#icons deadly class
trashedits · 2 years
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marcus lopez
do not repost anything without due credit!
have fun, leave your like, drink water and be safe :)
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danielfilm · 3 months
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I need him
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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actingicons · 2 years
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benjamin wadsworth as marcus lopez arguello in deadly class
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ecnmatic · 2 years
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lifeofamarauder · 2 years
The Dark Prince 1
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Mattheo Riddle x Odette 
Part 1 <3 (it gets more spicy as we go but you first need to SUFFER)
Word count- 1,313 words
I wrote this not from Y/n perspective but let me know if you want me to post that version as well if you prefer it! I tried not to use too many descriptors for Odette, other than her house and family names.
Intro: I had a few quiet first years at Hogwarts. I explored the castle, read books in the library, and even brought a black cat to join me my in fourth year. It was all so quiet and nice. Until he came along.
I'm officially fifteen.
I'm officially fifteen and I have planned absolutely nothing for today. If my mum were here she would be scolding me about not having planned some grand party in the astronomy tower or at the very least invited my friends to Hogsmeade then getting drunk off of butterbeer and pumpkin ale. I couldn't tell her how impossible this was seeing as the only person who knew and cared about my birthday was Luna, a fourth year who would join me and jinx (my adorable kitten I brought with me last year) reading together or playing wizards chess. I also could never tell her how horrible I was at wizards chess and that miss Luna Lovegood beat me every time. I value my life too much for that, though I don't mind either of these things myself. But I am truly the antithesis of her.
My mother is a kind woman, as long as you are one of her party guests or my older brother, Silas. Two years older than me and more perfect than any other Ravenclaw Purebred around, Silas may as well be a Prince according to my mother. He even became Prefect this year. We're all so very thrilled (or so I'm told).
But today, I get to do whatever I want, and I don't need to tell anyone else about it. Today is the one day of the year I can be completely selfish and introverted. I only take this one day to myself, as my mother and my brother take control of my other 364.
I pet Jinx and move her off my chest before I set out some toys for her to entertain herself while I'm gone. Even though I know she will just end up sitting at the window watching ravens fly by the tower, I want to make sure she has anything she might need. I've never met a more spoiled cat and honestly? She deserves it.
I manage to make it all the way to the library without running in to Silas or his Quidditch buddies who would immediately notify him about my whereabouts. I'll count that as my first birthday gift of the day. I'm all prepared to sit in my favorite nook debating for around 30 minutes over which book to read first (I brought 3 just in case) when I notice someone in my spot.
Now, I didn't pick this spot my first year for its comfortable sitting or bright lighting, I picked it solely for it's purpose that it would be the very last place someone else would try to sit.
If this were any other day, I would walk away and decide to read in the astronomy tower or the empty corridor by the DADA classroom, which will most certainly be empty on a Saturday, but today is MY day. So I suck it up and decide to ask him to kindly leave him. I stand there awkwardly looking at his back and impulsively choose to poke him to get his attention.
His dark eyes immediately look up and I take a moment to fully look at his face now. He has a scar forming on his nose and another on his cheek that looks like it's been there a few years now. My breath catches when we make eye contact and I'm struck by how dark and deep his eyes are as they bore into mine.
I realize I'd been standing there staring at him for longer than I should, and shake my head a little to clear my thoughts before I force myself to continue.
"Can you move?"
He just keeps staring at me, his dark curls falling in his face, so I gather what's left of my courage and force out another sentence, slightly stronger this time.
"I need this seat. Can you please move to somewhere else?"
He, again, doesn't say anything, but this time his eyes darken slightly and he has the faintest hint of a smile.
I force myself not to smile back but unfortunately I cannot hide the blush escaping. I open my mouth to elaborate once more when he finally says something.
"What's your name Princess?"
I'm taken aback by the unexpected pet name. Princess? I just met this guys and he thinks its ok to call me Princess? He just keeps sitting in my seat, not acknowledging my request and SMIRKING at me. My desire to smile at him is gone, now taken over by annoyance. Who does he think he is?
