#idc help im so nervous about it uhhh
leftiesomebody · 1 year
Heey just create a new term/label idk
Semidsexual and semidromantic!!!
When you can experience sexual/romantic attraction without a specific emotional connection, unlike demi-sexual/romantic persons, but you can start sexual/romantic relationship only then you have specific emotional connection!
1st flag-semidromantic, 2nd flag-semidsexual, 3rd flag-semidromantic and semidsexual (semidaroace?)
Idc i dont really think that stripes have meanings, but ig a cut triangle means an emotional connection!!
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Get To Know Me
Thank youuuuu @gukieater for the tag ❤❤ I enjoyed reading your answers!!!
I want to lighten things up a little from the past few days soooooo let's get itttttt~
when is your birthday?
March 14🥰 aka pi dayyy
what is your favorite color?
what's your lucky number?
3 and 7 dk why just always been my fav and lucky
do you have any pets?
A bichon frise ❤ she my bestie fa life
how tall are you?
5'4 or 165 cm I think?!?!
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Uh a lot of ones that i dont use but most used is 3 or 4
favorite song?
I don't have a fav song, but at the moment I really love In My Arms by Plumb :))
favorite movie?
Lord. Of. The. Rings. Hands down the best films ever made.
what would be your ideal partner?
Someone that genuinely loves me for who I am and will accept my faults. Someone who is raw and real with me, and will always be there for me. Someone loyal and caring. And funny hehe. Someone that makes me a better me
do you want children?
Absolutely I do!!! People think I'm crazy but I want LOTS of kiddos. And I want to adopt and foster too if I can.
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
Nooope, I'm a good girl 😉
what color socks are you wearing?
No sockies rn I'm afraid :(
bath or shower?
Mmm, efficiency wise shower. But comfort wise, bath. Idk why but I've always been scared of taking a shower since I was a kid. I deal with it now.
favorite type of music?
Pop. Specifically kpop but ya know.
how many pillows do you sleep with?
One, sometimes two
which position do you sleep in?
I flippity flop all over, left side right side left side back right side back left side
what dont you like when you're sleeping?
I cant stand any clothes on me at all. Like literally not even undies. I sleep buck booty neked, sorry tmi.
what do you have for breakfast?
Depends. My favorite is maple oatmeal with fresh cut up apples and cinnamon 🤩
have you ever tried archery?
Indeed I have. Funny story. I was shooting arrows in our backyard when I was about 12 or 13, and a wasp got under my arm and took a literal bite out of my arm. Like there was a chunk missing. That's how we found out I was allergic 🥴
favorite fruit?
favorite swear word?
Banana, donut, walnut, and walnart
do you have any scars?
Yeh. A few. One very very very very very faint one on me arm from my sis which was an accident.l, it might actually have disappeared idk. And one on my hand from glass. It's pretty small tho. And some I dont want to elaborate on but yeah
are you a good liar?
I can be if I need to be. It makes me physically ill tho.
what your personality type?
Uhhh I'm shy. And uhh, I like to take care of people, and im pretty silly once you get to know me. I'm loyal as a dog.
what's your favorite type of girl?
Every girl 🥺 just girls who are themselves and genuine
left or right handed?
favorite food?
Korean and Chinese
are you clean or messy?
Both lol
favorite foreign food?
Besides korean and chinese... Indian! I love butter chicken 😭😭
how long does it take for you to get ready?
Very much quick.
most used phrase?
I feel sick.
I'm so stressed out.
are you a good singer?
I'm not the worst but I ain't no dolly Parton
do you sing to yourself?
Heck yeah baby. Well mostly to my dog.
biggest fear?
Losing my loved ones, including my doggo
do you like long or short hair?
On me? Long, but once I had shoulder length hair and it was beautiful.
are you into gossips?
No. F that.
extrovert or introvert?
favorite school subject?
Meh. Reading and writing lol
what makes you nervous?
They scare me.
And cool girls.
who was your first real crush?
Ok HAHAHAHAHHA I HAD TWO. One was the neighbor boy and his name was Jacob. He was so so so cute my goodness and we made cherry cobbler together 😳🥴 and one was at my dance school, his name was Kimber. My laaaaaaaawd he was cute. But never spoke to him lmaoooo he was too cool for me. But once he was making funny faces at me and being goofy and I swooned.
how many piercings do you have?
0. They always got infected no matter what I did as a kid, do I gave it up.
how fast can you run?
I can run faster than you'd think if somethings chasing me but I won't get very far before my asthmatic lungs kill me.
what makes you angry?
Abusive fuckheads.
do you like your own name?
I do I do I dooooo
do you like your own name?
I'm not sure why this is twice but I'll count this one as last name. Funny, I got so bullied for my last name my entire life, even the professor in college mocked me. Its embarrassing to say to people. But I'm learning to be okay with it.
what are your weaknesses?
I get overwhelmed easily bc I overthink things.
I have a hard time asking for help.
what are your strengths?
And ohhhhhh idk, I'm not good at this.
what is the color of your bedspread?
Peach hehe
color of your room?
White. Lolol
This was fun!!! Got a lil deeper than I thought I would on some but ya know, you're my honeybunches so idc.
I'll tag; @flowerprincejin @moo-mama @today-we-will-survive @gaeguuliii @sierra-fics @jinfused @krystle1990
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ethereal-lix · 6 years
You have sweaty hands
A/N: so this will have two parts because the requester wants BTS And Got7.
