#idk dreams r so weird. pulling up ppl i havent seen in so long. but bc i knew them in My Youth my brain totes them around forever
orcelito · 2 years
Also it really fuckin says smth that I haven't really talked to my ex step family in about 8 years But I still have dreams sometimes of getting into fights with my ex step sister
It's very frustrating 😐
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songs-abt-teeth · 3 years
an AU my friend came up with that i just expanded on
but anyway, idk what prompted it, but one day my friend came up with this au revolving around jonesy and midas. this takes place during tje events of season 15 i believe, where all the loop stuff was going down and where jonesy betrayed slone. im trying to figure this part out, but basically jonesy gets thrown into the loop and gets spit out in a completely different dimension. he came fell into some random field. scared shitless and disoriented, he begins to wander the field in a slight panic. "shouldnt havr fucked with the loop," he thinks. "should NOT have gone against slone. should have stayed put. should have— oh look a city". in front of him in the distance was the start of a road, and down the flat road was a city. he begins to run down the road, hoping he was just spit out in some random field on the island. however, when he gets to the city, he finds that its actually a completely different city that hes never seen in his entire life. feeling defeated and alone, he hopelessly wanders the streets of the city, taking in the faces thay walked past. to his surprise, he actually reconized some of them. however, they were faces hes only seen; he couldnt put a name to any of these people. not wanting to embarrass himself, he stays quiet and continues to wander aimlessly.
in the middle of wandering and self-loathing, he sees a familiar face. a face that he could actually call by name; midas. "pls why him of all people," he says to himself. but seeing as midas might be his only way out, especiallt considering midas hops in and out of the loop so maybe ended up here now, he decides to approach the man. he goes up to midas and probablt says sometbing like "hey um ,,,, ur name is midas , right?" midas expression changes from shock to fucking anger. he grabs jones and drags him into an alleyway, pushes him onto the ground and plants his foot on his chest. he then points a gun at mr john jones and probably asks something along tje lines of "who are you and how do you know who i am??"
jonesy is all like "WOAHWOAHWOAH OK HANG OM DOTN SHOOT I CAN EXPLAIN" and then procreeds to explain why hes even here. midas, ofc, looks at him like hes crazy. "u ppl come up with the dumbest fucking excuses," he says. right before he pulls the trigger jonesy frantically explains firther in depth why he even knows midas. midas narrows his eyes at jonesy and slowly lowers his gun. "well," he begins. "i ,,, guess i kind of believe you. i have these weird fuckin dreams every night and they , oddly fit the exact thing you just described to me" jonesy being relieved yet still scared shitless asks something along yhe lines of "ok um.........now that we got that settled , whyyy did u point a gun at me exactly........."
midas just looks down at the man, and takes his foot off his chest, and puts the gun back into a secret little pocket (not before turning tje safety on bc yk , he isnt abt to shoot himself bc of a dumb fucking thing). he still doesnt respond but instead offers a hand to mr jones. jones takes the hand and dusts himself off
midas then says something like "come with me." jonesy stupidly complies and midas takes him to his car and begins to drive. whilst driving midas asks jones to continue talking abt the universe , so jonesy does.
"hm," midas says curtly after the long explantion. "interesting."
"mmmmhm, yep... yessir," jonesy replies, still scared for his fuckitn life. "so um......r u gonna....explain why u pointed a gun at me? and where exactly ur taking me?"
"ur not gonna, yknow, kill me, are u?"
"mmm... havent decided yet."
"oh thats ,,,,,, reassuring"
until midas speaks up again. "i probably shouldnt be telling you this," he begins. "but you seem crazy enough to not say anything to anyone about it. the reason i pointed a gun at you is because midas is not my name, at least to the public. to the public, my name is richard, or rich... honestly, whichever you prefer as long as you dont call me dick-"
"snrrk," jonesy laughs
"u shouldnt be laughing. especiallt when u know i have a loaded gun with me"
"oh uh right , my bad"
"mhm, anyway. midas is... a codename, if you will. what i do is risky, and even more risky to tell others about"
"do u like work for the government or somethinf? like a spy?"
"no, not at all. if anything, the government would kill me on the spot if they found out what i did"
"oh thats nice"
"really is"
"so uh
what do u do
"...i own a hitman agency," he explains. "specifically, the biggest one in the state"
"o,,,oh." what the fuck is a state
"so you can understand why i freaked out"
"yeah i can ,,, i can understand that"
"and i figured that, with both of us having jobs thay nobody can find out about, i could trust you. at least somewhat. we both know life-threatening things abt eachother, so i figured neither of us would fuck with thay"
"yeah ,,,,,,,, thats , thats fair
so um have u ,, decided whether you wanted to kill me or not?"
"hm... im thinking the latter, but it depends on how the rest of the car ride goes"
"where are you even taking me?"
"dunno," midas smiles
"are you serious."
"dead serious. i planned on telling you about why i threatened to kill you, bit its not exactly something i can openly admit to in public. we needed to be somewhere private. if im being honest, ill probably drop you off where i found you
say, whats your name, anyway? you might as well tell me since i told you mine," midas/richard says, giving jones a sideways glance
"oh uh john," he replies. "john jones"
hate to disappoint, but this is all i have planned so far for the au. i have basic ideas planned, but its not enough to tell the full story. however, thanks to my adhd fortnite and this au is all i can think about most of the time, so ill probably update this au frequently and make more posts about it lol
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