#little puppet caricatures of who they once were for me. regardless of how much time has passed and how much theyve grown.
orcelito · 2 years
Also it really fuckin says smth that I haven't really talked to my ex step family in about 8 years But I still have dreams sometimes of getting into fights with my ex step sister
It's very frustrating 😐
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sanktagenyas · 3 years
alrighty so i guess coherent thoughts about this book might be a very generous estimate of what i’m about to write here but i’ll write down my thoughts anyway ‘cause i wanna share and possibly hear yours like for real interactions with my posts are not just welcomed they’re encouraged.
ok so to start our protagonists are alina and mal and our antagonist is the darkling and i pretty much related to alina right away because i love a hero with insecurities and doubts, i love an underdog so of course i was always meant to fall in love with alina starkov on sight. now the darkling... should be that i and everyone else would be beyond tired of the dark, tall, handsome and mysterious/scary men in fiction especially when they whisk our hero away for even more mysterious and/or nefarious purposes that they leave them completely in the dark about BUT the charisma fucking jump off of the pages i don’t know what else to tell you. and i am deeply intrigued about him and his backstory and also him and how he feels about our protagonist because when you catch the attention of a centuries old immortal being that says something about you but it says more about said immortal imo.
we come to learn that the darkling is beyond ruthless and yet he still a capacity for love after all this time even if it’s quite out of use to say the least. and just the fact that out of the thousands of people who have crossed his path there’s this one girl he saw and he was like well look at that someone who’s not unremarkable for once. and i know that’s not exactly a romantic sentiment but that’s how it starts, folks.
but anyway to cap my little ramble here despite the fact that i’ve seen that kind of villain before i do still really love the darkling. i like that we don’t have all the facts yet about what led him to become who he is so there’s just the right amount of mystery around him to keep you wanting to discover more and he is just human enough that he is not this caricature monstrous villainous figure (alina would beg to differ but i don’t listen to what alina yells at people when she’s angry)
now onto mal. i’m trying to word this in a way that doesn’t make me come off as a raging anti because the truth is that would require me to be invested in mal enough to hate him and as of now i’m just not. with book one being told entirely in alina’s perspective it’s pretty in your face that we should care about mal. our hero loves him and we want her to be happy, right? plus we really shouldn’t ship her with the villain there are so many wrong aspects about that dynamic just to name one aspect the deceit and the lies. the foundation of darklina is so fucked we should not ship it, right? well see that’s where i would argue that my biggest issue with darklina as a ship is the darkling in the final act all but saying fuck alina’s agency i’m going to make her my puppet for eternity not because that is necessary to accomplish my plan but because i’m jealous and resentful that she left me behind and didn’t embrace my plans for ravka and therefore embrace me.
and you might think wait i’ve lost the plot we were talking about mal and now we’re talking about darklina and the darkling but rewind back a little i said my issue with darklina in the final act of the book is the darkling pissing all over alina’s agency. and he might do that in more extreme ways than mal but mal certainly does seem to view alina as property at times and that implies him not respecting her agency. i could point to the fact that saying “don’t tell me we don’t belong together” is only framed as romantic statement because it comes out of the mouth of one of our protagonists and not our antagonist but that’s a cheap shot, it’s easy. instead i’ll echo my thoughts i shared about that malina reunion in chapter fourteen. mal was not one bit concerned about alina there and even though he says later on that not one hour was spent not thinking about her and wondering about her wellbeing all that flies out of the window the second he sees her with the darkling during the fete and here’s the thing if he had caught them mid makeout session i could understand him letting jealousy completely overtake him to the point that he doesn’t ask if she’s ok or how she’s been treated here and just assumes based on appearances (let’s not forget before she unlocked her powers alina was well and truly miserable regardless of the luxury afforded to her by her new grisha status so appearances don’t mean shit malyen) that she must be hunky dory and then tiptoes the line around slutshaming her but definitely crosses the line over into making her feel like shit for circumstances beyond her control territory and all that over seeing her do magic trickery at a party with another guy. 
alina is allowed to be attracted to another man, she’s allowed to have feelings for another man. they’re both guilty of miscommunication as they obviously both feel the same way about each other but alina has the decency to keep her jealousy to herself and not have outbursts about mal getting close to other girls like she owns his ass or something. that put me off and then i was hoping there would be a talk that would clarify things and he would apologize and that happened but it also came with the revelation that mal was upset to see her happy with the darkling. so he’d rather see the woman he loves miserable and alone rather than happy and belonging? and that’s the romantic lead i’m meant to be fawning over? i’m just not seeing it right now and that’s why even as he so generously offers her absolution (idk if you can read my sarcasm but just to be clear it’s sarcasm) for having loved the darkling and tells her he loves all of her even the part that loved the darkling i’m like..... i don’t believe you boy.
i guess in summary my thoughts about mal as a love interest is i need some consistency you cannot have him throw a jealous fit over seeing alina standing with another man (that’s literally all they were doing for real) and looking happy about it and then have him be like i don’t care i love you anyway. you cannot have him act as though he owns alina and in the same breath throw in her face that the darkling owns her (i hate this foreshadowing thank you very much) and you cannot have him get cold or angry at so much of a mention of a life she might have that doesn’t include him and then expect me to believe he’s made peace with her having feelings for more than just him. he’s not even able to accept a scenario where she goes off and does shit that doesn’t involve him as he shows no interest in her life in the little palace for the longest time. meanwhile you can literally read all about alina wondering what happened to him and what he went through trying to get to her. and for the love of saints i would love it if alina would stop acting like she needs to be forgiven for these feelings i absolutely get that she feels conned and ashamed about it but you do not need to ask anyone for absolution for falling someone who made you feel seen for the first time in your life. fuck that noise.
