#idida shroud headanons
twsted-idiot · 1 year
Idia hcs >:) for uhmhmhm @sleepygamerotaku and @kalijami
can you tell I’m projecting 😨😨..
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TRANS IDIA!! He/they
Quality time and physical affection kinda guy
Congrats ur now Ortho’s older sibling figure if you’re close w Idia
“do you wanna play [game with me]?” “What kind of question is that. Ofc I do.”
animal crossing dates. Where like. Y’all go to one of y’all’s island n stuff
^ movie/anime night/gaming dates where y’all will literally just stay up and watch movies, anime, or play video games all night
sleep?? The fuck is that.
ALWAYS tired
caffeine doesn’t really help him at this point but they still drink HELLA energy drinks
Monsters and Red Bull are his faves
depending on what game he’s playing he’ll listen to music while playing, if it’s something where you need to hear the game audio he won’t though
Def watches those sad romance animes and BAWLS, but also loves action and horror animes
Horror movie enthusiast
I just. Think they have like. More grayish skin w v light freckles n Hella eye bags/dark circles
the type that bullies kids on roblox and in any game tbh
pansexual tbh. Lonely Ahh /j
Michael Afton liker.
^ he plays Fnaf at night 😭
Loves drawing but rarely actually does
did I mention he’s eepy as fuck
Insomniac tbhh
LOVES cuddling but gets really nervous and flustered about it
animals > people. Huge animal person. Lovessss cats n dogs!!
king of deez nuts jokes
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