#id write it but why should i when i can exploit other peoples creativity? but no i thot this would be silly lol
impitoyable · 1 year
i think it would be really funny if someone wrote an au where instead of the sillies being switched with one another theyre just. total opposites of who they are
like make ocean a stoner!! let her be besties with noel!! speaking of noel he now works at PIZZA HUT, LOVES his job, and fantasizes about being a french CHEF from the early 80s!! mischa? total sweetheart but definitely has a hit list nobody knows about. constance? total stuck up. doesnt like anybody and doesnt agree with anything but is somehow friends with everyone. and ricky? giant logical thinker, doesnt got time for people like ocean and noel, wants to work for nasa when he gets older!!
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Episode 24 Review: Top 5 Reasons Why the Holly Portrait Subplot Doesn’t Work
Welcome back to Maljardin, where the melodramatic master Jean Paul Desmond is God and the Devil is a snarky talking portrait.
Speaking of portraits, today we will be looking at the subplot about Tim’s portrait of “Erica” (or, rather, of Holly) and the main things that are wrong with it. This subplot is, in my opinion, the worst in the Maljardin arc and I’ve been holding off on writing a detailed explanation of why I feel that way until my review of this episode, which mostly centers around the damned Holly portrait.
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The portrait, circa Episode 18. There aren’t any good shots of it from Episode 24, so I had to settle for this one.
To recap: After the death of Erica Desmond, her husband Jean Paul hired Tim Stanton, a young artist in debt to the mob, to paint a portrait of her. Erica being both dead and encased in a cryonics capsule which both Jean Paul and THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES refuse to open, Tim must instead use young heiress Holly Marshall as his model until Erica comes back to life as Jacques promised that she would.
Sound like a reasonable plan? No? I didn’t think so, either, and now I shall explain why. Here are the top five reasons why I think this subplot is stupid:
#5: Holly neither looks like Erica, nor knows what Erica looked like.
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This screencap is actually from Episode 13, but I’m including it because it’s relevant.
I sometimes wonder if this criticism is unfair, because the only viewers up to this point in the show’s broadcast history who would have seen Erica were the viewers of Episodes 1, 2 (where Tim shows Alison his sketch of her), and 4. In the first scene of Episode 4, the Cryonics Society froze her corpse in the cryonics capsule, meaning that anyone who started watching after that scene would not have seen her face before Tim got his assignment from Jean Paul. Even so, neither Erica resembled Holly, which makes it absurd for her to sit for it. Why not have Alison pose instead when she’s not working? After all, they are sisters and they share a strong family resemblance according to the original pilot script. Holly barely resembles either Erica beyond being pretty.
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Tim’s sketch of Erica from Episode 2, with a screencap of Alison from Episode 17 for comparison. With its upturned nose and full lips, the sketch is clearly intended to resemble Dawn Greenhalgh (Alison) and not Sylvia Feigel (Holly).
Because Holly hardly looks a thing like her, Tim complains in Episode 13 that he “can’t use her for anything but position and play of light.” In spite of this, later episodes including Episode 24 show that he has painted a sort of semi-abstraction of Holly’s face, with features about halfway between those of Holly and those of Erica. This means that he’s only making more work for himself for when Jacques brings Erica back to life--if he brings her back to life--because he will need to paint over the semi-abstraction with Erica’s face. In short, he’s wasting his time.
Besides, it’s unclear why Holly doesn’t know what Erica looked like if Erica was a very famous actress and she and her husband were stalked by the paparazzi until they escaped to Maljardin (as previous episodes have indicated). Surely she would have seen a photo of Erica in the newspaper at some point, or her face on the poster for one of her plays, or something. I realize that’s not the same as seeing someone in real life, but it’s just odd that she doesn’t know.
  #4: Tim doesn’t have even a photo of Erica with him and so has to rely mostly on memory.
He even says so in Episode 13: “I have to depend on my memory of your wife and that sketch I made of her at the café,” he tells Jean Paul (or, rather, Jacques while he is possessing him). As we saw in that episode, opening the cryonics capsule and posing Erica’s thawed-out corpse for Tim is too devilish even for Jacques, so the starving artist is left with a dilemma. Jean Paul, being a fancy rich guy of noble descent, naturally assumes that any criticisms of his assignment is just a case of beggars trying to be choosers and ignores them; in his mind, he did him a favor by paying his debts and taking him to his island, so Tim should obey his every whim without question. But the truth is that Jean Paul has no understanding of how artists work, nor why Tim needs the real Erica to complete the painting, and he may not even understand the creative process behind painting a portrait.
This could make for interesting social commentary if the writers had had Tim take a good hard look at the situation and realize that Jean Paul is not just imprisoning him on the island but flat-out exploiting him. They could have made his subplot about class conflict, the establishment’s lack of empathy towards creative types, or both. However, they choose not to use the subplot for such commentary, instead going in a much more conventional direction.
#3: The Holly portrait is mostly used to drive a clichéd romantic subplot.
Two people meet and hate each other at first sight--or at least pretend to--although they are clearly attracted to each other. They argue, bicker, treat each other indifferently at best and abuse each other at worst, until one day they realize that they have fallen in love. When was the first time you read or saw this story? Do you even remember the first time? Most likely you don’t, because the exact same plot has been used and reused so many times since Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing premiered that Western media is saturated with it. It’s not a bad plot in and of itself, but it’s been overused so much that you can usually see it coming from a mile away. When Tim and Holly first bickered over her being too young to order booze, I predicted that they were setting up a romance between them. There are many signs: Tim confesses to Vangie that he feels sorry for Holly, Elizabeth suspects that he’s hitting on her, and, while she claims to dislike them both, Holly seems slightly less irritated by Tim than by her former captor, Matt Dawson. Ian Martin was clearly setting up a romance between the heiress and the artist, who are gradually bickering less and less: a telling sign that they are getting closer to falling in love.