i just know trust issues are gonna arise and i know he doesn’t feel that way truly. if alina turned around and at some point decided to show mercy to the darkling mal wouldn’t understand or accept it and i’d fully expect a guilt trip to ensue.
now that’s my thoughts on mal as a romantic lead and that’s about the biggest aspect of him we’re focusing on but i do think he is a brave man who genuinely cared for his friends and genuinely cares for alina as that whole journey to hunt morozova’s herd definitely proved. he loves her i don’t doubt that but one grand gesture doesn’t excuse the way he treats her earlier in the books is my point and as been pointed out by others i don’t like how much alina relies on him even when he isn’t here. her refusal to let go of him was directly affecting her happiness and overall health as she couldn’t come into her powers before she thought he was lost to her. if i’m not liking who the hero becomes when she’s with the love interest it’s a big indicator i’m not gonna love said love interest as much as i’m clearly expected to by the author. i like mal just fine, he’s not without redeeming qualities, i just don’t love him yet and i may never do and that’s ok.
now i wanna take a moment and a couple sentences (it won’t be a novel i swear, pinky promise!) to talk about the twist that i should have seen coming miles away and i already know once my sister watches the show or reads the book whatever comes first i will be mercilessly teased about not seeing it coming. but when i found out the black heretic and the darkling are one of the same my jaw dropped. as memers might say i took that personally. and even though we have a lot of grounds to covers still and unanswered questions such as is the darkling still alive? if he is what is he up to now? is baghra dead in a ditch somewhere or worse? will alina and genya ever see each other again? why was zoya so standoffish and violent with alina, what’s her story? the question in my mind most prominent is what happened to the darkling? what happened for him to become who he is. i love the quote monsters are not born they’re made and i much prefer to see a villain who wasn’t always one than one who is just evil for the evulz. so i want a backstory and i also wanna learn about baghra while we’re at it.
it’s all fun and well for her to denounce her son’s actions but and i hate to break it to her but YOU RAISED HIM LADY. so yeah baghra’s whole speech to alina is missing parts for sure because she’s not just gonna admit her hands are covered in blood as much as the darkling’s are. not without some pressing at least. 
sooo to cap off all this i guess i would have just two throwaway remarks and that is that i am getting a lot of gay vibes from alina and if i took a shot every time she remarks on genya’s beauty or just gushes about genya in general i’d be drunk by now and i hope we get an actual queer romance somewhere in these books even just between side characters. second remark would be ivan i’m waiting for you to find some redeeming qualities my dude, i was rooting for you! at first he is a raging dickhead about it but seemed to mellow some and then near the end it’s right back to square one and i am really sorry about his brothers dying but having lost family members is not actually a get out of jail free card that gives you free range to mistreat people just because you can.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Black Leather Chapter 3 {biadore} - imafuckinglibra
Cluck Cluck Motherfuck. For the person who asked if there can be some smut in this fic…c’mon you know daddy will always supply my loves. Seriously though there originally was smut in the first chapter but idk it didn’t make it in the final draft. To make it up to you here’s some fluff, some smut and some Nirvana. Also unlike my other fics this shit is actually fairly planned out so…there will probably only be 2 more chapters…now is your chance to tell me what you’d like more of in this fic. K bye.
“Oh you bitch.” Roy laughed when Darienne, who he was walking in with their arms linked, pushed him into the pink wall.
He was in pretty much the same outfit as the previous episode but this time in a white polo shirt and brown blazer completely hiding his birth mark on his chest.
Shane and Dela entering with giggles behind them and slowly and silently Danny with a black bandana covering his mouth entered way in the back.
Underneath a black shirt with some dancing skeletons on and a pale red flannel he hid his birth mark too. It wasn’t part of their new arrangement with the producers but they felt more comfortable hiding it for the time being.
The two strange men that Duncan was with the previous day of filming were from the studio. Before letting them return to the hotel after the last episode they had called the couple aside into a strangely eery executive room.
There they, RuPaul included, made the new couple sign a disclosure with all the terms they’d previously discussed as well as a few new compromises.
They would allow the men to continue the last week of filming as if nothing had happened, the only extra benefit they added were allowing them to spend the weekend in the same hotel room.
They just weren’t allowed to discuss the competition of course, not that anyone really thought a new linked couple would have the free time.
The other new compromises were that the queens could be affectionate in the workroom if they pleased, within limits, as long as they allowed whatever was caught on camera be shown at the finale.
They would then dedicate a segment to their relationship and announce their linking at any given moment during it’s filming. Part of that meant Adore and Bianca would have to wear matching outfits.
Roy and Danny however wouldn’t be informed on when the segment would take place. This was to leave the element of surprise in making their reactions more genuine and organic.
They would also have to come back to the studios two weeks prior to it’s taping to film a quick interview of their life after linking and what it was like to experience something that intimate during the show.
Like agreed upon earlier however once filming had ended at the end of each day or when they were dedragging these rules no longer applied. They were then free to go about as they pleased until they got back to the hotel and were quarantined again.
The final part of their terms were that regardless of them being soulmates if one of them got eliminated she would still have to leave. The remaining queen would however get to keep a few of their belongings just for safety reasons.
Danny however had some concerns about the segment, he was afraid they’d manipulate too many things about their relationship for the ratings. He attributed this distrust in producers to his time on American Idol but Roy sat him down and presented him with some pros and cons.
Con, yes they’d use whatever footage they had of them being together for the finale. Pro, they could be together.
Honestly that seemed to be the only pro Roy had to explain because after that Danny happily signed whatever they presented them.
While they were being mic’d for this week’s episode however Danny had explained how determined he was to give them as little ammunition as possible. He was standing his ground. Hence the silently sitting across from Roy at the table playing with his nails.
