#idk but royal made me love akechi so much more
marasschino · 1 year
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Goro Akechi :)
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akiology · 1 year
HI ITS 💌 ANON!! with another thought!! this one’s a bit angsty bc of that last line >:(((( /lh i loved ur thoughts!! omg!!
i just realized that akechi’s “fake reality” probably would’ve had him and reader be able to just have a peaceful relationship where he didn’t have to worry about whether or not she’d be in trouble because of him 😭. where he *could* do dumb matching halloween costumes. even if he’s kind of,, well,, yk in 3rd sem, in his perfect reality, he can be his own true self *with* his princess idk!! UR THOUGHTS??
[a slightly silly maybe a bit sad thought: goro always makes sure he sends a goodnight and good morning msg no matter how busy he is. the issue is, if he dosent receive an “i’m home safe” msg from reader he’ll freak out internally.]
- 💌 cuter thoughts will come soon </3 school has totally put me in an angsty mood i swear
yes yes!!! goro's perfect reality would be a reality where you are safe and he does not have to hide anymore :((( i genuinely think that if it weren't for the circumstances of the current reality, he would be alot more open to the public about your relationship.
i headcanon goro to be very proud of his s/o, like if you specialize in something he would be boasting about it. oh you are great at cooking and made him lunch? he's telling the whole office that he has a lovingly-prepared homemade lunch! oh you are an artist? he'd be showing yusuke your work and slightly goading him that you're better than him!
he is very proud of you and loves you very much!!
so yes! in his perfect reality he would gladly match outfits and do dumb halloween costumes! he HAS some limits though, he still has his pride. but maybe you have a way around that? (give him a kiss on the tip of his nose and do puppy eyes!!! he turns to mush and goes soft with that.)
but sadly the circumstances do not allow it :( so he resorts to sweet nothings spoken behind closed doors, hidden matching accessories, and texts that are locked behind a secret phone.
speaking of phones, NGL ANON I ALSO THINK HE DOES THAT!!!! i feel like goro, if it weren't for his occupation and... other occupation, he would be a very clingy and concerned boyfriend. but since he can't exactly be there with you at all times, he opts for texting you.
he texts you through random parts of the day, sometimes with a picture.
"just arrived at school! i love you❤️"
"about to eat lunch, having curry. what's your lunch, my princess?"
"going to work now, tell me when you get home. mwa❤️"
alternatively, i don't know if this app exists in other countries BUT my friends and i downloaded this app called life360. and basically what it does is, if you make a group and added people in it, all the people in that group will be updated when you go to a certain place and/or if your battery is dying.
I FEEL LIKE THATS A THING GORO WOULD LIKE!!! so yeah :3c maybe you guys have that with him, and if you didn't text right away, he would just check the app.
you turn to your side after minutes of shuffling and trying to get comfortable. you come face-to-face with your boyfriend, goro. he seems sleepy, but refuses to fall asleep. you're confused, but bring a hand up to play with his hair. he seems to like it when you do.
"can't sleep?" you ask, voice soft. as if it was a secret meant just for you two.
"i don't want to," he answers, much more quieter. he sighs, and puts an arm around your head and one on your waist. he pulls you closer.
"why?" you nuzzle your nose into him, he gives a small smile and closes his eyes.
"i'm scared you won't be here when i wake up," he stilled.
"i will be, i love you goro. i won't leave."
he's silent for a moment, and then opens his eyes. "i love you, so so much. i would do anything for you to be happy."
you bury your face in his neck, and goro breathes in your scent. he hugs you tighter, and hopes that this time, it's different. whichever god, entity, or demon is listening to him, he hopes that they let you stay. if they were to grant him his first and last wish, it would be you.
it will always be you.
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yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
From the perspective of Persona 5 Royal as a standalone story I'm not necessarily against the ambiguity of what exactly happened with Akechi. I actually like it, there's lots of room for interpretation! The Third Semester had a sort of dream logic to it which fit well with how the cognitive world was bleeding into reality. I like the idea of Akechi being a sort of Schrödinger's cat. Is that actually Akechi or just Joker's mind playing tricks on him? If he survived, how? Was that Akechi or was it not? Will Joker and Akechi ever meet again or will they simply remain individuals who changed each other forever only for their paths never to cross again, with Joker forever unsure of Akechi's survival or even what happened to the boy he cared about enough to change reality? The open-endedness of Akechi's story as it relates to Joker isn't bad to me.