As creepy as it is and as much as I don’t want them to get together, I actually find the Matt/Holly subplot more interesting to watch than Tim/Holly. Danny Horn of Dark Shadows Every Day may have written about how “groovy priest attracted to the beautiful young girl that he wants to take care of” is an old soap cliché, but I’ve seen it done far less often, which I suspect has something to do with all the church scandals in the past twenty years. The Belligerent Sexual Tension plot, on the other hand, is still very popular, so it feels less fresh to me than Matt and Holly’s subplot. (That doesn’t mean that I don’t still think he should leave her alone. Personally, I ship Reverend Dawson with his right hand and I think they ought to stay together.)
#2: The use of the Holly portrait on the show doesn’t connect to the show’s use of portraits for symbolism.
This one is really nitpicky and based mostly on my personal interpretation, but bear with me. Although far more complex than the Dark Shadows ripoff that many critics reduce it to, Strange Paradise nevertheless relied on many of the same tropes and themes, including the way its writers used portraits. On Dark Shadows, the writers often used a trope that Cousin Barnabas of the Collinsport Historical Society blog calls the “Portrait as Id,” meaning the use of paintings to symbolize and illustrate the truth about whatever character they represented. We see this in Strange Paradise as well with the portrait of Jacques, who tells Jean Paul that he is “the man you are, the man you might have been,” implying that the ostensibly good Jean Paul is not so different from his evil ancestor. Later on after Robert Costello becomes producer and the show becomes more like Dark Shadows, we’ll meet another character whose portrait does not turn out as intended because of the evil in said character’s heart, which also connects to this idea of portraits reflecting hidden reality. Although the conjure doll also resembles and represents Jacques, he does not generally use it to communicate with Jean Paul the way he does with the portrait. This makes sense, given that the doll and silver pin ended his life, while the portrait was painted at some point while he was alive.
In contrast to the portraits mentioned above, Holly’s portrait does not convey any additional information about either her or Erica. Because it represents the late Mrs. Desmond in name only, the Holly portrait says nothing about Erica’s id, her personality, or the state of her soul. It doesn’t even say very much about Holly. Instead, it’s mostly just used as an excuse to force Holly and Tim to interact with each other and bicker until they can finally admit that they’re in love.
#1: It goes (almost) nowhere.
And when it does finally go somewhere, it’s only relevant for a few episodes before it’s forgotten about. Holly’s participation in the portrait sittings soon becomes completely irrelevant, much like so many of the show’s early subplots which Late Maljardin’s headwriter Cornelius Crane chose to ignore. I suspect that the Holly portrait would have eventually became more significant in the main plot had Martin not been fired around Week 9. We may never know how it would have become so, nor how significant it would have become in his original outline. Who knows? Perhaps Martin would have crafted a shocking plot twist involving Holly that justified its existence. Perhaps he would have connected the portrait and its eventual fate somehow to the nightmare she had about Tarasca, having it reveal some terrifying truth about Maljardin’s past. At the very least, he might have used it to cement the romance between Tim and Holly. But instead the subplot ends with little payoff.
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Tim on his subplot.
Still, despite the focus on the Holly portrait, this episode isn’t entirely a waste. Raxl saves it with her pleas to the Serpent and her attempt to contact the Conjure Woman, in all her scenery-chewing, melodramatic glory. There’s also a scene where Holly pressures her to read the two Tarot cards--the King of Swords (whom Matt identifies as Jean Paul) and the Queen of Cups (whom he interprets as Holly)--that she dropped on the floor earlier in the scene “just for kicks,” and she refuses, shouting “No!” repeatedly. If you love Raxl like I do, you’ll enjoy her scenes. They’re not Best of Raxl material, but they’re fun.
So long until my next review, which will cover Episode 25, followed by Week 5′s long overdue Bad Subtitle Special. I know that this is a change of pace from my usual recap-style reviews, but I really wanted to go into more detail about why I don’t like Tim’s subplot. I hope you enjoyed this post and I’ll see you again soon.
Coming up next: Elizabeth continues her attempted seduction of Jean Paul as we explore inter-generational conflict on Maljardin.
{ <- Previous: Episode 23   ||   Next: Episode 25 -> }
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5 Professional Tips When Using B2B Influencers to Increase Sales & Bookings
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When it comes to influencer marketing, most people think that this strategy applies solely to B2C brands. However, influencer marketing is far more important for B2B than it is for B2C brands.
After all, the average purchase size in B2B typically dwarfs that in B2C, and the impact of referrals and word of mouth is more critical to the B2B communities success.
B2B influencers are just as effective if not more than B2C influencers. The type of content they provide is professionally creditable as their audience is made up of working professionals who follow suit to the tools and techniques they promote as thought leaders in their industry.
Maybe you have a campaign you want to promote or a product you'd like to introduce to the market. Why not use a B2B influencer to give your marketing a jumpstart. Today, I'll show you five professional tips when using B2B influencers to increase sales and bookings.
1. Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
If your company has an affiliate program, then invite B2B influencers to join and promote it. When you have influencers in your affiliate program, they can do the heavy lifting for you.
We know that there are tons of affiliate programs out there. However, so many people are apprehensive about joining affiliate programs because they might not earn them enough, have too many stipulations to earn, or might not be legal or creditable.
B2B influencers come with years of credibility, which instantly helps you to convince your target audience that your affiliate program is credible, profitable, and accountable.
For example, Youtube influencers like Aurelius Tjin are apart of Canva's Affiliate program. Having certified creatives in the B2B industry, teaching them how to effectively use Canva to grow their business and share their affiliate group's benefits expands Canva's affiliate program's reach.
2. Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
This tip comes as a no brainer but giving influencers exclusive access to your newly launched product boosts sales and product awareness.