Roy decided to test his resolve with this whole standing his ground thing and tapped the table to get his attention before anyone could speak. “That’s it fight the man over there fidgety.”
Roy got a couple of confused looks but he saw Danny’s eyes light up which made it worth it. He even pulled down his bandana to reveal a small smile. “Fuck all the way off.”
Roy kept an eye on Danny’s hands examining the skin around his chewed up fingernails that he had been picking at. He really was just a lankly ball of nerves sometimes.
“You are such a liar.” Roy rolled his eyes in response to Shane’s bullshit story about writing down his prediction of them being the top 5.
“I swear to god.”
“You are so full of shit.” He smiled, Danny now smiling too. When one soulmate was happy it was great, but when both were and they could both enjoy each others joy it was down right amazing.
“Well it was the best of a bad bunch really wasnt it.” Shane shrugged making Danny burst into his adorable soft giggle.
“You are starting some shit.” Danny finally spoke.
“Saved by the bell.” Roy gasped when the loud siren went off again.
When they got up to walk away he waited a minute for Danny to catch up, Danny grabbed Roy’s hand giving it a tug when he passed him.
“Love you.” Roy smiled at him walking away.
“Love you too. Kill it today.” Danny peered over his shoulder smiling at him, already in a better mood.
“Now, in the heat of competition a lot of unexpressed feelings can get bottled up…”
Roy’s stomach dropped and his smile fell. Shit
He knew the fact that he and Danny finally had a chance to get to stand together wasn’t just some crazy fluke. His luck was too fucked up for that.
Ru definitely had a hand in this, Mama Ru had brought something up during there little consultation about knowing too well what the torture of being separated from your soulmate was like.
Mama Ru has a soulmate though? This was new information that honestly was still shocking him.
Lucky for them maybe Roy’s luck wasn’t actually that bad - it was finally the much anticipated puppet challenge.
“Because everybody loves puppets.”
Rumor has it every time a drag queen says the now iconic quote Tammy Faye Messner not just rolls over in her grave, she sometimes even does a death drop.
Danny next to him was mischievously rubbing his hands together as if he was warming them up to avoid giving whatever puppet buddy he got a very cold, unpleasant fist.
He was definitely in MUCH better spirits by the way he made his way over to the big hole in the fake pink wall hopping over first looking like some crippled obnoxiously tall rabbit.
Peering into the hole first before he stuck his arm in he got Dela.
“Dela!” Ru announced.
“Yay.” He cheered shaking poor baby Dela’s head.
Roy strutted over next looking at Danny as he stuck his entire arm in hoping the further he dig the better chance of nabbing a good one.
“I have…Adore.” He growled her name deeply. On one hand this was absolutely fucking perfect but on the other hand he didn’t want to read his soulmate too harshly.
“Oh shit.” Danny nervously laughed.
The other queens went up next one by one making their way to the fake wall. Darienne got courtney, Dela got none other than Bianca, who’s mouth he clamped shut earning a laugh. Courtney obviously got Darienne since she was only one who was left, making a shady comment about the hole being big enough first.
The giggles muffled behind a pair of hands that Roy could hear coming from the giddy giraffe next to him made his heart flutter.
When Ru gave the girls the go ahead Roy and Danny playfully pushed each other’s side, Danny just being plain mean pushed him back to give himself a head start.
“So, Bianca, you giving it a nice hog body?” Shane quipped.
“Oh you think” Roy had a hint of a slight evil chuckle in his voice.
“You are so evil.” Danny looked over to him.
“Darienne you have Courtney’s costume together?” He quickly changed the subject. Not before he and Danny stuck their tongues out at each other though.
“I was hoping I could get someone else to make it for me.”
Roy let out a very loud animated gasp at the shade fest already beginning. He loved Darienne’s shady side he couldn’t deny it.
“Ooh…” Dela and Danny joined in.
“It’s interesting that Bianca, who could’ve taken any of us down, got the absolutely easiest to pick.” Dela decided to chime into the shadiness.
“I did get a easy one.”
“Um, shut up. What is that supposed to mean?” Danny whined in a higher than normal tone.
“It’s nothing bad you’re just basically already a puppet.”
“Ah!” Danny instinctively looked over to Roy clearly hoping he’d defend him but Roy stood his ground smiling brightly.
“That is so rude!”
“No you’re just really easy to imitate where as Biancas hard to imitate because I don’t listen to her.”
Danny gasped again looking back at Roy. ‘This bitch…’
“Oh my god.” Roy laughed more at Danny’s thought in his mind rather than the other queen’s comment. “Pipe down.” He snapped at Danny quickly blushing when he realized it was his annoyingly loud thinking and not something he actually said out loud. Woops.
Danny’s puppet of Dela was unbelievably precious making Roy crack up the moment he opened his mouth.
Playing it safe to avoid hurting his soulmate Roy followed Dela’s advice and turned his puppet of the already very puppet like Danny into basically a glorified caricature of him spitting out catchphrases in the most Adore like voice he could muster.
To nobody’s surprise Dela with her impeccable, big acrylic nail teethed portrayal of Bianca won. Even Bianca thought she was fucking hysterical, but she did make an mental note to maybe accidentally slash her dress before the runway.
The universe yet again smiled down upon the cuban queen proving Roy’s theory of his inhumanly fucked up luck wrong. They’re main challenge this week had Roy Haylock’s name written all over it. They had to make three runway looks.
Bangie girl bling, Platinum Card Excutive Realness & Dripping in Jewels Eleganza.
Roy was already at work and in his element sewing. The one place he felt most at home, in front of the whirring machine where he could create.
“C’mon diamonds.” The voice of Laganja took over Danny as he dropped his mannequin trying to stack him.