"Apologies your highness, you must not have heard me. Honestly." I roll my eyes to give full effect of my annoyance. "I just want-"
"I mean I'm more than happy to keep calling you 'Princess', Princess, I just thought your name might be more favorable to you." he interrupts me while turning back to his book. And wouldn't you know, he's STILL smirking. I'm starting to lose it.
"You most certainly may not keep calling me Princess, my name is Odette and it's my birthday and all I want for this one day is to read in my spot where no one will bother me and maybe if I'm feeling adventurous I'll steal some hot chocolate up to my room and read THERE until I fall asleep and have to wake up and then once again do everything else for everyone else until I can't take it anymore!!!"
I realized my voice was rising and I had begun gesturing quite frantically but I kept eye contact with him. A small win. His smirk was still there, but this time his mouth was more agape and he looked like he was slightly shocked by my sudden outburst. And maybe impressed? I can't tell. I'm too shocked myself at my outburst that I can barely register anything else. I take deep breaths and try to calm my heart.
He slowly closes his book and stands up. I hide my head in embarrassment until I see his feet come almost in contact with mine as he backs me up into the bookshelf. My eyes shoot up and lock instantly with his which does nothing to calm my heart. I swear his face gets closer and I can feel his breath tickling my face but I'm unable to look away. He pulls in close to my ear and whispers, "My name's Mattheo but by all means, please keep calling me 'your highness'."
He pulls back only slightly to look at me, my face flaming by this point. The corners of his mouth lift up once more and he looks down to where I'm clutching my books in my hands. His hand reaches out and I think maybe he's coming in closer and I instinctively flutter my eyes closed. Instead, I feel one of the three books I'd long forgotten being pulled out of my hands. Mattheo steps slightly away from me, making the space he left suddenly feel cold.
He inspects the cover and looks back up at me before simply saying, "This is one of my favorites." He sets the book down on our table and he starts to walk off. I shake my head once more trying to clear it of whatever just happened.
"Happy birthday, Princess!" he calls over his shoulder.
I begin to call after him, feigning annoyance, to say that is not my name once more but he's already vanished.
I look back to the spot I just won back expecting to feel more victorious, though it suddenly looks much less enticing then it did minutes ago.
I sit down across from the book he laid on the table and attempt to pick through the two that he didn't touch but I tell myself I'm only curious as I pick through the one he claimed was his favorite.
I become fully immersed in the story and fail to notice the jealous eyes that had been peaking out at me from behind the shelves.
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disappearer-exe · 1 year
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(400 x 400): random red icons
[ ❗️ ] like or reblog if you save or use
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editfandom · 4 months
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Brandy Lynn - Deadly Class, Season 1
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argentangelhelps · 2 years
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all icons are free to use with credit to @argentangelhelps !
you may edit to your liking (add borders, psds, textures ect)
do not use for : celebrity/real person rps or paid commissions, everything else is up to user discretion. (don’t make me change this rule)
they are edited (sharpened) in ps, however they are meant to be used under the psd of your choice! if you choose to use them as they are they should work just fine! they are 75x75 and do not come with any borders.
all screencaps used come from https://screencapped.net/ i did not make them, i just cropped them into icons.
FACECLAIM INFO : liam is white
TRIGGER WARNINGS : blood, drinking, smoking, kissing/implied intimacy, injury
the zip file is free to download on my PAYHIP!
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
pausing using icons with my Harry OC, will be looking in to find a new faceclaim. actor's problematic. woo.
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the desire to make edited icons for this blog vs the worry that a) i have an ungodly amount of muses and b) that i'll eventually change my psd and never have icons again
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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Marcus Lopez🚬
Deadly Class
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A Fairy Tale Rabbit Hole
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the movie that it started it all for Disney Animation and it's the most influential fairy tale movie ever. Its tropes and its tone still inspires fairy tale media to this day, either as parodies, or homages.
