idolizenews · 5 years
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Idolize schedules are a narrative opportunity to incorporate into your threads what's going on in the current musical and promotional landscape. They range over a number of things, from brand deals to charting information and reflect trends and changes over time in the narratives of each group. You can redeem up to 15 points, with 5 points redeemable per each 4/4 thread completed with another muse in your prompt. Prompts will incorporate variable numbers of groups under each heading and these groups will change with the prompts each month. In order to redeem the points, you must begin the thread within the month of the schedule's posting. Additionally, points for multiple threads may only be redeemed in the case that the threads are completed with different muns each time, rather than just different muses.
SUMMERTIME SADNESS involved > Aurora, Celeste, MayDay, Heaven
It’s time for the yearly summer battle of the girl groups. In competition are Aurora, MayDay, and surprisingly Celeste instead of Heaven. It’s a decision from 99 that has many fans scratching their heads, angered that the company decided to promote POIZN instead, along with a single Heaven member’s solo (some akgae fans have been up in arms declaring there is still more favoritism to be found under the roof of 99). Celeste has been the surprising dark horse, pulling ahead with the number of digital downloads and listens from the general public. This has expanded their schedules, and the girls have been invited to perform at a number of festivals and have even nabbed a few visual CFs for summer products, like swimwear and fruit drinks. Fans of Aurora have been critical of Midas promoting the girls so closely after MayDay, which MayDay fans are quick to point out probably wouldn’t be a problem if MayDay wasn’t outperforming Aurora, who seem to be on a slow decline. 
Regardless, the album still made good sales numbers with Aurora’s strong fandom power. DKDK, however, has really put MayDay front and center despite not being able to nab any wins. Of course, none of the groups really stood a chance with Atlas’ latest release. Unfortunately, none of these groups were able to get a win. It’s said that there have been rumors of animosity behind the scenes between both Aurora and MayDay, as Midas tends to back whoever makes more money which puts Aurora in a precarious position. Heaven are in flux at the moment, unsure of 99’s plans. For the time being, they have been giving large periods of rest and have been granted the opportunity to follow their own personal schedules, barring a summer concert promoted by Umbrella Tree Corp that involved Heaven, Celeste, and MayDay. Midas cited that Aurora was too busy filming a v-live reality show in Jeju to appear.
THE INFECTION SPREADS involved > POIZN, Imperial, Zenith
99 has never been a perfect company, but these days the fans are saying that these words still give them too much credit. The latest happenings with POIZN have been particularly chaotic. While they had a brief, soaring revival with Love Scenario, their follow ups were met with critical reception and disinterest from the general public. 99’s expectations had been set high, but with the boys floundering in their veteran years, it caused strife within the group. Two of the group’s members have decided to break contract and attempted to sue the company, much to their fandoms dismay. While the group didn’t have much of a false bond to shatter, it did leave fans worried over what would happen to the remaining members. A PR official from 99 has gone on record stating that all of the remaining POIZN members who decided to stay will be given solo music projects, and will remain under the moniker of POIZN, even if they may no longer promote together. The boys are, at the moment, dealing with public backslash, trying to appease their fans with constant v-vlives, and also going to meetings with management to plan their new future directions. 
Initially, Imperial fans were overjoyed, hoping that their group would be getting more attention. At first, it seems to be the case, with an Imperial comeback slated for August (perhaps to offset the news), as well as a few radio show appearances, but in a later statement it was revealed that investments were being transferred from POIZN to Zenith in hopes to give their boy group an edge among the competition between 99, Midas, and Koala T. on their similarly aged boy group competition. This has opened the doors for Zenith, who have landed a major brand deal with Adidas. It’s rumored that behind the scenes, Imperial members are holding major grudges toward the Zenith members for this. To try and douse the fire, 99 has placed both Imperial and Zenith on a reality show together, where Imperial ‘teach’ their junior group the tricks of the trade. Surprising nobody except the genius in management who thought of it, it has only made their relationship even more strained.
* Note that this schedule will play out IC over a few months, and narrative pann posts can keep you apprised of progress so that the switch isn’t so drastic IC. 
MEDIAPLAY MADNESS involved > Atlas, Jawbreaker, XLNC
KJH, the underdogs. Fighting for victory, savoring their scraps. Or, that’s what people used to say. Now only their most delusional of fans still believe it. Perhaps because they’ve been letting this title slip from their grasp recently, they’ve been more aggressive in pushing their recent ventures that they’ve acquired: namely Jawbreaker and XLNC. How do they do it? Well, they use their selling power attached to Atlas. Their decision to use a Jawbreaker vocalist in Atlas’ recent title track angered a good number of their fans, who argued that her presence in the song was entirely unnecessary. While KJH achieved their goal of promoting Jawbreaker in the process, they are cropping up negative emotions, which fans and public alike pointing out that they’re shoehorning groups together and using too much media play in order to sell their outfit as “true artists.” Despite the critique, they’re still moving forward in the same direction, and have been packaging their groups together. Atlas and XLNC appeared together on an episode of Weekly Idol (perhaps due to the fact that XLNC wouldn’t be let on otherwise), while Atlas and Jawbreaker both modeled together for a recent line of clothing at Uniqlo. In the second half of July, they’re really tying their groups together with a KJH concert. Fans of XLNC are already in an uproar due to the rumored setlist, where XLNC will only be appearing at the start, and with only a handful of songs compared to the much longer setlist of both Atlas and Jawbreaker. 
VETERAN VISIONS involved > OASiS, Olympus
While they’ve been on the block for longer than most, these groups still have high selling power. While Olympus tends to pull a higher fandom, Oasis fights back with a better reputation and claims of musicality. There’s both excitement and trepidation over the fact that these two groups are aiming to have a comeback in August. Some are saying MSG is trying to guarantee a win by slating their comeback near the beginning of August, with Olympus coming later. However, Oasis fans and Olympus antis alike are pointing out that Olympus’ last song was poorly received, and critics were quick to put the song down. Olympus has a tall mountain to climb back up, especially when their comeback is directly on the heels of Oasis, whose songs often are able to receive good reviews from music critics. Both of the groups are knee deep in preparations, with big expectations and pressure from their respective companies. There are teaser photos to take, hair to be dyed, music videos to shoot, and choreography to learn. What’s more, both boys have both landed deals with road shops. Oasis with the Saem and Olympus with Innisfree, setting them up further as pseudo-rivals. How the boys interact behind the scenes is shrouded in speculation, though with the often-unsavory rumors that follow Olympus’ personalities, Oasis fans are quick to point fingers of wrongdoing. Olympus members have been advised to watch their attitudes and expressions by management. 
MARSUPIAL MAGIC involved > Koala T solo, B.rite, Divinity
This is the month of Koala T, or that’s what the marketing team keeps saying the KT management anyway. With Celeste already striking higher than expected in the girl group battle royale, they’re really pushing hard for the rest of their outfit in a way that doesn’t look as all in as it seems behind the scenes. Management has been disgruntled at the progress of their company, and while B.rite has been showing steadily rising selling power, they’re still too much in direct competition with boy groups from major companies (99 and Midas respectively) to really put their stamp on the industry. Thus, KT’s CEO is pushing for better company reputation and power, and to do this the rest of their artists need to start standing in the spotlight as well. This is a two step process of saturation and international outreach for their weaker acts. B.rite is slated with a later August comeback and are thus immersed in preparations. This comeback has been strategically placed between Oasis and Olympus, both groups who are all but guaranteed wins. B.rite will be able to get extra views by promoting on the music shows with both, as well as an excuse for no awards won. How the boys feel about this doesn’t really matter to the company. 
While Divinity just had a comeback, one member has been selected due to public appeal to go forth as the first solo on Divinity’s roster. They’ve gone with image over direct talent, and how this will play out remains to be seen. While this member is in prep, the rest of the girls have been instructed to film multiple v-lives, as well as dance or vocal covers of their sunbae groups or other popular artists to try and gain attention. KT’s soloist is rounding out the itinerary, a collaboration effort fielded with a 99 soloist in hopes that it will gain a larger following from the general public. They’re hoping for an explosive reception at the end of July, and the pressure is on this artist to really perform to their greatest capability (while in no way, shape, or form getting involved with 99’s soloist past musical decisions). There have been a few cosmetics companies reaching out to the soloist, KT ultimately accepting an advertisement from Banilla Co. on their behalf.
POSITIVE PATHWAYS involved > PRiSM, indiGO, MSG’s solo
MSG has had a well received year thus far with these members all wrapping their promotions to positive reception. indiGO has been trending as a household name, and has proved they have staying power on the charts, this paired with their recently found fandom after re.group means that they have been getting a lot more offers rolling in that previously. The boys have nabbed a few brand endorsement deals promoting various foods, beverages, and the popular bingsoo chain sulbing -- all for goods that appeal to the general public who are easy to recognize them. Prism have similarly been picking up praise and attention, though perhaps not quite to such a mainstream of a degree as indiGO. Still, the girls have been accepting more jobs with group photoshoot spreads for magazines, interviews on their recent success, and a recent brand deal with Etude House. Together, MSG has named them both a collaboration CF with Sketchers which will be filming in mid-July. Much the same as the former two groups, MSG’s soloist has also been spreading the company��s recognition with photoshoots, appearances on various shows such as You Heeyeol's Sketchbook, and is rumored to be filming a new drama of sorts. They’re really rounding out MSG’s expectations, and have been making the public take a closer look at the artists in their label.
MONEY GRAB involved > 1nferno, r!ot, 99’s solo
Summer means festivals, and it also means money from vacationers looking to come and see their favorite singers in person. 99 can be slow to promote, but they’ve at least has enough sense to take two of their artists who aren’t promoting at the moment and send them on a festival circuit together. This has been done for little decision other than convenience, though fans of 99’s soloist have been making jokes of how he has to play babysitter toward 99’s girl group. How he feels about this, and about being sent packaged with a girl group, has not been touched upon. In between these schedules, 99′s soloist is set to record and feature on KT’s solost latest single, set to release in late July. R!ot is using this as a chance for exposure, though it does have some rolling their eyes due to the fact that the girls only really have one title track underneath their belt. However, most of those criticisms are given to 99 for not giving them more music to promote in the first place. 1nferno has been seen overlapping these artists at many of the same events, likely due to Midas’ adage that there is always money to be made somewhere. With no promotions and nothing to prep for in the immediate future, it’s an obvious decision for the company to send 1nferno out to make money, how the boys feel about it or how tired they may or not be has always come secondary. All three have been meeting with fans after shows for small fan-signs or high-touch events. 
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idxwei · 6 years
dog days
“Are you a complete and total idiot?”
Admittedly that was a question Wei asked Danny more than once since they had debuted together. As the unofficial father of 1nferno (god, he hated that title), he was usually making sure his kids would stop injuring themselves for more than twenty seconds. Instead, he had gotten to watch Danny be featured on pann post after pann post with girl after girl. He was supposed to be the sweet one, the little daredevil. Instead, he was playing with fire and ruining the reputation if anyone believed the posts. Which, based on seeing a frazzled Jia exit his room, he definitely believed at least the ones about Gayo. Of course, he had not said anything until they were alone, now, in his room, with Junior, one of the adorable little mutts they were caring for. 
No one came in to Wei’s room without asking. Ever. No one except his roommate was allowed to do so and even then, if he could make them knock, he would. But, Wei wasn’t that much of an ass. He would however be lecturing Danny.