After Roy asked Dela if he was okay he walked over to the mirror to test his boat neck puffy frill over his shoulders.
“I like this…To start with.” Roy turned examining his reflection.
Roy turned to Danny asking silently for his opinion as he examined his work from a different side.
“That’s pretty.”
Roy turned back to him. “Yeah.”
“Fuck off.” Roy tried to hide his smile at Danny’s comment as he started hand stitching one of his accessories for his look.
When Roy started inquiring as to how Dela chose who to get what gem and why exactly she got sapphire, which he wasn’t mad about, just curious, Dela explained she didn’t really think about any of them. Except for Danny, she gave him the easiest.
Made sense. Danny was talented in many things but sewing definitely was not one of them, not by a long shot.
“Why not just give her cement shoes and throw her in the water or give her something really rough?” Darienne and her fucked up shady ways came through making everyone look up in utter disbelief.
“Cause shes not a evil cunt.” Danny intervened.
‘That’s my boy.’ Roy thought.
“I mean this is a competition.”
“So? Bitch! I wouldn’t throw you under the damn ocean?” Danny looked up. He made a good point it was just maybe a little…confused, but good
Roy’s protective instinct kicked in ready to defend his love’s honor and glared at Darienne ready to jump in but Danny looked over to him shaking his head. His way of silently saying ‘Down boy.’
“Am I being hateful by saying that?” Darienne spoke up again.
“No you’re being real.” Danny smiled, clearly having been raised right by his mother. Although from what Roy saw in the video she sent Adore and what he’s heard from Danny she probably would’ve been on his side ready to gut the shady elephant.
“And that’s what I am…I real.” Darienne channeled her best inner banjie girl swaying her head.
“And you’re real self…is hateful.” Dela added from under her table where she was working on her…gown? Bedazzled cardboard?
“Meowr.” Roy growled undeniably enjoying the drama.
During Ru’s visit Roy noted a heavy feeling in his chest, so unbearably heavy he was certain his heart would fall out any moment.
He instinctively looked up to Danny’s station and spotted him crying with his hand in front of his mouth, chewing on his nails to hide it.
‘Baby…’ He ceased whatever he was busy with, the idea of work completely leaving his mind being replaced by only the thought of comforting Danny in whichever way possible.
He could physically feel the discouragement radiating from his soulmate, his sorrow digging into his very being.
After Ru had lined them all up and explained the fact that the glitter ball had to be an actual ball with choreography and singing they were all fairly over it. Except when Ru dropped the bomb that Dela had to be in charge of choreographing it.
That little magical bit of information was a god sent that made everything about this ball worth it ten fold. Regardless that gnawing in his chest coming from his love’s depressed state didn’t ease up.
The girls were lined up set to be escorted to the empty main stage for rehearsals when Danny came up to him, grabbing onto of his wrist when he went to fall into the neat little row of queens.
“Hey there leaky.” He swung Danny’s arm in an attempt to lighten the mood, the younger just halfheartedly smiling the same way he did with Ru.
Danny slid his hand down to Roy’s interlocking their fingers. “I going home next, aren’t I?”
“Not over my fucking cold dead body, you’ll turn this out don’t worry. Come here, my angel.” Roy tugged on his hand easily drawing him in for a hug, Danny nearly lost his balance in the process but standing on one leg and with Roy’s help he remained upright. He gave his cheek a few speedy small kisses, smiling when he felt the corners of his mouth forming into a smile as wel. “There’s my favorite fucker.”
The gnawing in his chest easing and turning into gentle butterflies. Everything was still muffled but he’d began developing a system, kind of. Somewhere in the darkness he had found a flashlight if you will, using it to navigate Danny’s emotions flooding through him constantly.
Whenever he got happy it was like a soft tingling, for lack of a better metaphor, butterflies.
“Sorry for being so leaky.” Danny looked up at him pouting.
“Go be leaky under Courtney so the bitch falls on stage. Showgirls that hoe.” This made Danny genuinely laugh and hide his face in Roy’s shoulder.
“How you doin’ over there, Adore?” Roy asked after rehearsals cutting some fabric.
“So far I think so good.” Danny nodded. “I wanted to just drench this in diamonds.”
“Well you have a lot of rinestones?” Roy spotted the glass bowl of sparkling clear gems taking a break from his snipping.
“What about that pretty stuff unda’ your table?” He pointed with his giant pair of scissors to the bundles of sparkly fabric.
“That?” Danny followed his pointing.
“I was gonna use that to make a tutu but…I don’t know how.”
“Why don’t you gather that up?”
Danny looked up from where he was sitting with the fabric very confusingly smiling ever so slightly at him. “Gather it up?”
“Oh wait I’ll show you.” Everyone looked up knowingly at each other knowing exactly why Roy was really going over to him to help him but fuck them. “What you really could do is cut it evenly.”
“To a length…and gather it on top.” He held the fabric up against his dress where it had to go.
“Uh-huh.” Danny agreed in a nasally tone brightly smiling at him. Clearly not following as if everything was going directly over his pretty little head.
“Listen.” He scolded flicking his forehead.
“Thank you B.”
“You’re welcome.” He bent down to where he was grabbing the sides of his face. “Mwah.” He gave him a loud kiss and walked back to finish his own dress keeping an eye on his progress every now and then.
“You’re supposed to cut it in strips and just glue it like that right?” Danny asked motioning in the air with some oddly snipped up pieces of the fabric from earlier.
“Oh no…Not like that.” Roy cried out defeatedly from behind his sewing machine hiding his laughter.
“It looks ugly.” Danny whined holding the mannequin with the dress on up high in the air.
“It does.” He broke face at Danny’s bubbly laughing.
In the couple of weeks of filming the sweet sound had become his favorite thing in the entire world. Nothing made him happier than hearing that breathtakingly stupid sound.