Around 63% of survey respondents said they trust influencers more than what a brand says about itself. Using a B2B influencer helps your target audience trust the features and uses of your new product far more than you can advertise or say yourself.
Around 82% of U.S. consumers believe that influencers should disclose their history of personal use of a product or service.
If you have a new product coming out, use influencers to put out teasers as they get VIP access to your tool. Or you can use influencers to share the social media post of your product launch to help encourage others to do the same.
?Since it's Friday, I want to tell you a story that has nothing to do with COVID or lockdowns or any of that. A story of human ingenuity that boggles the mind. It begins with this, @apple's latest product launch this week https://t.co/fBDE7MaWuy pic.twitter.com/0d717HXCU4
— Ed Conway (@EdConwaySky) September 18, 2020
3. Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
73% of B2B marketers say a webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads.
Add that to the promising ROI that influencer marketing delivers, you're sure to see a surge of sign-ups and attendees. For example, take a look at VaynerMedia partnering with B2B influencer Brad Anderson for promoting the #MarketingForTheNow summit.
4. Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
A social media takeover is when brand partners with an individual to take over their social media for a specific time or day. They'll share live updates via video or images. Instagram and Twitter takeovers are the most popular amongst brands, but mainly Instagram.
Social B found that B2B companies also realize the value of collaborating with influential experts on Instagram.
When it comes to B2B influencer marketing stats, it's probably not a surprise that 93% of overall influencer marketing is happening on Instagram. Hootsuite does an IGTv takeover series called "Ask the Expert" where they invite influencers to answer questions that Hootsuite followers have about
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5. Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
Don't just limit your interactions with an influencer to selling a product. They can offer far more insight than your use to seeing from the safety of your work desk.
Your influencer can take a look at what's missing from your content marketing resources and connect you with other influencers or train staff if you need help executing the plan at hand.
They can even provide you with the content you might not have known your audience may have always needed. Inc regularly partners with influencers for content ideas and execution to help keep their marketing up to date, educational and entertaining.
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P.S: You don't have to put your B2B influencer front and center; sometimes, you can partner with B2B influencers to create new and exciting content your target audience will love.
5 Quick Tips When Working with a B2B Influencer
Now that we have an idea of what type of content your B2B influencer can provide to add credibility and attention to your product, here are some helpful tips you should consider before selecting your influencer
1. Start with B2B Influencer Outreach
B2B Influencer Strategyrelies on good networking and partnerships. Finding the right influencer can be hard. Media Mix found that 61% of marketers agree that it's challenging to find the right influencers for a campaign.
So ensure that the influencer you're researching has the following:
Shares your brand values and mission
Connects well with your current target audience
Has a history of a strong influence on their followers
Has a professional demeanor and work ethic
Once you found the influencer that fits the bill, it's time to do outreach. Since you're dealing with someone who works in the B2B industry, they won't expect to see a brand message them in their busy dm like a fan.
Instead, find their website or official email so you can email your offer to show your influencer that you mean business. Here's a detailed guide on How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
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2. Set Clear Goals and Objections
If you don't set clear expectations when you're communicating with your B2B influencer, you leave room for miscommunication, mistakes, and unwanted outcomes. To clearly state what your objectives and goals for this partnership are and project.
Try to be as concise as impossible. Merely saying that you want to increase sales is a bit too vague. Instead, add a number or percentage you want to see, whether in followers, views, sales, or an open email rate.
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3. What Type of Content Will Be Created or Promoted
Don't take it for granted that your B2B influencer will know what type of content you'd like them to produce. So create content guidelines ahead of time to help your influencer do their best work.
For example, if you need a video from your B2B influencer, let them know what exactly should (not) be in your video, including branding and which products to promote. You want your partnership to be as seamless as possible without any hiccups.
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4. Create a Verbal or Legal Contract
Over the years, both influencers and brands need to take legal measures to protect themselves from both parties if fraud and unmet obligations become present.
It's important that you protect your data and intellectual rights before moving any further with your influencer partnership. Simply sending an email might not be enough to cover you from legal repercussions that can come by using the wrong influencer or if your influencer decides not to follow through on your project.
Based on your project or requirements, you can decide what kind of contract(s) you should present to your influencer before beginning work. One of the most common contracts is an NDA contract.
The NDAs creates a safe space for allowing the exchange of that information by preventing the recipient of that information from exploiting it to the detriment of the disclosing party by placing restrictions on how that information may or may not be used.
NDAs are also used in the partnership agreement pre-outreach phase to prevent the influencer from releasing any potential unauthorized leaks to the public (and possibly competitors).
Feel free to check out Convince and Convert's guide on the 9 Best Practices for Influencer Marketing Agreements.
5. Nurture Your B2B Influencer Partnership
After the project has been completed, you must thank and follow up with your B2B influencer. Influencers are bombarded with brands every day. Once you've gotten as far as completing a project or sale with them, it's essential that you keep the relationship going for the future.
A good practice is to create a project that your influencer can be invited to every quarter. If you wait to reach out to your influencer over a long or extended time, they might be incited to work with another brand or competitor.
Keep in mind that as you work with influencers, it's the quality of the content or results matter far more than the influencer's followers on their profile. Over time as you start working with more and more B2B influencers, you'll be able to get better results as you cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship for you both.
Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
For more help on mastering influencer marketing, check out our top guides below:
9 Surprising Ways You Can Use YouTube for Influencer Marketing
5 Instagram Influencer Marketing Trends You Need To Track
How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
15 Awesome Examples of Instagram Posts that Drive Sales
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Human Trafficking: Recognizing the Signs @Maria Henriquez
A great article from SECURITY Magazine about human trafficking and the role enterprise security can play in interrupting and preventing it:   “Those who work in security are overseeing their employer’s properties or watching over many aspects of the business, so they are very likely to see something or to be called in to respond to a situation. Each year, millions of men, women and children are trafficked worldwide. Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry and enslaves about 25 million people every year, according to nonprofit organization Polaris. Despite that fact, there are many myths and misconceptions around human trafficking. One major misconception is that the crime doesn’t happen in the United States and that it doesn’t pose a risk to U.S. businesses. A 2018 Polaris study found that more than 81 percent of human trafficking cases in the U.S. involved a victim at a hotel. In addition, a study by the International Organization for Migration found that 80 percent of victims who were trafficked internationally crossed through an official border point, meaning the crime is happening at airports and seaports. A 2014 Urban Institute report found that 71 percent of labor trafficking victims arrived in the U.S. via an airport before they were trafficked. Mar Brettmann, CEO of the non-profit organization Businesses Ending Slavery & Trafficking (BEST), is an expert on the issue of human trafficking. Her non-profit developed Inhospitable to Human Trafficking, a curriculum that is being used in hundreds of hotels across the U.S. Just last year, BEST also developed Ports to Freedom and Flights to Freedom, two anti-trafficking trainings for employees working in the maritime and airline industries. “We have been connecting with the aviation industry, maritime industry and the hospitality industry about the role that they can play and that their security needs to play in order to prevent this activity from happening in the U.S.,” Brettmann says. BEST recently partnered with the Port of Seattle, the Asian American Hotel Ownership Association (one of the largest hotel owners association in the world) and many hotels across Washington, California, North Carolina, New York, Texas, Oklahoma and five other U.S. states. The partnership works to combat human trafficking by providing online education and awareness training to empower the industries and their employees to be the difference in mitigating the crime. Brettmann stresses the fact that the crime has no international boundaries, and can affect any individual of any age, race, gender or nationality, “because the definition of trafficking is the use of force, fraud or coercion to compel a person into prostitution or another form of work. In addition, anytime a minor, under the age of 18, is involved in a commercial sex act, that is considered trafficking under federal law.” In Brettmann’s experience, most victims often travel by air with their traffickers while they are being exploited. “When I talk with trafficking survivors, most say that their trafficker flew them Las Vegas, to California and to many other places,” she adds. “That's why it's really important for people who work in security at airports, in the maritime industry, in hotels, or in shopping malls, to know what this crime looks like, and that they know how to interrupt it or prevent it,” Brettmann says.
Warning Signs
What does human trafficking look like? Brettmann says there are four major indicators. Control. Anytime someone is exerting a high level of control over a potential victim, whether that be threatening them, isolating them, holding their travel documentation or their ID, speaking for them, tricking them, lying to them, surveilling them, or making them live in housing that's controlled by the person exerting control. Distress or injury. Is the potential victim having a high level of distress or fear? Are they injured or look like they have been recently injured? The signs are often similar to those of domestic violence, and can include injuries. The potential victim may not be allowed to make eye contact or communicate with others, or be comfortable with their companions. They can also be malnourished. Confusion. A potential victim may be confused since they have been tricked about where they are. They may not know where they are going; who their travel companions are; the name of their travel companions; or who they will be with when they go somewhere. The victim may also be confused because they did not receive the pay they were promised. Sex buying. A big misconception about trafficking is thinking that sex buying is not correlated with sex trafficking, or that buyers have a choice over whether they buy a trafficking victim or not, claims Brettman. “The reality is that sex buying drives demand for sex trafficking victims, and that sex buyers can be prosecuted as sex traffickers if they are buying sex either from a minor or from a person who is being trafficked,” Brettmann adds. Sex buying indicators could look like anybody who is trying to arrange to buy sex with a person and talking or joking about sex buying, accessing websites to buy sex, or soliciting people for sex.
Security’s Role
Enterprise security has a vital role in interrupting and preventing human trafficking. “I cannot overstate that enough,” says Brettman. “Those who work in security are overseeing their employer’s properties or watching over many aspects of the business, so they are very likely to see something or to be called in to respond to a situation.” Security staff must be able to ask the right questions to properly assess the situation. Is this a human trafficking situation, or it is domestic violence? Here, training security staff on human trafficking is key, Brettman says. Training is available in the form of PowerPoint slides, she notes, but a PowerPoint may not be as effective as other types, such as video-based training. BEST has developed video-based training for airport employees and another for maritime facility employees. The training ensures that those who work at hotels or port facilities have the knowledge and resources to recognize and respond to instances of human trafficking. BEST’s training includes testimonials from human trafficking survivors and from those who are working in the field, which helps security professionals understand how trauma can impact a victim and their behavior. According to Brettmann, a potential victim may exhibit a flight-or-fight response that results from prior trauma. “If confronted, the potential victim could fight and resist, try to run away, or could just shut down entirely and not speak. Or maybe they feel so afraid that they cannot respond to basic questions.” This trauma-response may not subside until a person feels safe and calm.” Enterprise security should approach a potential victim gently, and it is better if they are dressed in plain clothes versus a uniform. Before investigating, security should ensure that basic needs are being met, such as ensuring food and the ability to use a restroom.  “Once the victim is in a safe place, security can approach and investigate. Ask: are they okay? What do you need? Do you need help? Is there anything that I can do to assist you?” Brettmann suggests. The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a great resource, as well, notes Brettmann. “If security is looking for resources, the hotline can help anyone who calls to navigate how to appropriately respond. The hotline has translation services available, too.”
Organization-Wide Policy
Another important factor to mitigate human trafficking is to implement an enterprise-wide policy. “Make it very clear that the company does not stand for human trafficking, and that includes sex buying,” Brettmann says. “We’re seeing that buyers are driving the demand for sex trafficking victims. If there were no buyers, there would be no business. A lot of buyers are coming from reputable businesses that tend to be from industries that are more male dominated,” she says. In addition, Brettmann notes, “Another important reason to put a policy in place is because the federal government has rules in place that require companies to take action on this issue, and to report to the government if they have people who are engaged in sex buying.” The post Human Trafficking: Recognizing the Signs appeared first on TRUCKERS AGAINST TRAFFICKING. Maria Henriquez is Security Magazine’s Associate Editor. She works with Security’s editor and staff to produce Newswire articles, Web Exclusive features, eNewsletter articles and more. She obtained her bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in English and Creative Writing.