He wasn’t sure why this bothered him so much, aside from the fact that it was all their careers on the line. There was a knot in his stomach at the thought of Jia in the room with Danny. Ruining things. Fuck, why did Danny have to make such awful judgment calls? Did his parents not teach him any self-preservation skills?
He absently petted the dog, which naturally liked Danny better. Who did not like Danny better? He was cute, unintimidating, and did not look silly in a onesie. Wei, however, had a reputation for being a stick in the mud. Too sophisticated. Too charming. No fun. Not fun like Danny who looked more like a puppy than Junior.
Wei sat down on his bed, reclining as he sighed dramatically. What was he going to do with this boy? “I know you don’t usually think with your head or at all Danny, but you can’t be bringing girls over to our rooms. They are going to fillet us alive if you don’t get it together. I can’t watch them rake you over.” 
Wei could not watch them mention Jia and him in the same sentence. For their career. Of course.
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idxjia-blog · 6 years
dawn goes down to day
The Koala T. building was strangely quiet in the morning. She sat in one of the many empty rooms reserved especially for meetings. She was early, of course. Jia had to be a model idol after all the pann posts floating around about her. She was on thin ice, though there was no way to prove anything that was said was true in the slightest. After all, who would expect it of her? Of Danny?
She popped open her book, though she wasn’t really sure she could focus on it. She had never been particularly fond of Jane Eyre, especially considering she never understood the appeal of Mr. Rochester. Most of her sympathy had always been with Bertha. But it was a distraction and she had read all the books on her shelf already. Twice.
The truth was, she was not sure about the image selection or the song selection. Unlike most of the other girls, she enjoyed their horror-infused pop metal; she found it cute. Then again, she carried around a Frankenbear as a prop, had since she was a kid. It was no secret this was meant as damage control for their less than stellar domestic debut. They were a tough pill to swallow.
She wondered what the new image for the subunit would be. Girly? Steampunk? Grunge? Sexy? Hopefully not sexy. She was pretty sure she could not do sexy with a straight face. Medea was definitely going to have a tough time fitting in to this new unit no matter the image, that was for sure. So was the Brujita. But she supposed if she ever wanted a prayer at a solo career, she would need to play ball.
Jia turned as the door opened. She spotted Remi, also strangely early to the meeting like her. She could probably do a sexy image; she was already eerily beautiful and had a much more approachable image than Jia ever would. Really, it wasn’t her fault she had a resting bitch face.
Jia placed down the book she had not been reading anyways and turned to the fellow member of her new subunit. "Nervous about the meeting too?”
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idolizenews · 5 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility.
May will be a busy month, in the midst of promotional activities for Tempo, but the boys are rumored to be absent from many of the variety shows on this run as a result, skipping out on some of the more “lower profile” endeavors like Idol Room. How your muse feels about that is, of course, up to you, since for many their main variety opportunities are on these group targeted promotional shows. Olympus will also be filming the music video for their chain station track “Power.” The Power filming is slated to take the better part of a day and be knocked out at once, since for the most part it involved numerous green screens. They recorded the vocals for the song last month.
With the other three company groups undergoing promotions, comeback preparation or wrapping, or overseas debuts, there’s not a lot of attention being afforded to JiNX as a group, this month. The members are encouraged to pursue their individual schedules and to rest up a bit, since rumors of a July comeback are bright on the horizon. Rumor has it the song has been chosen and the choreography is being finalized, but the girls won’t be brought in to work on it just yet. There’s likely to be an air of hope around the JiNX practice rooms right now, as this is their first positive sign of a track release this year, a rarity in stalled promotions for a Midas group.
Titanium is at the tail end of their promotions and unfortunately, due to Olympus’ overlapping comeback, do not appear to be coming out of things with a trophy this time around either. Reactions have been largely positive however and the song had a catchy enough hook that it charted the best out of their recent efforts, perhaps to the surprise of the members who might be feeling a bit underwhelmed by the group’s performance in general. Midas has been hinting to the members that solo opportunities and individual careers are gradually becoming a possibility, but that they’ll be more sparsely promoted until Titanium as a whole can prove themselves worthy of the investment- a perhaps paradoxical claim; how can work from a less popular group’s single member get good traction if they’re not being aggressively promoted by the company?
In honor of Aurora’s 4 Year Anniversary, the girls are holding a birthday party/fansign in Seoul at a modestly sized venue, to encourage a close and cozy feeling between girls and fans.  It’s a special single day event that will involve a few performances of their hits, a special stage or two from the girls, and lots of talking/ment time for the members and fans to enjoy. They are, simultaneously, preparing for their Japanese debut, which will hit in the second half of May. They’ll be finishing up the final touches on videos, promotional photobook shoots, and so on. They’re definitely a busy group this month, though how the members feel about being shipped to Japan while at a point to solidify their status in Korea still is up to you.
Following senior group Aurora’s footsteps, the girls will be doing a photoshoot for Cosmopolitan Magazine with the brand MAC, which is a pretty big opportunity for them! They’ve landed a group cover as well, as a testament both to the general interest in the song so far and the sway of Midas as a company. Fans are quick to point out that they were on the very edge of snagging a win before brother groups Titanium and now Olympus began promoting. This might look like a team-kill from the outside, but a) no one expected the overwhelming support of the girl’s debut and b) it’s been a great opportunity for Midas to media play group selcas with Neon and the senior groups, which are guaranteed to bring in further attention. For reference to the photoshoot, click here.
Heaven is, for once, not appearing to be gearing up for a summer comeback. That baton is being passed, it seems, to their upcoming junior group Dynamo. Perhaps influenced by the lackluster performance of recent comebacks, 99 Entertainment is hedging their bets and leaning on the one realm they know Heaven will never let them down: CF deals. With the summer months ahead, Heaven has been chosen to endorse Coca Cola’s Golden Peak Ice Tea in Korea. While there is no dedicated commercial being filmed yet, they’re going to be in for a lot of photoshoots on the topic, as promotional materials will be distributed far and wide, from corner marts to bus stop advertisements. Reference for the endorsement can be found here. 
Perhaps in light of the recent success of Nitro and Heaven units, as well as Nightmare’s recent unit experimentation, the boys of POIZN have been brought in to the the company for a meeting. They’ll be working to debut some of the boys as a unit, but here’s the catch- they haven’t decided which members will be involved, just yet. It’s clearly a tactic to keep the boys on their best behavior and to pit them against one another, to a certain extent. They’ve been encouraged to work with producers and choreographers to discuss style and preferences. Granted, none of this will be guaranteed to make it to the final work, but they’re clearly being vetted in terms of what they can provide to the creative process, and how they’re behaving around the media. It’s a good month to work on proving yourself, if you’re looking for unit work.
In a bid to get the girls a higher profile and to lean in to their sexy but funny image, the girls have taken up the offer from Chicken Mania for an endorsement deal. They’ll be shooting a commercial with a prominent (and unfortunately not so attractive) comedian who each of the girls will be attempting to get back to their house, with various insinuating questions and excuses. Of course, nothing will work until the lead dance spot mentions chicken! It follows up with a throw back to their younger days with an aegyo close up for each girl, so be prepared to leave your shame behind, ladies. It’s a good opportunity one way or another! A reference for the cf can be found here. 
The summer comeback baton appears to have been handed off to Dynamo this year. The co-ed group is gearing up in a big way and the pressure is undeniably on. 99 Entertainment has made it clear that after Celeste’s lackluster performance, Imperial and POIZN’s myriad scandals, and with Heaven’s overall age increasing, it’s time for someone to pick up the slack. And that someone, they’re hoping, is going to be Dynamo. Of course no one can know for sure, and Celeste or the boys still have time to turn the tables, such as in POIZN’s unexpected redemption with last year’s breakout hit, but the fact is that Dynamo has been heavily pressured to come through with this comeback, despite the potentially divisive concept. 99 Entertainment is known for high impact summer hits and they’ve gotten the best producers in they can to work on this one. No pressure, Dynamo, but it’s time to sprint for that debut finish line.
The boys of Imperial aren’t facing a comeback until fall and have been doing pretty well in terms of endorsements lately, so for this month, with their attentions heavily invested in Dynamo and pushing a new facet to the sexy image onto Celeste, Imperial has been left to their own devices. Members have been encouraged to take some time for vacation, visiting family, and so on, and have been strictly instructed to lay low in their personal lives. The last thing the company needs is more negative attention on the company with Dynamo’s comeback on the horizon. There are rumors of more CF deals on the horizon, should the boys prove that their personal scandals have calmed down a bit. After last month’s successful deal and as sales numbers role in in the wake of that, 99 Entertainment is negotiating hard on behalf of the boys with various companies, who may have been worried about the impact of various scandals from the boys on their brand.
indiGO hits a major milestone this month, as they prepare for their first ever group concert. The concert will cover three days in the middle of May, over a weekend. Namely from May 17-19th, at Jamsil Indoor Stadium. They will be performing a wide host of songs and performing a total of 4 shows, with 2 on Saturday, one on Friday, and one on Sunday. This is notable as it’s their first concert done entirely on their own since their debut in 2014. In light of the occasion, they also released a new light stick and a new opening for members of their fanclub. Numbers have been exploding, as this is it’s first opening since the airing of RE:group. It's been rife with media play about the massive, surprise success they’ve found after their relative obscurity prior.
With Peekaboo promotions wrapped up and comeback months away, the girls are being given time to focus on individual schedules, for the most part. However, they are also tasked, this month, with filming the vocals and video for their contribution to the upcoming Season 2 of Chain Station. The filming, done in slow motion in a singular setting, should be quite easy- a few takes in the single outfit necessary should cover it all, and isn’t expected to take more than a few hours. The girls will record the vocals first, obviously, earlier in the month.
1nferno will be taking advantage of current promotional activities to guest on a show featuring a senior artist from their company, hitting up Weekly Idol to show off their close relationship as rookie artists, and hopefully getting some preferential treatment out of it, as is the way of major companies. They’ll be doing the usual, popular corners- random play dance, and 2x speed dance of their current song, and some exciting games that put their company card on the line for various rewards and punishments alike. It should be a good chance for 1nferno to get a little more solid, domestic exposure to go along with international interest.
It’s a big month for MayDay as the girls have, as their name would suggest, their one year anniversary on their hands! The girls will be filming a Vlive themed around the concept of a Pajama Party! They’ll have cute decorations, cute pajama sets, play games, do a few vocal only acapella covers, and so on. As well as eating plenty of cake! It’s sure to be a really sweet and fairly easy filming session, which is suitable for their one year anniversary. It’ll be sure to bring in some more attention and solidify their fan base in the present, as well, which is good news because they’re also gearing up for a comeback that MSG truly believes has a huge amount of promise for the girls, with a bright and surreal image that should really appeal to the current market.
Atlas is, perhaps predictably, in the throes of gearing up for a comeback. Members will be finalizing song and lyric contributions and tracks are being recording for their most recent full length album. Rumor has it the boys are gearing up for a more palatable, fresh and chill summer release direction, with the potential for a collaboration on the title track. As they prepare for the comeback, they’ve been releasing more “personal vlog” style content onto V-live, reflected in some of the more a-traditional productions, from mukbangs to closet tours and so on.
Jawbreaker is on the verge of greatness these days, or at least that’s the hope over at KJH. The girls are putting out a new single this month, which promises to be a catchy and memetic release with its repetitive chorus and driving beat.  Debuting in the first half of June, the song is expected to perform well, now that the girls have some exposure and their first win under their belts. The single has less songs associated with it than last comeback’s mini album, perhaps because of the time crunch to prepare for the upcoming concert, and perhaps due to the relatively quick turnaround, but it does leave fans wondering if the girls will be able to maintain a consistent output in the same way as Atlas.
