vero-cartin · 9 years
Yo if all these anon hates were so confident that their opinions right they wouldn't be on anon they would show their faces. Obviously looking for a fight on a subject they don't have a leg to stand on
Indeed! Thank you for your support! :)
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seekan · 10 years
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DAY 4 - "S-say... she's so hungry she can eat a horse"
No, Lucy I won't.
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So since the 28th of October a lot of things in my life have been into question. But the more life changing decision has been made today. People have always told me that I am too selfless, living for other people. Some have said that I am too harsh on myself. However I never really saw it. We can't see the flaws in ourselves we don't think we have.That is until the start of last week. Some of the things I thought I knew were changed. I found gaps in my knowledge which I hated. I spent the next week and so trying to find these answers. I confused lots of people and ruined my body by overworking. My college education suffered as well. This knowledge wasn't for me. It was so I could trick someone into seeing something so they could be happier and live a better life. This last Sunday I met with a wonderful and beautiful girl called Hannah, we just went round IKEA and I actually had fun. I wasn't focusing on any of these other problems in my life. I didn't think past what was happening at that moment. I didn't even care that I didn't really know the way home. I didn't care what was going to happen that evening. I was happy. To her I say thank you for giving me a wonderful and much needed day. So now I am going to live for me more. Have more fun with life. Life is short and stupid for me. For other people it's different but for me I want to make the best of it whilst I can do crazy and stupid things that make life interesting, like getting drunk in the middle of class. However I am still here if people want to talk and I am not giving up any of my friendships. I still want to help, really this decision won't really be affecting the people on here as such as I enjoy talking to you all, and I enjoy helping.
Looking back over the years I remember attempting suicide in this month last year. I remember starting on tumblr at the end of December/ early January. It's been one hell of a journey but I wouldn't be this way right now if it wasn't for each and everyone of you. I would like to mention in no order:
(I did just copy the links from my follower list hence no order) I feel like I'm more free and life doesn't seem as boring and depressing as it use to, lets see if I can keep this up.
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