Warnings: none unless you count terrible writing lol Also this will be my first time writing in soooo long so im so sorry if its terrible. i need to get back into writing so imma be a little rusty. Also please ignore any grammar mistakes, i have no one to proof read for me lol
Also i wasnt sure how to keep to the request with everyone so i kinda changed it a little bit. i hope thats okay, and if it isnt let me know and ill rewrite it. And some are shorter than others. i just wasnt sure how to write this and do 7 different scenarios. so this will be bad im so sorry
Request:Hi, can I request a got7 and bts reaction (it can be separated or in the same post idc.) about their shy gf and her hand gets sweaty when he’s holding her hand for to long? I have this problem so I need help.😣😣😭😭😖😳
Here is part two with BTS
Mark: You and Mark have held hands before, but you’ve always found an excuse as to why you had to let go. Today though, today was different because Mark decided to take you on a walk through the park to see if you would try and retract you hand. As expected, you pulled your hand away, or well tried, but Mark wouldnt let you. Mark sighs and looks down at your intertwined hands, “Do you not want to hold hands? Every time we hold hands you always find an excuse as to why you have to let go. Do you not want to be with me?” You and Mark had only been together for a little over two months and he still made you super nervous. Anytime you saw him he always brought butterflies to your
 tummy and you thought that after about a month you would grow used to being around Mark and not get so nervous, but here you are.. “No its not that Mark, its just, you make me really nervous and you know im shy so it doesnt really help the situation, especially because i really like you and when i get nervous my palms start to sweat and then i get even more nervous which causes me to overthink and then i get even more nervous and its just a never ending cycle that i cant break and i wanna hold your hand, but i dont want you to think im weird to something because my hands are sweaty and i cant really stop it because.. well you know..” you trail off looking at the ground. Since you were looking down you didnt see that Mark had left out a small sigh of relief before smiling. “Y/N, its okay, you make me nervous to. And since we’re being totally honest, i thought you didnt want to hold my hand because well one, i thought you didnt like me as much as i liked you and two, because my hands would get sweaty form how nervous you make me as well. So its nice to know that you didnt want to hold hands because yours was sweaty.” Mark leaned down and kissed your forehead gently. “Shall we?” Mark questioned, holding out his hand for you to hold. “Yes, we shall.” you smiled grabbing his hand.
Jackson: “AHHHH!!!!!” You and Jackson had screamed in unison. you and Jackson had some how gotten suckered into going to a haunted maze with the rest of the boys. Youre not too sure how you ended up in this situation. All you know is that there was a game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ involved and thats all Jackson would tell you. You’re pretty sure that BamBam had said, “lets play a game of rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to go through the haunted maze tonight”. Unfortunately, if it wasnt obvious Jackson lost. You wanted to let go of Jacksons’ hand because your palms were sweating like crazy, but at the same time you didnt want to let go because you were terrified of letting go. Now heres the thing, since your hands are sweating uncontrollably from the frights your hand keeps slipping from Jacksons’ tight grasp, which honestly is a shock since he has a pretty tight grip on your hand. “Yah! Y/N stop trying to . let my hand go! Cant you see that im scared?!” You gasped in shock, “Excuse me? You’re scared?! You’re scared?!” You questioned. “You’re the one who got us into this mess in the first place Jackson! you cant get mad at me because youre scared! That’s one. Two, im just as scared as you and you know that when we hold hands for too long my palms get sweaty, so im not intentionally trying to not hold your hand, my hand just keeps slipping.” You didnt notice that you had stopped walking until Yugyeom walks passed you guys laughing. “How can you two be bickering while in a haunted maze? i mean honestly, you guys will bicker anywhere if given the chance. But i think you should finish this argument outside where you can stand around all you want” You and Jackson looked at each other before giggling and continuing through the maze.
JB: You and Jaebeom were standing outside the dorm. “Y/N, you okay? Your hand is sweating real bad.” You gulp and look down shyly removing your hand from his to wipe it on your pants. “Uhhh yeah, im sorry, im just super nervous.” Jaebeom smiles and kisses the top of your head. “No need to be nervous. They’re going to love you i promise.” You give him a small smile as he grabs your hand again opening the door. “Hey guys,” He shouts as soon as he steps through the door with you following. “Were here!” When you walked into the living room you saw all the boys lounging around before they all got up to proper introduce themselves to you. “Guys this is Y/N,” Jaebeom said while slightly nodding your way before he looks at you and lists everyone off pointing to each one so yo can place a name with their face. “Y/N this is Jackson, Mark, Bambam, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Youngjae.” “Hi guys.” You said giving them a small smile and a wave. After the introduction you and Jaebeom made your way to sit on the floor, Jaebeoms back resting on the couch and you sitting in between his legs. “What are you guys watching?” You asked trying to make small talk. “Nothing really, we were just trying to bypass the time waiting on you and Jaebeom to show up, but now that you guys are here we can eat and play some games.” Jinyoung answered. As the night went on eventually all the boys split into smaller groups and ultimately left you and Jaebeom alone. “Told you you had nothing to worry about” He whispered in your ear. 
Jinyoung: “Jinyoung, what if they dont like me?” you asked as you and Jinyoung walked up to the restaurant door. “My parents will love you, let me ask you this. Whats there to not like about you? You’re a very lovely person with a great personality. You’re nice, kind, funny, amazing. Theres absolutely no reason they wont like you.” “But-” Jinyoung cut you off with a chaste kiss to your lips. “But nothing. Everything will be fine and things will go great.” Jinyoung opens the door for you so you can walk through, with him following closely behind grabbing your hand. “Just maybe dont shake their hands?” Jinyoung laughed while you slapped his arm with your other hand. “Babe! I’m shy and you know that i get sweaty palms when im nervous! dont laugh at me” you tried to have some authority in your voice but you couldnt help but giggle as the hostess walked you to a table so you can wait for Jinyoungs parents to show up.