Debut is on the horizon- or so the boys thought. KJH is throwing them a curveball, however, in that they’ve introduced the boys beginning this month via a “trainees versus KJH” format, competing to debut as a full group. Instead of each trying to survive the show on their own and then becoming a team, they’re being given missions to work together to prove themselves as a unit to their company staff. The first episodes are covering getting to know the contestants and their backstories, how they were cast, what they’ve done in the industry so far, and so on. They’ve also been tasked with working together to construct a demo stage around a self-composed song.
The boys of Nitro are putting two good things to use this month: their fresh and boyish image and their recent brand power. They’re taking both of those things to mix them together into a cheerful, casual, decidedly attractive commercial deal with The Face Shop, for whom they’ve just been signed as models. Their first CF series features a behind the scenes photoshoot vibe with interspersed voice overs that spotlight each member in a brief “interview” format, obviously focused around skincare and the like, for the most part. It’s a CF that really shows the masculine, clean cut, boy next door image that toes the line between handsome and cute with marvelous success. Reference for the cf can be found here.
The boys of XLNC are riding high after significant public approval of their stages in Chile, proving perhaps that they should have been given a bit more freedom to perform in Korea as well as overseas. Regardless, Koala.T is ready to capitalize on that by pushing their debut in Japan to the fullest extent, adding on a few more performances at smaller sized rock clubs, where the boys will finally be given reign to perform as intended, without any need to hand sync their instruments. It’s a risky move on behalf of the company but the boys are sure to appreciate it. Brush up on your Japanese fast, kids, because the plane is about to take off.
The girls will be taking on a commercial for Nature Republic this month, with a bright and softened image that their core group sound was never going to afford them the opportunity to tackle. Perhaps, at least from this standpoint, their prior units have brought in some success. Reference for that CF can be found here. Furthermore, the much anticipated final unit will be making their debut this month, and preparations are being finalized, finishing touches made, and choreography relentlessly practiced.
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idolizenews · 5 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility.
Time to break out the cheesy smiles and, on top of that, your social skills. As the new faces of Korean Tourism TVC, Olympus will be demonstrating both slightly stilted acting, English, and high public notoriety by filming a series of short public service ads with the tagline “Have you ever ____.” The tourism campaign begins each video with the boy asking “Have you ever,” in an open ended way with a delightful closeup, before segueing into attractive foreigners doing various basic Korean tourism things, mostly bringing the boys back for another awkward question or two at the end, or interspersed. They are, after all, way too busy preparing for an upcoming comeback to traipse around Seoul all day long. Its the best of both worlds for everyone, and demonstrates that huge brand power for which they - and Midas- have become known. References are here.
In a surprise move that likely speaks more to the individual brand power of the girls and of Midas in general, rather than to the group as a whole, the girls are taking on a Pepsi CF this month, with a surprising chance to showcase the fresh and sultry vibes for which they have become known. What begins as as surprisingly bright and sunshine-y concept for spring quickly shifts into their usual “friendly party girl bathed in neon” vibes. With the throwback reminder to one of their bigger hits as the backing track, fans are wondering if the sudden uptick in promotion of the group indicates a comeback on the horizon- one for which they have been all but foaming at the mouth. For the girl’s it is at least certain to mean a payday and assurance that dissolution isn’t yet on the horizon- right? A reference can be found here.
Like labelmates Aurora and JiNX, the boys are landing a brand deal this month with a commercial to film for. However, in distinct juxtaposition to their sister groups, image has been forsaken in favor of marketability, perhaps out of awareness of a need to demonstrate flexibility with such a highly conceptual group, and perhaps out of a pure, good old fashioned Midas money grab. Whatever the case, their comeback preparations and promotions will be interspersed with filming and occasional promotions for the brand ToniMoli, for which they will notably be filming a CF, reference here.
It’s at first a surprising collaboration for a photoshoot- Aurora and MAC. The brand isn’t known for their sweetness and demure purity in the same way as Aurora, after all, but once the girls hit the set in soft naturally waved hair, minimal makeup, and pure white dresses, it all makes a lot more sense. It definitely speaks both to their brandability and to their inherent image, at a time when Borealis are wondering about the new girl group on the horizon, and how the recent influx in the girl crush trend will impact Aurora’s public popularity. It almost seems to be indicative of Midas taking a stand in support of the branding of the girls, marking out a line between the sister groups. The reference for this Grazia shoot can be found here. 
Neon’s showcase debut is coming on fast, and planned to hit  hot and hard. Perhaps (largely) due to their background with Midas and the level of exposure the trainees have been afforded prior to debut, the debut has a lot of buzz around it, speaking back to memories of sister group JiNX, though it’s not clear yet if they’ll be experiencing the same rapid sprint to a first win. They’ve certainly got attention out of the gate, however, hitting hard with a “teen crush” concept that hits the present trends right on the head. All in all the girls should been feeling rather good about themselves in the moment, and should be working hard to ensure they don’t experience a dip in momentum before they really get going.
Heaven’s promotions are going well, as ever, though they’re lagging on the charts generally speaking. Unlike some of their other more experimental recent releases (notably Starry Night, which peaked at #1 on the charts) at this point Windflower is having trouble skirting the edges of the top 10, sparking concerns from the company that they might have departed too far from their successful formula, or tried to change things up too late. Nonetheless, they’re happy to provide fans with content they’re sure to eat up (and maybe they’re hoping to push a few “aren’t they relatable and talented” articles out into Pann in the process)  with a Tipsy Live performance! Of course, members have been instructed to thoroughly water down that soju and play up the cute tipsy, not get sloppy - or worse yet, scandalous. The comeback is creating a bit of an ambiguous atmosphere around the girls, especially with rumors of a summer debut for the new group beginning to spread. A reference link for the Tipsy Live can be found here.
A photoshoot is the name of the game for this schedule, for the boys of POIZN. It’s a safe way to promote pretty faces without letting them talk too much and thus get themselves into trouble. They’re on a tight leash for all interview portions and behind the scenes work, because 99 isn’t in a place to be affording more scandal at the moment. If you’ve been in scandals lately, you can expect you’re not going to be getting many solo frames, and you’re likely to be positioned towards the back in group shots. It’s a bummer but that’s the industry for you.  At least it’s a relatively painless schedule, and a reference can be found here. 
Imperial has a contracted commercial to film, though perhaps the timing isn’t ideal. Members can expect those with less individual scandals will be pulling the majority of the screen time, given that it’s a good time for 99 artists to be laying low, especially with hopes of a new debut on the horizon in summer. Still, a commercial like this is bound to bring same positivity to the table, some money into your pockets, and an opportunity to further up your brand stake. It’s not the most glamorous shoot, but it’s certainly relatable, and Imperial needs to be playing that card pretty intensely right about now. A reference for the CF is here. 
Is it any surprise their two most brand friendly groups are, at the moment, collaborating? Of course not. Sketchers was willing to pay out the atrociously high appearance fees and the benefit is sure to be there. The commercial is a moody piece that suits both groups, though of course the whole thing will feel entirely overwrought during filming. With the recent boost to CB! In their well received Peekaboo comeback, it’s a good chance for MSG to remind the public they’re housing two impressively well received acts- even if both of those have historically floundered to find their footing. Hopefully this will provide a stepping stone to a solid year for both groups, though of course it would be rather difficult for indiGO to do anything but succeed at the moment - CB! hasn’t been as lucky.  A reference commercial can be found here.
MSG is putting a lot of emphasis on 1nferno with this comeback, pitting them against Titanium as their comeback dates overlap and their promotional periods will as well. The boys are going to be facing down not just one Midas giant, but two, as Olympus has a comeback at the end of their promotions as well. They’ll be guesting on Weekly Idol  in the upcoming weeks, which will give them a much needed boost in attention. There are rumors that MSG is going to be paying more attention to Vlive for the group in order to push overseas promotion and attention, seeking out staff who can subtitle content in Chinese and so on. The pressure is on to scoop a few weekly win trophies from Titanium before Olympus makes their comeback, but it remains to be seen how that will work out. Still, the planning is a clear vote of confidence from MSG, or at least a great opportunity to media play a rivalry and get more attention from it.
With CHERRY BOMB! in the midst of a (somewhat surprisingly) successful comeback (after a lackluster 2018) and “girl crush” quickly rising as the name of the game in terms of trends, MSG is eager to show that MayDay can do more than just the cutesy surrealism that has (admittedly) not quite paid off so far. The result is a very charming cover of CB!’s Red Light, suits and all, though the brightened surroundings and natural cuteness of the girls selected for the group in the first place lend it a flavor all their own. Filming the cover this week is sure to be a fun task, and one that will be ultimately uploaded to the group’s slowly growing Youtube page. The choice to add the sparkling under eye accents, to lighten the make up, and to overall apply a softened ‘MayDay’ vibe to the cover is one that will likely help it appeal to their fans for sure, but might read (mostly to testy CB! fans with suspicious eyes on the girls) as a watered down attempt.  Reference link is here.
Atlas has an interview and photoshoot with none other than Dispatch, this month, to talk about a few specific things. First and foremost on the agenda is, of course, the hot topic that is their rising popularity on a global scale. From a nobody group in a nothing company rife with scandals to the mega hits they are today, Dispatch is eager to take a look at the career that has captured the interest of millions. Secondary to that is the upcoming family concert, the first the company will have ever held, now that they have the sister group Jawbreaker on the roster. Some say it’s far too premature, particularly considering Jawbreaker is only nominally considered a KJH act, but surely the boys will support their juniors for the sake of company press and income.  
Jawbreaker will be promoting their upcoming KJH family concert on the popular KBS Kiss the Radio show. They’ll be performing live versions of a few of their hits across the years, and will be given a number of interview and talk segment corners to run with. It’s a good chance for them to talk up their rejuvenated career, pay some attention to how blessed they’ve been for a second chance, and to drum up some further excitement and interest for the upcoming concert. After all, this is an important chance for them to prove themselves as members of the KJH team, despite not having trained under the company or been there for even quite a year yet. It’s widely known that KJH took a big chance on the girls, and this concert will be their opportunity to prove that it is paying off.
Nitro’s Vlive series continues filming it’s next entries this month. Under the moniker of NITROus, it’s proving a great way to drum up support amongst fans of the group and shows them in a more relatable way.  These episodes will continue from the prior filming set and will take on a holiday motif the boys are sure to enjoy (references here). Simultaneously, throughout the month the subunit members will have been chosen and be hard at work preparing for their unit debut.  They’ll be thrown quickly into preparations with little warning, as KTM doesn’t like to play around once they’ve made a decision on such things. It’s not clear yet if Nitro will be afforded the same multiple unit situation as Nightmare, but it’s at least certain that the company has higher hopes for the success of the Nitro unit.
KTM is hard at work this month across the board, preparing for unit debuts, working towards establishing V-live series, adn, for XLNC, a long overdue step into the Japanese market. Japanese fans have been begging for  XLNC to release a formal Japanese debut for ages, and KTM has finally decided that the time is right,  preparing endlessly for a debut that is sure to bring them a good deal of attention on the island nation. XLNC has a strong core fandom in Japan and their particular brand of music has always performed well on the Japanese charts, so this is liable to be a big, important step for them. Hopefully they’ll be able to live up to the hype and, at the same time, be able to transfer some of that good reception back to the Korean audience.