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onireview · 7 years
Affiliate Master Review – How to Get Incredibly High Traffic and Conversion Rates
Affiliate Master Review - Step-by-Step Training to Become the Affiliate Monster
  Affiliate marketing is all about getting as much traffic, sales, and leads as possile. Everyone know that, but only a few marketers actually reach their desired incomes. The reason is that the market is too competitive, and there is a lot of wrong information that many people mistakenly apply to their businesses.
To overcome the competition and achieve success, beginners need a good guidance. However, it is not easy to choose a suitable course that is affordable and provides useful knowledge. A lot of courses being available, but many of them only give out obsolete, useless theories and lessons.
Fortunately, there is a course named Affiliate Master that I have recently found out. Not only the materials are very understandable, but also the knowledge is up-to-date and practical. You can replicate the business models of the course and build passive incomes channels for yourself effortlessly. Now, let learn more details in my Affiliate Master Review!
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Affiliate Master Review – Overview
Vendor: Eduardo Mauri
Product: Affiliate Master
Sales Page: Click Here
Launch Date: 2017-Sep-14
Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Bonus: YES
Refund: 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
What is Affiliate Master?
Affiliate Master is a brand new affiliate course for marketers who are struggling to earn enough traffic, and leads. It will also teach you the methods to get a high conversion rate, which is crucial if you want to earn desirable amounts of money.
The course is designed so that everyone can understand and apply what they learn from it with ease, even newbie marketers who have no skills or experience can do that without troubles. The step-by-step instruction materials also ensure that learners can easily replicate the presented affiliate models and strategies.
The most important feature of the course is that it gives you the method to write professional sales emails so that your customers cannot reject your offers. It will also help you to automate the whole earning process, so you can have a comfortable, relaxing life.
About the Authors
Affiliate Master is a course created from the combination of an experienced veteran and the creativeness of a young marketer. Mauro Eduardo is a new marketer in terms of teaching, but he has several successful sales strategies. He is backed by Radu Hahaianu, a marketer having multiple launch products such as Niche Supremacy, Webinar Master, etc. Therefore, you can be assured about the quality of what you will get from the learning program.
What are the Features of Affiliate Master?
Writing Professional Sales Emails
It requires carefully drafting and design processes to create sales emails with high conversion rates. If the contents of your emails are not convincing and reliable, your customers will surely refuse to buy your products. Affiliate Master teaches you a comprehensible step-by-step instruction so that you can make professional and highly converting emails without any problems.
Traffic and Leads Booster
The course will teach you how to increase your traffic with free strategies. These marketing processes require no investment but they are capable of skyrocketing your traffic within days. You will also learn how to persuade your visitors to give you leads with high success rates.
Method to Build Your Lists Continuosly
Building lists is not an easy task, however, you need to get it done because you won’t know where to sell your products if you do not own long lists. The course contains several different methods for you to sustainably build your lists. You can exploit free methods if you don’t want to invest much money, or you can choose reliable paid services introduced in the materials to raise your lists.
Step-by-step Instruction to Replicate Real Case Studies
The contents of Affiliate Master are not just plain theories; they comes from successful affiliate marketing campaigns. The training is comprehensive and not demanding in terms of effort, so you will learn in details how to replicate these models and strategies for yourself in a short time.
Doing the Business without a Real Product
Some people think that they must sell some real products to earn massive profits. Indeed, having a product for yourself is nice, but it requires a lot of investments which sometimes are not affordable. Affiliate Master will show you the way to earn similar amounts of benefits by promoting other people’s goods.
How to Choose best Products to Promote
One of the hardest parts of affiliate marketing is to choose suitable products to promote. If you make the wrong decisions, your effort, time, and money will be wasted. Affiliate Master tells you how to choose right products. Moreover, you will access to successful campaigns of six-figure marketers and see how they do business. Then, you can apply their strategies when making a decision.
How to Make Irresistiable Offers
To get a high conversion rate, you need to make attractive offers. The course will give you tips and tricks about how to add bonuses, how to write swipes, etc. so that your customers will surely buy from you.
Why Should You Buy It?
You are not Getting Enough Traffic and Sales
It is not rare for a marketer to invest huge amounts of time, money, and effort, only to get nothing in return. The market is simply too competitive and there are too many products being sold. If you are getting troubles because of that reason, Affiliate Master should be considered seriously since it helps to boost your traffic, sales, and to write professional offering emails.
It is Practical
Affiliate Master is based on strategies and knowledge that have been proven in real life conditions. You won’t get boring, baseless theories on which other courses usually focus. Instead, you will know the way that helped the creators of the course got profitable marketing campaigns, and how to replicate their success.
You are a Beginner and Need Guidance
Affiliate Master is also a good choice for newbies since it is comprehensible and requires no beforehand training or skills. Just follow the step-by-step contents of the course and you will have no trouble imploy the knowledge for yourself. Moreover, the course is affordable, so it is ideal for beginners who do not want to take risks by overspending.
Comparison with Other Products from My Experience
It is not easy to increase the traffic and conversion rates, but I have been able to achieve my goals by replicating the process presented in Affiliate Master. The strategies from the course have been useful to my business. On top of that, I can automate the earning process and write professional, convincing sales emails effortlessly . Regarding the instruction to make sales emails, this is the most effective course I have ever met.
Considering the benefits Affiliate Master has given to me, I think the cost of only $17 is nothing more than a steal. It helped me to raise my traffic, to make irresistiable offers, to write high-converting emails, and much more. There is no reason for you not to get the same benefits from this product.
