#idfk waht im doing anymroe
hydra-collector · 4 years
Let Me Go (Special)
Let Me Go
Pairings: Intrulogical, platonic Analogical
Characters: Logan Sanders, Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Janus Sanders (small character)
TW: lots of self-deprecation, sex mention
Words: 1838
Summary: Backstory to Logan and Remus’s relationship in sophomore year. 
Note: I wanted to write this for a while, but I mostly wrote it now because I needed an excuse to make a series out of this and boost it on AO3. Still not sure if it’s gonna work.
They just look so soft.
Logan desperately wanted to be with them. It wasn’t like anything he’d felt before. Sure, he’d had crushes, but Remus was on another level. It was odd, really, that he could be this infatuated with someone. Virgil had been trying to convince him to ask them out, but he couldn’t see why they’d want to date him. He was annoying, dumb, and ugly.
“C’mon, Logan. Do it.”
“Why would they accept?”
“Why do you think? They blush every time they see you. Y’all can’t even talk to each other anymore, you’re so in love.”
Logan and Remus had met last year, freshman. They’d argued back to the teacher, who decided to give them detention. Logan, however, believed that they’d made a strong point about the content of their learning in school (even though they suggested some… odd topics instead,) and he argued against the teacher as well.
That was the first time Logan Berry had gotten detention.
The second time was also for their sake, or rather, it was their fault. They’d passed a note to Logan, which simply read, “See you after school.” He obviously hadn’t understood what they meant until they started talking to him, out loud, randomly.
That was the second time the pair of them got detention.
Logan’s had been excused afterwards due to his explained circumstances, but that moment had released a bit of freedom in him. He’d gotten detention. He hadn’t followed the rules.
When he looked back, sitting in the middle of a nearly empty class with Remus next to him, their pretty face smiling, even in the crappy classroom’s lighting, just seeing the eyes and the person and the lips that had brought him here-
He fell in love.
Remus and Logan became friends, and everything changed. They taught him risks and adventure, that life didn’t revolve around being perfect and doing things right. They’d gotten him out of the, so far, darkest point of his life. They’d taught him creativity and experimentation, that he could do more than what school said, or history said, or anything did. He could experiment with how many water balloons you could pile on top of one another before they popped. None of the experiments were perfect or particularly scientific, but god did he have fun.
He started going outside, taking trips to old record shops, thrift stores, and malls, just to see everything. Remus had even convinced him to break into some old mansions and trespass on abandoned train tracks together. He never once took a picture. It was all for his memory.
They’d been each other’s compliment, and listened to each other when no one else cared what they had to say. They could talk and talk and never get bored of each other, just keep listening or adding on to what the other was saying. Sometimes they wondered where all these conversations came from, when all the topics in the world seemed to have run out, but still there was something to say.
Disagreements were never fights. Never. It was always a discussion, talking about how “I’m right and this is why,” while the other tried to change their mind. No one’s ever was, but disagreement is what kept them from doing many stupid things.
And it didn’t last forever, as nothing does. But those were some of the happiest times of his teenage years.
Logan hadn’t realized until Janus had told him that he was in fact, in love.
Remus had realized the moment they laid eyes on Logan and savored every minute they spent together after. They didn’t want to ruin the wonderful platonic relationship they had. And besides, Logan had friends who would convince him to confess if he felt the same way.
Virgil was right about barely being able to talk to each other. Ever since Janus had pointed out his obvious feelings, he’d been especially awkward. He hated it. He knew he should confess in order to retain a steady relationship, platonic or romantic.
But how?
“How do you suggest I go about doing it? I’d like to retain a bit of… me, but being in love is probably a very unlike me kind of thing.”
“No, it is not, Logan. You’ve had crushes on like, six people since I met you.”
“It’s different, though.”
“Why not just tell them ‘I love you?’ It’s simple and obvious and fits your style.”
“What if they take it the wrong way, assume it’s platonic?”
“I guess that could happen. What’s something that’s obviously romantic? ‘I wanna date you?’”
“It sounds odd, though.”
“Wow, picky?”
“I mean, it could work, but I’d rather something more memorable or meaningful.”
“I wanna fuck you?”
Logan tensed. “Ah, um, I’d rather, no.”
“Okay, okay. Do you want to kiss them?”
He thought for a moment, imagining their face, and the love he felt for them, their beautiful eyes and soft cheeks, squishy belly he wished he had the permission to cuddle. The arms that made him nearly collapse because of the wonderful feeling their hugs brought him, their short stature compared to his, and their beautiful lips, out of which so many wonderful ideas and opinions spewed out. He wanted to kiss those lips.