KTM has seemed intent on feeling out as many possible concepts as possible with the units. The first group was treated to a lackluster reception, despite taking on an image that’s worked well for other groups in the past, perhaps forecasting the shift in trends as we’re seeing today. The second unit performed a bit better- either due to increased exposure to Nightmare’s unit concept by that time, or due to the more aggressively trendy electropop sweetness of the track. The final unit has been delayed in their release and assigned a more girl crush approach, as KTM takes note of upcoming debuts in Neon and the general trend towards the crush series of concepts (girl crush, teen crush, and so on).  The rest of the girls are given some time to rest this month, as the final unit undergoes more strenuous preparations.
11 notes · View notes
idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility.
As promotions for Universe wrap up and goodbye stages are recorded, the boys are sitting pretty at the top of the charts fairly consistently, with the song truly outperforming expectations. Perhaps as a result, to continue building momentum, the boys will begin a one day filming for an upcoming short v-live series, Olympus Arcade. They’ll play a variety of games over the course of the day to be rewarded with snacks and penalties for the losing team. The episodes will be divided over 5 15 minute increments.
The girls of JiNX are guesting on A Real Man, in a brief one episode appearance. They’ll be doing a special concert for the soldiers as a thank you for their service and dedication. THey’ll have the chance to perform with some civilian soldiers, as well as performing a few of their hit songs from throughout their career.  It’s certain to give the soldiers something to talk about happily for weeks to come, as well as keep the girls in the spotlight between promotions. The reference for this episode can be found here. 
The boys of Titanium will be appearing on Kiss the Radio for a New Year’s special greeting. They’ll be given the chance to engage with viewers in q&a sessions and advice giving across the hours they’ll be guesting on the show, as well as an opportunity to sing a few of their songs completely live.  It’s sure to showcase a new and special side of the boys, given they’re known for such thematic performances- this will give fans a chance to see a more pared back rendition!
Aurora will be doing a special cover stage for the new year, performing the classic Girl’s Generation Into the New World, a fitting message of uplifting hope for the new year and, frankly, something of a right of passage for all girl groups. They’ll be performing it on a special episode of Music Premiere and will be given a short opportunity to film a special New Year greeting for fans thereafter. For reference, a fancam can be found here.
With a much anticipated comeback on the horizon, the girls of Heaven are expected to be hard at work. They’ll be filming promotional material this month, alongside the music video for the upcoming track Windflower. Expectations are high as this will be the first time the girls really and truly demonstrate they’re making a hard break from the summer promotional aesthetic, instead of toeing the line of the edge of summer as they have with some of their more recent promotions. It also leads to rumors that the new co-ed group’s debut aims to take over the summer market, perhaps causing some pressure on Heaven to solidify their new role.
After a stellar year and with Imperial sidelined by scandal, POIZN is back on top in 99 in terms of CEO favoritism, and on a related note will spend the month of February preparing for an Asia tour, canvassing China, Korea, Japan, and some stops in Southeast Asia as well. They’ll be tasked with selecting solo song performances, preparing their choreography for all songs involved,and going through the rigorous process of styling and preparation that will come with the upcoming grueling schedules. Promotional materials will begin shooting right after Seollal, starting with concert VCRs and promotional images for merchandise and advertisements. Get yourself in shape boys, it’s not going to be easy!
As a special track for the popular Reply 1997 drama, the boys of Imperial will be doing a cover of the Sechs Kies song Dear Love, updated for the present day! It’s sure to cause a bit of a buzz given the involvement between a member of Imperial and the lead actress of the show. It’s definitely a noise marketing attempt, and one that will likely pay off in a big way, at least in terms of general attention brought to the show and the group in turn, as well as bringing alongside it a healthy dose of criticism. Such is the price of media play! The song reference is here.
CHERRY BOMB! is ramping up for the future, picking up a brand deal with Etude House. This is a good step forward for the girls, as they need to be establishing themselves firmly so that the rookie girl group of MSG can grow in their own right. They’ll be spending a packed two days of filming on the commercial series as well as the various promotional photographs to be displayed in advertisements and stores across the country. It’s a more moody aesthetic than Etude House often goes for, to reflect the season and the girl’s aesthetic. They’ll each have a fun color named after them in the new lip lacquer line. Reference for the cf and aesthetic is here.
With a comeback in the first half of February, the boys are hard at work preparing. Last minute finalizations on song and stage choreography are in order, alongside reviewing the final product in terms of video, styling choices, and more. It’s a sprint to the comeback stages at this point, as well as a month of hard work on music shows nad promotional activities alike. Notably the boys will be featured on Idol Master where they will have a chance to greet fans, show off their charms, and provide a signed album copy to be auctioned off to a member of the audience, whom they’ll have a chance to communicate with via video call, where they can turn the tables and ask the fans questions, too! Reference can be found here. 
Following the steps of Atlas in the past, 1nferno and MayDay will be joining the new season of Birth of a Family! This time the series will follow two groups and two sets of dogs, taken care of by 1nferno and MayDay in what is clearly a bit of a two for the price of one deal that certainly appealed to producers. They’ll be taking care of two dogs per group for the next month, and will be tasked with caring for them, training them, and promoting the importance of adopting, not shopping, and raising awareness of animal abandonment in South Korea! Feel free to take some creative license with your members regarding breed and names of the dogs!
With a comeback in the second half of the month, Atlas is hard at work on filming and preparation. Last minute choreography adjustments are always a given with Atlas, so the boys will be working through that, as well as recording a New Year greeting for their fans, complete with hanbok! There’s a rumor, o f course, that the hanbok motif and the fun traditional music backing the greeting are a secret teaser in and of themselves, but even the boys won’t confirm it publicly.  They’re at the end of filming for the music video and teasers and will be recording the dance practice version soon as well. It’ll be a packed schedule leading up into promotions.
With some successful work for KJH under their belt, Jawbreaker will be filming GO! season two for their Vlive series, continuing to follow in the footsteps of Atlas Run! They’ll be playing a “find the criminal” style game at Jobworld, taking on the roles of flower shop owner (main dance), bakery owner (lead/lead), mart owner (main rap), and policewoman (main vocal)! They’ll be following the general goal and format of BTS RUN episodes 47 and 48, which can also have been assumed to have taken place in character with Atlas in the past, furthering a brother/sister narrative to the groups, despite the atypical story of Jawbreaker’s genesis.
Taking a leaf out of KJH’s book, Nitro will be following in the footsteps of other artists and starting a VLive show. However, it will be mostly in a self-produced and self-filmed format that KTM hopes will further their relatable and approachable imagery, continuing a close connection with the fans. The show will be named NITROus, as both a play on their chemical referencing fan name combination (NITRO+gen = nitrogen) and as a message that they will always be close to the fans. For the first episode they’ll be eating and talking together at a meat restaurant, demonstrating their natural affection and friendliness and boyish attitudes. The reference link can be found here. It can be assumed they’ll continue filming with the second episode and third in this month as well, though their releases may be staggered.
WIth a comeback in the second half of the month, XLNC are hard at work finishing the polishing notes of their b-sides, as well as preparing for their various guerilla and busking promotional activities. As usual, promotion for XLNC is somewhat lacking as it is not typical “idol” fare. However, the boys have recently been enrolled in intensive and mandatory Japanese lessons, which gives rise to the question of what might be in store for them in a few months. They’ll be expected to study simultaneously with their music show promotional schedule this month, so they’re sure to be quite tired.
With a debut from the Dawn subunit on the horizon, the girls are in a flurry. Everyone seems to be working on something different. Dusk’s promotions will follow shortly after Dawn’s wrap up, so they’re already hard at work finishing the filming for their videos, even as Dawn begin promoting on music shows. Eve on the other hand are in the song and image selection portion of things, as Dawn has been assigned a bright and fresh image more prone to ballads, with Dusk taking on a quirky creepy and electropop image, it seems that Eve will be left with a more girl-crush tonality, bolstered by the fact the two rappers of the group have been assigned that unit. This gives Nightmare muns a lot of room to explore reactions to subunit styling.
6 notes · View notes
idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility.
Olympus is preparing for the year end ceremonies with a new song under their belts, and the ballad-heavy influence is something new for the boys, providing a complicated mix of approval and skepticism. However, overall reception to Universe has been unexpectedly positive, with many fans speculating the initial short run of promotions planned was designed to provide a throwaway winter season release. The boys will be doing a Q&A on v-live with a radio show format, playing some of their favorite songs of their own and of others, and talking about the new vibe of their current promotions.
JiNX had an impressive performance on Yu Huiyeol's Sketchbook this past session, and continues their promotional roundup with a special Christmas gift to fans: covering a Turbo classic in animal onesies! The filming is expected to be cheerful and lighthearted and will showcase their uniquely charming personalities. A link to the inspiration for this can be found here. This is expected to really show off the cheerful and bizarre charm of the girls, promising a counterpoint to their sexualized image that plays into their more offbeat mvs in a positive way.
With both groups on a steady rise of late, Midas is keen to leverage their popularity off one another, and are doing so for this Christmas season with a special Christmas release. While it won't be promoted formally outside of KBS The Showtime's  Christmas Special, the video will be released in the upcoming weeks and is expected to chart well enough amongst fans, though of course the company hopes for a boost from the general public, despite the lack of promotion. Whether that pays off or not remains to be seen. 
Heaven has been surprising fans this year in more ways than one, and this year's Christmas gift to fans is no exception. Showing off variety and acting talents as well as the group's close bond, the girls plan to release a fun Christmas mystery themed skit that will be filmed alongside their Season's Greetings photoshoot and will be included in the photobook on DVD along with special behind the scenes footage. The skit is rumored to have a vibe reminiscent of Crime Scene 2 and will feature the girls' antics heavily, in a half variety half acting setting.
POIZN has had an unexpectedly impactful year, and that is showing in the recent CF deal they have landed with online shopping mall G-market. This Christmas themed CF series gives each boy a "wish list" item (bag, coat, camera, etc) and a 15 second solo commercial with that item, ultimately compiled in a "wish list" motif showing the most desirable gifts of the season. This CF is a big opportunity for the boys, as while it is a group deal, they do get a one-shot style commercial all to themselves, even if the frequency of airing will be split amongst all members. The inspiration for this schedule can be found here.
Riding off their success throughout the year, Imperial has taken on a CF with Cass Beer. Though they're not repping the brand as full faces, the endorsement is a big deal for the group as it provides a lot of exposure and a hefty helping of revenue. The CF itself is a cheeky rendition of We Wish You A Merry Christmas done with beer bottles and glasses, and inspiration for the commercial can be found here. The boys will soon find themselves all over the television and in various promotional material that will likely sit around in fried chicken joints well past the end of the season.
CB! is ringing in the new year with the filming and production of a special Christmas greetings photo book, inspiration for which can be found here. The girls have announced they'll be donating part of the profits for the Season's Greetings photo book in an even split to the charities they are currently affiliated with in the spirit of the holiday season. Of course, that money is the part that would otherwise have gone to the girls, leaving them doing unpaid labor for company profit in the name of the Christmas spirit. Perhaps all the money went to Honey's surprise release, leaving CB! with the dregs of the Christmas schedule.
With the girls not promoting at the moment, fans were caught by the surprise by the special seasonal release of a Christmas single, Merry and Happy ! While they won't be promoting it formally, they do have special stages scheduled for the week of Christmas and have released an accompanying music video for the song, which promises a more matured, bright sound than some of their title singles, showing a fresh side of the girls. Like most of the girls' efforts lately, it's already sitting near the top of the charts, despite nearly nonexistent promotions or hype.