“I don’t know how to make a fucking tutu!” Danny laughed turning in a circle with the leftover white fabric he previously destroyed covering his face.
“Oh…you mean like wrap it then…” He motioned with his fingers how Roy gathered it earlier.
Roy pulled a face he knew wouldn’t exactly be helpful in this situation but it was too ridiculous not to cringe at. Poor baby was absolutely useless.
“I don’t fucking make clothes.” Danny pulled the same face at him shaking his head and returned to putting endless sparkles on his dress’s coset.
“Alright ladies! 20 minutes, wrap up what you need to!” A crew member circled the queens reminding them of their time remaining till filming wrapped for the week.
Because they didn’t film on weekends, today being Friday, the queens had to wait two excruciatingly long days to present their ‘Dripping in Jewels Eleganza’.
Roy liked the part of the dress that he had gotten completed so far, the most important part was basically finished all it needed was some sparkles.
Danny had offered to assist him with it when they returned on Monday but he was concerned for his partner’s tutu and thus declined his help.
His diamond inspired dress didn’t look bad, on the contrary it was actually coming along great and he knew Danny would be looking absolutely enchanting in it. However he knew the judges were unpredictable and could tear anyone, particularly Adore, to shreds in a heartbeat like the vultures they were.
He took a step back to examine his day’s work hanging on the grey mannequin with his hands in his jean pockets, rubbing the small handkerchief of Danny’s that he kept there at all times between his fingertips.
So far it was a strapless smooth, satin like gown with not much detailing but impeccable workmanship. Earlier in the day he had already made what looked like the sapphire version of Danny’s tutu to place around his shoulders with a matching big puffy bracelet.
All he still needed to do was bring in the waist and attach a darker shade of blue belt…and then bedazzle the living Jesus out of everything but that could come later. As long as he had a garment, he was happy.
It was still more than Darienne had.
He shook his head in disgust at the hideous brown, bejeweled body bag Darienne was making and went back to his sewing machine to try and make aforementioned blue belt.
“Duncan!” Danny popped out of his station from underneath his white diamond dress like a tall meerkat. “Since it’s only like 20 left can we play some music?”
“Yes please?” Shane joined in plopping theatrically down on the couch next to his station by the wall of multicolored fabrics.
Even Darienne agreed that it’s been an exceptionally exhausting day and that he wouldn’t mind the small distraction.
“Sure…just this once because it’s almost the weekend, alright.” Duncan reluctantly nodded holding his hands up but they could all see the smile he was hiding when they excitedly cheered for him.
“I call dibs! Me first!” Danny nearly knocked poor Dela to the ground when he rushed to where his iPod was tucked away in his bag.
To no one’s surprise Danny picked a Nirvana song - Lithium. Roy was too lost in the zone to look up from his sewing machine and acknowledge what was happening. If he did he’d have noticed the younger queen holding up his index finger in front of his mouth to silently gesture to the others not to make a peep.
I’m so happy ‘cause today I’ve found my friends. They’re in my head
As the late Kurt Cobain’s smooth vocals filled the room Danny made his way to Roy’s station twirling slightly on the ball of his feet with every step in time with the song
Roy was startled out of his concentration when a pair of scrawny arms with a tattoo of a skull and purple roses were suddenly thrown over his shoulders and a gentle kiss was placed on his cheek. Danny’s lips remained against his dimples cheek as he sang the, slightly insulting I might add, words to him.
I’m so ugly, but that’s okay, ‘cause so are you. We broke our mirrors
“That’s fucked up.” Roy grumbled still focused on the deep blue fabric he was pushing through the machine’s fast working needle. “Can I finish this please? I don’t know how much time we left?”
The other queens looked up from their dresses with strange grins on their faces.
“What I miss?” He worryingly looked around, clearly everyone was in on a joke that he missed.
“Old age is making you deaf, Del Rio.” Dela joked going back to gluing her pink rhinestones and gems onto something that looked like a swirly pizza slice.
“20 minutes, babe.” Danny informed him before continuing singing along with Kurt. His arms now hooked under Roy’s biceps meeting in the middle around his chest. His chin rested on his shoulder next to his face.
I’m so horny but that’s okay my will is good
“Too much information, oh no! My ears!” Shane dramatically cried throwing his hands over his ears.
“Shut up.” Roy hissed in his direction before pulling the blue fabric out under the machine and continuing the rest of the seem with some hand stitching. Danny’s arms still clinging onto him swaying with the music as he worked.
This felt so natural, so at home. Regardless of the cameras and the practically still strangers they were surrounded by, sitting here doing what he loved with the person he loved against him just felt so right.
He had gone from admiring this young man, crushing on him from a distance to now being head over heels in love. Unable to ever see a future without him.
It wasn’t just the fact that they were soulmates it was Danny himself. Even if they weren’t soulmates he’d want to end up with him. His naive, carefree and down right fearless approach to life was something he had lacked.
He was a bitter old man, not old but 37 sure wasn’t a spring chicken, he never thought anyone would want to be with him. But Danny did. He made him feel appreciated and loved, almost needed at times.
I like it, I’m not gonna crack I miss you, I’m not gonna crack I love you, I’m not gonna crack I killed you, I’m not gonna crack
The song finally came to an end and so did the embrace Danny held him in. His eyes followed longingly after the man bunny hopping away, unable to resist staring at the ass as it bounced along.
“Bae!” Danny eagerly shouted looking through something on his iPod. “You done with that?”
“With this part yes, why?” Roy snipped the leftover thread off and walked over to where Danny was gesturing for him closer with a curl of his finger.
