#id.xu minghao
idolizerp · 6 years
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A fox in disguise. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it’s his unique stature that defines his survival strategy when it comes to being a trainee on a mission. Rely’s on his sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, using those resources to quickly improve himself and gain a better understanding in situations. Jingyu consequently spends a lot of time in his own head, giving the impression that he’s trying to outsmart his friends or just about anyone. He is often surprised to learn that his intellectual pursuits are intimidating. A love for exploration is mixed with enjoyment in overcoming challenges, and Jingyu is often journeying to exotic, forbidden places when he’s given a small break from training.
Flamboyance is usually not the Jingyu’s style, preferring to remain inconspicuous in choose subtlety and cunning over brute strength. Keeps a good physical shape and enjoy sports that challenge his mind and body. He’s typically successful in the workplace, but his competitiveness and ambition sometimes makes others feel belittled. He would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to his feelings. So he thrives in his own businesses and like to surround himself with friends in these ventures.
ah jingyu was born into a family struggling to maintain a steady income. when his mother was notified that she was, indeed, pregnant, she cried for hours, fumbling over apologies while her husband paced back and forth with fingers rubbing his temples. he could not blame his newlywed wife, for the incident was partially his fault. he should have been more careful. despite the struggles that would come with having the child, they accepted it as miracle hoping their child would bring good to the family.
for years, they believed that he would not. he was a gregarious child who adored to run around with his hands reaching for all. when his mother would walk outside to tend the garden, jingyu would slip through the door to let his bare feet hit the ground. running far, he ignored his name being yelled by the poor woman. what jingyu did not know is that he would be to blame for the later domestic abuse. due to his stunt of maturity, his mother would suffer the burden of a man’s hand against her cheek. she would cry for hours in her bedroom, and jingyi would crawl inside to comfort her. she shook under his touch, and he never knew why. he never knew it was because of his father. he never knew until she passed away. his mother’s side of the family worried for jingyu, worried for his safety and well-being. so, the family decided to take full custody of jingyu, with little to no fight from his father who suddenly turned his back on the world itself. the young boy felt lost, alone in the home that was supposed to be filled with love, but it was filled with the memories of his mother who seemed happier before she got married to a man with no self-control.
wanting to find something to distract himself with was an ideal idea when it came to jingyu, something that would keep him off the streets and safe from any prying hands. aside from doing taekwondo at a young age with his cousins, jingyu had suddenly became interested in singing after he received flashbacks of his mother singing all the time and hearing many stories from his aunt about how she’d sing to jinhyu even when he was in her womb. he had always wanted to become one ever since he was a child, wanting to please his mother and make her smile while he was on stage singing his heart away just like her. hence why he was always screaming or trying to sing along in the same harmony as his mother; he just didn’t know how successful that dream would be. it took a lot of convincing before his aunt allowed him to take singing lessons, explaining to him that it’s a waste of time and money but she gave in sooner than he expected. a fifteen year old, ruthless boy taking singing lessons, seemed like a step down in some eyes. he went through the harsh reality with grueling practices that lasted long hours. many times, he was faced with difficulties, harsh criticisms which slowly shaped the false persona he had created since middle school into something more solid and convincing. away went his gloomy behavior ( as deemed by one of his instructors ) and out came a friendlier outer image, something that wouldn’t scare people away.
One of the teachers proposed getting him to try out for companies in the district of china if he truly wanted to get somewhere with his singing. a hip new company that was looking for fresh new faces and growing talent. it all seemed too real, causing the teen to be a bit skeptical at first, but after visiting the company himself - he took it upon himself to sign up for an audition that was months away. companies in his hometown never lasted that long, he was too young to understand such a thing at the time. he wasn’t even confident in his abilities to audition for anything but his aunt was too invested that she gave him a little push with her hand. that was probably his biggest regret in life, the decision that set his future in stone. his road towards fame was not easy, but he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. gaining a position as one of the first few trainees under offshore entertainment, jingyu was completely satisfied with where he was, feeling like he did something right for once in his life. he spent two years as a trainee, working so hard until his body broke down from exhaustion. he was hospitalized from dehydration for a couple of days before being released, suddenly hearing bad news about the company that was supposed to be his ticket to fame and fortune. the company wasn’t making money and had went under months before they announced a new boy group, a group jingyu was promised to be placed in.
yet another disappointment that crashed and burned in his life.