Youngjae: You and Youngjae were currently backstage getting the finishing touches done on your make up. “You nervous?” He questioned you. “What gave me away? My trembling body or my nervous giggles?” you sarcastically asked with a playful smile. “actually it was the fact that you cant stop wiping your sweaty--or should i say leaking hands-- on that very expensive dress i bought you.” He retorted instantly. “ha-ha, very funny. i think im going to die of laughter.” you reply dryly. You and Youngjae were presenting an award to your favourite idol group and you were so nervous because one, you’re going to be on stage in front of thousands of people, and two you’re giving an award to you favourite idol group. They were the reason that you were going to be on this stage. They inspired you to follow your dreams of becoming an idol and here you are a long and hard 4 years later presenting them with one of the best awards that the industry has to offer. “once Youngjae was done with his finishing touches he walked up to you and lightly kissed your temple so he wont mess up your hair or make-up. “You’ll be fine. Dont worry.” He smiled at you as the make-up artist gave you an approving nod and thumbs up before walking off to finish someone else. “Just think of it as performing. You’ve been on a stage just as big as this before and youve done amazing.” He states as he moves to stand in front of you with his hands finding a place on your shoulders. “Yeah, but this time its different. Im not performing. Im not singing or dancing. Im talking. I have a speech that i have to recite to thousands and thousands of people. And this is being broadcasted live where millions will see at home.” You sighed as you rested a hand on his forearm. “Y/N, Youngjae, are you ready? You’re up in 2!” a stage producer yelled. “Alright sweaty palms, are you ready?” He asks as he looks down at your grabbing your hand. “As ready as i’ll ever be.” You smile and lightly chuckle, before walking out on the stage taking a deep breath. 
Bambam: “You nervous Y/N?” Jackson asked you. “What?” you questioned not really hearing what Jackson just said. “That’s a yes” Yugyeom stated. You looked around slightly confused as to what was going on before your yes landed on your boyfriend who was sitting right next to you. Bam leaned down and lightly brushed his lips on your temple before muttering, “when you get nervous not only do your hands get sweaty, you have a tendency to rubs your hands up and down on your legs.” You looked down intrigued by the news and saw that you were in fact rubbing your hands up and down your dress. “Ohh..” you whispered before you thought back on all the times that you were nervous and also saw the pattern. “Hey,” you began going to defend yourself, before Jaebeom cut you off. “Its okay Y/N we know you’re shy and when you get nervous your hands start to sweat. Not only did Bam tell us, but we also caught on to your other nervous habits, such as rubbing your hands on your legs.” He gave you a small smile as Mark piped up. “You shouldve seen when BamBam used to get nervous when he was younger, he would-” Alright!! Thats enough!” Bambam would yell over Mark so he wouldnt have to relive any of his embarrassing moments that he’s tried so hard to forget. 
Yugyeom: “So, wait, you mean to tell me you’ve never been to a school dance before?!?!” Jackson practically yelled. “Jackson!! SHHHH!” You whispered shouted hoping that Yugyeom didnt hear. “Yes, thats exactly what im saying and if you could please keep your voice down so people in LA wont hear you that would be great!” You huffed after crossing your arms over your chest relaxign back into the couch. “What? How? And why doesnt Yugyeom know this?” Jackson questioned you with genuine concern and shock. “You’re very pretty and funny and awesome, and kind, and sweet, and youre the whole package. How have you never been to a school dance?” “Well, i guess the other boys back home didnt agree with you thats why.” you sighed as you started playing with a sleeping yugyeoms hair. “But can we please drop it? i dont wanna talk about it anymore and you cant tell Yugyeom, you promised.” you reminded him before changing the subject. Later on that night you were in the studio with Yugyeom keeping him company while he as working on some music. After about an hour yugyeom got up off his chair and walked over to you and held his hand out for yo to grab. You looked up at him quizzically before taking his out stretched hand. He helped you stand and led you to the middle of the room before he left you to walk back to his computer playing “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. As soon as the song started to play you started to blush and your palms became sweaty as you tried to wipe the sweat off by rubbing your palms on your thighs. ‘Oh no’ you thought. He must’ve heard the conversation that you had with Jackson earlier in the day. He looks at you with a slight blush rising on his cheeks. “So i may or may not have heard what you and Jackson were talking about today and i figured what better way to experience your first slow dance than with someone in a studio listening to one of the best love songs created?” He said, barely above a whisper as he grabbed your hand. “No need to be nervous Y/N. Its just me and you, no one else.” He stated as he started to sway you side to side noticing your nervous habit. “Its just me and you.” He whispered in your ear as he pulled you closer.   
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Episode 1 - "You are an evil psychopath... but I kinda dig it." - Veni
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I love love how these tribes are split up but I’m kind of nervous about playing with people I’ve played other things with before! There was only one person I didn’t already have added and that is Daniel. I’m just going to try to stay on everyone’s good side and maybe try to get close with everyone? I think that we are going to have a strong tribe so that’s a plus! 
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Israel is not in Europe
So since this is "International" I decided to call everyone in our tribe be either their home country or town. So Clash is Richmond. Vilma is Oulu. Ginger is Israel. Allan is Scotland. I have yet to talk to Latvia but they appear as a very busy person. So it's Day 2 right now and I have just woken up. Me and Oulu stayed up 'till 6 AM last night just talking and chilling. I really like her so I hope we can make it far. I also like Richmond because that is a cool name so we established a 3-person group. Richmond insists on repeating F3 every 5 minutes which is pretty scary but I'll just disregard it for now. I am enjoying the diversity of our cast, proud to be a European seeing as the other tribes are basically just Australia and just USA. Right now I'll try to put some work into this flag I guess since nobody has taken initiative.
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So its off to a relatively good start, I’ve talked with 3 other tribe members and they seem pretty cool, i got a good rapport with Tyler and Jacob especially. They also had good input into the challenge to so, yay. The other to however haven’t spoken, and we can’t blame time zones cause their like, at most an hour seperate. Be careful Sluggyg and Dylan, we lose a challenge we’ll be looking at you. I’m not gonna pm them first though, trying not to come off too needy yet, I’ll give at least some pretense of not being absolutely bonkers. 
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Good lookin. Nah jk. So I have to admit I was a late bloomer in terms of speaking in the group chat and I conveniently missed the people I didn't know - Tyler, Dean. I have a history with Jacob and I know Michael from a previous community so I have hit the ground running with the idea of sticking together but nothings too solidified yet so hopefully in a bit I'll find myself in a majority! The only thing Stephen said to me so far is "heyo" and "ya I teach english", so.. 
