hit one of the town’s sign, crumpling it damn near in half and sending the single occupant right out through a shattering windshield.
     It happened fast, too fast for Andy to really react to it, but she was on her feet half a second later, racing over, healing potions and spells primed on her lips. But the bleached-blond man was on his feet, appearing not injured much at all. The car though seemed to be the real victim. Andy slowed to a jog, then stopped completely, her bag sliding down her shoulder to thump against her leg.
     “Are you okay? Like, really?” She had her doubts, though most of them were regarding the validity of the vision. What the fuck was this?
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wickedlehane · 3 years
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@immortalwoes​ {angel} gets an angst starter
Faith’s informant had sent her after a demon that only awakened in cycles to feed. Smart, eldritch, with needles for claws that could pierce through a human skull and devour their most intimate traumas.
“I know the one,” the Slayer realized with dread, reconciling description with memory. A lorophage, different than the one Angel had killed for her nearly two decades ago. With someone else’s sadness in its belly, looking to glut itself before returning to its fated slumber.
If she were younger and less wise than she was nowadays, Faith could give it sadness enough to choke on.
It took her the better part of two days to track this thing down- apparently it was fond of wearing human clothing, trench coats in particular, to disguise its nearly-humanoid appearance. The mosquito-nose was a little tougher to hide, but drunk patrons leaving London pubs usually didn’t notice until it was too late. The ones it didn’t kill it left behind as blathering fools, or emotionless husks. Wasn’t hard to follow the trail after that. Faith didn’t like thinking about where that might have left her if Angel hadn’t stepped in all those years ago.
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“Hey, Demon Dick Tracy,” she growled, pulling out a one-handed crossbow pistol. Could the lorophage smell her anger, wafting desperately down the alley? Did it smell the feast of emotion that was Faith Lehane? She hated the sight of this thing’s face, bringing back too many memories. The Slayer wanted it finished. “Twenty years of beauty sleep and you’re still damn ugly. But I’m not looking to hurt your feelings- you might get off on that.”
Faith shot for the creature’s chest, really not wanting to get up close and personal with those claws unless she had no other options.
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deliciouslyfilthytm · 3 years
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          @immortalwoes​ said: "I do not understand this device." Illyria stated, holding up something rather wobbly. "You explained it was for stabbing. This is useless."
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          “Whoa, whoa, hold up!“ Blaine said as he took the wobbly object from her to hide it out of sight as quickly as humanly possible. “That is not what I sent you to get. I said the right nightstand with shiny sharp objects, not the left one. In fact, forget whatever you saw in that drawer for now. Our relationship isn’t to that level yet.” Not to mention the explaining he’d have to do. Much caffeine would be needed.
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for immortalwoes : @immortalwoes is an incredibly talented writer who plays a brilliant variety of muses perfectly and the admin is such a delight to talk to and plot with. His Adrian, badassjetsteele is also portrayed just as perfectly and he's so much fun to write with!!
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guccibutdeadly · 3 years
・ღ * { @immortalwoes​ // plotted }
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          Music was paused, leaving only the quiet slurping of her Slusho™ in its place as Elle surveyed the building from her car. This had to have been the right place. Now the only question was -- were the rumors true? If not, she’d just drove all that way for nothing. At least the road trip had been fun. Sure, being a chaotic vigilante was rewarding, but the little blonde craved something much more challenging. Much more dangerous. Not to mention, she’d get paid for it. A salaried serial killer. It’d be living the dream as usually the lowlifes she took out were broke as a joke.
          For a moment, Elle contemplated leaving her drink in the car, but the damn sun just wouldn’t quit. So in with her it went along with a sealed bag full of objects that would hopefully ensure her employment. In she walked with her usual confident stride, heels clicking at each step. They were royal blue, matching one of her favorite outfits. She was wearing the pencil skirt, not the pants today, a fact that might also help to secure her a job. First impressions were sometimes everything. Bright blue hues followed the man as he rushed over, the deceptively sweet smile on her face widening as he moved closer. He wasn’t exactly her type, but eye candy was eye candy and he’d certainly do for the moment. “Hi there, sweetie-I mean, sir. If I’m in the right place, then you’ll want to take a look at these...” With that, she handed over the bag. When opened, the man would find several freshly cut demon horns. “I gathered those yesterday... all by myself.” Cue a long sip from her straw as she awaited his reaction.