being dropped without giving a chance was another let down in his life. being turned down was a big kick in his stomach, causing him to feel a little discouraged for a few months and giving up on the dream he worked hard for. jingyu took a break, reflecting a little on life itself - only giving the idol life another try when he was more mature and ready to give it his all again. he had heard about an international audition that was being held by a well known company in korea, a country that created the biggest groups in history. he just had one problem - he couldn’t speak the language, let alone sing in it. learning the language was the hardest part in jingyu’s life, it was relatively difficult to audition with only the basic understanding of the language that he learned when his cousin picked up the same language a year before him. he had to endure the struggles of learning from books and the intertent, his aunt even grew impatient with this useless dream of his but she gave him one last chance. placing him in a tutoring sessions for the international students from all over the world that were suddenly interested in learning a foreign language. his lack of self-awareness for how things worked had made his life a bit hard, but with the constant threats from his aunt and the adrenaline rush from coffee he bought almost everyday - jingyu was able to learn within eight months.
he had the hard part packed down, he just needed to land himself a spot in the competition and gain the companies attention. he couldn’t even remember how many hours he had spent in vocal lessons, never wanting to be another disappointing member of his family. even trying his hands at dancing as well, wanting to be the most perfect artist he could possibly be at this point. he showed potential and it was enough for the company to pick him. this was something he’s been yearning for in all his seventeen years of living. he trained hard, giving up half of his young adult life to pursue a career that wasn’t always 100% trustworthy - if you’re thinking long term. all those late night practices he was able to squeeze in before curfew was worth it. he felt confident enough in his voice as he had prepared for the day the company decided to debut another group. the waiting game had grew tiresome over the years, but he had faith in his own ability that his blessing would come soon.
Being a trainee for six years now had been a little bittersweet for Jingy, never wanting to give up. this was his dream, a dream he had to work hard to achiev, his calling would come soon. being twenty-three and training with those who were much younger than him was quite sad but he didn’t see it. the competition was still the same.
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME: Sleeping Beauty. Over the past few years, the fans would notice that Jingyi likes to sleep, it doesn’t matter where or who’s around, he’s going to get his beauty sleep. SPECIAL TALENT:
He’s able to play The Pipa, Jingyi started playing when he was 12 years old as a hobby.
Proud to say that he can moonwalk with and without shoes on.
Is able to flip his tongue upside down and can also make weird curves with it. 
Studies astrology for fun, he picked up on Chinese fortune telling as a way to entertain himself on his days off
Was able to help donate clothes to kids in the orphanage in China.
Writes poetry, has three books filled with his own poems that he hopes to share with the fans one day.
Was apart of a Kendo and fencing team in high school, continued to play until he came to Korea. 
Not a big fan of dying his hair but will make an exception for blond.
As of right now, Jingyi still wants to continue to work in fashion and get his name out into that industry, hopefully landing more opportunities in the future. His next big goal would get invited to a brand event before making his debut on the runway. 
He still wants to focus on music but be well known as a model with endorsements on his side. Jingyi wants to model for a while, be big in fashion and hopefully make his own company surrounded by that. 
Some say he’s like a fox, sly and cunning with sharp eyes watching your every move. Doesn’t hide the fact that he’s confident, wanting to stay himself no matter what. Staying alert and intelligent, Jingyi mostly succeeds through the sheer force of his personality, its what he uses to get what he wants; thriving off the thrill of holding some kind of success in the palm of his hand. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it’s his unique stature that defines his survival strategy when it comes to being a rising idol on a mission. Rely’s on his sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, using those resources to quickly improve himself and gain a better understanding of situations. Jingyi consequently spends a lot of time in his own head, giving the impression that he’s trying to outsmart his friends or just about anyone. He is often surprised to learn that his intellectual pursuits are intimidating.
Flamboyance is usually not Jingyi’s style, preferring to remain inconspicuous in choose subtlety and cunning over brute strength. The company thought it would be best that he stayed quiet, only allowing him to crack small jokes that were quite odd but funny enough if he timed everything correctly. Keeps a good physical shape and enjoy sports that challenge his mind, body, and soul. He’s typically successful in whatever he puts his mind to, but his competitiveness and ambition sometimes make others feel belittled. He would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to his feelings.
ah jingyi was born into a family struggling to maintain a steady income. when his mother was notified that she was, indeed, pregnant, she cried for hours, fumbling over apologies while her husband paced back and forth with fingers rubbing his temples. he could not blame his newlywed wife, for the incident was partially his fault. he should have been more careful. despite the struggles that would come with having the child, they accepted it as miracle hoping their child would bring good to the family.
