#idc if it's inaccurate im not here to write a whole new thing i just wanna hurt mah bois
anonymous-idfk · 4 years
This isn’t even fully complete because even I don’t really know what I think about them or HC but these are basically what I think of when whumping an android. It’s probably Connor let’s be serious here.
These are mainly based on the character Connor from DBH but I’m sure most of these would work on a lot androids from other games/movies/books/shows etc
If you’re a Canon-only person, an engineer, or some kind of expert and think something wouldn’t work pls don’t come @ me, I literally just bullshit my way through everything, I just wanna whump and hug the characters lmfao idc about strict canon
Some of these are canon, most are definitely not lmao
Okay so this isn’t completed, and may seem very all over the place but that’s because it was just quickly brainstormed and I dont have the mental capacity to sort it all out, ALSO they change to suit idea to idea so eh
So imma split it into 4 catagories, if they cannot eat, if they can eat, their heads and other.
Thirium Pump – Heart (Pumps the Thirium around the body)
Thirium Pump Regulator – Pacemaker (Regulates the beat of the pump)
Ventilation Biocomponents – Lungs (Ventilates the body, helps it cool down manually)
Thermoregulator/Temperature Regulator – Hypothalamus (Regulates the body temperature, would be in the head but I’m shoving it in the torso)
Artificial Stomach – Stomach (Biocomponent that holds ingested Thirium and excess analysis samples)
Thirium Filter – Liver? (Filters out the bad things (contaminants) in the Thirium ingested before it goes into the main Thirium Supply)
Thirium Pump – Heart (Pumps the Thirium around the body)
Thirium Pump Regulator – Pacemaker (Regulates the beat of the pump)
Ventilation Biocomponents – Lungs (Ventilates the body, helps it cool down manually)
Thermoregulator – Hypothalamus (Regulates the body temperature, would be in the head but I’m shoving it in the torso)
Artificial Stomach – Stomach (Where the food and beverages go)
Biocomponent I need a name for  - ?? (Where the Thirium goes, like the stomach, but separate from where the food goes)
Thirium Filter -Liver? (Filters out the bad things (contaminants) in the Thirium ingested before it goes into the main Thirium Supply)
They would have an android version of the epiglottis to shut off the tube that goes to the ‘Biocomponent I need a name for’ but maybe further down the body than a human so it isn’t so close to the surface of the mouth. The tube would be the same one until further down where it would break off into two, one to the ‘Artificial Stomach’ and one to the ‘Biocomponent I need a name for’ which would also be why the ‘Thirium Filter’ would be useful other than for just outside contaminants.
There would be one for the ‘Ventilation Biocomponents’ and ‘Artificial Stomach’ too whether they can eat or not so choking is technically possible if it fails for some reason, though breathing isn’t necessary unless overheating/panicking.
I like there to be a necessary Purge function to get rid of any contaminants. (Because whump)
Gyroscope maintains orientation, helps keep balance, etc. Kind of like the cerebellum and the fluid in your ear but mainly just like the actual thing lmao. Located in the head, so it can get knocked off balance with a hit to the head (head injury) or affected by overheating etc, causing dizziness, unbalance, etc
Voice Modulator – Voice Box ig (In the throat where the human’s voice box is. You know what a voice is.)
Forensic Lab/Analysis thingy I don’t really have a name, it tends to change - Tongue ig (In the mouth, used to analyse and identify evidence in real time, basically makes him a walking forensics lab)
Optical Unit – Eye (Like a camera lens ig besides you know what eyes are and what they do)
Audio Unit – Ear (For aesthetic purposes)
Audio Processor - ?? (Plug inserted behind the ear, I’m going with that’s the actual thing that works as an ear)
Central Processing Unit – “The part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed” So brain probably (I don’t really understand this myself, mainly I just say ‘processors’ and run with that, but basically acts as a human brain. An example might be movement, so it sends electrical impulses to the body, like in humans, to tell a part to move. Also controls speech, language, skin projection, simulations like pre/reconstruction, memory storage, etc.) That might have made 0 sense to people who understand but since I never go into detail and might just say ‘yeah his processors were damaged’ it’s all good lmao
Thirium Lines/Wires – Veins/Arteries/Nerves (So basically, I also like to think that there are Thirium Lines running through the body like veins and arteries, alongside wires or anything like that I guess as nerves? So if you wanted to break the android’s back, you could potentially break the wiring too that connects the legs to the ‘Brain’. Ya know.)
Also I like to call certain parts ‘plating’ or their actual name to make it sound more…inhuman(???) For example, if I were to break Connor’s ‘cheekbone’ I’d probably write something along the lines of ‘Cranial Facial Plating’ or his fractured ankle his ‘Talocrural Joint’ etc.
Bruising is just blood under the skin so it might be like a Thirium build up under their artificial skin from broken Thirium lines.
Do I know what plastimetal is? No. Do I use it? Yes. I tend to say ‘their plastimetal frame is showing through the artificial skin due to power being averted somewhere else which makes them appear pale’ or some random bullshit, like I said, don’t @ me
Also, Prototype = more chances of shit to go wrong, malfunction, break, etc
Idk I just like to think that they were made to mirror humans in as many ways as possible, just so I have more ways to whump them lmao.
Many, many other people have also done stuff like this (which are all 10/10 would recommend cause they are amazing I’m jelly) so I’m not saying I made them all up, in fact I’m not entirely sure where some of them came from, but the eating/not eating comparison I came up with just now as I brainstormed lmao which I never do. Planning? Who’s that.
I never stick to the rules, even ones I made or HC, so these might change around from idea to idea but it’s a basic outline I tend to think about when hurting a beloved character. If it can happen to a human, chances are I’ll try to find a way for it to happen to an android or anything else not human (but no animals I caaan’t)
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