#id ask regan but shes asleep
dockaspbrak · 9 months
The night time dread is so severe rn;;;
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survivekohsai · 6 years
Episode 9 - XOXO Gossip Girl ~ Regan
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I think this vote played well for my game. Jackson got votes instead of me, and people think there is a big division because it was a split vote. Hopefully this turns out alright.
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I always vote wrong????? DSKFhDSHFKDSFH im winning immunity every round so its fine... but still!!
Ugh I wanted to win immunity but linus cut em so ;(. This least thing is so scary and I can just tell its gonna be revealed and tea will be spilled. Idk where everyone's heads are at but yikes I'm not a fan. I think I'll play my idol tonight but I also want it in case of idolgeddon
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hi i think rtp is going bye everyone
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heres to hoping i trusted the rite ppl
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I’m so lost in whats going on right now and i’m shook i made jury, hopefully i’ll be the first to go out of me trixie and jackson because I feel like i’m the least invested rn
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So no one told me about the last vote but a bunch of ppl came to ask me...im clearly on the bottom and no one wants to talk to me...ugh
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so last time i voted for rtp and ryan m was voted out.... i talked to a lot of people before the vote and almost everyone said rtp but at 8:42 regan said "vote out ryan m" and i had fallen asleep at that time because im 1000 years old so i didnt see it but since then i havent talked to anyone and never heard from anyone so i feel out of the loop this afternoon trixie came to me and said "hey heads up i think you might be targeted tonight" and then later q came to me and said "I’m just talking to bryce right now about it and we both agreed to vote rtp, but he said there might be a split on rtp and you" but then i went to bryce and he was like less upfront about it but he did say that he heard my name but its probably just paranoia from the auction.... which like i did get a double vote so they should be paranoid.... i was about to go all mob boss on RTP i messaged him saying " i know we haven’t talked and you’re inactive af but you’re active enough that you didn’t self vote last round and didn’t get voted out and you were pretty quick to pick someone for the immunity challenge so i know you exist,,, i think it would be best if we had a chat before this vote" and i had this plan where i would tell him im using my idol and if he doesnt tell me whos throwing my name out there then he would leave tonight....that way i could gain an ally and get rid of someone who was against me...........so i started to talk to him a little and i wasnt THAT aggressive but i said that i didnt want to idol him out if there were people in this game that were against me but i cant get that information and he was like "ok well no one ever talks to me so idk what info I can get" so hes useless to me and id rather him leave and i can keep my idol and my double vote and just campaign and throw him under the bus instead???
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I'm voting Richie to throw suspicion so even if he doesn't use his idol this time he will next time xoxo gossip girl
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Hi I'm Jackson and this is my ninth confessional. It might be a quick one cause tribal is in a few minutes. Soooo, I got my ass handed to me at the survivor auction (Richie ended up walking away with the only thing that was probably idol- or vote-related, which is infuriating because I want him gone) but oh well. Today we're going to be trying to bait him into using an advantage or idol by making him feel unsafe (trixie floated to him that she heard his name, and I just tried to act super evasive and fake), but I honestly don't know what's going to happen. Regardless of whether or not he idols, RTP will be going home (unless someone plays an idol on him? in which case i'm idoling too) Overall this is a messy week and I'm over it! I want that immunity necklace back so I can be snakey and make moves again Tribal last round went well tho, I finally got Ryan M. out which was a huge relief. My heart dropped when I originally saw him on the cast Okay I'm gonna go, bye bye
Voting Confessionals
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(Voting for RTP) i'm voting you mainly because you don't have an idol and also because you don't respond to my messages boo! sorry i couldn't get to know you
Richie played his idol.
RTP voted out 5-1-1-1-0
Quillynn, Jackson, Trixie, Bryce, and Richie voted RTP
Richie negated Regan’s vote
Eric voted Quillynn
Linus self-voted
RTP voted Jackson
Instant Tribal
Richie played his double vote.
Linus voted out 5-4
Quillynn, Jacosn, Trixie, Eric, and Bryce voted LInus
Richie 2x, Regan, and Linus voted Eric
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