#idek if i should tag carli in this
fatummortem · 2 years
Anon asked: Would you listen to my reasons on how Jean Grey and Deborah Morgna are similar? Accepting Curious Anons​
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           Which reasons would those be? They both have red hair & could turn you into a smear on concrete with their powers? That’s how far their similarities go. Johnny Storm also has fire powers. Maybe Daken just likes playing with fire. It’s powerful, dangerous, sexy, emotional & comes in all different temperatures.
           None of their personalities were the same nor was/are Daken’s relations with them. Not that he said any of that, he just ignores the anon going back to his book that was in a language he didn’t understand. It makes more sense than comparing his actual relationship to an awkward love triangle his old man had.
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nottonyharrison · 4 years
I was tagged by @missmaxime
 Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
name/nickname: Kim
gender: Cis woman
star sign: Aquaaaaaaaarius
height: Like 5′8″ I think IDEK any more. People say I’m tall, I say I’m average. Apparently my height is not directly proportionate to my **presence**
time: 9:35pm
birthday: February 12
favorite bands: I hate favourite questions I need these things to be categorized into my 372 genres I listened to last year on Spotify. If you bend me over a barrel though I would say Sleigh Bells, Gomez, and Queens of the Stone Age
favorite solo artists: See above, but currently Dua Lipa, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Lizzo (yes very different to my band list sue me)
song stuck in my head: the 80s funk version of WAP, and the Star Wars theme 
last movie: OMG I still haven’t watched a film since we rewatched TMFU a few weeks ago 🤣
last show: Star Wars: Rebels
when did I create this blog: Some time in 2012 I think?
what I post: Nothing anyone follows me for. Nowadays Star Wars, Good Girls, Marvel, The Expanse, and weird memes or anything else that catches my fancy
last thing googled: Star Wars currency converter (yes, it was for fic research)
other blogs: I have a shit ton of URLs saved from the various times I’ve been like HEY I SHOULD MAKE A BLOG ABOUT THAT and never did anything about it, but I do regularly post on @mediavengers, @goodgirlsficrecs, and @darkangelfans
do I get asks: yes, either when I reblog an ask meme, or when I least expect it
why I chose my url: Not this guy
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following: 1026 (no that’s not a typo)
followers: An undisclosed amount that is 40% bots 40% inactive blogs, and 20% people who followed me for something they see on my dash maybe 1% of the time
average hours of sleep: 8ish
lucky number: Nah bro
instruments: I used to be a pianist and I do still have a keyboard up above the wardrobe but I haven’t played it for like... seven houses and should probably sell it (Yes, I measure time by how many moves ago things were, don’t @ me)
what am I wearing: Jimmy jammies
dream job: Funemployed lady of leisure without the pressure of paying bills
dream trip: Anywhere but here! hahahaha nah every time I get this question the answer changes. At the moment I would like to go to Hawaii
favorite food: These really drippy messy soft tacos from a restaurant down the road, home made pizza, and a very specific gluten free chocolate cake I make that is essentially just chocolate, ground almonds, butter, eggs, and sugar
nationality: Kiwi
favorite song: There are how many million songs in the world and this meme wants me to pick just one? Rude. I’m not answering this question.
last book read: Lol what is book. I hear I have many but I don’t read them are you mad? (this answer also known as I used to be a bookseller and read enough books for a lifetime between the ages of 20 and 30)
top three fictional universes: So if I’m saying nothing that can with suspension of disbelief be set in this universe, I would have to say Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, and Marvel Comics (not MCU that’s the darkest timeline) To be clear, this is obviously from a conceptual standpoint, not an ‘I would like to go to there’ one.
Tagging: Not 20 people. @lunafeather, @bygodstillam, @godesssiri​
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