#ideally we'd like her to have an actual permanent home.
sergle · 1 year
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Yo!! This is a longshot, but if there's someone in OK (or who's willing to roadtrip here) in the market for a dog, we've been trying to find someone for this lass.
She had a hard start to her life so she's quick to spook, but she’s also very lovey and willing to trust. She would be MOST at home with another dog she can follow around, or being the center of attention. (she is Hugo's biggest fan) She's also very sweet and non-aggressive with cats and very small children. She's a puppy, est ~8 months, and is smaller than she photographs!  My sister's been fostering her, but can't keep her for much longer, and iykyk, a lot of the Good shelters in OKC are overpopulated, and Animal Welfare had some type of outbreak of a respiratory infection among their dogs, so we're obviously not gonna send her there. I figure I’d put out feelers to see if there’s anyone in my orbit who lives nearby and wants a dog just like her!! Hmu if you’re interested / have questions.(Reblogs are ofc appreciated)
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missielynne · 3 years
In 1x13 of Sleepy Hollow on FOX when Ichabod enters purgatory he sees a vision of his father who still loves him. Ichabod still remembers that when he switched sides during the American Revolution, his father disowned him as his own son. However Ichabod once realised that the reality presented to him is false, the vision of his father turns monstrous. When we 1st meet the old man Henry in 1x06 he’s a kind and caring person however once Katrina couldn’t stop the horseman of war from rising, Henry turns against Ichabod and Katrina and reveals that he’s working on the evil side, is the horseman of war and he is their son. Also in 2x18 an angry Katrina, who travelled back in time and is possessing her past self, pretends to be a loving wife when Ichabod comes home after throwing Abbie in jail for the death of Benjamin Franklin. However in reality she wants to kill him because she blamed him for having to abandon her son. Luckily Abbie warns Ichabod that the Katrina that is with them now is full of rage.
If kitty saw these parts of sleepy hollow and the scene in Captain America the winter soldier where the winter solider (Bucky) starts to remember his past do you think it would remind her of rediscovering her real memories of Eleanor behind the ideal façade?
What happened if Alison ended up in a similar situation as Abbie at near the end of sleep hollow 2x17 and most of 2x18 where she somehow managed to travel back in time to a few days before Kitty died? Would Alison able to successfully warn Kitty that Eleanor is what she appears to be like how Abbie managed to warn Ichabod about the angry Katrina who managed to travel back in time? 
1. I think it would, yes. But I don't think that would necessarily be a bad thing for Kitty. I was actually really surprised at how she was more dumbstruck by the truth about Eleanor and how wrong her memories were compared to how crushed I thought she would be based on the ghosts' reactions to the thought of her being told the truth. (And I secretly think that she has much more of a dark side than the ghosts give her credit for. I mean, when Lucy first shows up, even before they know who she really is and what's going on, Kitty sees her as a threat to her and Alison's sisterly relationship and I think that if they had let it, it could have gotten real dark on Kitty's end. Cause I think part of why Kitty buried all that is because she doesn't like feeling that hurt that and confusion that comes with realization of the truth, even if it's not permanent, so instead of facing it, she made it go away and I think seeing the same thing happen with Bucky might be another trigger, but she'd come out of it much stronger (especially with someone like Cap around to be a steadying influence and bring her back to herself.)
2. Well, it depends on how badly you want Kitty in Ghosts or at Button House in the present time, I think, and if you believe time travel can change things or if it's all fixed. I think what happened to Kitty was unfair, especially if it was Eleanor's doing or she had some hand in Kitty's death, so if Alison could somehow go back in time and warn Kitty about Eleanor's betrayal, I would like to think it would be a successful venture and we'd have one less ghost at Button House, but at the same time, what if they got stuck with Eleanor instead? That would be a real shame. And even if it didn't work and Kitty still died, they'd see her anyway, and Alison would know she had at least tried so that would be something.
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