#id tag as death but uh uhm. lol.
vhvrs · 4 months
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let me be hypothetical - dont be scared, its only [ theoretical ]
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
the Sims tag!
I was tagged to do this by @pixelatedpanic, thank you for tagging me!
what’s your favorite sims death? I'm gonna go with disease. I like that horribly hilarious coughing and how it spreads to everyone. Fire and hunger are good too, but one is too noisy and destructive and the other one just takes too bloody long :D
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match, though I wouldn't say I'm a purist.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No. Why would I? If anything I wish there was more body diversity in the game (ts2) as even the 'fat' state looks pretty slim to me.
Do you use move objects? Yes, every time lol.
Favorite mod? ACR - I use this tweaked version by @episims and am very happy with it although it torments me to no end as my sims will not behave
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? It was The Sims: House Party. I think I was eight. I returned it because I learned that I needed the base game to run it, and my allowance couldn't get me both. But I was able to exchange it for The Sims: Deluxe Edition which was awesome.
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Live as in give, mostly
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? It's a toss-up between Marama Tuatahi and Maitea Lehenik for me, they had so much character. If I have to choose one I'll go with Maitea because I loved playing her as a hot widow that all the men in town heart-farted over, and her particular style was unique in my little world so far.
Have you made a simself? Yeah, probably a dozen times, in recent memory mostly to test the ts3 and ts4 sim creators. My first sim-self I made as a 13-year old. I made myself as a teenager, my younger sibling as a child and our parents, and I picked romance aspiration for myself, not knowing then what that meant as far as gameplay was concerned. I grew up to marry Darren Dreamer and had an identity crisis when I got a bad memory out of it.
What sims traits do you give yourself? Brooding, Couch potato, Shy, Vegetarian, Frugal
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Uh... Red? Are we talking ts4 colors because I don't mess with that
Favorite EA hair? The store hair that's like a bowl cut
Favorite life stage? Teenagers :D all the drama, none of the boring responsibilities
Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play? In it for the gameplay. I like building but it's always with play in mind :)
Are you a CC creator? No(t yet)
Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad? No, I don't really know what a sims squad is. I have a friend I used to play sims with, but no one I know irl knows my simblr and I like that.
What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)? sims 2 for definite. I've dabbled in ts3 and have a grudging respect for it, 4 not so much, and 2 definitely feels like an upgrade from 1 to me.
Do you have any sims merch? No.
Do you have a youtube for sims? No.
How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? At first, starting at Christmas 2004, I only wanted to play Veronaville because it was pretty. I later played some in Pleasantview to make my sim self and realize I'm not really a romance sim. Then I would build random half-decent custom worlds for years, gradually discovering cc and sims blogs, and through the latter get inspired to play the premades exclusively for yet more years, experimenting with megahoods and uberhoods. And now I'm all about the test of time challenge, and we'll see how long I'll be able to stick with it.
What’s your origin ID? uhm, it's either Jo137P or abosmalbysom, I haven't used origin in ages
Who’s your favorite cc creator? @sunmoon-starfactory, all their sets are what's keeping this very restrictive challenge stage the most fun rn
How long have you had a simblr? I started this one in June last year, so a little over a year, but then it took me about six months to actually start posting so lets call it even and say 9 months :P
How do you edit your pictures? Just cropping mostly. I'm dabbling in light exposure because some of my screenshots get hella dark
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? You know, I just wish they'd kept making expansions for The Sims Medieval. Like you could have a variety pack where you could choose a different map layout, different styles for the different buildings (yes EA, with different facades and floorplans too!) maybe an expansion that let you actually go to The Village and like Tredony and stuff on diplomatic or trade missions and actually see different people and different worlds
Phew! This was a reminiscence. I'm gonna tag @clouseplayssims, @squeezleprime and @cobycobsy2k. Sorry if y'all got tagged or did it already! Have a good one!
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hello-good-evening · 7 years
Get To know Me tag
tagged by @why-jaehyun thanks for tagging ^^
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname: uhm…Ky or Ness…but most of the time people call me by my real name…which is Vanessa btw lol
Gender: I’m a proud female
Star Sign: Libra and my Chinese star sign is ox
Height: I’m 163 cm I think…(that’s around 5′3 or 5′4), but to be honest I haven’t meassured myself in a loooong time…163 cm is what my ID says haha
Time right now: 11.02AM
Last thing googled: Siemens Einheit (engl. Siemens unit) for some calculations:D
Favorite bands: NCT, Seventeen, EXO, Red Velvet, Fall Out Boy, VIXX, SHINee, 30 Seconds To Mars, NU’EST, BTS…but these days I’ve only been listening to NCT (the Limitless album, I am still not over it T__T)
Favorite solo artists: Dean, Hyolyn, Lee Hi…wow I pretty much only listen to K-Pop……………
Song stuck in your head: NCT Dream - My First And Last :)
Last movie watched: Kong - Skull Island
Last TV show watched: Anime counts too right? I’ve been watching Death Parade
When did you create your blog: wtf July 2013, but I didn’t really use it much till 2014, but holy moly it’s been almost 4 years????????
What kind of stuff do you post: I try to post a variety of stuff I like, but most of the time it ends up being pictures of Jaehyun (SORRYNOTSORRY), other than K-Pop I also like to post art and fashion and just things that make me happy:3
When did your blog reach its peak: Never haha My blog just floats around in this tumblr world
Do you have any other blogs: @ky-loves-to-eat but I’ve been kinda inactive there ._.
Do you get asks regularly: not really, but my ask box is always open:3
Why you chose your url: It’s so stupid, but Lee is my surname, Y = Why, uh = You, Ca = Care} Why you care? I once thought of this and I just stuck with it. I’ve been thinking of changing my url, but I can’t come up with anything witty :/
Following: 941 I thought it’d be more :D
Posts: 7,534 posts
Hogwarts house: I’m not into Harry Potter, sorry
Pokemon team: I’m not into Pokemon either…Team Rocket, because that’s the only team I know haha
Favorite colors: blue and white
Average hours of sleep: 9h when I have to go to uni, 10h when I’m free
Lucky Numbers: e = 2,71828 18284 59045 23536 02874 71352 66249 77572 47093 69995 … (I’m a nerd haha), I don’t really have a lucky number tho…when I was in elementary school it was 3
Favorite characters: Nagai Kei (Ajin), Levi Ackerman (Shingeki no Kyojin), Migi (Parasyte)…(characters from my other favorite Animes:3)
What are you wearing right now: blue velvet kinda lounge pants, a magenta T-shirt my friend @nhatsky got me a long time ago, and a green sweater…I look ugly rn, but it’s comfy and keeps me warm:D
How many blankets do you sleep with: one thick blanket, no matter if it’s summer or winter:D
Dream job: A fashion designer or some really cool chemist B-)
Dream trip: I want to see everything! But my top countries to visit are Japan, South Korea and Iceland, but I really just wanna go anywhere…I also wanna see Australia, I wanna go to Prague, Paris, New York, San Fransisco, Beijing………….
I tag @ihavethedeanfluenza, @fyi-hunhan-is-real, @revolutionary909, @sambashua, @astraught that’s it xD
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