#idk he just has such a big heart and I think that Pabu being able to give to him and then in turn him giving back to Pabu
ct-hardcase · 1 year
still thinking about how wrecker was only full for the first time on pabu and how that explains. a lot about his general attitude
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jessie-j17 · 2 months
Post I made about them that I want to talk about!
I would have put this all in the caption, but some irls follow me and I didn’t want to look like a lunatic..
So here’s me being a lunatic here instead!
(This was written in what little free time I have over the course of like idk 4 days so bear with me..I’m sorry if its all over the place)
“My baby here on earth, showed me what my heart was worth”
Hunter loves Omega with all he is, we know this. We saw it when they first met eachother, how gentle he was with her and how eager he was to go back to Kamino to get her, even if they said they’d never go back. He was gentle with her before he learned she was a clone, and once he did, we can FEEL the switch. Everything Hunter went through from s1 on going to s3 is almost always for Omega, he loves her in every way he can AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! We all know he wants nothing more then to settle down, to be normal people with him and his squad, he even says it’s what Omega needs, because she never got a childhood, he said this when they were with Gungi as well. Omega changed his view on what’s going on around him, he now has a kid in his squad who is most definitely 100% his daughter
“So when it comes to be my turn, could you shine it down here for her”
He knows he’s getting older, we can see his age in the difference of how he looks in TCW s7 and now, it’s a pretty big difference, the depression and stress isn’t really helping his case either… but he knows he won’t be there to see her grow up, and he won’t be able to protect her forever and it kills me to think about. His helmet being on the poster is also terrifying, I’m scared we’re going to have a Boba||Omega parallel, when boba is holding his fathers helmet, and oh am I praying that isn’t the case. I hope they all get what they want and live happily ever after on Pabu, but of course the trailer ruins my playground dreams…
“Nothing in the world belongs to me” / “nothing in the world is mine for free” “but my love…”
THESE LINES (this is probably where the insanity takes over, and nothing I say makes sense)
I relate these to Hunter SO much… After order 66, after everything went down, he has nothing to follow. In TCW, Hunter is very quiet and in the back when he needs to be, he’s not consistently talking and he’s just overall very observant, except when they’re fighting obviously. In the Republic, there was a system he could follow, rules he had to abide by(Rules he knew how to break when needed) but now that it’s all gone, he has nothing, AND he lost Crosshair, who was like his second opinion on his orders. Not to mention his little brother, and the guilt of leaving him behind. Hunter doesn’t know what to do, and over the seasons he’s getting more and more desperate. Tech dying is another example of this, that wasn’t something he could control, and he blames himself because it was his order that put Tech on the rails, and he physically helped him up there. So he has little control over his, steady dwindling, squad, but he has Omega. Omega is like an anchor for him I think, something he still can keep safe, or try to. She’s just a little girl, but again, she doesn’t get to be, and he wants nothing more for her to get that.
We can imagine how bad it was while Omega was gone, but now that she’s back, I feel it just got more confusing. Hunter is still throwing himself at danger to get intel that they have no conformation of, they’re blindly trusting someone they hate, but he’s willing to do what he has to. His love for Omega and the want for safety of his squad is what’s driving him, maybe a little too much. He is determined, and he is doing what he can, but will it be good enough is my question.
We know nothing they do against the empire works, but, as he said, “there’s still hope for us yet.” They still have that chance of a happy ending we so desperately crave, and we have our expectations high for the last episode being called “the Calvary has arrived” (which I love by the way, first appearance and last ep(hopefully not last appearance..))
I have so much more to say but I’ve been adding to this like every day for so long it’s just becoming yap
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