With a high profile collab finished and preparations for a comeback in the works, the boys are taking to VLive to connect with fans via a filmed segment titled 1nferno's Christmas Party, wherein they film the boys eating a cake, decorating a Christmas tree together, and reading letters from their fans. Like CB! their holiday festivities this year are a bit lacking in budget, perhaps indicating, again, that company resources are directed far more towards Honey at this point.
Joining the army of special holiday releases, Atlas is producing, recording, and releasing "Christmas Day" - a sweet Christmas song that shows a warm and soft side of the boys for the holiday. Just as with the other similar releases this season, they'll be promoting it only on special Christmas stages and won't be formally doing promotions. It is expected to chart admirably despite that, given their current status in the industry and its romantic vibes.
In keeping with KJH's reputation for a heft variety presence via V-live, the girl's will continue their intermittent filming with a special holiday series of episodes, following the girls as they select Christmas presents for one another and then exchange them, followed by reading one another heartfelt letters that they've written, each one to a randomly selected other member. Fans are highly anticipating the air date and have been hoping to catch them out during filming for some time now, so keeping those gifts chosen secret will be a bit of a chore for the girls- alas, the price of rising fame! 
The Nightmare girls are, surprisingly, in Japan for Christmas. And what are they doing, one might ask? Alongside some general promotional activities they're putting on a special mini-concert and fanmeet which will soon be revealed to feature a Japanese version of their debut song, Chase Me, done in full goth-Santa girl gear. The performance is scheduled for Christmas eve, and it's expected that rumors will fly about the girls' advancement into the Japanese market thereafter, though the veracity of that remains to be seen - but we'll give you a hint; it's coming, and soon!
Nitro are showing off their charm with the unexpected holiday release "Confession Song" - like many of the other seasonal releases this isn't a full comeback but will feature a music video and some special stage performances around the Christmas season, particularly on the Christmas day specials of the music shows. The video is a bit more low budget and home made in feel and features real high school couples using the motif of the video and the dating holiday vibes of Christmas to confess to one another, with the help of the Nitro boys, which will hopefully culminate in a lot of viral approval and at the very least will make for a very sweet release.
After the positive reception of their projects on youtube so far, which have been growing their discography steadily, the boys have announced an ambitious special schedule for the season: a Christmas Concert! Titled The Present suitably, the concert will be a one night only affair with tickets going on sale on 12/15. The venue is smaller in size and expectations are modest, but rumors have it the boys were insistent on giving back to their fans with a special live performance gift - and if it happens to be a great time for the company to media play about their merits as "actual artists" well that helps too. 
5 notes · View notes
idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility.
OLYMPUS  – Olympus is proving themselves to be the flagship of Midas groups once more as they embark on a new project. Midas has been teasing the concept of group-centric Company produced web-series for awhile now and are now launching their first: Olympus Next Door.  Rumor has it:  Fans have only just learned the show has started filming and they’re already rabid over it.  It promises to be both cringeworthy and immensely successful amongst fans, proving that Midas will do anything to make a buck. 
JINX -  The ladies of Jinx will be gracing the cover and a large spread for Ceci this month, including an interview portion dedicated to their transitioning image, rollercoaster career, and explosive debut. It’s a rehashing of the usual fare, but sure to remind everyone how attractive they are ahead of their next comeback.  Rumor has it: Midas is investing a lot into keeping the girls on board as their reimagined concept took off with their latest releases. The upcoming November comeback is likely to reflect further movement in that area hopefully finalizing a return their prior impressive popularity.  
FANTASY –  With an upcoming Nightmare comeback of course preparation is serious business. The girls will also be the new faces for Lens Nine, doing a circle lens colored contact modeling shoot and promotional material titled Lens Nine x Fantasy : Fantasia. Each girl will be modeling a particular color with a whimsical name to suit.  Rumor has it: The upcoming Nightmare comeback bodes well for the unit concept and promises it will be sticking around at least for awhile, leaving fans curious about how Daydream will promote now that they’re lacking a member. Rumors are beginning to buzz that an additional member may be added. 
PROMO/PROLOGUE & GLIMMER & XLNC & TITANIUM & NITRO  Every year Gangnam hosts a culture festival in one of it’s more residential areas, with a modest number of stages provided for up and coming groups. Given the more modest scope of the affair, the attending groups are generally newer or less established, and have been listed above in order of billing, with the yet-undebuted Produce groups opening and Nitro as the featured act/headliner. Produce groups will be performing their unit stages from the final episode set alongside the Pick Me! song. Glimmer will perform their debut song and a cover of Heaven’s I Swear . XLNC will perform their 2 most recent title tracks. Titanium will perform their debut song and a cover of Olympus’ Growl. Nitro will perform their last three title songs, with a dance break remix transition.  Rumor has it: Of course this is an excellent opportunity for rookies to get their name out there, and Gen-N fans are feeling bittersweet about the whole thing, as this is likely to be the last of these mid-range festivals that Nitro plays at, with the group gradually outgrowing the opportunity. It’s always a hotbed for intermingling rookies backstage, too, so managers ought to be keeping a careful eye out. 
IMPERIAL –The boys are preparing for heading out on an Asia tour for the next month or two, bounding off the positive reception for their fan meeting. They’ll be working on choreography and staging prep as well as pitching concepts for special stages to the company.  Rumor has it: They’re solidifying their hold in the overseas (notably in the SEA market) to prepare for an upcoming comeback in the second half of the year. This concert capitalizes on their existing momentum and will have them in and out of the country - and as a result in plenty of airport fashion and concert gif media play articles. 
WINK  – The girls will be performing the ceremonial first pitch and doing a brief performance before a number of baseball games as the season kicks off, once for the LG Twins and once for the Doosan Bears. The appearance of the girls in cute, baseball inspired attire is sure to draw attention and positive reception.  Rumor has it:  Behind the scenes, the girls are being put through their paces to prepare for an upcoming image shift, with coaching for interviews and increased dance practices required of them for the time being. Rumors of a more sultry vibe for the comeback are all but confirmed if one glances at the concept directors hired on recently at the company.  HEAVEN – With an uncharacteristic push forward for the girls of late, they’ll be taking it a little bit easier this week, with a simple fan meeting mini-concert (expected to run an hour and a half) featuring a hi-touch event for those who qualify, maximum 100 participants.  Rumor has it: This is an attempt by 99 Entertainment to demonstrate the grounded and kind nature of the girls, reaching out to fans in an intimate venue and on a personal level, likely to continue in juxtaposition of the shaky reputations of some of their other group efforts. 
POIZN – Mexicana Chicken has taken on the boys as their new brand endorsers. They’ll be filming a commercial and doing a photoshoot to provide material for their various promotional items, such as boxes, flyers, posters, menu pictures, and so on.  Rumor has it: While not the most glamorous of things, landing a chicken endorsement is a major step, and one that further cements the idea that POIZN is hanging on fairly well despite past scandals, which is a good indicator for their future. 
HONEY –  With the girls in a bit of downtime between comebacks, MSG has decided to capitalize on the time in their schedule to launch Honey TV, a one-a-week Vlive series to connect the girl’s with their audience. Material will cover photoshoots, snippets of dorm life, comeback and album prep, and so on. The first episode set will follow the girls on a fun trip to Everland together, as they go on a safari ride, buy matching headbands, ride rides, and more.  Rumor has it: The MSG board saw the success of KJH in reaching out to fans via Vlive and has decided to follow suit, jumping onto the trend, while also allowing a bit of an easier time for themselves and the idols by filming schedules they’re already embarking on for the company: photoshoots, filming, etc, rather than following the KJH practice of separating out, allowing MSG to pump out a stream of shorter episodes consistently without having to find time to film a full “variety show” to air for 45 minutes weekly. 
CHERRY BOMB! – Gourmet Road is hosting the girls for an upcoming episode. They’ll be prowling around a night market and having a blast trying food, interacting with passerby, and talking together. They’ll be showing off their close relationship and their mukbang talents.  Rumor has it: Increased attentions payed to their newer groups indicates that MSG is ramping up efforts to get them established as the company moves forward, putting a lot of pressure on upcoming comebacks. 
ATLAS –  The boys of Atlas have been cast in the show Birth of A Family, a variety that involves a group of idols (in this case) raising two puppies in order to bring further attention to the serious situation of animal abandonment in the country of South Korea. They’ll be taking on the dogs for a period of roughly a month and a half, and filming will happen semi-regularly.  Rumor has it: This is the boy’s first variety show aired on television, with KJH preferring in the past to keep their variety work in house, on V-live and self produced. It’s a big step in potential visibility and risk for the boys, since editing will be out of the company’s control.
JAWBREAKER – The girls are deep into the preparatory period for their upcoming comeback.  KJH has the girls tight under lock and key right now to be sure nothing is given away, which means promotions outside the company have been limited for the moment, and the girls have gone quiet on social media. KJH has big plans for the upcoming song, hoping to cement the girl’s image as Jawbreaker with this sophomore effort.  Rumor has it: Planning for the KJH family concert is well underway at this point, with Jawbreaker’s former discography now regained.  The company is gauging reactions to individual members with this comeback to begin pushing the girls further.
GALAXY – The boys are heading out on to Happy Together 3, taking part in the classic talk variety that canvasses various fictional settings, participating in various corners, such as being asked to take part in a don’t laugh challenge or to bring a cherished object to explain. Hopefully this will bring some further attention and affection to the boyish, charming group.  Rumor has it:  Increased attentions payed to their newer groups indicates that MSG is ramping up efforts to get them established as the company moves forward, putting a lot of pressure on upcoming comebacks.
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility.
OLYMPUS  – Olympus is putting on their special concert in Seoul this week, with performances on Friday (one), Saturday (two), and Sunday (one). It’s sure to be an exhausting weekend, but with the massive crowds being drawn in, it’s safe to say that this is a testament to their popularity. They’re said to be showcasing some solo stages throughout the concert.  Rumor has it: Performance at this concert will be folded into considerations for unit and solo promotional activities upcoming and will be followed by a few months without a comeback for the group.
FANTASY –  Both units are currently in preparation for comebacks after the rousing success of their summer songs. The girls are certainly on the upswing and have been invited onto Radio Star to speak about their progress since their slightly unfortunate but endearing fancam. This round of interviews has been more tightly packed even then usual. Rumor has it: This next comeback could make or break the unit concepts as a whole, and that there is discussion around the potential of losing a member in the upcoming days, which Midas is trying to stifle.  
TITANIUM –  With their first CF already under their belts and a successful debut now behind them, the boys are being worked harder than ever to prepare for upcoming efforts. The boys are being sent to LA for a week to train with notable dance instructors there in an intensive course. Rumor has it:  Now is the time to start trying to find ways to use your personal talents to promote the group as a whole. Midas will bend over backwards for you if you can prove yourself capable of bringing in cash.
IMPERIAL –With their 5 year anniversary this month, the boys are holding a fan party in Jamsil Stadium, taking up a fair portion of the venue with their fans. Tickets have already sold out for both dates, a Friday and Saturday night show. The run time is roughly 2 hours, with three comment sections and a host of b-sides, ballads, and songs to entertain their fans.  Rumor has it: They’ll be gearing up for a comeback in the second half of the year, and will use reception at this fan meeting to drum up some media play regarding fanbase and popularity. 