for years, they believed that he would not. he was a gregarious child who adored to run around with his hands reaching for all. when his mother would walk outside to tend the garden, jingyi would slip through the door to let his bare feet hit the ground. running far, he ignored his name being yelled by the poor woman. what jingyi did not know is that he would be to blame for the later domestic abuse. due to his stunt of maturity, his mother would suffer the burden of a man’s hand against her cheek. she would cry for hours in her bedroom, and jingyi would crawl inside to comfort her. she shook under his touch, and he never knew why. he never knew it was because of his father. he never knew until she passed away.
his father pointed a finger, standing close to his jingyi’s physique, and his face was red with anger. “this is all your fault,” he yelled. it was jingyi’s fault. if he has been a better son, maybe his mother would still be here. jingyi ran that night. he ran, and he never came back home. he was thirteen, and his innocence no longer existed.
his mother’s side of the family worried for jingyi, worried for his safety and well-being. so, the family decided to take full custody of jingyi, with little to no fight from his father who suddenly turned his back on the world itself. the young boy felt lost, alone in the home that was supposed to be filled with love, but it was filled with the memories of his mother who seemed happier before she got married to a man with no self-control.
wanting to find something to distract himself with was an ideal idea when it came to jingyi, something that would keep him off the streets and safe from any prying hands. aside from doing taekwondo at a young age with his cousins, jingyi had suddenly become interested in music after he received flashbacks of his mother singing all the time and hearing many stories from his aunt about how she’d sing to jingyi even when he was in her womb. he couldn’t see himself as a true singer though, it just wasn’t his style so he moved over to rapping or hip hop. he was truly fond of urban and hip-hop music from the states and imputed that into his own songs whenever he had time to write them out. it was all for fun at one point, his aunt thinking it was a waste of time but jingyi grew to love it so much he had to do something.
it took a lot of convincing before his aunt allowed him to take lessons, explaining to him that it’s a waste of time and money but she gave in sooner than he expected. a fifteen year old, ruthless boy taking lessons to pursue something so stupid, seemed like a step down in some eyes. he went through the harsh reality with grueling practices that lasted long hours, even picking up on dancing to have some skills to fall back on. many times, he was faced with difficulties, harsh criticisms which slowly shaped the false persona he had created since middle school into something more solid and convincing. away went his gloomy behavior  ( as deemed by one of his instructors ) and out came a friendlier outer image, something that wouldn’t scare people away.
One of the teachers proposed getting him to try out for companies in the district of China if he truly wanted to get somewhere with his rapping. a hip new company that was looking for fresh new faces and growing talent. it all seemed too real, causing the teen to be a bit skeptical at first, but after visiting the company himself - he took it upon himself to sign up for an audition that was months away. companies in his hometown never lasted that long, he was too young to understand such a thing at the time. he wasn’t even confident in his abilities to audition for anything but his aunt was too invested that she gave him a little push with her hand. that was probably his biggest regret in life, the decision that set his future in stone.
his road towards fame was not easy, but he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. gaining a position as one of the first few trainees under offshore entertainment, jingyi was completely satisfied with where he was, feeling like he did something right for once in his life. he spent two years as a trainee, working so hard until his body broke down from exhaustion. he was hospitalized from dehydration for a couple of days before being released, suddenly hearing bad news about the company that was supposed to be his ticket to fame and fortune. the company wasn’t making money and had went under months before they announced a new boy group, a group jingyi was promised to be placed in.
yet another disappointment that crashed and burned in his life.
being dropped without giving a chance was another let down in his life. being turned down was a big kick in his stomach, causing him to feel a little discouraged for a few months and giving up on the dream he worked hard for. jingyi took a break, reflecting a little on life itself - only giving the idol life another try when he was more mature and ready to give it his all again. he had heard about an international audition that was being held by a well known company in Korea, a country that created the biggest groups in history. he just had one problem - he couldn’t speak the language, let alone rap in it. learning the language was the hardest part in jingyi’s life, it was relatively difficult to audition with only the basic understanding of the language that he learned when his cousin picked up the same language a year before him. he had to endure the struggles of learning from books and the internet, his aunt even grew impatient with this useless dream of his but she gave him one last chance. placing him in a tutoring sessions for the international students from all over the world that were suddenly interested in learning a foreign language. his lack of self-awareness for how things worked had made his life a bit hard, but with the constant threats from his aunt and the adrenaline rush from coffee he bought almost everyday - jingyi was able to learn within eight months.
