#idk Jon and griff/aegon make me feel things
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officially reached the au!brainrot stage where I’m drawing scenes that don’t exist yet so have a jon Hal Rivers and aegon Young Griff
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direwolfeye · 3 years
it’s not targ blood (else, not EXCLUSIVELY targ/valyrian blood) that makes a dragon tamer, just like it’s not stark/first men blood that makes a skinchanger — arya can skinchange, ned can’t, dany could hatch and tame dragons, her great-grandfather aegon 5 couldn’t, etc. (and if we’re going by valyrian blood percentages, aegon 5 had more valyrian blood than dany does! so it clearly takes more than that)
imo i think it’s important that dany has an emotional connection to her dragons, just like the starklets each bonded with a wolf. you can see smth similar with nettles in the dance of dragons stories; she tames a dragon approximately like you’d tame a very large fire-breathing stray dog. her missing father was probably a targ, too! but she succeeds where “full” targs fail because there’s more to it than waving a whip and yelling. jon seems pretty empathetic and keen to learn, so i do bet he could tame a dragon too, but idk about young griff. he might! (someone like viserys would probably get burned to a crisp, blood of the dragon or not, because he’d piss the dragon off too much, yeah?)
good point! i always had a feeling it was more of an affinity thing between the targs and the dragons. but that makes me wonder how dany will use her dragons to "slay the lie" of young griff (unless she doesn't use her dragons).
also brings up interesting questions about how jon will react post-resurrection to her dragons since he will be more wolf-y (his soul or w/e having resided in ghost for the period he was dead). definitely wont be like the show!
also pretty sure euron will be the third dragon rider with that horn, so i wonder how the dynamic will play out there between him and (most likely) viserion :)
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Tagged by @chillyravenart . This looks like a fun challenge so thanks for the tag :)
Rules: Answer the 10 questions below. Then make up 10 of your own for the next person to answer, and tag people. 
1. What are your top 3 favorite houses in Westeros? 
Well... Of course the Targaryens are my all time faves, but the Velaryons come a close second, and i’ve always loved the Martells. (Sorry I just have to add in the Daynes here too!) 
2. If you could live during one era in GRRM’s universe, what era would it be? (Age Of Heroes, Valyrian empire, Conquest of Westeros, Dance Of Dragons, etc.) 
As much as i’m the biggest fan of the Valyrian empire... They’d most likely have me as a slave (But let’s hope i’d be born into one of the ruling families and get to have a lil’ dragon of my own :) ) I will have to say The Dance Of Dragons though, because even though i’d probs not be highborn enough to get within Daemon’s vicinity, a little bird told me he liked to hang out in Flea Bottom too, so i’d most likely search this badass up and just ask him to adopt me or take me to wife, mistress... whatever works for him. Y’know, I ain’t picky-- Just make it happen. 
3. What is your favorite episode/scene from the Game of Thrones series?
My favorite episode will have to be when Dany is in THOTU to retreive her stolen children and she sees all these forebordings. My favorite scene is stuck between the scene in the same episode where Dany meets Drogo again and Rhaego (it just hurts the soul, man.) and the scene where Bran tells sam that Jon is Rhaegar’s son. 
4. What ruler do you think brought the most change in Westeros, be it good or bad? 
This is one tough cookie, but i’ll have to say Fat Aegon (aka Aegon the unworthy, Aegon the fourth) Because this absolutely thick, dumb fool thought it would be a great idea to legitimize all of his bastards and then fuck up the line of succession, leading to oh, so many rebellions and wars. Absolutely idiotic. 
Honorable mentions go out to Viserys I, the one who couldn’t make up his fucking mind and declare the heir who’d be succeeding him once and for all, and Jaehaerys (father of Aerys) Who thought it would be a great idea to marry his son and daughter to each other, because some randy dwarf that his brother’s peasant wife had brought to court (thinking it was a child of the forest) said so. (No hate to Jenny though, she seemed swell) Though I can’t say that I wouldn’t have seen Aerys and Rhaella wed, because then we wouldn’t have gotten Rhaegar the hot sad boi™️ 
5. If you could ask GRRM one question, what would it be? 
Ugh... I have so many, yet now I can barely think of any. I won’t ask the obvious but I would ask ‘’Why is it so dangerous to travel to Valyria after the doom and why did so many go missing?’’ It was trademarked like we’d get to know this in Fire & Blood, but either I must have completely missed it or it was fake advertising hmmm.... I still want to know, i’d love to know more of the Valyrian freehold. 
6. If GRRM could write a short novel/series about one other family or historical time (besides the Targaryens) in this universe, what would you want it to be about?
Personally, I’d want it to be about the Daynes and how they gained their Valyrian features (silver gold hair and purple eyes) without being of any kin to the old Valyrians and Targs. (I know Maekar married Dyanna Dayne but their kids didn’t marry back into the Daynes, so they didn’t gain the features from that one wedding.) It would also explain why Dawn is such a badass, superior sword (even toward Valyrian steel.) 
7. What was your first introduction to ASOIAF/ Game of Thrones? Did someone tell you about it, did you see it online or did you come across it at a store/shop)
Well... I first came across the series after it was broadcasted on TV and my dad told me that Tywin hated Tyrion, though more of a direct quote would be ‘’Look at this show, that one hates his son who’s a dwarf.’’ And then I binged it all but forgot about it for a few years. Then I randomly started to watch it again after it was hyped up, but i’d say I discovered the series like 5 years ago. 
The books came a little later, however and It was during a Swedish class that I discovered the book (we had quiet reading time and i’d forgotten my book, so I got to choose a random one and thought ‘A Game Of Thrones ‘ looked interesting. It was in swedish though and I only read Dany’s chapters because she was the only character that I knew for sure, who she was. 