But what less people know is that Walt Disney was inspired to make this movie because of a peculiar silent movie that he watched when he was a teenager.
That movie was Snow White from 1916. Its writer, Winthrop Ames, adapted it from his own Broadway play. An example of American fairy tale theater.
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This kept me thinking.
The Wizard of Oz is one of the most iconic fantasy films of all time, and it was made in direct response to Snow White. What people don't know is that the scene where Glinda saves the gang from the deadly poppies with a snowstorm came straight from a fairy tale musical from 1902. It came from The Wizard of Oz, a fairy tale musical "extravaganza", with direct input from L. Frank Baum, only two years after the original novel.
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Actually, stage musicals seem to take a slight part in the creation of Oz. The Marvellous Land of Oz, the sequel, seems to be inspired by this stage culture. General Jinjur and her army dresses like chorus girls, Ozma/Tip may be inspired by the crossdressing in children roles, and this was the book's dedication:
"To those excellent good fellows and comedians David C. Montgomery and Frank A. Stone whose clever personations of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow have delighted thousands of children throughout the land, this book is gratefully dedicated by THE AUTHOR"
These were actors of the 1902 stage show.
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Two years later, on 1904 Peter and Wendy premiered. This play is also one of the most famous children stories ever. Walt Disney himself acted as Peter in a local production of it and Tinkerbell quickly became a mascot for the studio.
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This all led me to think more about fairy tale theater specifically.
Since the ending of the 18th century and through the 19th century, a genre of stage show developed through Europe. It was mostly comedic and light-hearted, mainly inspired by fairy tales, and it was geared towards children and families. It involved lavish fantasy spectacles told through operas, ballets, and what we today would call "musical theater".
It had many different names and variations depending on the country.
On England, it evolved through the pantomimes and it became a Christmas tradition.
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In Russian, it was mainly through ballet, called the ballet-féerie, often considered a lower-class, more commercialized entertainment than traditional ballet. Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker are among some of them. Sleeping Beauty would later inspire Disney's telling of the story.
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In France they were called Féerie, and it was a mix of music, dancing, pantomime, acrobatics, and stage effects. It influenced the development of burlesque, musical comedy and film.
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From Wikipedia:
With his 1899 film version of Cinderella, Georges Méliès brought the féerie into the newly developing world of motion pictures. The féerie quickly became one of film's most popular and lavishly mounted genres in the early years of the twentieth century, with such pioneers as Edwin S. Porter, Cecil Hepworth, Ferdinand Zecca, and Albert Capellani contributing fairy-tale adaptations in the féerie style or filming versions of popular stage féeries like Le Pied de mouton, Les Sept Châteaux du diable, and La Biche au bois. The leader in the genre, however, remained Méliès,[37] who designed many of his major films as féeries and whose work as a whole is intensely suffused with the genre's influence.[38]
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Once you realize a huge chunk of fairy tale media has roots in family friendly stage shows from 19th century, a lot of it started making sense.
The focus on romance, the focus on damsels in distress, prevalence of lighter tones, the everlasting connection to music and dance.
They may be the main reason why some fairy tales are more famous than others. Some became source material for a continuous stream of operas, operettas, musical extravaganzas, ballets, plays, and others simply not.
And besides the Victorian Era storybooks that bowdlerized fairy tales for children, I think this whole genre of the theater was responsible to firmly establish fairy tales as a child friendly media, decades before Disney ever released Snow White to cash in that nostalgia.
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If you have something to add or if I just got something wrong, feel free to correct me.
@ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @adarkrainbow @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @natache @tamisdava2 @thealmightyemprex
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lifeofamarauder · 2 years
Dark Prince 2
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Mattheo Riddle x Odette 
Part 2 <3 (it gets more spicy as we go but you first need to SUFFER)
Word count- 1,487 words
Note- I wrote this not from Y/n perspective but let me know if you want me to post that version as well if you prefer it! I tried not to use too many descriptors for Odette, other than her house and family names.
