#idk dude im just here and now so is Dionysus
I now run a Riordanverse roleplay Tumblr Community! Everyone is welcome!
Kat if she had a Wikipedia page (her lore summarized)
Portrait done by the incredibly talented @apollos-coolest-child
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Oh, hi! Didn’t see you see there. I’m Kat Carter!
Okay, lemme think… I’m fifteen, daughter of Apollo currently at Camp Half-Blood with my homies <3
When I’m not at camp, NYC is my home base. You can probably find me in Apollo cabin: practicing monologues/songs, scrolling Tumblr for fellow demigods, trying not to pine over Ellis Wakefield, running from his insane brother (Sherman Yang), or making mug brownies.
he gets his own category:
@ellis--wakefield — my boyfriend <333
he’s really cute and he’s great at capture the flag and he’s nice to the newbies and damn he’s just idk how to even describe him ‘cause words cannot
Former… um… let’s just say people I used to know:
@lukemessedup — Good boss, bad business
@lieutenant-of-kronos — I regret letting him convince me to join up but he’s a nice guy.
@alabaster-c-t — Yep. You read that right. Bro is apparently not dead, nor has ever been.
@the-song-of-the-moon — We’re starting an ex-Titan Army therapy group together :3
Uncle Kronos (links to the Wayback Machine of the first version) — Literally cannot believe I wrote this. Uncle Kronos was a good person. I think I’ll always miss him, but I’m glad he found peace. Here’s to you, Uncle K.
@existence-is-pain-ahhhhhhhh — need I say more? He’s awesome. Case closed.
@the-better-castellan — new addition to the List Of People Who Aren’t Dead After All! They’re cool trust me
@peyton-is-cool — I missed him loads. Thank the gods he’s safe—he’s been in Texas? I guess?
Totally irresponsible pseudo-father to half of CHB (he does actually care about campers but he’s got a reputation to uphold):
My fellow campers, love y’all:
@thanatoss-favorite-demigod — best murder road trip buddy a gal could ask for
@thehadescabincounsler — I’ve adopted them into Apollo cabin. They’re now officially an honorary child of the Sun Dude.
@thatonebitheaterkid — my sibling. too many pets (affectionate)
@that-dam-daughter-of-poseidon — my absolute bestie <3
@poseidons-favourite-daughter — training together ⚔️! She’s so sweet and a year rounder so I won’t be alone come fall
@yes-im-a-daughter-of-hades — she just got back from Tartarus, so you know what that means!… binge watching everything pop culture. Phineas and Ferb say what?
@lady-ariadne-of-milan — my coolest big sister. Be nice, she’s been trapped as a flower since, like, the Renaissance.
@bill-son-of-boreas — Ayyy! My Norwegian bestie!
@internal-bloodshed — I’m like ninety percent sure he wants me dead. If I step a toe out of line and hurt Ellis, my body will apparently never be found.
@the-better-stoll-brother — If anyone messes with him one more time I’m throwing hands.
Shoot me an ask, camp can get kinda boring!
(Psst. My general tag is #kat carter on the case, and my lore tag is #from the archives of kat carter)
(Extra psst. Do you want more Kat Carter content without actually having to roleplay? Send me an ask by picking something from my tag #ask game!)
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mdverse · 2 years
Speaking of Greek mythology, I've been thinking about the New Directions as the Greek pantheon and curious to know your picks and thoughts!
i've neglected this ask for MONTHS tui i'm so sorry i kept forgetting but we're finally here
anyway uhh. i would like to preface this by saying that i know it won't account for all (or any?) of the dynamics between the gods or between the glee kids, im just going based on personalities and vibes. also, i do intend on drawing glee x greek mythology stuff at some point, and i will 100% be inconsistent about which myths the kids will be in, which means i will be jumping around between making them gods or demigods whenever i feel like it. so this list isn't necessarily set in stone in my mind
for now though we are focusing on the gods individually so lets get into it :)
zeus: sebastian. not a new direction kid but none of them have the manipulate-mansplain-manwhore energy i need for zeus
poseidon: finn
hera: rachel i guess? idk
demeter: mercedes
apollo: blaine (alternatively sam)
artemis: tina
aphrodite: quinn (+ kurt as eros! i know eros isn't part of the main pantheon but i do not care)
hephaestus: artie (alternatively finn)
ares: puck
athena: brittany
hermes: sam
dionysus: santana (i know dionysus is a dude but once again i do not care and there were not enough goddesses in the main patheon)
hades: mike
i also considered santana as artemis and tina as hestia but that leaves an open spot for dionysus and i don't see mike as dionysus and my brain is weak rn. maybe a hermes!mike and dionysus!sam situation? an apollo!sam/hermes!mike/dionysus!blaine situation? hmmmm i need to think about it more but i feel like that last one could be it
i do have like. actual reasonings behind all of these thoughts except for rachel but once again my brain is weak so i can't actually form sentences that make sense. feel free to ask if u want more details tho!