he had the hard part packed down, he just needed to land himself a spot in the competition and gain the companies attention. he couldn’t even remember how many hours he had spent in trying to study other famous rappers until he could find his own style - something he could call him, never wanting to be another disappointing member of his family. even trying his hands at dancing again, wanting to be the most perfect artist he could possibly be at this point. he showed potential and it was enough for the company to pick him. this was something he’s been yearning for in all his seventeen years of living. he trained hard, giving up half of his young adult life to pursue a career that wasn’t always 100% trustworthy - if you’re thinking long term. all those late night practices he was able to squeeze in before curfew was worth it. he felt confident enough in his ability to take the attention from other’s with his constant flow of words as he had prepared for the day the company decided to debut another group. the waiting game had grew tiresome over the years, but he had faith in his own ability that his blessing would come soon.
being a trainee for seven years now had been a little bittersweet for jingyi, never wanting to give up. this was his dream, a dream he had to work hard to achieve, his calling would come soon and it did. It’s been a while since jingyi was placed in the groups watch list for new debuts, it was like the company had given up on him but the higher-ups still had a plan to use him just like he always wanted. he’s been through it before, being picked and dropped for someone else but not this time - this was his time to finally shine and give it his all. the boys were soon given strict training time before their official debut and he didn’t crack under the pressure, he couldn’t slip up or give the other’s a hard time when he was tired. titanium was the name, a group he was finally placed under that would give him some kind of satisfaction. he finally made it at the age of twenty-one, his dreams were coming true. He didn’t expect the group to explode like they did, with their experimental concepts, to the mysterious looks they were given over the years. Jingyi was growing as an artist, he still was till this day - making mistakes and learning from them as he went along. Five years had already passed when he first touched the stage, it was still so new to him, the feeling of performing and being out there for everyone to see him.
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idolizerp · 6 years
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Some say he’s like a fox, sly and cunning with sharp eyes watching your every move. Doesn’t hide the fact that he’s confident, wanting to stay himself no matter what. Staying alert and intelligent, Jingyi mostly succeeds through the sheer force of his personality, its what he uses to get what he wants; thriving off the thrill of holding some kind of success in the palm of his hand. Largely misunderstood to be a shy, retreating individual, it’s his unique stature that defines his survival strategy when it comes to being a rising idol on a mission. Rely’s on his sharp mind and engaging personality to garner resources, using those resources to quickly improve himself and gain a better understanding of situations. Jingyi consequently spends a lot of time in his own head, giving the impression that he’s trying to outsmart his friends or just about anyone. He is often surprised to learn that his intellectual pursuits are intimidating.
Flamboyance is usually not Jingyi’s style, preferring to remain inconspicuous in choose subtlety and cunning over brute strength. The company thought it would be best that he stayed quiet, only allowing him to crack small jokes that were quite odd but funny enough if he timed everything correctly. Keeps a good physical shape and enjoy sports that challenge his mind, body, and soul. He’s typically successful in whatever he puts his mind to, but his competitiveness and ambition sometimes make others feel belittled. He would never deliberately take advantage of others, but their single-mindedness often blinds them to his feelings.
ah jingyi was born into a family struggling to maintain a steady income. when his mother was notified that she was, indeed, pregnant, she cried for hours, fumbling over apologies while her husband paced back and forth with fingers rubbing his temples. he could not blame his newlywed wife, for the incident was partially his fault. he should have been more careful. despite the struggles that would come with having the child, they accepted it as miracle hoping their child would bring good to the family.
for years, they believed that he would not. he was a gregarious child who adored to run around with his hands reaching for all. when his mother would walk outside to tend the garden, jingyi would slip through the door to let his bare feet hit the ground. running far, he ignored his name being yelled by the poor woman. what jingyi did not know is that he would be to blame for the later domestic abuse. due to his stunt of maturity, his mother would suffer the burden of a man’s hand against her cheek. she would cry for hours in her bedroom, and jingyi would crawl inside to comfort her. she shook under his touch, and he never knew why. he never knew it was because of his father. he never knew until she passed away.
his father pointed a finger, standing close to his jingyi’s physique, and his face was red with anger. “this is all your fault,” he yelled. it was jingyi’s fault. if he have been a better son, maybe his mother would still be here. jingyi ran that night. he ran, and he never came back home. he was thirteen, and his innocence no longer existed.
his mother’s side of the family worried for jingyi, worried for his safety and well-being. so, the family decided to take full custody of jingyi, with little to no fight from his father who suddenly turned his back on the world itself. the young boy felt lost, alone in the home that was supposed to be filled with love, but it was filled with the memories of his mother who seemed happier before she got married to a man with no self-control.