Why are you hesitating? I have shown you the proofs, now it’s your turn to make a decision. I bet you have known what is the best choice for your business. Don’t forget that there are 30 days of money back guarantee, so there are even less reasons for you not to try it.
This is the end of my Affiliate Master Review! Hope you find it somewhat helpful. Bye!
See more at : Affiliate Master Review – How to Get Incredibly High Traffic and Conversion Rates
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topicprinter · 7 years
Proof >> http://ift.tt/2iifAFg of app & admin panel >> http://ift.tt/2jhCL6O incase you want to double check:Darrell Hoberer, MCSE, MCSA IT Director, Cooke County, Texas 101 South Dixon Gainesville, Texas 76240 Email: [email protected] Phone: 940.668.5591Honorable Jason Brinkley Cooke County Courthouse 101 South Dixon, Suite 132 Gainesville, TX 76240 Email: [email protected] Phone: 940-668-5435Just a bit of backstory on me...Apps were my thing since the iPhone came out. I've probably dropped over $100K+ building apps over the course of 6-7 years. However, I have pretty much never broke even on most of my projects.Why?... Because I was too busy drinking the fucking Kool-aid for a long fucking time.Ever heard people say:You need to re-skin gaming apps to make moneyYou need to build a local,social,photo-sharing,"insert-buzz-word-here" appYou need to make a free app & focus on making it go "viral"You need to worry about "ASO"..who the fuck cares about ASO!..just kidding, you should ;)A while back there was an AMA from Mr Allen Wong /u/regoapps... He got into the game early, cornered a rabid niche, and made millions.Did he bust his ass? yeahDid timing/luck have a lot to do with it? Uhh hell yeahBtw, I'm still waiting to hear your "real" marketing tactics Mr. Wong.. don't give me that "ASO, beautiful app icon, keywords & description" bullshit lol....I read your book haha ;-)If you think you can simply replicate what the Mr. RegoApps, Evan from Snapchat, Jan from Whatsapp or Travis from Uber did, you probably have a better luck catchin' Trump making out with Rosie!A lot of it has to do with timing, luck, & relationships. If you don't have those, then you're out of luck my friend. TBH, It wasn't until I decided that I'd rather be "boring" & rich, then "cool" & broke, that my luck started changing. Now all I do is give a thumbs-up to people who are telling me they're making the next Snapchat, then keep grinding away selling apps to boring industries.These industries are literally "begging" to stay relevant with the "Instagram" generation, and they're spending a ton of money doing so. There's also virtually no competition because everyone's too busy trying to fucking pickup girls by saying they've "created the next Snapchat".Case in point, the iPad "kiosk" app I built & sold to a local county court for $6,750. It only took me like 2-3 weeks to do it. It's not a "billion dollar valuation"...but who cares? It's still a nice chunk of change for virtually little effort.This is probably one of the smallest projects I've worked on. Now most of my other projects range between $25-75K. I normally only focus around selling to mid-market B2B firms or local counties.Craziest thing?I only have 2-3 full-time developers working for me in India that I pay $700/mo total out of pocket.I find high quality, cost efficient vendors for anything else I need done. Like I said, boring/rich beats cool/broke. Gotta love globalization right?I've been lurkin' around for a while, and figured I'd pay it forward. The goal of this writeup is to provide an actionable plan to help you make an app similar to what I made. You can use these steps to replicate for your own county. Most importantly, YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW CODING. Whatever you can't do can be easily outsourced for a few hundred bucks.The main point is to prove that there is a massive opportunity to make money in boring, unsexy industries. People are just too caught up in their own ego to actually exploit it.Disclaimer: Results vary case by case, so don't be a whiner if this doesn't work for you.Now without further adieu:My Actionable Plan To Build A Courthouse Kiosk App & Profit:Please note, some steps may not apply to you. Feel free to skip steps as needed. I'm writing this for n00bpreneurs. Who are n00bpreneurs? They are 1 level below wantrepreneurs....wantrepreneurs would probably already have a company formed, business cards, an email, a snazzy site, etc...but don't actually "make" any money...they probably take on "investments" from family, or try to raise "funding", without actually validating their idea. You do know investors don't give a fuck about your idea. Validate your idea by actually making $$ or getting users, and they'll be all over you like white on rice. You won't even have to pitch them.For wantrepreneurs, it's all about the "image" of running a business...without actually understanding the point of running a business (to making fucking money).N00bpreneurs are even worst. They simply spend time "reading" on how to become rich, but sit on their ass and do shit. It's all good...I've been there, done that... For many fucking years.Anyway, if you're a wantrepreneur and higher, then you can skip some of these steps. However if you're a n00bpreneur, then keep reading:N00Bstructions:1) Come up with a catchy company name, and make sure it's available to use in your state. However, don't do anything with it just yet.2) Once you settle on a name, find a $.99c Godaddy promo code, buy a domain, and setup a company email (use Zoho Mail, they're free). Then setup a snazzy signature.Sounds pretty wantrepreneurish..but the main reason we're doing this is because you'd look like an idiot if you were trying to pitch something to a high ranking decision maker using your personal email address. You want to seem like you're a baller. Anyway the point is, don't look like an idiot. Promise? cool, keep reading3) Go to Google, and type in "your county name + state name". For example, "Archer County Texas". You should get the official county site: http://ift.tt/2iiiIkz) For courthouses, the decision maker is normally the County Judge. So if you went to Archer County's site & went to County Offices > County Judge > and you'll see the Judge's phone & email right on the website. Sweet right? K..moving on...5) Steal my email pitch template -> http://ift.tt/2iOA1xa, and use it to contact your local county's judge using your newly formed business email. Don't forget to attach the Kiosk image as well. A photo speaks a 1,000 words. Or... feel free to call the judge directly.You can say Scorch "subcontracted" the project to your agency. Customize the pitch as needed, and feel free to use my references.Mind you, so far you've only spent enough to buy some chicken nuggets off a dollar menu. You've simply created a "fake" company name/email, and started cold-pitching the app idea.6) If you get a response from the Judge or decision maker, convince them as to WHY this would be "such