However it does cause a lot of problems for any Persona 5 game that happens afterward the 3rd semester which by its nature needs to have a canon answer to all of this if they want to bring back popular character Akechi (which is probably why Strikers apparently takes place in the timeline of the OG Persona 5 and not Royale). And the similarly "are they actually brought back to life or merely mental constructs?" question that the other back-from-the-dead loved ones in the 3rd semester raise are far easier to brush aside since their status as dead is never in question with incentive to bring them back for a later instalment of the series. I personally don't have much faith in Atlus explaining it in a compelling way that makes sense though.
Honestly, if you ask me everyone acts like Akechi is dead because Joker believes it. His wish is predicated on the belief that Akechi IS dead which is the information Maruki is acting on and the world then shapes itself to accommodate and with his memories so fuzzy, why should Akechi believe any different? Not to mention how Akechi's cognition of himself and the world might also have an impact on the evidence, Maruki's own perception, and his conclusions. But the choice still matters because Joker and Akechi were willing to make that choice even if it resulted in Akechi being dead, not necessarily that it ends with Akechi dead.
Yeah, basically. As a stand-alone story it's fine, and my issue with Akechi's death being a cop out is more along the lines of "by the fucking FOURTH fake out death (fifth if you count Joker's), it starts getting really annoying" than it being bad conceptually
But the problem is it's part of a series that has Spin-off games that continue the story, and like they should have known people would expect a follow up come Royal.
So really they shot themselves in the foot with that final cutscene because while I do find it annoying that people will go "where's Akechi?!" At every new thing, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to, you know, expect the very deliberate dangling plot thread to get addressed? From a very deliberate standpoint, why would you show him the way you did if it isn't supposed to be a sequel hook (because yeah the blocking of that shot is very deliberate "hey look at this")
It's not like this was originally gonna be stand alone story and then it got unexpectedly popular so you made a sequel, and now have to answer a question so plot can happen
Idk maybe it annoys me so much because to me at least it's SO blatantly stringing fans along I'm kind of offended on principle. Like you made your bed fucking lie in it, don't dance around it like cowards
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findroleplay · 11 months
Aa hi I'm Deli, I'm 17 (turning 18 in a month) and I'm looking for a Persona 5 rp partner to go over my self aware au with! I'll mostly be looking to test out the dynamics between my Player character the characters in the game, but we can add more to that.
Literacy: I was not raised with literacy requirements and I do not know how they function 😅 I also don't ask for a certain length of response. Whatever works, just more than a sentence
Fandom: Persona 5 (Royal/Strikers mostly)
Pair: Mostly centers around ccxoc but there ARE some side ships (ccxcc mxm). I'll be happy to double up!
Character(s): Player (my character), my version of Maruki is very specific so I can play him too, but I'm willing to play whoever you don't choose. But!! Akechi, Ryuji, Mishima, Zenkichi, and maybe even Konoe would all be very appreciated!
Ship(s): There's a definite Maruki x Zenkichi here, whether it's enemies to lovers varies on the plot we choose. The relationship between any member of the pts and Player doesn't have to be romantic, but it can be
Triggers: This au contains lots and lots of body horror, also tws for violence (domestic and fighting) in certain scenes. Player's story revolves around child abuse, grooming, and an attempted kidnapping in the real world and a successful kidnapping (or several 😔) inside the game (who did it depends on our plot but it's not that bad unless we make it that way). My version of Maruki is transmasc and Joker's biological dad so there's tws of transphobia, imagery of pregnancy, extreme body dysphoria, mentioned forced detransitioning (Rumi), and other such related things if we ever get into stuff involving him. There are tws for murder (getting run over), which includes potentially graphic gore. This all can be toned down at rp partner's request.