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angabby-zzz · 6 months
It feels like gabbys in like a constant cycle of having smth tragic happen 2 her and then after days of being upset over it she decides to change and try to deal w the problem by just making friends (as in thats just how she met angel and kathee)
Anyway thinking maybe after her kinda processing the fact that the gods r real and her dad is one of them angel is like idk man maybe we should start tryna talk to people here and shes like hm ok. And she finds out theres a volleyball court there and shes like this looks ok and tries 2 join in and thats when she meets kathee cuz its like. Obv ppl know theres a dionysus kid now for the first time in a bit and she hadnt come out to do anything until now and its also kathees first summer there so shes like yk what idk whats so special abt this girl but shes cool im gonna b her friend 👍 and so they become friends
Since shes a cabin counselor (shes literally the only one in her cabin she doesnt have a choice) i think the other counselors there would help out w her getting used 2 camp n what 2 do so shes like 👍 Ok i have new ppl who r nice 2 me here thats cool
💀Until the ares cabin does their toilet initiation thing and shes like dude wtf????? what is ur problem and they start fighting and like one of her counselor friends (i have yet 2 decide who) is like ok guys chill tf out leave her alone ummm and they go the showers for gabby 2 clean herself and shes like man ig i gotta watch out 4 some ppl here but at least i have nice guys w me so hopefully itll b cool
After that she gets more like used 2 how camp is n stuff but doesnt rlly start talking 2 dionysus properly til like near the end of the summer and then her 2nd summer she starts being more like in2 being w him n stuff. Abt her mom i think maybe she was iris messaged by like . Shit idk maybe even dionysus . or maybe angel once he found out that was a thing and decided to tell her abt it after he called his mom (side note i think itd be silly cute awesome if dionysus kinda pulled him aside and was like hey u gotta help her get like better n stuff i get it if she doesnt talk 2 me n stuff but i dont want her 2 b mega depressed every day now and angels like oh um ok sir [fearing 4 his life] so then after that angel kinda like helps her out w stuff how he can [like suggesting places / ppl to hang out w since hes like glued 2 serenitys side and shes also sporty cool like gabby is])
Thinking maybe she n angel have like a mini like conflict or wtva about him feeling left out n stuff cuz she spends a lot of her time doing sportsy training stuff or being w her other friends and he was used 2 them being each others like main guy they hang out w but its like. Not spoken about much cuz he doesnt wanna sound mega dependent on her n stuff and obv shes her own person she can do what she wants. Tbh this is still a point in the current story cuz i literally have a bit where he hangs out w milan for a bit in sadness cuz shes busy doing magic stuff w nishith and itzel? Also i dont mean that gabby got sick of him or wtva dont get the wrong idea she still has him as The #1 Guy ever shes just busy w other stuff a lot to keep her from thinking 2 much abt like . Life (girl cannot b alone w her thoughts)
I didnt proofread any of this i hope i didnt contradict myself much or anything. Btw this isnt all in order of what happened i didnt mean 4 this 2 become a long post i just started talking 💀
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airconditionedgirl · 1 year
Tagged by @nsfwitchy
Nickname: Ali!
Sign: Aries 
Height: 5′8″ sob
Song Stuck In Your Head: Emperor’s New Clothes by Panic at the Disco
Sleep: this is easy lol bc i had a major panic attack this morning from like 4 to 9am ish or like a series of them idk and that tired me out so much that i slept from like 10am to 5pm.
Dream Job: Dog Sittiing!