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Ok so Hi. I hate u all why am i here. Im nervous cause im out here trying not ti be the first boot and have to have my dog comfort me while i cry to sleep. Literally shaking in slides. Everyones a bit of a hoot, all male tribe! Wowee. Just going be pals with all these kiddies. Although the flag they made is literal trash, ill be nice :) 
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hey boys time for my first confession that will be longer than it should be and not entertaining in the slightest so the cast reveal was interesting! i wasn’t expecting many familiar faces at all, maybe like one or two people i sort of know of. but when i saw ruthie and randy, i was honestly relieved. ruthie and i have always been good allies together in games and i love her a lot. she’s loyal and funny and smart. just overall wonderful person to play with and i’m really happy to have her here. also, seeing randy was so good too. honestly i know he has a ~rEp~ for being not the greatest, but i don’t particularly care. i feel like we’re going to get along really well in this game. the only thing that annoys me is that him talking to me at first was all like, “oh emily you’re so a good player i love you please don’t vote me out get me to merge xo” like he was purposefully inflating my ego because....... people generally think i have a big ego. and a year ago, yeah i definitely did. that’s why i lost both of my last two main season games. my ego got in the way and i got too confident, too cutthroat, too rude, too self absorbed. and so much has happened in my life, i’ve been taken down a few notches and the last thing i want is for people to think i’m a narcissist. i’ve worked on myself a lot and it’s just sad to see people treating me like this like they think it’ll guarantee me wanting to work with them. sigh. anyway, continuing with the other people: my skype app will NOT give me notifications when daniel or patrick send me messages and it’s frustrating me high key because they’ll respond two minutes after i send a message and i won’t see it for hours, even if i check the chat. new skype is ruining my social game yeah! but in general pat and daniel seem cool. only person i’m weary of is liana! i didn’t realize at first, but she’s married to chips who....... hates me LMAO! i’ve never played a game with her so here’s to hoping she doesn’t have an idea of me in her head already. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ other tribe comments: i saw vilma in a game for the first time like well over a year ago and was like i am in LOVE with her and i want to MARRY her. she’s so pretty and seems so funny and when we’re on the same tribe we WILL be best friends and if we’re not i’m THROWING HANDS!!! it has to happen. has to! i don’t think i recognizes literally anyone else? everyone is pretty much unfamiliar to me. so how i’m feeling right now: randy is really good at making flags! and confident that we’ll pull through with reward tbh. like he’s very talented. i’m gonna put together a makeshift flag too just in case it’s ugly and also to show that i’m active and here and contributing, but i doubt it’s going to be bad. and also it’s only reward! if we don’t win, i don’t mind it that much. my fear is that we end up going to tribal the first round! i don’t know how strong this tribe is in terms of challenges. i don’t know anything about liana, daniel, or patrick. i don’t remember anything about randy or ruthie when it comes to challenges either. so we’ll have to see! daniel told me he played on discord so he’s probably used to more text based challenges or flash games, which is very helpful because i’m bad at both. but from my experience, typical tumblr challenges are far different from typical discord challenges. yeah. also, randy and i shared our idol guesses and both found nothing. i went around camp -> shelter -> on top -> nothing and he went around camp -> treemail -> (uhhh something i already forgot lol) -> nothing. i’m gonna share mine with him every round as like a trust thing. idk if he’ll tell me the truth but i’ll tell him the truth! idc honestly! :p okay end of this long confession i hope you had fun reading if you read this far give me an idol clue xoxo emily (dennis remember in mongolia when i told you the exile idol was under a girl’s name) (i’m sorry) 
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So the reward challenge is a flag making challenge. I hate a lot of the things, but I am taking a step back since I have been told I can be controlling in the tribe stages when it comes to challenges. So I want to see how well the tribe performs without me stepping in. 
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Day one thoughs: Yes!!! A tribe full of people with similar time zones. Jacob and Sluggy are here, nice. UHC alliance has already been suggested... not sure how to feel. Talked to all other tribe members. Everyone seems nice... dont quite trust Tyler yet... seems shifty Reward challenge: Not a fan of original design. Spent a bit of time working on another design... which i had more time to make it better. Seems to be good enough, will see what tribe says. Idol search round one: nothing
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me: so yeah just send me your image so I can do all the work and make the flag everyone: (by the way these confessionals will be over the top and not express my true true  feelings, i.e. I'm exaggerating everything)
The plan is to kill people with kindness! I really don't plan on winning but i'd love to if I am able to. I just hope I stay long enough to talk to most. My two closest friends are Richmond and Oulu. Oulu is super nice and we talk often so that is cool ----------
Oh lord I am actually exuding so much time in this survivor good thing it is summer geez 
Ginger spoiled 2 survivor seasons in the same message I am crying :(
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So i finally got to talk to everyone on the tribe. Tyler seems rlly friendly and talkative which kinda draws me towards him. Stephen is more analytical and observant... Dean is just the passive, looks on and watches kinda guy. Both Stephen and Dean want to be or are writers so. One thing great about working with Stephen would be someone people target as a strategic threat instead of me - but I don't know if I'll be able to work well with him atm... 
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Okay I was gonna wait until after the immunity challenge to do my first confessional but I am DYING. So Veni is making our flag (which honestly I'm not too sure about but I'm awful at art so I can't really say anything) and he asks for pictures to use in it. So I send him a picture of me sitting on a throne, which I took at a bar near me. and this bitch..... Goes "It's like ghetto Game of Thrones, I love it!" BITCH!? Ghetto? Honestly this guy needs to take it down a notch because he's trying way too hard to take control of the reward challenge and is being super bossy and I think people aren't gonna take that for much longer. 