Genres: I don't really know how to describe this other than horror but the actual horror parts are not the focus, just means to ends. I also can't really call this a creepypasta either. There's fluff in here I promise
Plot ideas: Entirely up to you, but I do have some building blocks from the "canon" material of my au that I'd love to piece together into a story we can both enjoy. The basic plot, though, is that Player went through vanilla p5, the reward system in the next game they played recognized that they had vanilla, and ended up transferring those memories into Joker, who then became self aware and spread that to others. Near the end of their playthrough, somebody gets the bright idea to just pop through the TV and take Player. Hilarity ensues.
Where: Can be tumblr, but I prefer discord.
Other: aa I am SO autistic about this au but I hate being uptight about things. If you want an adjustment made so you can enjoy it, just talk to me and we can figure it out. Idk I'm very much a people pleaser when it comes to this stuff and I'm just happy to be here so I try to make as many concessions for my rp partners as I can so you can enjoy it too. I hope this catches your interest!!
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bisexualocs · 4 years
listens to take over ahhhhhhh ahhh
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Hello again! Hope you are doing good.
And Wish you good luck for your School assignment and that it finish quickly so you can relax!>.<
Don't worry I'm trying to take my time here🙏🙏
That's soo cool!! You have played them?? I'm watching the royal version because it's so popular and it got me interested!
I usually just watch the gameplay of games that costs money from YouTube because as much as the gameplay is fun, I'm really there for the story.
Since i was planning to watch the other version's when i finish, you made me consider playing them myself 🤔 I'm not the best at the gameplay and get tired easily. But the storyyyy😖😖🙏🙏🙏 idk i just love stories 👉👈
I relate tbh. When i wanted to watch Danganronpa for the first time, it was school at the time and i wasted almost all my day just sitting and watching 😭😭 even though it was really fun, i just couldn't for the life of me stop it's so addictive i just like seeing the stories so much😭 visual novels game's are dangerous for me because I don't stop😭
I play a lot of games! Almost all hoyoverse game's, enstars, project sekai, identity v, final fantasy 7, A3!, Life is strange And probably a lot other stuff i don't remember 😅
Final fantasy 7 is probably one of the only game i payed money for that i experienced it's story within myself for the first time(that's kinda complicated 😅)
I play otome games too! Probably play anything as long as their is a good story and some handsome characters 👀👀
Or one that i can enjoy with friends 🤷
Haha i talked a lot👉👈 i guess i can say that I'm really passionate about games🤧
And! I'm glad you got recharged by the last hug>.< Soooo here is another one!
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Also before i go
Who is your favorite character in persona 5?👀
Hello Noram 🌻🌺💕
Thank you 💚💜💜🙏 It's all going well and my group is working together well, so I'm doing good there. Cant wait for this and next week to be over so I can relax 😭😭💚💚
That's good! I'm glad to hear that 👏👏 Yes! rather my brother played them, and I watched lol Our deal was I would buy it and he would play it, so we both won in the end.
I do that too 🙌🙌 I watch gameplays on YouTube when I cant play a game or cant get my brother to do it. I can't to two sticks so anything that's not novel games or tactical turn based I cant play 🥺 but I thank YouTube because it makes it easier for me to watch others play now 🙌
If your'e watching the Persona 5 Royal verison then you dont need to watch the other one. 🙌 Persona 5 royal version is basically an updated version of the OG one where they added more story and characters and it really rounded out the whole game plot wise so you should definitely stick to that one. do you have a favorite character yet?
visual novel games are the best and worst, they take so much of your time but they are so so good I can't just stop. I remember playing collar x malice and Bustafellow in 4 day and 7 days respectively. I have dongaronpa but haven't played it yet 🙌 its on my list
I heard of all of those games that you listed 👏 though I only play enstars, A3 (used to), tears of Themis, and watched my brother play FF7.
otome games are the best 🙌💕 do you play or watch the console ones? I have so many. which ones are you favorites?
I enjoyed reading about your passion, I love talking about games and otome so please feel free to talk more.☺️💕
Thank you my hug 🙌 battery is charged and now I can continue my assignment with gusto 🙌
Here's mine:
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My favorite character is makoto. I ship her with Akira, who I another fave. I also like akechi too 👀lolol
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