I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the windows next to me. I looked out and saw it was starting to get dark. The library was nearly empty of students, save for a few stragglers and the book I'd started was splayed out in front of me.
To my surprise, on its left stood a hot chocolate. I couldn't help but wonder if That Boy had brought it to me. I decide this is impossible and figure it could always have been one of the castles many house elves. I'd formed a bit of a bond with them when I joined a Gryffindor my year and a few others to protest for their rights, so it's not unlikely for them to have brought it. It certainly feels more likely that they would have brought it rather than the ever mysterious Mattheo whom I’d just met.
I picked up my books and the hot chocolate and started sipping on it as I walked past the many shelves, planning to sneak down to the kitchens and grab some food to bring upstairs so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. I was so focused on not spilling the rich chocolate on my books that I almost didn't notice the Slytherin girl coming straight towards me with a sickly sweet smile.
"Hi! Im Astoria. You're Odette, right? Ravenclaw?"
I looked down at my obviously blue robes and back up to her.
"Right. Pleasure." She held out her hand and her face gave me the impression it was anything but a pleasure for her to be talking to me.
"I heard about your meeting with Mattheo today, I thought it was really nice what he did for you, seeing as it was your birthday and your only plan was to read in the library.” Astoria was looking me up and down by this point, utterly unimpressed. “Alone.”
Again, her facial expressions directly juxtaposed what she was saying, but I was too curious if this meant Mattheo really did bring me the hot chocolate so I took the bait willingly.
"Sorry, what exactly did he do for me?"
"The spot, silly. It clearly meant a lot to you seeing as you were looking like you were about to cry.." She chuckled then, the first actual smile that came to her face. "I just wanted to come wish you a Happy Birthday as well after hearing about everything. It was so sweet of him."
Astoria was nodding so fervently at that last line that I felt myself nodding along.
"I mean he's so... charitable. Yeah, that's one of the things I love most about him." At this she began glaring down at me all pretend niceties gone by this point.
Ah... understood. I began feeling slightly embarrassed by my earlier feelings around him as she was making it clear that he was her boyfriend. Yikes.
"Yeah, ok, I get it. Thanks. If you’ll excuse me,” I nudged past her and went to the Great Hall. So far my whole having-this-day-all-to-myself thing was ruined anyways so I might as well ensure I have a fulfilling dinner.
I head to the Ravenclaw table and find a seat across from Luna, reading her Dads magazine, the Quibbler.
After calling her name a few times, Luna finally looks up, looking utterly perplexed at her friends sudden appearance.
"Geez Luna, you look like you've seen the Bloody Baron. Its only me!" She smiled at me then, a huge bright smile that reached her whole face.
"Odette! Happy birthday!! I wasn't expecting to be able to see you until tomorrow. I have something for you!" She said airily.
Luna pulls out a large glass ball with a gold band around it from her pocket. "It's a Remembral, if you ever forget something, it'll glow red!" She exclaimed while reaching across the large table to hug me. Though it wasn’t the most comfortable hug, the sentiment was so nice I ignored it and laughed, thanking her. I sit back down and just as I'm reaching for some of the feast, I look up feeling someone's eyes on me.
Right behind Luna, I find a broody Mattheo. Under the candle-light I swear his eyes sparkle.
I notice he's surrounded by some of my absolute least favorite Slytherins. While they look like they're are trying to all carry on conversations with him, he hasn't taken his eyes off of me.
I point to the hot chocolate with a questioning look on my face and he smiles, looking back down at his food. I match his grin until Astoria sits directly down next to him and whispers something in his ear. He looks at her and I force myself to look away, reminding myself he’s taken and I have absolutely no interest in him whatsoever.
I finish my meal rather quickly and Luna prattles on about the different articles from this week. I’m thankful as my mind is filled with thoughts of what Astoria could’ve been whispering in Mattheo’s ear.
I work hard not to look at them through the whole meal, even if I do have the sensation that he keeps staring at me.
As I'm about to get up, I am stopped by a shoulder gently forcing me back down to the bench.