WINK  – A fun spread in CECI is the order of the day for WINK, rounding out their promotional activities with a cover, a photoshoot, and an interview spread on their quick rise to fame over the past two years. Media play is expected hinting at their desires for the next comeback to feature a more mature and sultry image.  Rumor has it: With the newly bursting popularity the girls are facing, they risk overexposure with the public, but Koala.T doesn’t seem to mind, intent on putting the girls into as many articles, CFs, and photoshoots as he can get his hands on.  HEAVEN – Heaven is on Radio Star this week discussing their recently shifted image, the sultry appeal of their new song, the standout success of their unit Heaven1004, and what the future holds for the members in terms of solo activities! Rumor has it: This guesting will be used to begin shaping the narrative of the girls both as a whole moving towards a more matured sound and image, retaining their summer crown via the unit activities, and establishing their brands as solo promoters, in various avenues, beginning a new chapter for the group. 
POIZN – POIZN are stepping in as special hosts for a late night radio show, taking over the air as a group and determined to show off their skills. They’ll be hosting, performing acoustics of a few songs, and designing the playlists for the night - although these playlists will of course be carefully vetted and approved first.  Rumor has it: This is a step towards cleaning up the image of the group, a baby step taken to hopefully put out some business posts and media play about their solid skills, improved personalities, and true love of music. 
GLIMMER – The ever popular rite of passage for all rookies is the school festival. The girls of Glimmer have been invited to Gyeongsan National University to perform at their yearly festival, and 99 is hoping to drum up some interest in the girls through similar activities throughout the coming months.  Rumor has it: The girls will be facing a brief hiatus if this debut doesn’t hit it’s stride, to give those participating in the Produce Project group a chance to drum up appeal for the group as a whole, which means the others might need to start thinking of a way to stand out. 
HONEY –  The girls have landed another  CF deal, this time with Lotte Duty Free’s Yum campaign! It’s a fun, cute, retro take on things, with the inspiration commercial (here). This is certain to further establish their brand power, and the retro styling certainly suits the members quite well! Rumor has it: The upcoming comeback was slightly postponed due to member health concerns and the desire to push Galaxy harder while the public interest in them is heightened.  
CHERRY BOMB! – With the girls building up a fanbase on the back of their new summer song, promotions have brought them to After School Club, leaning hard on variety to propel the girls up the ladder a little further if possible, intent on increasing their exposure and using this brighter comeback to provide an offset to their creepy cute image of late. Rumor has it: This new comeback is either heralding the end of their creepy occult vibe concepts, or is designed to demonstrate the girl’s conceptual diversity.  With it outperforming former tracks but receiving a mixed critical response, it’s unclear if they’ll continue building an image of experimental musicality or will forsake that for marketability.
ATLAS –  It’s comeback week! Time to burst onto stage and take the world by storm once more - hopefully. The immediate reception to the song has been mixed, but live stages are sure to turn that around, provided you don’t make any major mistakes. Rumor has it: The boys are being overworked behind the scenes to the point of exhaustion, with filming for Vlives, preparation for activities, and so on keeping the boys awake for a solid 24 hours prior to their comeback stage performance. 
JAWBREAKER – With Let’s Go! Jawbreaker! still filming weekly and a comeback on the horizon, the girls are as busy as ever, with an endorsement for Adidas Originals, who have just made the group their brand faces. It’s a big opportunity for the group and one that KJH is certainly pleased to have been offered. They’ll be shooting a commercial and some promotional material for upcoming release. Rumor has it: KJH is intending to enter the legal fray to reclaim the girls’ former discography from Singularity in order to begin planning a KJH family concert. 
GALAXY – There’s a comeback on the horizon for the boys! MSG is really trying to push them harder in hopes that they’ll catch on with the public and amass a bigger fandom to solidify their position in the industry before other companies start debuting new boy groups into the mix. This means their schedules are jam packed with comeback preparations: last minute photo-shoots, rehearsals, and hours upon hours of training to make sure that they nail this comeback. Rumor has it: That MSG is potentially going to be looking into promotional opportunities in China as a new way to strengthen Galaxy’s fandom.  
XLNC –  Arirang Simply Kpop will be hosting the boys this week.  The English speaking broadcast will be featuring the whole group, a few stripped down performances to give the boys a chance to show off their live skills, and audience interaction via live stream feeds and twitter submitted questions. Rumor has it: Having the boys on an English based broadcast is a chance for them to reach out to the foreign market, and Koala.T will be carefully studying the demographics of those responding and interacting with the show to see how best to move forward. 
Produce: With the show wrapping up and debut on the horizon, the boys and girls alike have been thrown into the fervor of preparations for their upcoming comeback. If they thought the show was tough, this is ten times worse. Without the cameras, trainers and management can be as micromanaging and strict as they like, which means the pressure is on to get everyone to an equal, debut ready level - not easy with trainees of different companies and experience levels all lumped together. Rumor has it:  Despite their overall lower performance and attention given during the show, the boys are being approached for more brand deals and appearances, illustrating the good ol’ sexism of the idol world. 
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post is just a brief snapshot at a few things going on around the Idolize world that will give you something to think about threading or incorporating. We’ll be posting them semi frequently depending on how the site progresses, and occasionally will use it to tease upcoming events! Schedules can be treated as time sensitive PROMPTS that last until the next schedule is posted. You may earn + 5 exp / + 5 skill (free choice) from those that pertain to your group/company, following the same criteria as the static prompts. Opportunities for each group will vary depending on how many active members we have in each, so that we’re not throwing lots of points into empty air. We’ll try and keep it balanced across the board.
OLYMPUS -- It’s comeback week! Which means: comeback stages for the latest and greatest Olympus summer single ‘Kokobop’, and, well, a litany of your other usual comeback schedules ranging from radio show interviews, other small interviews like Ask in a Box, a comeback press conference, and many many more. All in all, the boys will constantly be on the go, so we hope you don’t need much sleep to function!
FANTASY -- Surprise! The Daydream unit was slated to comeback next, but with the vacuum of a viral summer defining song this year, MSG has decided to throw you into the fray with a new track. You’ll be on a limited promotional cycle but will begin preparations and filming this week. It’ll include some backstage footage for a brief V-Live series, so get ready to simper for the cameras. 
TITANIUM -- Your debut is right around the corner and tensions are high - now is the time to push yourself to the point of exhaustion, to get yourself ready for the moment you’ve been waiting for, and to avoid the Olympus sunbaes who have to read all these articles about how you’re going to be “the next Olympus.” Awkward! Regardless, it’s time to film your extensive teaser run as well as smile for the cameras, because Midas is capitalizing on this opportunity to introduce you to the public via a quick V-Live series (10 episodes, 15-20 minutes each). 
IMPERIAL -- Alas, it’s time to say goodbye once more. Goodbye stages are this week, leaving you worried about heading back into the 99 Entertainment dungeon afterwards. Fortunately they followed this up with the good news that t you’ll be headed to Guam soon to do a vlive series there. Start packing, it’ll begin filming in the next schedule. For once, you don’t have to worry about what to do post-promotions! Refreshing!
HEAVEN -- There are rumors they might actually be changing up your image soon! With the subunit putting out one of the hottest releases of the summer, they’ve given Heaven itself a break from the casual late summer pop effort and are purportedly moving you in a more sultry direction for your next release. In the meantime, the girls will be shooting a pictorial endorsement for Mizuno!
POIZN -- With this being POIZN’s 7 year anniversary release upcoming, tensions are high around 99 Entertainment. The group as a whole has been on thin ice since debut, basically, so now is a good time to be as careful as possible, lest 99 Entertainment decide you’re not worth the trouble. Contract negotiations are a tricky beast, so please make sure you’re bringing your A-game on stage and in preparation. 
MSG GROUPS -- An executive you’ve never met, who doesn’t particularly care about you, has been promoted! Which means one thing: mandatory company party. Woohoo! It’s a moderately fancy event, but don’t go showing up in a tux or a ballgown. Be prepared to suck up to plenty of staff members and get your bowing muscles ready,but at least there’s an open bar - as long as your manager doesn’t notice you partaking liberally. 
ATLAS -- For once in your lives as idols, KJH has given you a bit of a break. It’s time to get in touch with old friends, catch up on sleep, work on some music, or get some vocal training - anything that’s too impossible to fit in during your normal relentless schedules. Maybe bringing in the Jawbreaker girls was a good company move after all. 
JAWBREAKER -- In the hopes of capitalizing on the girl’s re-debut attention, KJH picked up an endorsement deal with Trevi Sparkling Water, just in time to shoot a refreshing commercial for summer. It’s nothing ground breaking but the opportunity is great for you girls, marking  Jawbreaker’s (and Her.oine’s....) first group CF deal. Congratulations!
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post is just a brief snapshot at a few things going on around the Idolize world that will give you something to think about threading or incorporating. We’ll be posting them semi frequently depending on how the site progresses, and occasionally will use it to tease upcoming events! Schedules can be treated as time sensitive PROMPTS that last until the next schedule is posted. You may earn + 5 exp / + 5 skill (free choice) from those that pertain to your group/company, following the same criteria as the static prompts. Opportunities for each group will vary depending on how many active members we have in each, so that we’re not throwing lots of points into empty air. We’ll try and keep it balanced across the board.
OLYMPUS&FANTASY –The groups will be taking on the modeling for the upcoming FW season of SPAO, a popular basics brand in South Korea known for affordable and fun clothes alongside fun collaborations. The groups will record a song and a few CFs for the brand in one marathon day of shooting. This is a big move upwards for the Fantasy girls.  TITANIUM –  Congratulations boys, it’s debut time! Feel free to add  5sp / 5exp for debuting, separate from what you can earn from this prompt. Detail your muses reactions of your muse to their debut, how they are feeling about their stages and so on. This is a more introspective prompt, but be assured they’ll pick up henceforth! 
IMPERIAL – The boys have been chosen as the campaign ambassadors of Talk Talk Korea 2018, a tourism campaign centered in South Korea (of course). It centers around a competition in various forms, from photography and so on, and encourages youth to become interested in South Korea and to explore that. They will record a video of a brief interview regarding the deal and will feature on the website, etc. 
HEAVEN – As the official, reigning queens of summer (and sex appeal) the girls (women?) of Heaven will be performing at a special benefit concert for army soldiers on a base in the countryside. It’s sure to be one of the most enthusiastic audiences a girl group can imagine! The girls of the subunit will be performing their track as well as all of them showing off their top hits. 
POIZN – With the huge popularity of Love Scenario, 99 Entertainment is hoping to build on that by having a special fan cover song contest. Members will record reaction videos and have a meet and greet with the top 10 voted through the site. They will also be recording the message to post on the fancafe regarding the contest. 
HONEY –  The girls will be heading out onto Idol Room, the new and unofficial spinoff of the still existing Weekly Idol, playing various games and promoting themselves and their sweet new summer song. It’ll be a good chance to show off their charms and their choreography and of course their occasionally viral aegyo! With their bright attitudes and easy appeal they’re sure to do well!  CHERRY BOMB! – The girls are gearing up for a big summer comeback! After the success of last year’s Red Flavor, there’s a lot riding on the release. With Fantasy and labelmates Honey promoting summer songs at the moment, it’s bold of MSG to throw CB! into the fray alongside them, but after Peek-a-boo’s promise, maybe it will pay off? Gear up for the comeback with recordings, rehearsals, styling, and jacket photobook shoots.  Galaxy –  It’s finally happening, you’re landing the first big group commercial deal of your careers, a fun number for the Galaxy A8! Of course it should be clear why you’ve been chosen for the product- who else can match up to the fun song and bright choreography and, frankly, who else has the company power and fitting name. Still, this is definitely a sign of your upward trend!