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As for the first day of this season I’m loving it so far. Loving the activity and positivity in our tribe and people here are very friendly. Already have started conversation with Clash, Vilma and Ginger. Trying to develop early relationships that will be necessary for the rest of the game. Just need to show activity in tribe chat so my tribe mates not see me as an inactive player because inactive players are usually the first one out. 
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So we won the reward challenge and we get a firemaking kit, and inside there's an immunity idol clue. Jacob and Stephen both get it, and Jacob told me it was hidden at the beach. I have no clue if he is lying or not, but if he isn't it means God was right to tell me yesterday that it is at the beach. Now i just need to be the first one to search the next time around. 
So talking with Stephen, he seems to say the word "snazzy" a lot, so I've nocknemaed 
Oops i didn't finish...I nicknamed him "snazzy Stephen". What's Snazzy Stephen gonna call snazzy today!?
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So we won the reward challenge! Great. The morale seems fairly high amongst our tribe. I've had conversations with pretty much everyone in some way. No talk of strategy or alliances have begun, from what I'm aware. I hope we win this challenge, because I feel good about this tribe. 
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I mean, can I not flop this first challenge ? I feel like this tribe is a very good mix of people, chemistry is there so now we just need not to be total failures ! hehe 
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After all the bonding I love this tribe, Dean is a lot more reserved than the rest of the tribe and hasn't approached me yet, but everyone else has talked. I've got a nice alliance with Michael and Sluggy, as well as some trust with Tyler and Stephen. After Michael won us the firemaking challenge I found the idol clue. Once everyone has used their firemaking advantage, I'll decide who I share the clue with. So far I have told Sluggy and then Stephen got the clue. All Giraffes Deserve Kisses.
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Usually I wouldn’t mind going to the first tribal, but with 6 people all it takes is one misstep to be the target, and I don’t want to risk that. That being said if it does come down to that i think Jacob, Tyler and I will stick together, all we need is one more than that. 
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looking over the whole cast, I realised I know Dani & Sluggy from other survivors that's cool
I got 30 point something seconds like 3 times I hate fairdyne
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So basically I've talking quite a bit with Emily and Randy, they're great people. Overall people are super nice, it's awesome! The Ala Mai flag winning is bullshit though what kind of judges were those? I'd have been fine with Faatasi winning, that's a nice flag, but Ala Mai's was ugly af sorry bros 
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So, Emily and I are working together to try to find the idol! Which is exciting, hopefully one of us will find it. If I do I’m pretty sure I’ll tell her because it will show that I trust her?!! I talk to her and Randy the most on our tribe and I really don’t know where I stand with everyone else
i got a big fat 0 for the team but I’m glad our tribe won! Everyone else did great.  Hopefully no one points out how weak I was in the challenge. I’m going to savannah for the night tomorrow so I’m glad not to worry about tribal council while I’m out of town! Yay for not being the first boot!
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ok see I am here to win but I got ginger on my tribe!! we love us a good ol rival so yeah even though he's acting fake and said he wants work with me I can't trust him with that I have built a good connection with Veni and Vilma and hope they will stay loyal as well. I am worried about the tribal as my score was bad but lets hope for the best 
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Right. So we’ve just won the immunity challenge but all the rats on my team did well so it doesn’t give us an easy target for any upcoming tribals. I got some T from Michael letting me know that both Jacob and Dean found the clue to the hidden immunity idol and they told him but not me. First off rude considering I told Jacob I’d tell him if I found it. I’m in an uncomfortable situation already on this tribe, I feel like i don’t have as strong of connections as everyone else and it’s scaring me. All I need is two friends to guarantee my safety and it’s looking like those friends will be Michael and The kid from Singapore (don’t remember his name oops). This season feels different, I usually feel powerful but Rn I feel like I’m having to push to navigate my way into relationships with people. Also some of these guys on my drive give off the arrogant and cocky vibe and I hate it. 
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Only one in my tribe to win a challenge, got the r/ultrahardcore alliance, everyone knows the idol clue because Michael got looser lips than Mia Khalifa.
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I *think* we're voting Emils? I mean he's been the least active and from I've been told he has not talked to people much (including me) so. I hope it goes well. Usually I am pretty calm in the survivors I play but goddamn I am paranoid. Maybe since I am enjoying myself so much so I don't want to go yet? 
Logically I won't be voted out here, right? I've talked to basically everyone a fair bit, I did the whole flag and I got 2/2 possible points. I'm safe.. right? 
Here is veni's power rankings of the people in my tribe: 1. Oulu 2. Tel Aviv 3. Richmond 4. Allan 5. Emils 
So I re-read my Fairy Survivor S2 stuff I wrote pre-game and goddamn if I am not a broken record. I am basically doing the same thing this time I love it lol. I do hope the experience I got in the year and a half between those has taught me valuable lessons. 
Tel Aviv has really high gamesense and sense of strategy. We both discussed how important it is to have that one loyal person to win. I hope he implies I am his. For me it's Oulu I think
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Okay so the first round is almost over. Thankfully my tribe was able to win immunity because I am not ready for tribal that's for sure! These small tribes freak me out. But...if we do end up going to tribal I am ready because I FOUND AN IDOL! I'm a little skeptical because it was way too easy and so I'm scared everyone has an idol but we shall see. I'm really terrible at games in the beginning because I hate awkward small talk so I was definitely scared of tribal. I'm not in any alliances yet but hopefully that is because it is still early. I'm trying to prove myself an asset and I was glad I did great at that shark game. It was very challenging to play because I had my baby smashing my keyboard or mouse and closing out of the game in the middle of playing, ahhaha. 