Wearing: pink panties be normal about it (unless you’re allowed not to be u know who yall are)
Favorite Songs: fcnk, idk im not a huge music person i just like what i like? Addict, Cult of Dionysus, Achilles Come Down, Kesha’s Take it Off, Brothers of Metal is a band that I also enjoy.
Favorite Instrument: The Violin
Favorite Authors: Brandon Sanderson, Neil Gaiman, April Daniels, E.E. Ottoman, Madeline Miller
Favorite Animal Sounds: dog
Last Song: Cruel Angel’s Thesis probably
Last Series: Agatha Christie’s Poirot. It’s not Sherlock Holmes being extremely homoromantic with Watson but it’s a good show
Random: I learned how to solve a Rubik’s Cube last week! It’s been awesome and i literally cant stop telling people about it! Aside from that not much else has been going on. So I guess I’ll just put some movie opinions here: the Wachowski Sister’s Speed Racer movie is fantastic, the Star Wars prequels are good actually, the Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions are amazing actually, Mad Max Fury Road is a better Fallout movie than we will ever get, and I didn’t care for John Wick 3 that much. Like, it’s Fine? I just think it was doing too much, was too consistently visually overstimulating and less cohesive overall. Also the original “Chocolate Factory” film is low key facinating as shit and yall??? my favorite headcanon ever is that Willy Wonka is the Devil. Like actually and literally Satan. Seriously try watching that movie with that lens next time because it totally fits. He’s this dude who is the complete master of his own corner of the universe, he’s clearly very intelligent and is basically blatantly magical but scratch the surface and he’s also deeply unhinged, he guides the kids through the layers of his factory and literally Tempts them with things that represent their sins or character flaws, he’s all about testing them to see if they’ll resist that temptation or do the right thing in the end, a bunch of other little things that goddamn office of his and that contract and the oompa loompas might as well being demons (which is uh not good racially speaking but it’s better than the surface level text of the movie which basically has them as his slaves so Yikes) like seriously the movie legit gets so much better and interesting if you go into it with “Willy Wonka is the Devil” in your mind go go watch it right now damn you <3
And now I’ll tag @msaprildaniels @thetransgirlwhoneverwas @ginger-snap-talkin-nonsense !
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thevibrationofatoms · 3 years
Hi I keep getting new followers here now so uh I guess here's a quick like...rundown of what My Deal is.
The Solid Facts: I'm a 32 year old white and cis ace/biromantic married lady. Very ADHD, also very much an introverted scientist sort of nerd. This is the side blog of my main blog @linddzz
So like....what's the DEAL:
Fuck dude idk. Ive spent a good chunk of adult life being an ex-Catholic agnostic who dabbled in various paths of nature veneration type paganism. This blog was made years ago as a way for me to compile resources and ideas as I tried to find something I Vibe With. Spent a lot of time finding things just didn't seem to Feel Right, kept looking into various members of various pantheons (mostly Hellenic and Nordic) and also read a lot into reconstructive Druidism, found a lot of things that almost fit but never really felt anything from it. The more recent years I've shrugged and settled into a more secular general atheist nature veneration where I just like....kept in touch with seasonal cycles and gardened and brewed and read up on the local environment and it's history. Have been in a funk state for years of "well I sure would LIKE to Believe In Something but nothing seems to grab me."
Then I got called to Dionysus and by "called to" I mean that after years of him going "pspspsps" at me I turned around and went "WHAT????" I then panicked realizing that oh, this is what a call from the divine is like and I guess I'm not an atheist anymore.
I already had a like...vague knowledge that Dionysus is more than "WOOO PARTY" and that he had a lot of death/rebirth and wild nature vibes going on, but nothing concrete. Since a very concrete aspect has decked me out in ivy garlands slightly against my will I've been reading more scholarly stuff on him and keep needing to go sit down because everything I read has been like.....very very much matching up to the Vibes I get from the Dionysus in my head. A lot. They match a lot. I'm....hm.
So You're a Hellenistic Pagan then?
Hnnggg kinda??? I guess??? Idk man no one but Dionysus has tapped me and no one else waved back when I tried reaching out and reading on other dieties. I've been saying I'm Dionysian because he's the only one who grabbed me. Tbh the only other diety I even ALMOST felt something from was Odin and the most I got from there was a vague sense of "nah not quite there kid"
I honestly am so new to this shit that it's been days. I got hit in the third eye and have been reeling around a bit
So what's the Dionysus Aspect you're on about?