“You could use that.”
“I think… maybe I will.”
Today he was going to tell them.
He’d invited them over to his house, where he imagined over and over telling them, all the ways they might react, especially the negative ways.
He could barely talk to Remus as they walked to his house together, just listening to the endless ideas they came up with. Each word made him love them more and more. Endless possibilities for how the scene may play out repeated over and over in his mind as he panicked internally, hoping they didn’t actually hate him like his brain said they did.
The cold air nipped at his nose and fingers, so he rubbed his hands together in a sad attempt to warm up.
“Cold hands, Lo?”
They took his hands and held them in previously gloved ones, which were still warm. They held them there, trading positions to better warm different fingers every few seconds. Logan felt the heat in his cheeks as well.
When they got inside, Remus went to Logan’s cupboard to grab and make two hot cocoa packets.
“That’s extremely unhealthy.”
Remus said nothing, simply adding another packet to their cup, watching Logan.
He sighed and let it happen. That was the least of his worries now.
Logan’s heart beat as Remus brought their hot cocoas upstairs to his living room, where he’d planned to confess. They sat down on the couch, putting their arm around him when he did as well.
“Remus, I’ve been meaning to tell you about something.”
“Once you do, do you wanna talk about ancient sea creatures? I read a really good article. Hey, are you alright?”
Logan was shaking with fear, excitement, anticipation, anxiety, everything one could be shaking with.
“Tell me what you were gonna say. I’m curious.”
What if they hate you? What if they don’t want to be your friend anymore? What if they think it’s weird to date if your asexual? How could they even love you when you are who you are?
He took a deep breath, hoping for the best.
“I want to kiss you.”
“Say no more.”
And Logan had been kissed.
Whatever scenarios ran through his head, this wasn’t one of them. There was one where they’d talked about relationships, one where they agreed and awkwardly asked to and then kissed, one where he was flat-out rejected, one where they thought it was a joke, but nothing like this. Where they just kiss him. He was glad it happened that way.
Logan had expected some kind of verbal reaction, at least. Something like “me too,” or a flirt, at least. But no, just “say no more.” And now he was kissing Remus.
He hadn’t expected to ever reach this point. To be kissing someone he really liked. He wished it would last longer than he knew it would.
He could always kiss them again.
After the few seconds their first kiss had been, both were blushing severely, broken apart. Neither of them said anything, so Logan took his chance to kiss them again. Remus wouldn’t have taken them for someone to initiate a kiss. They weren’t mad, though.
“You’re welcome, I guess.”
They laughed it off and spent the next hour discussing the relationships of sea creatures. Probably to avoid talking about their own.
At first, nothing changed much. They still went out on ‘adventures’ together, had the same conversations, interacted with their other friends the same way, and more or less thought of each other the same as they had before.
Logan asked Remus on their first date.
They couldn’t ignore what’d happened forever, and while they weren’t against discussing it, it hadn’t come up naturally. Logan proposed it as a chance to talk about what was to become of their relationship.
“Would you like to consistently date, Remus?”
“I’d enjoy that.”
“My being asexual isn’t a problem?”
“Nah,” they sipped their coffee, “I fell in love with you anyway.”
That was a relief.
“What should we call ourselves, if anything?”
“At somepoint, probably partners. In crime.”
“Don’t remind me that that’s true.”
“I don’t know how I managed to get a date. ‘Specially with you. You’re so cute and all I do is talk about organs and weird creatures and make sex jokes.”
“I do that too, Remus. Usually not sex jokes, though. And I disagree, I’m quite ugly and frankly obnoxious to most people I meet. You’re pretty and lovable.”
“I suppose I’m not most people you meet, then. And I can’t even begin to explain how cute you are. Your glasses make it perfect.”
Logan asked Remus on most of the dates, mostly because wherever they would ask him was illegal or paid, often museums. Logan savored these days.
As they went on more dates, kissed more openly, cuddled more often, the consideration of each other changed from ‘dating’ to ‘partner’ and ‘boyfriend.’ The first time Remus gave Logan a pet name, he was initially adverse to it, but warmed up to them as they kept saying them. After a while, they probably used it more than his real name. He still refused to return affection in this form, however. Remus was sure he someday would (he denied it.)
They were happy together. Janus was glad to see Logan had expressed his emotions, for once, and it led to a lot more happiness. It wasn’t always going to be as happy as it was that year, but he had someone as close as a romantic partner to help him through it. A few years later, he would make decisions he’d later regret, but there was no regret for confessing his love that day.
And sophomore year, those two best friends became partners.
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