#idk Dave is definitely a button down or suit kinda guy
commbowman · 5 months
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All of course off work.
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jornami · 8 years
Drunken Confessions
A/N: A request, finally!!!! I'm so excited to write this, also don't forget to send in request! Thank you to @linmanuclmiranda for helping me edit this! She’s a lifesaver! PS: Did anyone get my How I Met Your Mother reference?
Prompt: Can I request something??? How about a Drunk!Lin confessing his love for the reader but the reader is all flustered and thinks it's just the alcohol talking but it's not. Idk you can elaborate more on that but I love your writing so much!! And If u have any fic recs with Drunk!Lin could u link them? Bc I really need more Drunk!Lin in my life. Thanks~
Pairing: Lin x reader
Warnings: alcohol, cursing (per usual)
Masterlist | Request!
As the costume manager for the musical “Hamilton” at the Richard Rodgers Theater, you were living the dream. You had been blessed with a love for musical theater, but cursed with an inability to sing. Costume manager was the next best thing; however, costumes weren’t  your only job. You made sure Leslie took off his wedding ring, all the mics worked, and you also made sure Anthony put his hair down to play Philip in act two which he often forgot. They had many different names for you such as: “angel in the wings,” “lifesaver,” and “the backbone of Hamilton.”
“Hey, angel in the wings,” Lin said as he walked into the costume storage room.
“Hey, Miranda,” you replied, not looking up from the buttons you were sewing. “’here for your costume?”
He nodded and you grabbed the infamous green suit off of the costume rack.
“You know you can just keep your costume in your dressing room, right?” you smiled as you handed him the costume.
“Yeah,” he said sheepishly.
“Then why don't you?” you pushed.
“I, um, I uh just—” he stuttered but he was cut off by a voice over the loudspeaker.
“Two minutes to places!” it said.
“I have to go!” Lin practically shouted, causing you to jump a little.
“Uh, okay, see you later,” you said, but he was already half way down the hallway.
After bows and singing “Happy Trails” to Marie from the ensemble, Lin finally came back to turn in his costume.
“Here ya’ go,” he said as he handed you his costume.
“Thanks,” you told him as you turned around to hang it up. “have a goodnight, Lin.”
“Hey!” he spoke up.
“We're celebrating Marie’s farewell at Puzzles on 32nd tonight, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come?”
Puzzles was one of your favorite bars, and the best part about it was there were no last calls. Though, you could never quite figure out why it was called Puzzles.
“I'd love to!” you said sincerely.  
You looked at Lin and saw pure nervousness etched across his face. Why the hell was he so nervous?
“Lin,” you spoke in a concerned tone, “what's wrong?”
“Nothing,” he replied and shakes his head. “let's go.”
He was lying.
It was around 2am and most everyone had left, even the girl of the hour.  However, Anthony, Jasmine, Daveed, Oak, and Lin were still there. Jas, Ant, and Daveed were crowded around you like kids on the carpet for story time. You were telling them about your trials as a tech in high school.
“Then this girl tried to bribe me with a Baja Blast from Taco Bell!” you told them and they erupted with laughter.
“Where's Lin?” Jas asked, as the laughter died down.
“Over at the bar,” you replied.
“Can you tell him me and Ant are leaving?” she asked.
“No problem, see you tomorrow,” you told her as she practically pulled Anthony off the floor.
You made your way over to Lin who was three sheets to the wind. He was looking at his hands like they belonged to someone else. He was miles past tipsy.
“Hey Lin, Ant and Jas wanted me to tell you that they're leaving,” you said as you patted him on the back.
“You're so pretty,” Lin said out of nowhere.
“Like really, really, really pretty!”
“Thanks Lin, I—”
“You're like a fucking goddess!” Lin drunkenly giggled, causing your cheeks to get hot.
“Lin, it's time to get you home,” you suggested.
“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked.
You sighed, “What is it, Lin?”
“C’mere,” he beckoned and motioned you to come closer.
“There's this really cute girl,” Lin whispered in your ear, “she’s the costume manager. The only reason I go down there to get my costume everyday is because I wanna see her.”
Did he forget who he was talking to? Was this actually happening?
“Lin,” you began but stopped, realizing you had nothing else to say.
“You kinda look like her!” Lin said and flashed you a cute smile.
“Don't move, I'm gonna have Oak get you a cab,” you told him.
You walked backed over to where Oak was sitting and told him what had just happened. You both agreed that the next day would be filled with tension and awkwardness. Oak promised to get Lin a cab and tease him about his outburst of feelings non stop. You laughed and said goodbye to everyone then walk outside into the cool New York air to catch a cab.
Tomorrow was definitely to be interesting.
For the next two days after the incident at Puzzles, Lin had Daveed pickup and return his costumes for him. You were getting tired of Lin being a wimp.
“Hey Y/N, I'm here to pick up Lin’s costume,” Daveed announced as he leaned against the doorframe.
“No,” you stated and continued to fix the costumes on the rack.
“What do you mean ‘no?’” Daveed questioned with the slightest bit of sass in his tone.
“No, Lin can come down here, pick up his costume, and face me like a real man, or he can go onstage naked!” you spat, fed up with the childishness of the situation. “Also, fix that tone!”
Daveed looked like a child who had just been scolded. He backed away awkwardly and turned to leave. Damn, it felt good to get that off of your chest.
Lin hurried down to get his costume after Daveed told him. You were going to talk to him about the other night, but then a bell dinged signaling it was time for the actors to be in places. You just rolled your eyes and told him that you would talk to him after the show was over.
Finally, the show was over. You were getting super anxious waiting for Lin to come back down to return his costume. You couldn't imagine how he must've felt.
“Y/N?” a voice asked sheepishly from the hallway.
“Lin, come in,” you told him. “close the door behind you.”
He walked in hesitantly and closed the door once he was in.
“So,” you began. “there's this super cute guy and the other night he confessed his feelings for me. But he's been ignoring me ever since, and it's starting to worry me.”
Lin looked confused at first, but eventually caught on.
“He meant what he said, but he's a dork that gets super nervous and flustered when he thinks about you,” Lin played along. “or something like that, I don't know the guy.”
You chuckled at his joke and smiled at him.
“If I asked the guy on a date, do you think he'd say yes?” you smirked and walked closer to him.
“He'd have to be a fool say no,” Lin smiled and dropped the act, “wanna go to dinner with me tomorrow?”
“I’d love to,”
“How does 8 sound?”
Lin flashed you a smile and turned to leave, but you pulled him by his hand.
“Miranda, wait!” you said.
“Yeah?” he asked and you pulled him into a kiss.
Damn, you could get used to that.
You pulled away and said, “I know that we're supposed to wait until after the date to do that, but you're just so damn irresistible that I couldn't help myself.”
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