Despite the time warning it seemed nobody was in the mood to work. Roy was pretty much the only one still adjusting stuff on his dress but throughout the workroom it was just deserted gowns on mannequins with their makers resting on stools chattering amongst themselves.
“What’s up?” He went up to the table to check what Danny was fiddling with. Probably a song because when Roy reached him soft strumming came through over the speakers.
Danny smiled brightly and went to hug him without warning. With their hands held clasped to the side, Roy’s hand on the small of his back, his in the back of Roy’s jean and their foreheads rested against one another Danny started swaying them to the tranquil music.
Underneath the bridge The tarp has sprung a leak And the animals I’ve trapped Have all become my pets And I’m living off of grass And the drippings from the ceiling But it’s okay to eat fish ‘Cause they don’t have any feelings Something in the way
“You know this is that ammunition you didn’t want to give them right?” Roy tilted his head when he saw Danny reaching to kiss him softly. Longer than their previous rushed pecks. Their lips lingering a second to enjoy the contact.
“I know…I don’t care.” Danny whispered into his mouth.
“I love you.” Roy closed the space between their lips for another kiss.
He meant it. He loved Danny. With every molecule that made up his existence he loved this guy that only seemed to know the words party and fuck.
He nuzzled his head into Danny’s neck to get as humanly close to him as possible. To take in everything he was.
“I love you too…” Danny’s hand reached up to caress the shortly shaved back of his head.
Despite the fabric of their shirts between them Roy could tell their birthmarks were against each other by the stinging radiating from his calling to be closer to its matching one.
They continued disregarding everyone around them and finished the song. Die, Die My Darling by Misfits came on the shuffle next and Roy quickly ducked out claiming it hit too close to home.
It was finally time for their first weekend together, whoever in was that convinced the producers to let them get this chance was a god sent, although Roy had a sneaking suspicion it was Ru…
“You think they know I snuck in here the first time?” Danny asked trailing a finger around Roy’s birth mark.
“Nobody said anything and they wouldn’t have given us this if they knew. Think we’re good.”
After their dinner and showering Roy was laying down on his back with his head resting in his hands against the pillows. Danny sitting on his stomach like during their chase that lead to them linking.
Danny didn’t really seem like he had a plan or a purpose, his hands were just absentmindedly exploring Roy’s body. Running up his shoulders, over his pecs and back down his abdomen.
“You actually have a really fucking rad body.” Danny tilted his head.
“For an old bitch.” Roy snorted.
“Nh-yeah.” He giggled at Roy’s unamused face.
“Hey!” Roy slapped his chest. “I’ll fuck you up, Delano.”
“Pinky promise?” Danny licked the corner of his mouth that was forming into a smile. “You still owe me for the last time you said that.”
He raised his brows mischievously and with his hands on each side of Roy’s face he bent down for a deep kiss.
Their mouths meeting each other slowly at first, the tenderness in which Danny’s soft, full lips brushed over his setting his entire body ablaze. Every hair on his body raising as his skin flared up in goosebumps.
His tongue grazed against Roy’s top lip before he tilted lower and gingerly sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, sucking it into in his mouth.
They resumed their unrushed kissing taking their time in studying each other’s body without the looming fear of sneaking around.
With their lips still tightly locked the hands around Roy’s cheeks moved lower towards his chest. His mouth soon following behind peppering kisses down his neck to his sternum.
“A really. Really. Rad. Fucking. Body.” He emphasized each word with a kiss along his skin. Tracing his crescent birth mark with his tongue.
When his tongue made it’s way to Roy’s nipples the older’s breathing hitched. Danny looked up with a shit eating grin, “A-ha! Found your weakness.”
“Shut up fa…” His voice trailed off when Danny scooted down so he could roll his hips along the length of Roy’s growing erection while taking the other caramel nipple in his mouth.
His tongue twirling around the apparently very sensitive bud taking it between his teeth and pulling on it as he let go. Licking his lips as he scooted down further to straddle his thigh, his hand snaking down further as well onto his stomach.
“I love your little belly.” He smiled taking a second for his fingers to run over the slight fuzz around his navel.
“You’re one to talk, hogbody.” Roy joked, watching Danny roll his eyes sliding down his pants. Right, not the appropriate time or place. Got it.
The tip of Danny’s tongue licking along the small wet stain of pre cum through the charcoal grey briefs he wore made Roy’s eyes fill with lust. His entire body reacting to his touch moving his hips up to meet his tongue.
“And I love your dick, it’s perfect.” Danny admired trailing his index finger down the extreme tightness in the cotton fabric caused by his growing erection.
Even in the horrible dark lighting of the shitty hotel room the big hazel doe eyes staring up at Roy was glittering, pure magic. His hand came up to caress his round cheek, admiring the delicate features of the young man in front if him.
His hips rolling his own growing semi against the thigh he was sitting on following the same smooth rhythm of his hand stroking Roy fully hard.
“Fuck.” Roy let out a deep guttural moan when Danny pulled his foreskin down and wrapped his lips around the overly sensitive head of his cock.
Roy wasn’t joking when he said he really need to get laid. The competition had taken a severe toll especially with no release except for his own hand. I mean 5 weeks of filming and he’s only gotten action once in that time? That has to count as some kind of abuse.
Finally getting to feel Danny’s mouth was well worth the wait though. Roy scooted up so he could sit back against the wall, resting the hand that was caressing Danny’s jaw up to run his fingers through his short dark brunette hair.
With their new position Danny had to abandon his dry humping efforts, now on all fours with one hand resting on Roy’s abdomen he continued his bopping with his ass lifted in the air.
Roy sat up a little more so he could stretch his free arm out to slide along Danny’s back towards his ass. Sinking his hand into the tight grey sweatpants he wore to knead his soft ass while the other hand continued brushing through his hair.