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Day 2: Won Reward challenge!! WOOT!! All that effort wasn't for naught. The /r/ultrahardcore alliance was made between Sluggy, Jacob and myself... Im not sure how I feel about this. Immunity challenge announced, Flash games while I'm at work. FUCK FLAPPY BIRD I can do this Hextris and Shark game... I will submit one of these. Fire lighting challenge, I fail at striking a light. Sluggy and Jacob tell me that Jacob has an Idol Clue, it is apparently on the beach. Continue my chats with everyone. Dean also tells me about the Idol clue, either its on the beach and people trust me or there is an alliance that is fabricating stories. Work out everyone but Tyler knows about the clue so I tell him Gained Tyler's trust End day 2 Day 3: We win Immunity, YES!!! I spent the day continuing to build relationships. Mention to Jacob the Tyler doesnt think he likes him and to win Tyler's trust Jacob told Tyler about the clue, but it seems to only further distrust as he waited so long to tell him about it. This could have made Tyler distrust me more as well... Working with Jacob could be dangerous down the line. /r/UHC needs a 4th... Dean and Tyler's names are suggested. Trash talk hosts in tribe chat all day. Im worried my chattiness may put a target on my back, will need to be careful. End Day 3 
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I’m loving my tribe and our female avatar presence. Whoever is rob Mariano I kind of want to vote out though. I’m super glad we won immunity and I don’t have to try super hard to be chatty. Loving the format so far 
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HI I'M VILMA AND I'M VERY EXCITED TO PLAY I also suck at making confessionals because they take a lot of effort for my Finnish speaking ass so I like to just copy bits from my host chat, be prepared Right off the bat I was confused because I didn't get cast with anyone I would've played with before. I recognized a few familiar faces but most people I have no frame of reference for. This meant I couldn't rely on riding with any pre game relationships and I had to actually socialize with people. Thank god we didn't have a one world phase this time around so I only had to keep up with five other people! Clash playing hard right off the bat I specced his season so I know he was a big moves type of guy haha I wanna make sure I'm on his good side My tribe is very active But I'm Very Scared Of The Zwooper People They tend to be crazy And I'm not about that crazy life at all I CAN'T EVEN WITH VENI WHERE DOES HE GET ALL HIS JOKES FROM I LOVE HIM Alright I think Veni and I are the only ones left awake And He is my favorite I've talked to everyone except the Latvian guy or was he Lithuanian THE BALTIC GUY Ginger and Clash both seem like people I need to be wary of Power players for sure, and good socially And according to Clash they have bad blood from previous games So I can see them targetting each other if we go to tribal And Clash already made a three way alliance between myself him and Veni Which I'm okay with, as of now Veni I definitely want to work with And I prefer staying on good terms with Clash Allan I have neutral feelings towards, only talked to him a bit so far But I stan the Europe tribe I just can't keep up with multiple convos at once so it's been super confusing Already shared my idol guesses with Veni and Clash I think I'm the only girl on my tribe Not a big fan of that fact Really wanted to play with Emily I hope we both make it to a swap so I could meet her Chatting with these people I've started to realize how much I abuse caps lock and exclamation points It's a really bad habit Should probably tone it down, everyone must be thinking I'm screaming at them constantly I'm playing so different compared to how I usually play I usually never initiate convos And try to step up as little as possible While still being friendly with everyone But now I've been very social It's weird Feels like I'm harassing everyone ... Unfortunately, we lost the first immunity challenge ... YIKES I'M GOING TO BE THE FIRST BOOT CALLING IT NOW HOW TF DID THEY GET 6 MILLION I think Emils might be the target Which I'm okay with since he seems to only be online a bit in the evenings Everyone knows I hate losing challenges so I want active people He seems really nice though, but seems like everyone has talked to him the least Clash told me that him and Ginger have decided to leave their past behind so I guess they're not going to target each other just yet I'm glad he's telling me this though it makes me trust him a bit more But I'll still keep my eye on both of them _ Ok hi I'm checking in about an hour before tribal and as far as I know Emils should be going home tonight. It's been super quiet around camp though and it makes me feel paranoid, but I hope it'll be an easy first vote. Veni wants me to make a chat with him and Ginger so we could solidify we make it through next round if we end up having to go to tribal again. My issue is I think Clash and Ginger are closer than they seem and I'm scared if we made a chat without Clash and he found out about it he could become angry. That's why i'd rather it to be a four-way chat between me, Veni, Clash and Ginger but we shall see what happens in the next few hours I guess.
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Okay that went perfectly. Ngl when Ginger was like "someone doesn't know it's them tonight" I FREAKED. Then my name gets written down at tribal and I was like ????. I mean luckily it wasn't me but god that was scary. I really hope we win this next immunity I can't deal with that stress rn lmao. I also have no clue who I'd vote out. Also in other news, Chase is cute af! I'm gonna be so embarrassed when he leaves and is able to read this but it's true. I definitely wanna keep him around for a bit lmao. 
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jesus christ ginger you are an evil psychopath.. but I kinda dig it
also I am mostly done with location based names.. for now
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ethereal-lix · 6 years
You have sweaty hands
Alright, so this doesnt have a title and this is part two to the request. Again, i would like to apologise for the long wait. 