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missuncongeniality · 3 years
・♦♢* { @immortalwoes​ // angel // plotted }
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          At first, L.A. had seemed like an excellent city to spend her vacation in, but that was before Harley noticed a man with freakin’ tail scurry into the sewers. “Mastah’ Splintah’...?” Now, it was nighttime, with nothing but the street lamps shining above, so she could very well have been mistaken. But Harley being Harley, she wasn’t about to take that chance. If there was a giant rat man, she wanted to meet him and ask about his turtle sons.
          The sewers weren’t totally foreign to Harley, enabling her to maneuver behind the tailed man silently with ease. Careful to keep her flashlight from alerting him, corner after corner she rounded until finally the guy paused to open a passageway and disappear inside. Now was her chance. Listening through the thick wall wasn’t working, so carefully she attempted to pry the door open. The plan was to simply take a peek inside to sate her curiosity before being on her merry way.
          This plan... did not go well.
          Before Harley could blink, the door flew open as a mystical, unseen force pulled her inside the room. “Hey! Is this any way ta’ treat a guest?!” Glancing around, seemed she was being held in the middle of some sort of summoning circle surrounded by several cloaked rat men, some of which were chanting. Feet dangled inches from the ground as she twisted and struggled to break free of whatever invisible grip was holding her. “If ya’ put me down right this instant, I won’t have ta’ kill every single one of ya’ and take ya’ tails as souvenirs.” There was no reply, just continuous chanting. She couldn’t even move enough to reach one of the grenades on her belt. “That’s it! Ya’ forced my hand. I’ll give ya’ to the count of three... One... Two... Three...”
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labyriinths · 3 years
@immortalwoes​ Gwen for Angel
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The raven haired cat burglar with red and blonde streaks exited the building and was surprised to see Angel. “Well if it isn’t Mr. Tall Broody and Handsome.”  With ease, she discreetly placed the special totem she’d acquired in her back pocket. No need to bring attention to that. This would be paying the bills for months to come. Besides, this encounter could very well be happenstance. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” A dedicated yet sly smile focused on the vampire, her mood becoming much more playful than guarded. “Don’t tell me. You want me to give your heart another restart.”
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dhampirslays · 3 years
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@immortalwoes​ sent;
" You know I'd never judge you for that, right ? If you're happy with someone, doesn't matter who they are, be happy. "
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It wasn’t the first time that Spike muttered incoherent thoughts when watching Passions and, at first, it made Jo ponder on what the actual heck they were projecting in that show to make her father an emotional mess. It was like she was seeing an entirely different person in those forty five minutes of screen-time; in fact, it had once gotten so bad that he started sobbing with tissues in his hand for a good couple of hours and ever since, she learned to ignore every emotional sentimental talk of his that took place after said episodes. 
Today was one of those days.
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❛  Okay, ❜  She started, setting down the book she had been trying to read for the past hour or so but couldn’t because of Spike’s emotional breakdown. ❛  I’ll bite, if it’ll make you feel better. What happened to Timmy in this episode ? ❜
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sacredslaycdd · 3 years
@immortalwoes​ sent:  "Oi, you're blocking the bloody telly! If I miss what happens to Little Timmy, so help me..."
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           a snort escapes the brunette’s lips, pink buds twitching upwards as she deliberately positions herself to directly intefere with his viewing, arms crossed over her chest. Spike never changed, not in all the years she’d known him, since Jo had dragged her for visits as a kid and not even now, when she was older and most of the time practically lived here. 
“ You know there’s this thing called catch up, right? “ brows raise, amusement lacing her features as she shakes her head, brunette tussles bouncing as she does so. She waits a moment for his reaction before letting out a sigh, lips pursed. 