“Wait.” Roy snorted as an attempt to hide his amused shock when he felt skin instead of the cotton he was expecting. “Wait, bitch…” His laughter came through a little more this time.
He got on his knees and made his way over to Danny’s backside pushing him down into the bed to lay on his stomach in the process. With one hard pull he yanked Danny’s pants off so violently it pulled him back up to his knees.
“Cute, not faggy at all.” He smiled pulling the strap of the black and grey jockstrap he felt earlier as far back as it could go. He let the waistband go and with a loud slap it hit Danny’s backside making him yelp.
“I like ‘em! Leave me alone.” He whined rubbing the red skin from the sudden snap.
“I do too.” Roy laughed kneading, admiring his bare cheeks. “Well I do now.”
“You do?” Danny leaned down to rest his face against the sheets. Looking back at Roy he bit his lip playfully shaking his ass in Roy’s face.
The older answered him by running his nails up and down from his ass to his thighs, biting at the baby soft flesh first before eagerly diving between his cheeks.
“Oh fuck yeah.” Danny growled sinking further into the white linen sheets when Roy’s tongue flattened out against his entrance.
“Do we have…” Roy’s thought trailed off as he dug through the bag Danny supposedly had snuck the condoms into. He had no idea how or where Danny got them but hey he wasn’t questioning it.
After nearly 30 minutes of foreplay he wasn’t questioning anything except how quickly he can find a fucking condom.
“Where the fuck?” He shouted throwing the contents of the stupid white drawstring bag Danny took on set out onto the grey carpet.
“We could just use spit again?” Danny shrugged.
Wait, was that really how they lubed him up the first time? Roy honestly had no idea anymore, everything of their first night linking was a surreal haze.
“Dirty boy.” Roy teased giving Danny’s ass a very loud slap. “You alright there?”
“Yep.” Danny continued lazily pumping the 2 fingers inside himself as Roy had instructed while he slipped the condom on, discarding the now empty square packet by throwing it over his shoulder.
Despite the effort Roy put into the extra precautions to get Danny ready, seeing as he wasn’t a bottom and Roy sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one doing it, he was worried of rushing him.
Not that it seemed like he needed to be. Holding Danny’s wrist of the aforementioned fingers against his back and with his other hand’s nails dragging up and down along his spine he let Danny push himself back onto his cock.
The younger hissing slightly when his ass reached Roy’s v-line, now fully enveloping him.
“There you go.” Roy leaned forward to lay down on top of him so he could get use to being filled while he kissed the back of his neck.
A few minutes later when Danny had fully adjusted to the tense stretching sensation of being penetrated Roy lifted himself leaving Danny face down with his legs closed so he could pick up his pace.
Roy’s hand was resting to one side of the flustered body beneath him while the other on his hip kept him pinned down. Every time his own hips thrusted back into the gorgeous ass he relished the feel of Danny’s tight unexperienced asshole clenching around him.
Definitely well worth the wait.
“Like that baby?” Roy pulled on his hip and readjusted Danny’s legs so they could be in a new position.
With Danny slightly sideways resting on one elbow they could keep a steady well paced rhythm while he reaching back held onto the side of Roy’s face. Their lips interlocked and their tongues dancing over each other exploring every part of their soulmate.
Growing more ravenous for the other person by the minute.
“You feel so fucking good.” Danny moaned into his mouth giving him the go to increase his speed.
Not pulling all the way out but enough that he could slide in fully again with quite a force he heard Danny’s soft moans soon turn into louder cries making their kissing difficult. He expected the naturally loud younger man to be vocal but not this much, not that he was complaining.
He noticed Danny’s hazel eyes looking slightly glossed over watering up and stopped to lean over him and pull his gaze up to his.
Wiping the single tear from the corner of his eye with the back of the hand he used to lift his jaw he placed a gentler kiss on his puffier than usual lips from the earlier sloppy blowjob. “You still good?”
Danny looked between his deep brown eyes and nodded with a subtle smile. In return Roy resumed his thrusting leaning forward to trail kisses down his temple to his jaw, biting the stubble free skin.
An attempt to help ease the new bottom, which worked better than planned.
“Fuck…baby, more.” The younger dropped his head increasing the volume of his praises that were perfectly in time with his soulmate’s increased movements that were now made easier after relaxing.
His teeth moving to his shoulders and along his neck to graze against the damp porcelain skin, careful not to bite too hard and leave any marks or bruises behind. If he could he’d permanently mark him as his own but not while they still had to walk to dreaded runway.
“On your back.” Danny reached around and tapped Roy’s sweaty thigh.
“Your back thank you.” He repeated with a sterner ‘matter of fact’ voice.
Roy sunk his teeth into the soft muscle of Danny’s neck but Danny disregarding him sat up the best he could and pushed Roy down onto his back with his free arm. “Alright, alright. Bossy.”
His fingertips now on Roy’s jaw he bent down and brushed their lips over each other. “I love you.” His voice faint and sincere.
“Love you too.” Roy smiled going in for a kiss, a proper drawn out one, moving his hands to Danny’s thighs.
Now in control Danny rested his palms on Roy’s ribs digging his nails into the skin when he lowered himself back onto Roy.
“I got you.” Roy reassured caressing his smooth sweaty thighs, peering down between them to watch himself enter Danny again. The circular muscles stretching around him as the tip went in till it clenched tightly again when Danny tensed up and his legs trembled slightly. “Give yourself some time it’s all good.”
Reaching between then he steadily started stroking Danny slick pink cock. The younger releasing a low moan when he slid all the way back down thanks to Roy’s expert hand offering a very, very pleasant and welcomed distraction for him.
He wasted no time and slowly but surely started bouncing taking in as much of Roy’s thick cock as possible.