Warnings: None except for terrible writing, probably some grammatical errors i have no one to proof read and im too lazy to do it since its 2:30am 
Here is part one with Got7. i hope you all enjoy :)
Request:Hi, can I request a got7 and bts reaction (it can be separated or in the same post idc.) about their shy gf and her hand gets sweaty when he's holding her hand for to long? I have this problem so I need help.😣😣😭😭😖😳
Jin: You and Jin were at an amusement park for one of your rare dates out in public. You guys never really got to go out much, in general really. Jin was always busy with the boys, whether he was recording, filming something, on tour, practicing for the new music video, or the new dance, there was always something that kept him and you from having “real dates” so when you talked to him about how it had been months since he last took you out on a real date he promised to take you to the new amusement park that just opened a few weeks ago. You were so happy that you accepted on the spot and felt like you didnt need to hear anymore than the promise. Oh how you wished you had lt him finish saying what he was saying since you’re not too keen on amusement parks because of the crowd of people and the rides. You didnt do well with those two things adn now not only were they put together when you get nervous your hands start to sweat. Now add that to being shy and you have yourself a whole lot of problems. “Jin..” you begin to say before he cuts you 
off with a kiss to the temple, “You already said yes, you cant back down now” “That was before i knew what our date was going to be like.” You countered. “You know i dont do well with situations like this.” “It’ll be fun” Jin stated as he grabbed your hand literally dragging you to the closest ride. As time went on you found yourself having a lot of fun and you didnt know why you freaked out in the first place. That was until you saw the roller coaster that Jin was dragging you to. “Woah, wait, Jin no.” Jin stopped and looked at you. “What do you mean ‘no’?” he questioned. “Exactly what the word means Jin. No! im not getting on that ride. i’ll get one very other one but that one” Jin looked at you before a light bulb wen toff above his head. You gave him a quizzical looking silently asking him what he was thinking. Almost as if he could read your min he stuck his hand out. “Oh no, we are not playing rock, paper, scissors to see if ill get on that ride.” “What? are you scared that you’ll lose rock, paper, scissors?” He challenged. You’ve never lost a game of rock, paper, scissors to anyone so what do you have to be worried for, right? Wrong.  THe next thing you know you’re standing in line for that ride. “I cant believe i lost rock, paper, scissors.” you grumbled standing in line. Jin laughed at you before he grabbed your wrist uncrossing your arms from your chest so he can hod your hands. “Woah, your hands are super sweaty, are you okay? i didnt know you were this nervous. We can leave the line if you want? i can just come back with the boys or something?” You let out a deep sigh before you shook your hand loose from his grasp. “No, its fine i’ll get on  the ride.” “You sure?” “Yeah..” you whisper with a small smile. Once it was your turn tp go and you two were all situated in the seats and prepared to go on the ride of your life your grabbed his hand once more. “No need to be scared sweetie, itll be okay” Jin smiled at you giving your hand a small squeeze before he kissed the back of your hand.  
Suga: BTS was invited to an award show in the states and Yoongi had invited you as his plus one. You and Yoongi had been secretly dating for almost 11 months now and the fans just recently started to suspect something going on between you two. You were thankful that it look them this long to start suspecting something, but also a little sad that they started snooping around so soon. Since Yoongi had invited you as his plus one this would be your fist public appearance as a couple. You were excited but at the same time scared. What would everyone think? Would they fans like you? Hate you? You didnt know and that made you super nervous. You were already nervous for many reason and worrying about whether or not the fans would support you and your guys relationship. You already had sweaty palms, especially when you got nervous and now yo were about to have millions of people looking at you and watching your every move and that just made you sweat even more. as you had made it to the red carpet event Jimin had noticed that you were unusually quiet and hit Yoongis shoulder with the back of his hand and pointed at you. Yoongi leaned in and whispered in your ear while grabbing your hand. “Hey, Y/N you okay? Your hand is pretty sweaty.” “Uhhh yeah, just a little nervous i guess.” you mumbled back while taking your hand out of his to wipe it on your dress. “No need to be nervous. For any reason. You’ll have a good time during the event, the fans will love you, and no one will bother you. People are usually really good when it comes to giving significant others’ their personal space. I promise everything will go smoothly.” He stated while grabbing your hand and walking down the carpet.
Jhope: Today you were going with Hobi top his holiday party with the boys and their company. It would be the first time you met with the people who managed your boyfriends group and the boys he spends most of his time with, so to say that you were nervous would be an understatement. You sighed as you fixed the wrinkles in your dress. “There is no need to be nervous, everyone will love you.” You looked into the mirror staring at Hobis reflection, “But-” “But nothing, they will love you. They all cant wait to meet you. All i do is talk about you and i can tell you right now that they already love you and they cant wait to meet you.” he interrupted you while walking over to fix the back of your dress. You exhaled and looked into his eyes. “I guess you’re right..” you replied turning around to give him a quick peck to his lips. “Lets go before i get to nervous and back out.” As you got out of the car and walked up to the house where the party was taking place you instinctively rubbed your hands up and down your dress trying to wipe your hands off. Hobi looked at you before chuckling lightly and resting his hand on your lower back. “Like i said no need to worry.” Hobi reached down to grab your hand, before you swiftly moved it away. Looking at you with concerned before he gave you a questioning look. “Are you okay?” He murmured. You stammered for a second before you answered “Y..yeah im fine, its just.. my hands are really sweaty and i dint wanna hold yours ‘cause thats kinda gross.” Hobi laughed his beautiful laugh before grabbing your hand and knocking on the door. “Jagi, trust me when i say, i’ll never not want to hold your hand. Sweaty or not.”  
RM: You were currently on your way to go to the airport so you and your boyfriend and his band can go to Canada for a few concerts before taking a small break and picking back up in America with their newest comeback tour. You didnt do too well with heights but you managed, but plane rides were something completely different. there was no way around it. you had no where to go to avoid looking down, you had no other way to look where you wouldn't see how high up you were. It was only you, your mind, your fear, your thoughts, and that long, long, long plane ride. “Sweets you okay?” Namjoon whispered in your ear. “Uhm, yeah, im fine.” You stuttered out quietly. Namjoon looked around the car to see if any of the boys were awake at the moment, thankfully they werent. “Are you sure? You dint look okay, and youre doing that things with your hands when you get nervous.” He pointed to your hands and you looked down noticing that you were rubbing your hands together in hopes of not letting your hands get to sweaty. “Oh..” was all you could manage to get out. “Are you nervous about the plane ride?” You nodded before letting out a deep sigh. “Yeah. Sometimes i wonder how i flew to Korea on my own.” “Its going to be okay, especially since you got me and the boys here with you this time.” He mumbled against your temple before placing a chaste kiss to it and grabbing your hand. “Wait, wait..” “It’s fine. I dont mind. Especially because when i come home from dance practice you hug me and im sweating all over the place. I think i can handle a little had sweat.” He smiled down at you sweetly, “plus i love your hands, theyre so small compared to mine and i just love your hands.” You looked down with a slight blush, “and ill make sure that you sit in the middle and ill have Hobi switch seats with Tae so Hobi can sit with you and i and help keep you distracted.”  