wanting to find something to distract himself with was an ideal idea when it came to jingyi, something that would keep him off the streets and safe from any prying hands. aside from doing taekwondo at a young age with his cousins, jingyi had suddenly became interested in music after he received flashbacks of his mother singing all the time and hearing many stories from his aunt about how she’d sing to jingyi even when he was in her womb. he couldn’t see himself as a true singer though, it just wasn’t his style so he moved over to rapping or hiphop. he was truly fond of urban and hip-hop music from the states and imputed that into his own songs whenever he had time to write them out. it was all for fun at one point, his aunt thinking it was a waste of time but jingyi grew to love it so much he had to do something.
it took a lot of convincing before his aunt allowed him to take lessons, explaining to him that it’s a waste of time and money but she gave in sooner than he expected. a fifteen year old, ruthless boy taking lessons to purse something so stupid, seemed like a step down in some eyes. he went through the harsh reality with grueling practices that lasted long hours, even picking up on dancing to have some skills to fall back on. many times, he was faced with difficulties, harsh criticisms which slowly shaped the false persona he had created since middle school into something more solid and convincing. away went his gloomy behavior ( as deemed by one of his instructors ) and out came a friendlier outer image, something that wouldn’t scare people away.
One of the teachers proposed getting him to try out for companies in the district of china if he truly wanted to get somewhere with his rapping. a hip new company that was looking for fresh new faces and growing talent. it all seemed too real, causing the teen to be a bit skeptical at first, but after visiting the company himself - he took it upon himself to sign up for an audition that was months away. companies in his hometown never lasted that long, he was too young to understand such a thing at the time. he wasn’t even confident in his abilities to audition for anything but his aunt was too invested that she gave him a little push with her hand. that was probably his biggest regret in life, the decision that set his future in stone.
his road towards fame was not easy, but he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. gaining a position as one of the first few trainees under offshore entertainment, jingyi was completely satisfied with where he was, feeling like he did something right for once in his life. he spent two years as a trainee, working so hard until his body broke down from exhaustion. he was hospitalized from dehydration for a couple of days before being released, suddenly hearing bad news about the company that was supposed to be his ticket to fame and fortune. the company wasn’t making money and had went under months before they announced a new boy group, a group jingyi was promised to be placed in.
yet another disappointment that crashed and burned in his life.
being dropped without giving a chance was another let down in his life. being turned down was a big kick in his stomach, causing him to feel a little discouraged for a few months and giving up on the dream he worked hard for. jingyi took a break, reflecting a little on life itself - only giving the idol life another try when he was more mature and ready to give it his all again. he had heard about an international audition that was being held by a well known company in korea, a country that created the biggest groups in history. he just had one problem - he couldn’t speak the language, let alone rap in it. learning the language was the hardest part in jingyi’s life, it was relatively difficult to audition with only the basic understanding of the language that he learned when his cousin picked up the same language a year before him. he had to endure the struggles of learning from books and the internet, his aunt even grew impatient with this useless dream of his but she gave him one last chance. placing him in a tutoring sessions for the international students from all over the world that were suddenly interested in learning a foreign language. his lack of self-awareness for how things worked had made his life a bit hard, but with the constant threats from his aunt and the adrenaline rush from coffee he bought almost everyday - jingyi was able to learn within eight months.
he had the hard part packed down, he just needed to land himself a spot in the competition and gain the companies attention. he couldn’t even remember how many hours he had spent in trying to study other famous rappers until he could find his own style - something he could call his, never wanting to be another disappointing member of his family. even trying his hands at dancing again, wanting to be the most perfect artist he could possibly be at this point. he showed potential and it was enough for the company to pick him. this was something he’s been yearning for in all his seventeen years of living. he trained hard, giving up half of his young adult life to pursue a career that wasn’t always 100% trustworthy - if you’re thinking long term. all those late night practices he was able to squeeze in before curfew was worth it. he felt confident enough in his ability to take the attention from other’s with his constant flow of words as he had prepared for the day the company decided to debut another group. the waiting game had grew tiresome over the years, but he had faith in his own ability that his blessing would come soon.
being a trainee for five years now had been a little bittersweet for jingyi, never wanting to give up. this was his dream, a dream he had to work hard to achieve, his calling would come soon and it did. It’s been awhile since jingyi was placed in the groups watch list for new debuts, it was like the company had gave up on him but the higher ups still had a plan to use him just like he always wanted. he’s been through it before, being picked and dropped for someone else but not this time - this was his time to finally shine and give it his all. the boys were soon given strict training time before their official debut and he didn’t crack under the pressure, he couldn’t slip up or give the other’s a hard time when he was tired. titanium was the name, a group he was finally placed under that would give him some kind of satisfaction. he finally made it at the age of twenty-three, all his hard work paid off.
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