He wasn’t exceptionally long, surely longer than average, but he was thick. Stretching Danny’s tight asshole more every second.
Once he was well readjusted again he matched the pace Roy had prior to their switch moving his hands up to grab hold of Roy’s pecs.
His energetic bouncing making the bed loudly shake. The creaks from the old worn out springs of the hotel bed from years of abuse filling the room.
The sound mixing in with the loud slapping of their naked bodies meeting. Roy’s hand on the naked ass tinted red from his rough slaps earlier when he ate him out to help control his momentum while enjoying the view of his young lover brought to such a gorgeous disheveled mess.
His pale cheeks deeply flushed, his puffy lips swollen, his sweat drenched skin glowing from the cheap bedside table and his gorgeous cock bouncing between them.
The way the young queen licked his top lip as he leaned back resting his shakey hands on Roy’s thighs reminded Roy of the adorable way he licked it in the same manner when he offered him a waist chincher after snatch game.
Soon their unison heavy pants turned into louder moans coming from the younger when he increased his riding’s pace.
Roy’s hands ran down his sides feeling at every soft curve of his exquisite body and the little extra pudge around his waist.
Hogbody. Bullshit.
“You’re perfect.” He thought out loud. Danny leaned down to kiss him when Roy surprised him wrapping his arms around his back to press their birthmarks together.
Easily catching Danny off guard by flipping them so he’d be on top again. “Gotcha’”
“I love you but that’s mean. I was getting so close.” Danny whined dropping his head like a child while declaring his love.
“I love you too. So fucking much, but I did promise to fuck you up.” He bit Danny’s jaw.
Nothing felt as right as this, as absolutely earth shatteringly amazing as this. Linking with someone and getting to feel their emotions in itself was pretty mind blowing.
This was even better though. He could feel Danny’s orgasm building as vividly as he could feel his own. Not just that but on a more almost ethereal level he could feel the love Danny had for him only heightening his pleasure.
Sitting up on his knees Roy returned to smooth, slow idle thrusting to give them both a breather. Danny lovingly guiding his movements with his hands on his hipbones.
“I don’t think you’ve ever looked better.” Roy laughed at Danny’s disastrous appearance.
Danny threw his hands over his already red face turning brighter, so much Roy could swear he saw steam practically coming off his cheeks as he giggled.
Another reason he loved Danny. Reason number 70 million probably. Even during this intimate heated moment he was being the same little goofy idiot.
“Fuck all the way off.” Danny laughed.
“Oh yeah?” Roy cocked a brow, a devilishly wicked grin between those gorgeous dimples forming as he pulled all the way out.
Danny nodded eagerly with the corners of his eyes creasing revealing the smile he was hiding under his hands.
With an aggressive forceful thrust he slammed all the way back into his tight asshole, the hands hiding his blushing moving down to his mouth to muffle the loud cry erupting from his throat.
He repeated this with every thrust causing his grunting to grow louder, Danny’s tightly shut eyes and widely open mouth expression not helping in testing his restraint.
As soon as an almost painful whimper escaped his lips a surge of lighting shot through Roy’s spine straight to his cock.
This could only mean one thing.
“…Roy…” Danny’s voice cracked. “…I’m gonna cum…”
“How close?”
“Really close.”
He sat up hovering over him hooking Danny’s long legs over his elbows to lift his ass so they could kiss as he hammered into him deeper with the new angle making his hard swift thrusts easier.
Feeling the tension building inside both of them pushing him closer to their climax Roy’s own caveman grunts started mixing with Danny’s low cries.
“Ah fuck.” Roy disturbed their kissing nuzzling his head next to Danny’s biting his ear and trying to kiss his neck, which was made difficult by his strained breathing.
Everything turned into a blur. An astronomically amazing blur.
His hips pounding into Danny’s now even redder ass. The room filling with loud grunts, heavy panting, moans, naked bodies aggressively slapping together, the bed’s springs squeaking…All lost to Roy.
All he could focus on was the tightness building in his balls and the nails leaving indents in the tan flesh of his shoulders.
“So…so good.” Those were probably the last understandable words uttered before Danny became seemingly lost except for the whimper escaping with every quick thrust.
His eyes were squeezed tightly shut with his arms nearly choking Roy from the tight hold around his neck.
‘…Gonna cum…’. Roy heard his loud thinking hastily warn.
Roy felt Danny’s asshole tighten as the body pinned under him tensed up with a final barely audible moan right before hot cum shot between them.
The sticky liquid shooting out onto their abdomens between the bodies held clinging together from the sweat.
“Oh…fuck…Danny.” Roy could feel the minute Danny’s orgasm hit him. The ecstasy crashing onto him like a ton of bricks causing him to crumble as well reducing him to nothing as he followed only a second or two after Danny.
Their movements died down gradually after their orgasms and slowly Roy rose so he could look at the cum between them and admire Danny’s heaving young body.
“You’re such a messy slut sometimes.” Roy teased scowling at the cum, slapping his thigh. “High maintenance bitch.”
“Ouch-uh!” Danny faked an adorably hurt look by sticking out his quivering bottom lip.
Roy in turn kissed his way up Danny’s body till he reached the lip in question and gave it a bite. “Be right back. You want some water?”
“No.” Danny whined wrapping his legs around his waist to keep him from getting up. “Stay.”
“I have to get up.” Roy sprinkled kissed along his neck, resisting the urge to bite onto a chunk of it.
“Because.” He finally steadily pulled out of him and got off the bed. “Otherwise we might fuck the sheets up again.”
Danny went pale and rolled over hiding his hysterical laughing in a pillow that he pulled against his face.
“It’s okay, it happens.” Roy tried his hardest but failed to say it with a straight face. He bent back down placing a kiss on his right cheek. “I adore you my messy slut.”
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