an amazing app" for their Courthouse.This is the most important step as you're actually trying to close a deal first before spending money.Here are the some of the benefits of the app you can mention:The ability to view county services and department locations.The ability to view an employee directory.The ability to view department hours.The ability to view courthouse building maps.A Courthouse admin panel to update the app on the fly without touching code.If they're interested, you may have to send them a proposal with payment milestones, etc. Feel free to get creative with this step. Remember, don't quote some bullshit amount like a thousand bucks. You're going to look like a kid working out of a garage or something...Shhh, they don't have to know that you prolly are LOL ;-) ..Don't forget you're dealing with the government!Heck feel free to quote higher then what I did. I charged $1K upfront, $5K on completion, and $750 for 3 months of hosting. In hindsight I think I could've probably charged more. You look like a real company when you charge real $$. Don't settle for less.Anyway, the BEST way to close a deal is to pitch this app idea to your own county courthouse. You can say that you're a resident of your county running a small business, and you're trying to grow it. They love helping out small local businesses, as you're creating new jobs and bringing value to the county.7) If they give you the green light, grab a beer real quick..pat yourself on the back for closing a deal, then quickly get back to work!You can now "officially" form your new company. Do this by visiting your State's site (they're pretty fast).For example, if you live in Texas, you can go here: http://ift.tt/2j8VMEo and do it yourself and save like $300 bucks, or if money ain't a thang, just hire a company like Legalzoom.com. (no affiliation).8) Get an EIN (employer ID number) from the IRS website http://ift.tt/1ovdItx. This is the "social security number" of your business. You'll need this for creating your bank account.9) Setup a business bank account. This is for you to start collecting your dough. You'd need to take in your Articles of Incorporation (that you got from your state or Legalzoom) and SS4 Form (that you got when you made the EIN) to the bank. Get the most basic account setup and deposit like $20 bucks. Tell the banker that you've left some checks at home, and you're going to be making a big deposit soon (so they don't just write you off like a loser haha).10) Send over a sample contract, and an invoice for the first installment. I prefer to use a company like Pandadoc or Echosign (no affiliation). It just looks more official. However, if they have their own process, then follow that. Once they sign the contract, you can ask them for all their content, branding docs, logos, etc.Don't worry, I suggest you collect all their stuff and kickstart the project while you're waiting for your first installment check. If a county has signed a contract with you, it's almost a done deal that you'll get your money. However that's entirely your call.11) You can then take the app & admin panel screenshots I provided earlier, and hire someone from Upwork, Elance, Craigslist, Fiverr, or wherever to get this app built for you. Or you can PM me if you want my code (TROLLS: Yes, I'm going to charge for it, because I spend time/money actually building it..durrhh... But I can GUARANTEE that you won't be able to find someone from any of these freelancing sites to do it cheaper for you. I estimate that the design and development of the app & admin panel may cost you about $2k. I won't charge anywhere close to that. PM me if you want it...12) If you downloaded my code, I've provided detailed instructions on how to deploy it to the county. Once you've tested & deployed it, ask them to test it too. Remember, a ton of Courthouse goers are going to be using your app.Anyway, If all looks good, send the final invoice and wait for your check to arrive.13) Remember our promise earlier about not being an idiot? Don't blow your fucking money buying bottle service on Friday night. Re-invest profits, & keep hustling.Anyway, that's a step-by-step plan on how you can actually MAKE money while staying CASH-FLOW POSITIVE making apps.Is it going to be as easy as some of those stupid Facebook ads you see promising to make $100K within a month? No.Is it a sexy app like Snapchat? No.Are you going to become a billionaire doing this? No.However, it'll help you make a few thousand for a little bit of time & effort. The point is that you can actually make money selling apps to unsexy niches. Plus it's low competition since everyone is trying to make the next "awesome" photo-sharing app that sends disappearing nudes.If you truly want to make money, put in some damn work and quit fucking around!Anyway, now that I've given you an ACTIONABLE PLAN, will you actually run with it? Or are you going to waste away another year dreaming, and not actually "doing" anything as usual?GET TO WORK!
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5 Professional Tips When Using B2B Influencers to Increase Sales & Bookings
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When it comes to influencer marketing, most people think that this strategy applies solely to B2C brands. However, influencer marketing is far more important for B2B than it is for B2C brands.
After all, the average purchase size in B2B typically dwarfs that in B2C, and the impact of referrals and word of mouth is more critical to the B2B communities success.
B2B influencers are just as effective if not more than B2C influencers. The type of content they provide is professionally creditable as their audience is made up of working professionals who follow suit to the tools and techniques they promote as thought leaders in their industry.
Maybe you have a campaign you want to promote or a product you'd like to introduce to the market. Why not use a B2B influencer to give your marketing a jumpstart. Today, I'll show you five professional tips when using B2B influencers to increase sales and bookings.
1. Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
If your company has an affiliate program, then invite B2B influencers to join and promote it. When you have influencers in your affiliate program, they can do the heavy lifting for you.
We know that there are tons of affiliate programs out there. However, so many people are apprehensive about joining affiliate programs because they might not earn them enough, have too many stipulations to earn, or might not be legal or creditable.
B2B influencers come with years of credibility, which instantly helps you to convince your target audience that your affiliate program is credible, profitable, and accountable.
For example, Youtube influencers like Aurelius Tjin are apart of Canva's Affiliate program. Having certified creatives in the B2B industry, teaching them how to effectively use Canva to grow their business and share their affiliate group's benefits expands Canva's affiliate program's reach.
2. Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
This tip comes as a no brainer but giving influencers exclusive access to your newly launched product boosts sales and product awareness.
Around 63% of survey respondents said they trust influencers more than what a brand says about itself. Using a B2B influencer helps your target audience trust the features and uses of your new product far more than you can advertise or say yourself.
Around 82% of U.S. consumers believe that influencers should disclose their history of personal use of a product or service.
If you have a new product coming out, use influencers to put out teasers as they get VIP access to your tool. Or you can use influencers to share the social media post of your product launch to help encourage others to do the same.
?Since it's Friday, I want to tell you a story that has nothing to do with COVID or lockdowns or any of that. A story of human ingenuity that boggles the mind. It begins with this, @apple's latest product launch this week https://t.co/fBDE7MaWuy pic.twitter.com/0d717HXCU4
— Ed Conway (@EdConwaySky) September 18, 2020
3. Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
73% of B2B marketers say a webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads.
Add that to the promising ROI that influencer marketing delivers, you're sure to see a surge of sign-ups and attendees. For example, take a look at VaynerMedia partnering with B2B influencer Brad Anderson for promoting the #MarketingForTheNow summit.
4. Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
A social media takeover is when brand partners with an individual to take over their social media for a specific time or day. They'll share live updates via video or images. Instagram and Twitter takeovers are the most popular amongst brands, but mainly Instagram.
Social B found that B2B companies also realize the value of collaborating with influential experts on Instagram.
When it comes to B2B influencer marketing stats, it's probably not a surprise that 93% of overall influencer marketing is happening on Instagram. Hootsuite does an IGTv takeover series called "Ask the Expert" where they invite influencers to answer questions that Hootsuite followers have about
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5. Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
Don't just limit your interactions with an influencer to selling a product. They can offer far more insight than your use to seeing from the safety of your work desk.
Your influencer can take a look at what's missing from your content marketing resources and connect you with other influencers or train staff if you need help executing the plan at hand.
They can even provide you with the content you might not have known your audience may have always needed. Inc regularly partners with influencers for content ideas and execution to help keep their marketing up to date, educational and entertaining.
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P.S: You don't have to put your B2B influencer front and center; sometimes, you can partner with B2B influencers to create new and exciting content your target audience will love.
5 Quick Tips When Working with a B2B Influencer
Now that we have an idea of what type of content your B2B influencer can provide to add credibility and attention to your product, here are some helpful tips you should consider before selecting your influencer
1. Start with B2B Influencer Outreach
B2B Influencer Strategyrelies on good networking and partnerships. Finding the right influencer can be hard. Media Mix found that 61% of marketers agree that it's challenging to find the right influencers for a campaign.
So ensure that the influencer you're researching has the following:
Shares your brand values and mission
Connects well with your current target audience
Has a history of a strong influence on their followers
Has a professional demeanor and work ethic
Once you found the influencer that fits the bill, it's time to do outreach. Since you're dealing with someone who works in the B2B industry, they won't expect to see a brand message them in their busy dm like a fan.
Instead, find their website or official email so you can email your offer to show your influencer that you mean business. Here's a detailed guide on How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
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2. Set Clear Goals and Objections
If you don't set clear expectations when you're communicating with your B2B influencer, you leave room for miscommunication, mistakes, and unwanted outcomes. To clearly state what your objectives and goals for this partnership are and project.
Try to be as concise as impossible. Merely saying that you want to increase sales is a bit too vague. Instead, add a number or percentage you want to see, whether in followers, views, sales, or an open email rate.
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3. What Type of Content Will Be Created or Promoted
Don't take it for granted that your B2B influencer will know what type of content you'd like them to produce. So create content guidelines ahead of time to help your influencer do their best work.
For example, if you need a video from your B2B influencer, let them know what exactly should (not) be in your video, including branding and which products to promote. You want your partnership to be as seamless as possible without any hiccups.
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4. Create a Verbal or Legal Contract
Over the years, both influencers and brands need to take legal measures to protect themselves from both parties if fraud and unmet obligations become present.
It's important that you protect your data and intellectual rights before moving any further with your influencer partnership. Simply sending an email might not be enough to cover you from legal repercussions that can come by using the wrong influencer or if your influencer decides not to follow through on your project.
Based on your project or requirements, you can decide what kind of contract(s) you should present to your influencer before beginning work. One of the most common contracts is an NDA contract.
The NDAs creates a safe space for allowing the exchange of that information by preventing the recipient of that information from exploiting it to the detriment of the disclosing party by placing restrictions on how that information may or may not be used.
NDAs are also used in the partnership agreement pre-outreach phase to prevent the influencer from releasing any potential unauthorized leaks to the public (and possibly competitors).
Feel free to check out Convince and Convert's guide on the 9 Best Practices for Influencer Marketing Agreements.
5. Nurture Your B2B Influencer Partnership
After the project has been completed, you must thank and follow up with your B2B influencer. Influencers are bombarded with brands every day. Once you've gotten as far as completing a project or sale with them, it's essential that you keep the relationship going for the future.
A good practice is to create a project that your influencer can be invited to every quarter. If you wait to reach out to your influencer over a long or extended time, they might be incited to work with another brand or competitor.
Keep in mind that as you work with influencers, it's the quality of the content or results matter far more than the influencer's followers on their profile. Over time as you start working with more and more B2B influencers, you'll be able to get better results as you cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship for you both.
Use Influencers for Affiliate Programs
Use B2B Influencers to Promote Your Product Launches
Use B2B Influencers to Host a Webinar
Use B2B Influencers for Social Media Takeovers
Use B2B Influencers to Brainstorm and Create Content for You
For more help on mastering influencer marketing, check out our top guides below:
9 Surprising Ways You Can Use YouTube for Influencer Marketing
5 Instagram Influencer Marketing Trends You Need To Track
How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template
15 Awesome Examples of Instagram Posts that Drive Sales
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