“ Get your ass outta the chair vamp man, I drew the short straw and apparently pulled /you/ to patrol with. “ the pursed lips turn into a scowl. “ apparently me and Jo aren’t allowed to patrol on our own after what happened “ she tells him, vaguely referring to the arena. “ Buffy wants us with an ‘adult’ “ she puts caption marks around the word with her fingers as she speaks, glancing at him in disdain. “ Not that i’m sure you can even be classed as one. “ 
Truthfully, Hope didn’t mind spike, in a lot of way he was the closest thing to a father figure she had besides her watcher and well he was something else entirely, a guardian perhaps but no father.
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piierce · 3 years
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@immortalwoes​ || non sexual acts of dominance [ Laces ]
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Good thing about these dances was the clothing. It brought her good memories of careless times back in the 1800s where she finally found a place to rest. Corsets were always tricky, thankfully she had someone to help.  Katherine gazed at him through the mirror as she held both sides of it. The first pull of the laces made her gasp, lips soon curling into a smirk. Oh, she would use this in her favor  ❝  You can go tighter than that, ❞  she teased, obviously amused at her own words.  
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gcblinfruit · 3 years
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;  — STRANGER continued from  ✘ *:・゚✧
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Petite frame jolts as she collides with a leather clad figure. Delicate hands scramble around her phone, clutching it tightly whilst bewildered emerald eyes find his face. Her breath wooshes out in a rush when she sees who she’s run into, a slightly sheepish smile coloring her face.  
 ❝Oh! I’m sorry!❞ She straightens herself, smile growing to brighten her face. Something heavy settles along her spine as she studies him further, familar in it’s OTHERNESS.  — so not quite human?  
 ❝I seem to have a habit of getting lost,❞ she adds softly. Pretty head tilting whilst her gaze flickers to street and back to the man in front of her.  ❝Speaking of which, where is here?❞
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
       ‘ Oh, I am more concerned in breaking my 300 dollars manicure than this old phone which by the way, you NEED to upgrade the technology here, pal.”
                        she said. she was mostly annoyed by the telephone that she had. of course she was working as a full time supernatural half demon kicking ass chick but she had to make a greater living. and follow her dream in one way or another which was kinda off the rails at the moment since she had to sleep with a MANAGER in order to get something done. and her morals of course didn’t correspond exactly.  she’d rather punch the guy in the nuts than anything else.
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               “ An asswipe thinking that they could touch me with out my permission.  Long story short, that is all.  Would you use your fang scary self and bite him please? That’d teach him a freaking lesson.”
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deliciouslyfilthytm · 3 years
{ - nonverbal rp starters // for Illyria - } 🛌 Crawl under the covers with my muse (fluff or feel free to throw him across the room whatevs lol)
          Eyes narrowed as Blaine noticed this snoring woman had the gall to steal his bed. His super soft bed with the expensive sheets. There was no finer place in the house to sleep, so the zombie wasn't about to give it up so easily. Plus, she called him her pet, right? Who wouldn't want to cuddle up with their pet, or him for that matter. He was doing her a favor, bestowing her with his presence. So without a word, Illyria became the little spoon, whether she'd approved or not.
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Naturally the God King claimed the most luxurious bed her pet had to offer, regardless of whether his putrid scent had marked it for his own. She was above his station and asserted her dominance time and again, the resting place merely another display of just who the Alpha was in the hierarchy of the damned. Resting quietly, Illyria appeared calm for a change in direct contrast to the tension and power the Old One exuded when awake.
When the zombie ignorantly obliged the slumbering demon with his favor, Illyria's eyes shot open, unbeknownst to him. The moment his arm had wrapped about her torso had sealed his undoing, because she most certainly did not approve of pets sleeping in the same den as her, let alone touching her without her permission. Yet something gave the violence that writhed inside her pause, a contemplation riddling her mind like a parasite. Conscience, Fred had referred to it. She debated her actions instead of outright tossing the zombie with enough force to give the WWE a run for their money.
Piercing, otherworldly blue eyes gradually glanced down at his hand, which was gently placed against her skin. With a sneer, the God King grabbed it, gave a not-so-gentle squeeze, and shoved him off of her, but thankfully not off of the bed. "You aim to misbehave, Blaine." Illyria uttered flatly as she rounded on him, peering directly at the mystified zombie before flipping him to the opposite side so he faced away from her. Her arm slinked over him in the same fashion he had done to her, streaks of azure lining otherwise pale skin in her firm grip. She leaned closer to him--hardly in a seductive manner; more so in the fashion of a feline observing its next kill--and spoke in the same monotone, though the irritation had faded. "I did not invite you into my bed, nor did I allow you to put your hands on me; you will assume the submissive position."