ATLAS –  The boys have collaborated with Puma as part of their merchandising agreement to create a fun line of hoodies, shirts, and shoes that they will be promoting for a limited run.  The boys will be having a special fansign at the store in Myeongdong in order to promote the product, and will be shooting a special pictorial. 
JAWBREAKER –  With most of the girls off of the Produce Project, the members who are not otherwise engaged in the Pro.J will be sent to guest on Running Man, playing various games and tackling the uncertain angle between charming and trying hard and completely sacrificing their images. For a group historically known for being boring on variety, this is an important chance to reinvent themselves. 
WINK –  The girls are breaking out a new kind of uniforms today to show off their bodies, their skills, and their love for their communities by doing a quick CF jingle for the Seoul Metropolitan Police Department. It is, unfortunately, something of a right of passage for those groups with high fandom numbers - if the girls are feeling grumpy they can be sure to commiserate with Olympus on the topic. 
XLNC – XLNC will be performing at a summer rock music festival down in South Korea’s home of rock music, Busan. There are rumors that their reception here will influence whether or not the company pushes them to make advancements into the Japanese market in the future, given their potential marketability there. 
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post is just a brief snapshot at a few things going on around the Idolize world that will give you something to think about threading or incorporating. We’ll be posting them semi frequently depending on how the site progresses, and occasionally will use it to tease upcoming events! Schedules can be treated as time sensitive PROMPTS that last until the next schedule is posted. You may earn + 5 exp / + 5 skill (free choice) from those that pertain to your group/company, following the same criteria as the static prompts. Opportunities for each group will vary depending on how many active members we have in each, so that we’re not throwing lots of points into empty air. We’ll try and keep it balanced across the board.
OLYMPUS -- The boys’ summer comeback is two weeks away, so every day is busy, busy, busy with preparation! Complete with music video shoots, jacket photo shoots, polishing up any last minute recordings, practicing the choreography, and more. Get ready to shimmy shimmy (kokobop)!
FANTASY -- It’s been a good month of promotions and the decent success of Navillera has really started making great strides for the group! But unfortunately, with their brother group coming back soon, it’s time for the girls to wrap up promotions. They’ll be shooting their goodbye stages this week, but don’t fret -- Midas doesn’t intend to stop striking the iron while it’s hot just yet.
IMPERIAL -- This return was practically forced on you boys, but at least the response hasn’t been too bad for such a rushed comeback! You’ve been steadily charting and getting a few small variety and interview appearances here and there like normal, and on the schedule this week: Dingo Tipsy Live! Definitely one of the more fun, laid back things to record, so get ready to just chill at a restaurant, drink up all that you can without slipping up too much on camera, and belt out your drunken best.
HEAVEN -- The girls’ debut anniversary is coming up soon on the 16th, so they’re throwing a special little fanmeeting of sorts at the Blue Square Market Hall on the day of! Time to prepare a bunch of special stages -- and, oh, right! If you were slated for the 1004 subunit (main vocal and main rap/sub vocal positions), hope you enjoyed your debut stages and promotions this week! Be sure to balance out the prep and promotions!
POIZN -- With the summer songs rising and the Love Scenario fever finally starting to die, activity for the boys is also dying down. Unusually enough, they haven’t gotten rest in a few months, so 99 has decided it’s about high time they get some. They haven’t specifically said how long they’ll have off, so the boys may be worried they’ll be shuttled back down to the hypothetical 99 dungeon, but at least for this first week of freedom they may enjoy going back to see their families or just hanging around Seoul doing whatever it is they want to. 
HONEY -- With Minions still absurdly popular throughout the country, especially with the kids, the brand is still going strong and has partnered up with Dunkin Donuts -- and Honey! With how popular Honey has always been with the kids, it was a no brainer to sign them as the face for this Dunkin Donuts x Minions limited collaboration. First up on the list for this new partnership: shoot a commercial to promote the donuts, complete with a catchy jingle and all!
CHERRY BOMB! -- The girls are gearing up for an upcoming Seoul concert, starting with: photoshoots and recordings! For fan goods ranging from acrylic stands to huge fans and banners, and for promotional material like teaser posters and trailers and the silly vcr’s in between songs! 
GALAXY -- Promotions are in full swing and the boys need to grab all the new fans they can get, so in an effort to do so they'll be spending two hours live-streaming an online "meet and greet" on Vlive where they'll be reading and answering fan submitted questions all while signing a whole bunch of albums. Get ready for hand cramps and awkward questions! 
ATLAS -- Rest is for the weak, so we hope you boys aren't! Promotions for Spring Day might have ended, but that doesn't mean you'll be off until the next album. While one of your members is off playing solo artist, well he'll still have to participate too, but the the members will be placing their focus on the group's newest brand deal with Puma! You'll be shooting a commercial and promotional photos for Puma's latest summer line. 
JAWBREAKER -- The girls are wrapping up promotions this week but for one last shebang they’ve been invited to After School Club, where they’ll be answering fan-submitted questions and requests, show off their ability to dance to other group’s dances among other random talents and things, and cater primarily to the international fanbase with whom they’ll be awkwardly live video-chatting with! 
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post is just a brief snapshot at a few things going on around the Idolize world that will give you something to think about threading or incorporating. We’ll be posting them semi frequently depending on how the site progresses, and occasionally will use it to tease upcoming events! Schedules can be treated as time sensitive PROMPTS that last until the next schedule is posted. You may earn + 5 exp / + 5 skill (free choice) from those that pertain to your group/company, following the same criteria as the static prompts. Opportunities for each group will vary depending on how many active members we have in each, so that we’re not throwing lots of points into empty air. We’ll try and keep it balanced across the board.
OLYMPUS -- The country has launched a Safe Automobile Culture Campaign to promote safety measures like abiding the speed limit, parking legally, wearing your seatbelt, and the like -- and Olympus has been chosen as ambassadors for the campaign. Have fun recording a promotional video and attending the event at Seoul City Hall where the boys will be officially appointed and share short speeches promoting safety! 
FANTASY -- Congratulations girls! This new group effort is giving you a big boost. It’s been a solid effort so far and Midas is, of course, intent on capitalizing on that. You’ve got an upcoming appearance on Weekly Idol and if that goes well, rumor has it Radio Star would like to have the girls on for an episode. Your dancing skills are about to be put to the test with that random play, but there are rumors they might even give you a 2 episode split if you give them enough content to work with.
IMPERIAL -- Surprise! The boys are coming back, didn’t 99 tell you? Oh right, they did, but only gave you a week to prepare -- good thing you recorded the song and learned the choreography a year ago when they first decided it was a good fit for your group. But you still have to finish shooting the music video and the album jacket this week then jump straight into comeback stages. It’s a rush job, to say the least, but make sure to give it your all! Knowing 99, this could be your only time to promote all year!
HEAVEN -- It’s a few months early, but with Love in the Moonlight being fully pre-recorded, so are the OST tracks. And with Sooyeon as lead for the drama, it’s only natural that Heaven gets invited to record a song for it as well! The girls are spending the week recording No Sleep (assume the entire song is sung by Heaven, no male parts/Yoo Seungwoo!) 
POIZN -- Despite promotions ending a while ago, Love Scenario is still a hit around the country, so the boys are still a hot commodity. And this week, SNL has called on them. With the group’s already scandalous image, it’s the perfect fit. Have some fun recording hilarious little skits and getting some laughs! 
HONEY --  They’ve been invited to perform at a mid-scale summer festival in Japan and will have the chance to break out two or three of their hits. Incorporate anything from preparations to the performance. After the lukewarm (read: criticized) performance on Sketchbook, the girls are expected to be largely lipsyncing the performance.
CHERRY BOMB! -- In the wake of proper promotions and with the resurgence of their summer hit on the charts, MSG is capitalizing on the movement by releasing a short series of “Summer Adventure” Vlives. You’ll be spending a few days at a pension with a nearby waterpark, recording various wholesome summer-y activities: barbequeing together, water slides (expect some full coverage rashguards to maintain your image), and ziplining. They’ll drag the content out over a few 15 minute slots for the next month.
GALAXY -- With some participating in Produce Project and the girls of MSG ending promotional periods, it’s time for Galaxy to shine! Get ready for your upcoming promotions - there’s a lot riding on this comeback and rumor has it MSG is gearing up for this to be your best yet. Practice hard, and that Vlive trend is heading your way - cameras will be around to track comeback prep and practice here and there to put out some content for your fans to get them geared up for promotions.
ATLAS -- Summer is coming, and so Spring Day promotions are finally coming to an end. It was a great run! The boys are recording their goodbye stages this week, and then... immediately heading back to work and getting started on their next move. But hey, at least you won’t have to waste time sitting around backstage at music shows for a while after this week! 
JAWBREAKER -- With KJH sending a lot of the girls off to Produce Project, extra schedules have been backburnered a little with the exception of: music show recordings, of course! It’s your debut (or your redebut) stage, so get out there and give it your all. It’s a fresh new start with a company that is the complete opposite of your previous one, pushing many things on you all at once. Hopefully you can stand the fire!
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post is just a brief snapshot at a few things going on around the Idolize world that will give you something to think about threading or incorporating. We’ll be posting them semi frequently depending on how the site progresses, and occasionally will use it to tease upcoming events! Schedules can be treated as time sensitive PROMPTS that last until the next schedule is posted. You may earn + 5 exp / + 5 skill (free choice) from those that pertain to your group/company, following the same criteria as the static prompts. Opportunities for each group will vary depending on how many active members we have in each, so that we’re not throwing lots of points into empty air. We’ll try and keep it balanced across the board.
ATLAS: The boys are having their comeback stage this week, get ready for hard work and constant schedules. There's a lot riding on this, with the boy's facing such surprising success this year, so your preparatory schedules are grueling to say the least. Feel free to incorporate jacket shoots, mv filming, and so on.
CHERRY BOMB!: The girls will be filming for Weekly Idol as part of their ongoing comeback promotions. The song is charting well, so make sure to be hilarious and earn yourself a few articles. There are high expectations for your dance game segments so bring your A game, you have a reputation to uphold!
DAYDREAM: After releasing their first CF and photoshoot with Etude House, the girls are holding a surprise event at one of the Etude House shops in Gangnam and recording it for a vlive pre-recorded broadcast. They’ll be spending a couple hours at the shop acting as staff, pink aprons and all! So, get ready to learn how to operate a cash register, talk about your favorite Etude products, and help customers (who may be fans of yours) decide what shade of lipstick is right for them!
DYNAMO: The life of a rookie group is difficult- you'll be performing stages at Coex! Sounds fun right? Well, its in the main Megabox theater. Like, the movie theater. Inside, on a little stage in front of the screen, with a bunch of confused souls who just came to watch Infinity War. Its also fully lipsynced, so don't worry too much about having to do so many showings (you're there from matinees to closing).
GALAXY: There's a comeback upcoming with Olympus wrapping up promotions, and that means its time to get serious. From last time's schedule the comeback track has been decided  (at least for the moment) and now it's time to run through the choreography a million times until you finally get it right...good luck!
HEAVEN: After a long run, its time for those goodbye stages! Hopefully you'll be back in time to maintain that summer crown, but promotions got pushed up early this year- there's whisperings of a new girl group coming out of 99 Entertainment soon...yikes.
HER.OINE: For once your company is going to promote you, check that out! The girls will be doing HER.OINE: Happy House, a vlive broadcast of the girl's day to day lives living happily in a very sweet set of digs. You'll be recording the episodes over the next two weeks and they'll be airing once every two weeks for a few months after editing.