"Odette! Happy Birthday special girl."
My brother has a knack for talking exactly like our Great Aunt Amelia on occasion. I notice at his appearance, Luna quietly excuses herself to her dorm.
"Thanks, Silas."
He smiles his million watt smile and pulls a small box wrapped with a giant blue bow out of his pocket.
"This is from me and Mum. She picked it out but I wrapped it. It’s going to dazzle you.
I gingerly take the box from him and begin opening it already dreading whatever my Mums cooked up for this years gift.
I open the box and am in fact quite dazzled. Inside, a large gaudy blue stone sits surrounded by a thick silver chain and diamonds all around the border. It looks entirely too expensive and it’s something I would never pick out myself. Silas motions for me to bend down as he places it around my neck. I find myself leaning forward from its weight. I feign a smile and look up at my brother, thinking what to say to please him.
"Thank you so much! This will be perfect at our Christmas party this year." I gingerly hug him, this one still somehow much less comfortable than the one Luna gave me over the table.
"Oh, boy. You haven't talked to Mom yet have you? She told me she would mention it to you.. Well no stress. Mum planned a trip with some of the Ministry members over Christmas for me to mingle and set up a job for when I graduate this year. You said Luna stayed back last year for Christmas and we thought maybe you could join her and have Christmas at the castle. Honestly you would hate talking with all of those Ministry folk anyways so this felt like the perfect idea for all of us." He said this while nodding at me and smiling his all too diplomatic smile.
This is just like him to somehow try to spin something he and Mum want to do, pretending it’s for my benefit. In this case, I could disagree about how awful that Holiday sounds but forgetting to even tell me until my birthday? I feel a sudden sickness wash over me, overwhelming my senses. I need to get out of here right now.
"Right. Yes, that's no problem. Thank you for the necklace again." I grab my things and rush out of the dining hall not sparing a glance over my shoulder until I'm out of eyesight.
As I turn the corner, I stop and cover my face, trying to take deep breaths. I have never felt so discarded and overlooked and on my birthday of all days. And all I could say was thank you?? I can’t tell if I am more mad them for their disregard of my feelings, or at myself for not being able to say what I really feel.
"Nice necklace, Princess."
I spin around finding Mattheo leaning against the wall behind me.
"It's very...." he looks at it debating his word choice. "Loud." He decides.
"I didn’t pick, my brother just gave it to me." I say, monotone. “I don’t really even like it,” I feel compelled to say so he doesn’t think that this is me.
"Why are you wearing it if you dont like it?"
I hesitate looking up towards the ceiling, then, "You know, I ask myself questions like that all the time."
I slump against the wall and feel him slide up next to me.
"So do I."
I look at him then and we lock eyes once more.
"Odette." He says, his voice slightly hoarse and I swear he looks down at my lips then.
My breath catches at my name and I feel myself instinctively leaning towards him but pull back when I hear laughing down the hall. I remember myself, and more importantly, I remember his girlfriend. I push off the wall and he looks up at me dazed.
"I don't think Astoria would feel very good about how you keep getting so close to me."
His face turns to one of thoughtfulness as I back away still unable to shift gazes away from him.
"I suppose she wouldn't."
That does it. I look away then and thank him for checking on me over my shoulder, dismissing all thoughts from my head over what could've just happened.
I hear him say something under his breath and I turn around, but he's gone. My pocket feels heavier so I dig inside it finding a very delicate gold chain with blue and green stones dotting it. It's stunning, and utterly inappropriate for someone with a girlfriend to give me. But it's perfect, somehow exactly what I would have picked out for myself.
So, I decide my days been so shit and maybe just maybe I want to convince myself it's okay because it's so pretty and so me. I settle with telling myself I will forever avoid him from here on out, but still keep the necklace. I pocket the chain and head upstairs.
I sit in bed playing with the delicate gems in one hand as I pet Jinx with the other and I can't help my mind from wandering back to that confusing boy and his deadly eyes.
