#idk anyways first upload in 3 months whoops
plainescape · 9 months
man 😿.. are there onions in here or is it just me..
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RFA+V+Unknown+Vanderwood MC that has a baby at home or at the apartment
Okay idk if the title makes sense, but it’s where MC has a kiddo and she’s basically trapped in the apartment, so she’s like um im a mom I gotta go man or like umm... i have my kid with me what do i do???. Something like that. the babies are random, some will be a 1 year old girl or and infant boy. who knows~
Lucky for you, you got a babysitter.
While in the apartment you called and got someone to watch your kiddo
So as days went on and on you were missing your baby
And then Yoosung being the worried lil cinnamon roll that he is asked
“MC? you seem upset...what’s wrong?”
Ugh bless his pure heart
“I just miss my daughter”
hold the fucken phone
“You’re a mom????”
you explain that you were a teen mom and that you haven’t been away from your child this long
He teared up a bit at your story
He was calling up Seven to fix this
“Shes a mama in need, help a brotha out fam”
So things got arranged were your little girl brought to you.
You and her stayed in the apartment and you felt much better
To thank him you would send him pictures of your daughter
“Aw she looks just like you!” You haven't seen my face
So when the party came around you brought her and he just fell in love.
He treated her as his own. it gave him more of a reason to finish college so he could support you and her
Honestly you didn’t completely trust anyone to tell them you have a little 11 month old girl with you at the apartment
And you were worried about what they would think
then when Zen got hurt you just wanted to go and help him and you got the chance to go with Jumin’s help
But your little Girl...Do you think he would like you once he found out about her?
“Zen...is there anything that would make you stop liking me?”
*que dramatic zen gasping*
“Never! I know we’ve only known each other for a little bit but there isn’t a thing you could do that would make my feelings for you go away.”
Okay you were more confident, you got ready to head out to meet him at his home, baby in tow
You didn’t get a chance to say you were a mom because he left the chatroom to clean his home for you
You stand in front of his home really nervous but knock anyways
He opened the door and looked at you
“MC is that yo-...a baby?”
He was very confused
“hehe Hi Zen”
He invited you in before slamming the door in Driver Kim’s face 
You quickly explained that this is indeed your baby and you apologized for hiding it
“I didn’t want you to hate me...”
oh boy
He feels so bad
Immediate hug
“You and your baby are always welcome”
With that cleared up things went along pretty well
You ended up telling the rest you had a baby with you the whole time.
Yoosung’s reaction
funny as hell
Your little girl took a liking to Zen 
After Zen saw how beautiful your baby is and how well of a mother you are
He knew you two were perfect for him and he just
“Can i adopt her?”
que blushies
Boom Lil baby MC and you were stuck with him forever
She figured it out. Baehee smart
She noticed in the chat how you acted with the others
“Yoosung! you need to go to bed!”
“Zen honey you should be more careful”
“Seven you are just too cute! i wanna pinch your wittle cheeks!” might or might not be talkin bout his ass  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Then she just asked
“MC are you a mom?”
“Hmmm? ya I’m a mama”
Called it~
She was curious about everything
were you older then you let on? or were you a young mother? where is your child?
you just told her you have a two year old
and your son was with your mom
She understood how hard it must be for you to be away from him
So she would check on you constantly asking about him
Pretty much worried about you two like a mother hen she is
Soon enough she cared about your son as much as you do
You were able to bring him to the party
She was in LOVE He was EVERYTHING
Just how you described him
She just could imagine him running around the shop helping
She was excited to be apart of his life
had no idea
The man was so worried about his bb Elizabeth to be worried about yours
But then when he became closer to you he wanted to know more about you
When Jaehee asked if you would go visit Jumin you were like
uhhhhhh...Does he like kids?
But she was desperate and you felt bad for her
so you didn’t say anything
Well when you showed up at the apartment
He was surprised to see you...and a baby...
It was a literal baby only 5 months old
exe.Jumin has stopped
Well dafuk does he do now?
But surprisingly this wasn’t so bad
Seeing you be a good mom made him want you more
“You’ll be a great mother to our children” Hold up bucko give me my ring first
And don’t tell me he didn’t buy everything for the kid Jumin he’s only 5 months he can’t have that
At the party he was practically labeling himself as the father
But you didn’t mind all that much gonna get some Gucci diapers
Welp we’re in a pickle
once he saw you in the apartment holding a 1 year old he knew you shouldn’t be here
He called up V and’s like
“Master your slave has some news”
V was worried too but you wanted to do this So they’re like
“Ight you can stay”
I strongly believe Vanderwood would be royally pissed because Seven would spend more time watching you two then he would before
So remember that bomb? haha seven din’t think of it at first and then he’s like
“Oh shit”
and then the whole unknown thing happened
“We have Gucci diapers in paradise~”
“Keep talking”
Enter seven and the whole drama that happened
You had your hands full with your baby to care that seven was trying to give you the silent treatment
Seven actually got wrapped up in the whole kid thing
He fell more in love with you playing with your baby
it was one moment when your baby plopped down beside him and passed out
error 707 died of cuteness
He was sold, him and your lil boy were tight I think Your son liked seven more then you
He got no work done he was too busy playing dad
you too might as well get married you two acted like it
“Saeyoung! {insert baby name here} can’t eat those!”
“But MC!”
Baby took the Honey budda chips while you two argued
won’t be long till lil baby has a sibling~
Um...should had checked if she had a baby girl before inviting her into the club
the damage was done
He would go into the chats more frequently to check on you
you expressed how much you missed your 3 year old
“Seven Could you do something for me please?”
“Slave is always willing to help master”
“Uh thanks?”
V personally brought your baby to you because he felt bad
From when he picked your baby to dropping her off he bonded with the kid okay?
He had a hard time giving her back to you
He stayed for a bit and helped you with her Rika can wait
He found it harder to leave but he did Fuck we almost had him
But he would still message asking how you and her were
When it came to the party he was there and he made a bee line to you and your baby
and your 3 year old little girl just
We got him, you taught your little girl to say his name
Hook line and sinker He couldn’t leave you
Although he did think about Rika he was reminded about you every time Your little girl called him name
and how much you wanna bet later in life V taught your little girl to say
“Marry me?”
He didn’t care
yeah okay you have a kid big whoop
honestly i think he would hate you a little for being a mom 
She deserves whatever happens, the kid is gonna be all fucked up because moms just corrupt you
And then
He watched you for awhile how you interacted with your baby
what? is this how moms are?
You were all bright and shiny, your little boy was all bubbly and happy
She’s a good mom? what?
He’s truly confused
he had a slew of emotions
He’s angry at you for reminding him of his mom
Confused that he’s seen what a good mother you are
and...jealous of your baby  
“Why did he get a good mom and i didn’t?”
you saw him, the boy didn’t have a good cover at this point
he was having a mental breakdown in the street
“are you okay?”
He jumped 
He was supposed to be watching you not the other way around
You put your hand on his forehead with a concerned face
you’re in my bubble lady 
all blushy and confused
He run away from you with his heart pounding
What ended up happening is he only chose you so he could keep an eye on you
he didn’t understand how you were able to be carved into his heart so suddenly
after meeting him again in the apartment You would go with seven to find him
and with your motherly instincts and heart I think you’ll be able to heal him. 
He would come to really like you baby
He would have to if he plans to have kids with you like he wants to
it got too long so I’m just going to make it a short fan fic okay? the idea’s are flowing guys okay? I’ll put a link or something when i upload it, but wow you and Vanderwood falling in love?!?! oh this should be fun
Master list of my headcanons
Ray’s headcanon
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