HONEY: Group promotions have ended and you've had some time to recover abroad, if you desired. Of course, your company chucked you into the festival soon afterwards, but oh well! What are you doing with the rest of your limited time off? Parent's Day is soon, maybe a family visit is in order.
IMPERIAL: These lucky boys will be guesting on a late night radio show, performing a few of their hits and talking well, well into the night. Hope you're the right balance of soothing and entertaining and don't mind the fans staring you down outside the window. Voice-only radio is so passe, did it really happen if a fangirl didn't catch a grainy picture of it through a poorly cleaned window?
NIGHTMARE: The MIDAS media team has a new plan for you girls, and they've opened up an official youtube channel. They've already posted up your first cover: Lucky Strike....and the reactions are amazing! Showing a more relatable side is doing you girls a favor.
OLYMPUS: With group promotions coming to an end and as part of the never ending effort to milk all the money they can from you, you'll be recording a song for the Telemonster children's movie OST! Yes, there's a video but, sorry, you won't be in it - just the little characters.
POIZN: 99 Entertainment is continuing to strike while the iron’s hot with Love Scenario’s success by taking up all the magazine spread offers the boys have been getting. This week, you’re shooting for Dazed and Confused! The theme is: Calvin Klein, so, well, it’s a lot of denim on denim and “sneakily” showing your branded boxer-briefs -- but hey it’s something!
SIGNAL: After wrapping up a successful tour, you're on the way towards a comeback with a fresh new sound. Get ready and get excited....but mostly get ready, there's a lot riding on this.  Incorporate jacket filmings, mv filmings, and more. We hope you're feeling....energetic !
ViViD: With their contract coming to an end this year, the girls are facing renegotiation with the company. Delve into their mindset here- what do they want to gain, are they content to stay, do they hold any resentment, do they want to break away? Fears, hopes, dreams, lay it on the line. (Please note you’re going to have to end up recontracting for the rp purposes and that they will, indeed, still be limited in the scope of what they can manage- things like a bigger cut of cash or a few more solo opportunities are reasonable, but no group leaving or company power or so forth.) 
TRAINEES: Whatever your company is, doesn't matter, look here for a prompt! You have a showcase coming up. It is time to show off your talents. Your first task is to prepare a solo (or duo) performance covering one of your company senior artists. You may do this in any way you see fit, but be aware that creativity will be rewarded if executed well, but judge harshly if you fail. (For example, rearranging a ViViD song into an acoustic version would be very brave, but if you didn't pull it off right it could be quite drab and boring) Conversely, playing it safe won't help you stand out (there are only so many dance covers an evaluator can watch before their eyes burn, right?). Weigh your options carefully. 
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idolizenews · 6 years
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SCHEDULE  04/28.
Each schedule post is just a brief snapshot at a few things going on around the Idolize world that will give you something to think about threading or incorporating. We’ll be posting them semi frequently depending on how the site progresses, and occasionally will use it to tease upcoming events! Schedules can be treated as time sensitive PROMPTS that last until the next schedule is posted. You may earn + 5 exp / + 5 skill (free choice) from those that pertain to your group/company, following the same criteria as the static prompts. Opportunities for each group will vary depending on how many active members we have in each, so that we’re not throwing lots of points into empty air. We’ll try and keep it balanced across the board.
PEEKABOO comeback is released by CHERRY BOMB! to early praise. The girls will be embarking on comeback promotions as scheduled. Time to pop those caffeine pills.
MSG is hard at work putting out a teaser for upcoming boy group DYNAMO, their first foray into male groups since debuting Signal.
MSG confirms rumors of Signal's upcoming tour with an additional surprise- the boys are going international! Of course, this means Japan, Southeast Asia, Australia, and a few stops in South America but its a big move for the group.
POIZN and Imperial confirm song-switch stages for the upcoming Changing Seasons Music Festival. POIZN will be performing Really Really with Imperial taking on Love Scenario. Both groups will perform this stage in addition to two of their own songs.
Heaven is back in the dungeon after a successful Weekly Idol appearance with rumors of members focusing on solo work for the upcoming period, despite the CEOs promises a new comeback will be hot on the tails of their current promotional track. Frustration is surely at an all time high.
Atlas drops a surprise teaser video for upcoming release Spring Day, leaving fans to wonder if they can maintain their current momentum or if it's been a flash in the pan. No pressure boys, but this is make or break.
Olympus is rumored to be concluding promotions in order to focus on an upcoming unit release. Fans are excited at the prospect, but ready to fight to the death to be sure their favorite members are involved. Time to show your oppa some support.
HER.oine wraps promotions for Playing with Fire, leaving fans at their debut stage to wonder when the next time they'll see the girls will be. Rumors of a group variety show through v-live have been lingering for a few months but remain unsubstantiated either by the girls or the company.
Honey is being provided a rare moment of rest, with rumors that the girls will be allowed to take a proper holiday abroad, should they so desire. Given their consistent output and busy schedule this is a rare treat for the girls.
Recent hair color changes and an influx of selfies posted on official instagrams indicate that the nation's favorite it girls ViViD are heading back onto the scene after a brief rest with a new release. Midas Media has yet to confirm these suspicions, but it does coincide with the final leg of their international tour, with the girls currently wrapping promotions in Tokyo.
Nightmare has begun releasing covers to their newly created youtube channel as a way to drum up interest in the group. These range from purely vocal to acoustic medleys to dance covers and more. They hope to show the girls' uniqueness and versatility as well as their creative spirit.
Daydream has landed a cf deal for a commercial with Etude House and are filming accordingly. They will also be filmed for a behind the scenes mini release of five 10 minute "episodes" through v-live, showcasing the photoshoot, preparation process, CF filming, and accompanying fansign and performance.
Galaxy is currently preparing content for an upcoming album, which means hours of exhaustive vocal practice, recording, scrapping perfectly fine songs, and spending years on choreography that might never see the light of day. Aren't you glad you picked this profession?
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility. 
Olympus will be filming a group variety show, which has fans up in an excited tizzy already.Filming, however, is expected to take three days at the most, following the boys through a staycation in the countryside of South Korea at a pension in the mountains to the south. They’ll be doing a winter camping excursion and should bring their long padding jackets (thoroughly sponsored of course!) and get ready to cozy up because it will be cold out there. Expectations are for camping, shopping, cooking, hiking, and a “read letters to each other around the fire” moment at the end.
JiNX has a comeback this time around, with a long-awaited track. In true JiNX fashion they’ve really stepped up their game when it comes to a video filled with blatant innuendos and the mockery thereof. As a result, expectations are expected to be mixed towards the video itself (as they have been with other releases) and a visit on Yoo Huiyeol’s Sketchbook will serve to remind the public of the girls’ impressive vocal and rap skills, with members strong in those particular areas.
Titanium has a lot on their plates these days, with rumors of an upcoming concert tour and comeback  in the works. They will be promoting as individuals for the current moment, with management encouraging the boys into various solo endeavors from cfs to musicals, in the hopes of getting them some more public awareness and appeal ahead of upcoming group work. To keep fans happy, however, they’re launching an official Titanium TV V-live series to follow preparations, notably filming a behind the scenes rundown of the filming for their Season’s Greetings for this year.
Still facing a competitive uphill climb, Aurora is bringing in more attention by the day, with the girls boasting well rounded skills. Those have yet to be put to the test on variety, however, which will be done this schedule with a rare, full group appearance on Running Man. This is a big opportunity for the girls to impress with their charms and hopefully gain a few standout individual moments. Rumor has it Midas is on the lookout for variety standouts amongst the girls and is using this as a test.
Heaven is in a precarious position at the moment with summer far behind us all. The worry is, as usual, that the girls will be kept down in the dungeons until the warmer months roll around once more. Hopeful fans point out the girls’ recent comebacks have hinted at a gradual shift in direction to a more matured image and one that could, potentially, wield strength in colder times and seasons Heaven has historically been absent from. Regardless, the girls aren’t on a full hiatus by any means, with the group gracing the cover of Vogue Korea this month in a photoshoot that heavily features some sponsored Burberry, to suit the fall season.
As the end of 2018 approaches, POIZN is reflecting on the major changes the year has brought about for them. Love Scenario was a standout track being considered for Song of the Year (if rumors can be trusted) and propelled them to a point of fame that has been thoroughly enjoyed by the boys, to be sure. 99E is clearly thinking this is their chance to clean up the boys’ public image, as they have them heading out to Radio Star this week to candidly (and carefully) talk scandal, image rehabilitation, and the outstanding year they’ve had.
While Imperial didn’t have quite the same level of success POIZN faced this year, they’ve certainly been holding their own quite well. Still, the spirit of competition is strong between the two groups, with the boys quite eager to take the next step in picking up increased public recognition, they’re heading to the Golden Wave Kpop Concert  in Thailand to perform, demonstrating the interest 99 has in spreading them as a global brand in the future.
The girls will be performing at the 2nd Music Festival for People with Developmental Disabilities, the “Great Music Festival” held in Seoul at Konkuk University. They’ll be continuing their day with a fansign for the same event, featuring “lottery” giveaway of two signed albums; fanas can buy tickets and proceeds are donated to the sponsoring charity. In the wake of other humanitarian groups that have partnered with the group, it can be assumed MSG wants to offset their “bizarre” stage image with a wholesome offstage presence for maximum appeal.
It’s the tail end of the major season for festival performances outdoors, but unfortunately the girl’s aren’t out of the woods just yet. With their current impressive popularity spike, the company is intent on keeping momentum going and is sending the girl’s to the place their fanbase is the strongest at the moment. They’ll be doing a concert at an army base to cheer on the troops in the worsening cold - which means freezing on stage for a bit, yes, but also means fanchants the likes of which few can match, and a certainty for positive buzz about the girls on pann.
The boys are recording and song and dance tribute to Michael Jackson, scheduled for release in 2019, working with major producers from around the world alongside Jason Derulo, who has co-written the song. It’s a global opportunity for the boys -release was initially supposed to be December but has been pushed back due to scheduling conflict, leaving the boys a little uneasy but hopeful and optimistic on the whole for one of their first large-scale collaboration efforts.
Atlas is continuing their endorsement deal with PUMA by repping the brands line of long padding, the absolute must have item of 2018 and soon to be 2019’s winter seasons. The boys won’t have a hand in design this time, but will be filming a commercial and an impressively large host of brand materials, from billboard advertisements to magazine inserts to media to be displayed in PUMA stores worldwide, including a window display at their flagship store in the US, demonstrating the widening global appeal of the boys.
Jawbreaker has found themselves guesting, alongside Nightmare, at a gaming convention in Seoul this upcoming weekend. With the girls of Nightmare known for their anime-esque vibes it’s less than surprising to see them on the performance roster, but Jawbreaker’s involvement has been met with pleasant surprise. There are rumors the girls of Jawbreaker will be involved in an upcoming project with Riot Games and that this is their first step in that arena. For Nightmare, the event means more much-needed exposure to an audience likely to love them, if they don’t already.
The Nitro boys will be participating in a “Tipsy Live” recording of their breakout hit of the year, Shine. Already a particularly quirky track, the tipsy version is expected to further illustrate the bizarre and compelling charms and charisma not only of the song itself, but also of the boys, who are angling for an image unlike many of the other boy groups out there.
The band of boys will be embarking on a project to upload a song every month to their company youtube channel, an endeavor that will require a lot of input from members and certainly an impressive amount of work during their time “off” between comebacks. Koala.T is hard at work this month, it seems, in developing their brand as creators involved in their own music, perhaps to offset some of the criticism they face as an “idol band” in the first place.
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