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shiftingwithmars · 3 months
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erraticalart · 1 year
Saw Fortress II
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Well, is this what you've been waiting for?
So, as some of you may or may not know, Saw is getting a new movie, Saw X, in two days and I'm so excited for it to come out! I decided to pay tribute to this movie by making a crossover between Saw and, of course, Team Fortress 2. I've been getting interested and invested in the Saw franchise, from its story to the characters and especially the creative but deadly traps. Took me about 22 days to create as I had classes and needed to take breaks every once in a while, but I finally finished it and presented it to my brother as a birthday gift (as well as an official Fallout cookbook).
Now, for the fans of both Saw and TF2, I'll explain the reason why I chose the characters and their designated roles. It's time to play a game.
Character Comparison and Roles
Warning: Spoilers for the Saw franchise
RED Engineer: John Kramer aka Jigsaw - Well it's pretty much obvious why. They're both engineers. They both are talented in creating many different unique contraptions that are beneficial, but deadly and dangerous. Engie also has his morals, although it's way different from John's. Let's not forget that Engie can be somewhat a little sadistic and loves seeing his enemies go down, although John hates sadistic people despite the irony in his traps. Also, are we gonna ignore his Gunslinger taunt kill and his sinister, evil laugh? I'm not sure if Engie should have the Gunslinger with him, but I think it would be pretty cool to have it on him. Maybe in this version when he attempts to commit suicide and fails, but all he's left is a completely maimed hand, he cuts it off entirely and replaces it. It would be a pretty cool backstory as to why he has it and would make a really cool reveal to show to the audience. I wonder what Engie sounds like saying the iconic line "Game Over"?
BLU Medic: Dr. Lawrence Gordon - It's also pretty obvious why. He's a doctor. (Can you guess the reference?) Dr. Gordon is my favorite character in the series, and I love seeing the change and progress in his character from a doctor and trap victim in the first Saw film to John's favorable accomplice and in his words, "My greatest asset" in Saw 3D/Saw: The Final Chapter/ Saw VII (Yeah, I can't believe that movie has multiple names). In a way, it makes sense to have Medic as Dr. Gordon because just like how it was shown at the end of Saw VII that he and John worked great together, Medic and Engie are also seen working together in Expiration Date as lab partners. They both would work great as an amazing sadistic duo. Also, I think it's kind of cute to have Engie give Medic a prosthetic foot after he too cuts it off entirely. Not only would it make sense because Engie knows a thing or two about prosthetics, but it would show that Medic and Engie both have something in common: cut off what's unnecessary to help with your survival. Medic would also try to justify and reason Engie's actions. Also, I love Dr. Gordon's "Game Over" line, it's soooooo good!!! It's my personal favorite (Of course nothing beats John's iconic classic version). I could totally imagine how great Medic would sound saying that line!
BLU Spy: Detective Lieutenant Mark Hoffman - Ok, this is where things start to get a little interesting. Hoffman became John's accomplice after replicating his ideas and making his own traps that John never made himself. In a way, he's becoming Jigsaw. Just like how Spy can become and replicate any class, Hoffman also became more mysterious and secretive to his fellow colleagues and tried to frame Special Agent Peter Strahm as Jigsaw. In the end, when he gets caught, he goes against everyone and executes them, so the secret never comes out. Also, another reason why Spy is Hoffman and please tell me if I'm not the only one here who thought this when watching Saw: Did anyone else get Hoffman and Strahm mixed up because they almost look like the same person and it's always confusing when there's a scene that focuses on one of them but it's actually the other? I decided to have two Spies in the story with the BLU Spy as Hoffman and the RED Spy as Strahm since they look the same minus the color.
