#idk Earth character for me should be like pachamama
visionthefox · 3 months
I'm curious, since you've critiqued the way she has been introduced and utilized in the show thus far, how would you write Earth and her arc if you were to?
well- I think I need to say first, I was rather... cruel to her, when she showed up-so I do have to say sorry to her fans! and who made that old old model of her.- sorry! this got long so, here , resume : make her mature- make her emotinally smarter- make her win her place and not be given so easy- make her stand her ground too - make her be more that the "helper" --if you wanna read me then click--
with this said, I guess- if she was really needed to light up the mood and the whole arc of OldMoon dying .. I guess I would keep her as a "mother friend" type of way, she is not this clueless, and totally would not allow Monty to talk to her that way.. I think I would keep her someone emotinally smart, calm, she will take note of those details most would ignore, and would think what to say- and when to stay out of the chat- she would be watching- while also giving space-she is that smart! she would Not be calling these stangers her brothers, and mostly, would listen to Moon, I never liked how she showed up to Sun and stared to touch him and talk to him as if she knew him.. totally not ok is you dont actually know the person.. (personal take- never touch someone when is this emotional- you dont know how they will react..) I feel that, since she wont be walking away, since she was send here! she would look around the place, learning from details when no one is around, and once Sun, eventually comes back, feeling so down and tired, she would give him space. explain "I was send here by the one who made us, Im supposed to be a new member of your family but, I can see this is not the right time, so, please I ask to be allowed to stay around, I offer my help if that means I get to stay" I feel thats how she should win her place, Like Lunar and LIke Solar, knowing well this is not the best of times, and doing her best to be helpfull, and not be in the way- she will accept if the 3 people do not like her, she understand it- and do her best to change their minds in small ways not that whole "talk to me talk to me im you sister talk to me talk to me" deal- but a more "im gonna do small actions to show, not tell" type of way.. (like say, keep the place clean to Sun and keep Moon in check) I feel like if she was would actually act like a older sister, a more, mature figure ,smart and gentle when needed to, she is Earth, she is supposed to be "the best" of them (as creator said) - but also, be someone who NOT let anyone walk on her- she would be a bear- a fighter, a strong woman! with a gentle side. And her flaws? maybe just being a bit overprotective? as she is a more caring figure, and would not let anyone talk down to her family, - ergo kick Monty ass- maybe also just be better with kids, making Sun feel bad? creating some drama but also development in the whole "caretaker" area. maybe also show who is her favorite at times? cant be helped! but she would learn to love everyone also- take away the "play pretend to be therapist" thing, I know she was made to have those knowladge FOR KIDDOS, but I feel that just ruin it, she is not the "famale character everyone use to vent and expect her to fix it all " in THAT way but imagine if she, depending on her mood, would let her family come to her and talk TALK like Lunar did to Monty, or Moon to Monty- but BETTER, is heart to heart, she knows she doesnt know it all, (making her eager to learn and such, bond with Moon) but is there to at least listen.. let them come to her, and if needed, get someone involved too. idk, make her be a more full character.. make her be that happy light in the constant drama, and also finally a protector too..
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