          “Are you new? I always aim to misbehave, babe.” But the playful smirk on his face was not long for this world, just like his dignity as Blaine was manhandled, straight up flipped around like a house cat, and made to be... the little spoon! An expression equal parts offended and indignant flash froze to his face as the situation sank in. Eyes blinked as he wondered if this was a nightmare or simply karma. It was rare to find something the zombie hustler hadn’t tried in his lifetime, but being the freakin’ little spoon was one of them!
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          “You just... I...” There were no words. “How dare,” Blaine finally managed out, although he made no attempt to get away. “I am six feet tall and you’re barely five feet. This is not the natural order of things... And lady, if you think being the little spoon is a submissive position for a woman, you have a lot to learn.” A long, drawn-out sigh was given as he searched for the words and strength to continue explaining. “You hold so much power when you’re the little spoon, like, all you have to do is wiggle that ass to get me under your spell.” Yeah, that was a pleasant way to put it. Surely she could put two and two together. “Plus, if an axe murderer came in, who would they chop up first? Me, the big spoon. You’d be protected from that first strike, giving you enough time to get away while the axe was dislodged from my body. Not to mention the fact I’d keep you warm.” True, not as warm as a human, but it would be better than nothing. “You know what, little spoon is sounding damn good right about now, so, thank you,” he said with a huff. It was a bluff, of course. If Don E. saw him like this, he’d never live it down.
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wickedlehane · 3 years
🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go?
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp? (writing with me lmfao)
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
🍉 - If you considered a time travel thread, when would your muse go?
Answered for Faith here!
But for the sake of not leaving you out in the cold, my other muses would go as follows:
Buffybot: ERROR
Fiona Archer: Perhaps to find Faith sooner than she did. Or, selfishly, she would love to see Shakespeare’s works performed in their own time.
Fred Burkle: Back to just before Professor Seidel sent her to Pylea.
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
Answered here!
🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp?
Answered here!
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
Answered here!
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
Answered here!
But in the interest of spotlighting other sweetness and positivity, I think it’d be the way everyone has been SO kind to me as a Buffy fandom newbie. Honestly, I’m almost at my 1st year blog-iversary and I was so afraid I wouldn’t last here. That people would be able to tell I was new to the characters and the world. I’m usually a “do a lot of research” (which I have, don’t get me wrong) “don’t even attempt until you’re sure you’re a master at the craft” person but I literally made this blog after seeing Who Are You? in Season 4 and I hadn’t finished the series yet. But everyone was so nice, supportive, VERY GRACIOUS ABOUT NOT SPOILING ME, and every nice thing I’ve ever been sent has increased my lifespan twelvefold. The Buffy RPC has been such a wonderful place, and this was my first ever indie RP experience too, so that was a big step for me, haha.
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andshesgonewho · 3 years
"Spike is very, very handsome indeed, pet. And what do we day about vampires with oversized foreheads?"
Oh! She knew this one. Simple input/output response. Generating...
“They are lame and bloody stupid. Especially with silly hair and boring, brooding personalities,” Buffybot spoke. “Not like you and your very, very evil and darkly tempting nature.”
The statement concluded as she set her jaw into a docile smile, eyes sparkling. Buffybot blinked once, twice, then put a hand on Spike’s chest.
“Darn you and your irresistible villainy.”
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guccibutdeadly · 3 years
You are worth every word of love. Worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful. You are anything but worthless. Give everyone and anyone this message, go to random blogs, someone you don’t even know, stretch your ask limit, anon or not, tell them they are worth it. Because the world needs more love. ♥
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          Thank you so much! Right back at you, of course! You are one of the nicest, sweetest people I've ever met on this blue hellsite. Not a day goes by that I don't think just how lucky I am to have you as a friend. I don't usually get mushy on main, but for you, I'll make an exception. 💖
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