Miss Pauling: Amanda Young - You're probably thinking, "Why her? Is it because she just so happens to be female and I just filled her in that role?" Well yes, but actually no. It's because Amanda was very loyal to John, looking up to him, defending him constantly, and was very close to him. Miss Pauling fits that role when it comes to the Administrator, but here she's loyal to Engie. I feel like she likes Engie the most out of any other class, so she would definitely help him out as well as get advice from him. She also can get shit done when being asked to accomplish a task. Sadly, we know what's to come for Amanda. Just like how in the comics Miss Pauling fails to bring the Australium, Amanda fails in John's tasks as he reveals to her that she's part of another game. I do feel like Miss Pauling was stuck playing around in the Administrator's game and it was also implied that every year the Administrator sends people to assassinate her to see if she succeeds as if it's an employee review. So, yeah, Miss Pauling and Amanda both are stuck in pretty tight situations.
RED Pyro: Billy the Puppet - Ah, yes, who could we ever forget? The main icon of the series. Both Pyro and Billy have terrifying appearances that'll leave you quivering on sleepless nights. I used to fear Billy as a kid, but now I see him as endearing and strangely, but freakishly, adorable. Pyro is freaky-looking, but he's such an adorable bundle of flames. I could definitely imagine seeing Pyro riding on Billy's iconic tricycle. That would be so funny, cute, and scary. As for Pyro's voice, since Billy is voiced by John (and Hoffman, I think? Idk), I'm not sure if Engie (or Spy) should voice Pyro since Pyro speaks in muffles. Maybe they should, idk. I also don't know if Pyro should speak in mumbles from time to time or whether he should have the ability to move and just walk around or just remain seated. And, of course, I don't know if Pyro should do his iconic laugh (maybe sometimes, idk). What I do know however is that Pyro should definitely have the iconic Billy laugh.
RED Balloonicorn/The Combustible Cutie Cosmetic (Yeah, I know it's pink, but it's the RED team's version which is why it's pink): Pighead Mask - Oink! Or in this case, Neigh! The mask that John and his accomplices dress up as with the iconic robe (though I'm not sure if this robe should remain red and black or pink and black, maybe the first option should be for Engie since he's the leader while the accomplices get the latter, or not, maybe they should match Engie, idk). At first, I chose Balloonicorn since it's related to Pyro and I know he'll love seeing everyone dress up as one, but then I remembered that there's a cosmetic for Pyro as a mask called "The Combustible Cutie" that resembles Balloonicorn, and boy does that mask look freaking scary!!! It's really fitting for both Saw and TF2 as a whole! It's pretty funny and scary to imagine getting kidnapped by a herd of pink unicorns all because you've been very naughty.
I hope fans of Saw and Team Fortress 2 enjoy this lovely piece of fanart as this has become one of my all-time favorites to create. I was also listening to the Saw soundtrack specifically the Zepp/Main Saw Themes. My favorite being, of course, "Hello Zepp". It fits Engie and John's character theme even though it's Zepp's (although you can argue that it IS John's since it's his perspective since he's saying hello, which I agree). But my actual favorite is "Zepp Overture" because to me it sounds like a holy church. I especially like the way the string instruments sound. Yeah, I know you can argue that Dr. Gordon has a theme at the end of Saw VII called "Dr. Gordon Montage" and "The Final Zepp" but to me, I think this theme fits Medic the best because, y'know, he replicates that sound by playing an actual saw when you taunt which is both funny and adorable. And it really fits his character to be seen as a holier-than-thou and especially a God. This might also fit Spy, but idk. I'm not sure which themes work for Spy and Miss Pauling or even Pyro (if you want Pyro and Engie to share the same theme, then that's fine by me). I might need to go back and listen to all of them depending on the movies that Hoffman and Amanda appear in. Maybe some of you can suggest one. But anyway, please go listen to the Saw soundtrack, especially the Zepp/Main Saw Themes, it's soooooo good!!! I might as well argue that it's one of, if not, THE best horror themes out there!!!
Here's a link to listen to it while you look at the art or whether you are interested in the Saw series and its music:
Welp, like I said before, I hope you fans enjoy it!!! I just can't' wait for Saw X to come out soon on September 29!!! I just hope and pray the movie is good though. Well, let's just wait and see. But until then,
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