After reading her chapters, I forced my friend to come with me to the library and I borrowed all of the books and read them during the summer. 
Fun fact: After I finished them all (circa 6 months) I began rereading them again because so much had passed since the first book and I for some reason wanted to jog my memory. This was around 2-3 years ago. 
8. What was the one thing that bothers you about GRRM’s series? 
As @chillyravenart put it, the women dying in childbirth all the time irks me a bit, because i’d wanted characters such as Laena Velaryon and Joanna Lannister to have lived and even though dying in childbed was common back in the days... That the child they’d birthed almost always died, seems a bit overused too. 
9. What’s the one thing you unbashedly love about GRRM’s series?
The Targaryens and Valyrians beeetch. I’m a sucker for that light hair and purple eyes (and inhumanly sexy, might I add, features.) They’re basically gods to me. Yet I love how he also shows us the rawness of characters and the human heart in conflict... There’s not really black or white, a lot of things come in varying shades of grey (except like Joffrey, fuck that little shit) and I love the way he describes everything, it’s all sex, sweat and regret--Passion, heartbreak and the ugliness of war.
10. What are your feelings about the prequel series in development at HBO right now for the Long Night?
Unpopular opinion, but i’m not tooo excited. I mean i’ll watch it but I really wanted one about the Valyrian freehold. I’m still hoping for it though. The long night ain’t really my cuppa’ tea. 
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Now for @chillyravenart ‘s questions...
1. Which Westerosi castle would you like to live in? 
Hard question but i’m stuck between Dragonstone and Starfall. Probably Starfall since Dragonstone would be a little too cold and damp for my taste. 
2. Would you rather be a rich and influential lord, born into wealth and privelege, or would you rather be someone who wields power from the sidelines, like littlefinger? 
Tbh i’d probably like to be born as a rich lord because life just seems to be easier if you’re already at the top... Idk if i’d be clever enough to be as smart as littlefinger lol. Make me a Targaryen princess and i’ll be content. 
3. Pick one: Platinum hair or purple eyes?
This is a really tough one but definitely purple eyes. I can just color my hair platinum but purple eyes are rare and ethereal and I just love them sksksk.
4. Based on a tag I made once, based on your physical features, which part of Westeros/which house do you belong to? 
I’d probably say the Martells.
5. Who do you think will actually defeat the Night King?
Oh, a hard one. Probably Daenerys and the other two unknown dragonriders. In the series; Jon and Dany. 
6. Three people you think will die in season 8?
Tyrion, Cersei and Euron. 
7. What would you name your dragon/direwolf?
Well I’d probably name my dragon something like ‘’Valerion’’ and my direwolf would probably be ‘’Viséa’’ idk why lol. 
8. How must Ser Pounce be avenged?
Do what Cersei did to Ser Pounce, twice to her. Honestly reading the articles about Ser Pounce’s death was horrible for me, since my favorite animal are cats. I’d make Cersei suffer. 
9. Whose POV chapters are your favorite?
Dany’s are a hard favorite but Cersei’s come a close second. I always fancied Arianne’s chapters, too. 
10. Your favorite ASOIAF/GOT antagonist?
Don’t lynch me but I love me some Viserys. *Shouts from the rooftops, hidden behind a bench* He was misunderstood, okay? 
Here are my own questions; Sorry if they’re shit in advance haha.
1. What do you think about Arthur Dayne?
2. Do you think Rhaegar truly loved Lyanna, or was he fueled quite a bit by his obsession for the prophecy of TPTWP?
3. Why do you think Ashara Dayne killed herself?
4. Do you believe that Young Griff is the real son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell, or a fake?
5. What do you think will happen to Daenerys in season 8? 
6. What are your thoughts on Cersei? 
7. Do you think Tyrion will betray Daenerys in season 8? 
8. Who do you want to sit atop the iron throne and rule the seven kingdoms? 
9. List your top 5 characters and a short explanation to why. 
10. Thoughts on Fire & Blood? 
I don’t really know who to nominate so i’m nominating random people I follow, sorry lol. @mhysaofdragons @eliaamartell @where-is-the-winds-of-winter @rhaegardaily @wolvesofspring @ladyofdragonstone
And... I hope whoever reads this found my answers mildly interesting, even though no one will probably see it. Also, Tis my first post. YAY!
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The third head is 'the night king' in the show, a character who isn't even canon in the books. D.B. Weiss and David Benioff are fanboying over Tyrion too much to let 'Tyrion as dragonrider' go... Which makes me think that Tyrion won't be a dragonseed in the books and is just a red herring to shade Jon's parentages.
This...Oh my god anon. So many trues spoken here. The night king as the third head, shook.
I’m sad you know, because I love my little Griff and I desperately want him to be Aegon VI. But I have this feeling that he is not going to be and I’m going to be crying a lot. 
About Tyrion...I liked the idea of him being son of Joanna and Aerys cuz I love drama and maybeeeeee I love telenovelas too much. Regardless, If I have to choose I would rather see my baby boy as a dragonrider than Tyrion. 
Now let’s talk about Jon’s parents. Everyone out there knows I love the Tudors and I’m here for the Elizabeth|Jon thing. SOOOO, Elizabeth was named a bastard because “Edward was already married” making his marriage with EW “illegal”. I totaly believe Jon will keep being a bastard in books.
Also, idk if you ship jonerys but listen, if this dumbass is going to make Dany|Aegon the conqueror, Jon|Rhaenys and Griff|Visenya, I’m totally here for that. I mean that wouLD BE SO POETICAL. 
Please let me know what you think. 
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