Jimin: You and Jimin had arrived at the studio for your photoshoot. You and Jimin decided that you would release a duet just for the fun of it and at first it seemed fun, especially since it was 2:30 in the morning and you guys were pretty drunk, but now that youve made it past the writing and producing stages of the song and are now working on the visuals for the song you got super nervous. You werent the best singer, but you werent the best and the mire you thought about it the more nervous you got because what would the public say? Would they like it? Would they like you? Would they hate the song because you’re singing a song with their beloved Jimin? All the possibilities that could go wrong were running a thousand miles a minute in your head. “Love, you gotta stop worrying. Remember this song is just for fun. Its not meant it be a real single or a debut song. It was just for fun. Nothing more nothing less, so if the fans and public dont like it its fine. We didnt do this for them we did it for us.” He reassured you. “I hope youre right.” You mumble before being dragged away by the stylists to get you ready for the shoot. Once they had finished getting you all ready you walked to the set. “You look amazing love” Jimin greeted you from behind. “Were almost ready for you guys.”The stage manager stated as he walked by grabbing some props for the background. You turned around to face the set taking a few deep breaths. Jimin noticed how nervous you were and walked up behind you wrapping you up in a hug before turning you around to face him and grabbing your very clammy hands. “Like i said, this was just for fun, if people dont like it thats fine. All that matters ist hat you had fun, and i want you to have fun during this experience so dont think about anyone or anything and focus on me, and what were doing right here, right now, in this moment. When you look back on this i want you to have a good memory and i dont want you to regret that you spent too much time worrying about the reviews and what people are going to think. Let go and have fun in the moment. Worry about everything when you get to that bridge, yah?” You smiled and nodded your head walking on to set getting ready for the photoshoot. 
V: “Come on, Y/N its okay. All you have to do is just record the demo track fo r us and then well have someone else record your part. We just need to make sure that we get the right member to sing the part, and maybe you can do the background vocals?” Tae tried to bargain with you. “Tae, no i cant sing that well anyways so please just drop it.” You were in the shower when Tae had came home early. You didnt hear the door open since your music was blasting and Tae had walked into your bedroom looking for you when he heard your voice floating out of the bathroom and now as you were getting dressed Tae was trying to get you to sing on a demo track for him and the boys. “I’ll give you a choice, you can either record the demo for me or you can ne on the actual track. Personally i would prefer that you record the actual track. Your voice will compliment Jimins really well, pleaseeee!!!” Tae begged you while lightly shaking your arm. Suddenly he gasped, “How about we play rock, paper, scissors? I win you have to record the track with Jimin, you win and you wont have to record the song or even do the demo track.” You eyed him up adn down before you caved. Whats the worst that can happen? You surely wont lose, right? Wrong. Oh boy you were so wring. As you and Tae pulled up to the studio you started freaking out. “Tae, i really dont wanna do this, i cant sing, and all the boys will laugh when they hear me sing.” You whined into his ear as you walked through the doors to the booth. “No, the boys wont make fun of you, i promise.” Tae breathed out while grabbing your hand. “Oh wow, you really are nervous arent you?” “Yesss!!” you whined even more dragging out the ‘s’. Tae laughed before he pulled you off to the side. “Seriously, dont be nervous. Everything will go smoothly. I promise, and ill be right there by your side the whole time.” You exhaled and walked into the booth greeting the boys. “Thank you so much for doing this with me Y/N” Jimin beamed at you. You smiled as you relaxed, “no problem Jimin. Are you ready?” Tae smiled as he watched you slightly shake your hands hoping that the air would help dry them of more quickly.
Jungkook: You knew what you were signing up for when you said yes to being jungkooks girlfriend. You knew about the fans, the long days and nights away from him, the tours, the fan meets, the sleepless nights, him not eating much, him being gone most of the time, hi wanting to record you and have you help him out with songs and his Golden Closet Productions. You knew that he was adventurous and spontaneous, but you never took him for someone who would be down for bungee jumping. You shouldve seen it coming and you shouldve known that eventually he would want to go bungee jumping, but he never mentioned it, never even hinted at it, but now here you are, in the car with the rest of the boys, on your way to go bungee jumping. You, Jin, and Hobi were talking about how scared you guys were and how yall really didnt wanna do this, while Jungkook and Tae were talking about how much they wanted to do this and couldnt wait to arrived at the place. Jimin and Namjoon were indifferent about it. They werent scared or excited. They didnt know how to feel, honestly. Yoongi, was sleeping, as usual. On car rides he’d rather catchup on some much needed sleep. As the car pulled up to the area where you’d be jumping to your death you took in a sharp breathe and got out of the car. You walked with Hobi on your right while kookie was on your left. Once you walked up to the instructor you look down over the cliff. At least theres water so if the cord breaks youll have water to land in versus the cold hard ground. “Whatcha thinkin ‘bout hun?” Jungkook asked from behind you making you jump. “Just thanking the higher gods above that theres water underneath this bridge.”Jungkook laughed as he grabbed your hand. “No, please dont hold my hand.” You whispered as you tried to take your hand back. “Why?” Jungkook looked at you with so much confusion. “Im so nervous that my hands are sweating uncontrollably and i dont want you to hold my hand cause thats gross and you shouldnt have to hold my sweaty hands.” “I’m your boyfriend, and one of the best perks of dating you is getting to hold your hands so thats exactly what im going to do. Hold your hand. Sweat or no sweat. I love you. No lets go bungee jumping. I really wanna see you scream your heart out.” Jungkook laughed while pulling you over to the instructor so you can get all ready to go up and jump. “Uhh, i have a question before i go up there. Can i jump with my boyfriend?” The instructor thought about it for a minute. “Sure, why not?” and with that he let Jungkook on the platform with you.
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