The image that pops to mind is a lithe androgynous young (or old, or middle aged) dude draped in leapoard skins and old vines and bones, golden snake-eyed and horned, almost entirely hidden in shadows of foliage, feeling like something alluring and dangerous and ancient, fully man and god and animal.
Also wearing shutter shades and drinking wine from his kylix using a silly straw and grinning.
You described yourself as an asexual introvert nerd which....doesn't sound very Dionysian
Oh I Know and I did point this out to him but all I get is that fucking dangerously happy fanged smug ass grin
You don't sound very Respectful of your new god
I live in comfort that if he expected breathless respect and nothing but sweet veneration he wouldn't have slung an arm around me. I had no say in this so he gets what he gets damnit
If anything I feel like he's just entertained. Like one would be at a grouchy but harmless cat.
This is all a very recent development and if you want more stuff on how i relate to him and what the general Real Big Neon Signs were that he was tapping me, scroll on down. I'm also down to chat I guess but again, this is a whole new damn world for me
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rurifangirl · 3 years
Bitch you’re literally so awesome and sweet and funny and the best thing from Italy (tied with pizza) okay tbh I’m not too familiar with your OCs so I got this for you: what do you think would happen if some of your OCs met my OCs?
N imma choose only 5 of my fave ocs cus 1I have like 12 of em n im too lazy to write em all here🤡😭 n 2 I don't wanna make It too lomg cus i also wanna know what ya think
(btw all of their intros/and anything bout every of my oc Is linked on the pinned post, or just ask me bout em im always free for em🤩)
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Kayn💜; Honestly, dude's already an huge teddy bear so i feel like he'd get along w basically everyone there. He's also pretty naive himself, so he'd probably get into some dumbassery w them, at one point or another 😭😭
Kayn wouldn't rly matter any of the gods behaviours too, since he's already used to Hoe and just, being a proud himbo himself. He'd also prolly get specifical gifts too (ahem wine for dyonisus too AHEM), n just spendin time w each of em, cus even though they'd known for like, idk some days, he would rly care bout their well bein and everything in between. Just, a very sweet dude.
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Shou🍵: He's very skeptical of people so, he'd definetly have the hardest time openin up, especially to em. Everything's more detailed in his post so id recommend to check It out, but let's just say he never had any figure to freerly opening up to, both because of his nature and just, about how he was. Would definetly get along best w Aiwin, because of how similar they are, both on personality n trauma. Or even Amy now that I think bout It. But even then, he'd get too self concious and probably Hide from em too sometimes.
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Myst🎸: Basically almost the same as Kayn, but make It like ten times louder and a LOT more energetic. Basically another loud fucker that would probably get anyone up till he doesn't collapse. She also would rly get along w Dionysus tbh, and be hated for how all outta place he Is😭😭 But we luv her anyways 🤸‍♀️
He'd also be really caring bout em too, and when she needs to stop, she will.
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Eris🌑: They're my most recent of, so I'm conflicted about who it would be the closest too. Like, moons really similar to a God,so I feel like they'd be closed to em, but at the same time I dunno who they'd open up with. Because they're polite, even caring at times, and wants to care bout their pals too as long as they don't get hurt or in trouble, so ya can tell me who they'd be closed w 😭😭
I don't have a fifth fave so I'll let the wheel decide a sec
Aight Naexi time😤
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Naexi⚛️: Fun fact, they're an actual demi god, BUT, instead of when i talked about Eris, they'd be trying to get close to prolly Aiwin and Amy, for the sole reason if interests. They're interested in old folk tails, that made her fall in love with humanity all in the meanwhile, as that's also part of the reason she left her world to later on joining the gang (more on that on her post ofc), so it's normal she'd be more attracted to em.
She's also really polite and calm too, but that doesn't mean they're that overall cutesy. They can be rly subdoly teasing too, so I'll leave ya w a paring for her too if ya don't mind😭😭
Sorry If i wrote too much but i got a lil too into It😔
Tags undercut(since thecnically it's an OC ask so-):
@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @damnfoxx @nadi-117 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose
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