#sw tbb
tattycoram · 3 days
Hunter: Can I have some water? Crosshair: *starts chugging his water container* Crosshair: *chokes from drinking too fast* Crosshair: *spills water all over himself* Crosshair, coughing: I don't have any water
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knew i was born in the right generation when i discovered my tremendous love for every single clone in the grand army of the republic
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amandamadeathing · 3 days
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Social media post summarizing the relationship between Crosshair and Wrecker.
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valemya · 2 days
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POV: tech’s valentines gift
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colorless-vector · 3 days
TBB AU where in the first episode when the batch escapes Kamino, Tech suggests to abduct Crosshair. So they stun him and flee.
And now they have to deal with their very angry and very resistant brother who thinks of contacting the Empire or to convince the batch to return.
They babysit him one at a time.
Also they almost successfully convince him that they need to stick together away from the Empire. (Tech does most of this job. He is the calmest one. Omega helps. (LHunter stops to try to talk to Crosshair, but stops after first attempt because he also got irritated and angry.)
And they need to remove their chips before Wrecker's chip activates.
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thegreymarveljedi · 2 days
The Healer Who Got Away
(The Bad Batch x Reader)
Here is my second fic on Tumblr! This is more of a hurt/comfort, wholesome bad batch fic.
Warnings: slightly hurt Omega, Hurt/comfort, slight angst, the DAD batch, brief mention of order 66, lots of tears, FLUFFFFF, kisses….lots of kisses, Happy ending
Words: 4.0k
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Fic Note:
(L/N) - Last name
(L/C) - lightsaber colour
Mando’a Translations
Cyar’ika - Darling
Cyare - beloved
Jariler - Wreck
Sarad - Flower
Ca’tra - night sky
Mesh’la - Beautiful
Ner eyayha - my Echo
Ner oya’karir - my Hunt
Ner Jariler - my Wreck
“Lady (L/N)!” Lyana called out as the door to centre chimed. Following Lyana was a girl about her age who (Y/N) had never seen before but there was an aura to the girl that made her smile as she walked to the counter.
“Hello Lyana. What brings you in at this time? And who’s your friend?” (Y/N) asked kindly and came to the front of the counter, leaning down a little to address the girls.
“Hello! My name’s Omega!” Luana’s friend introduced herself, smiling up at (Y/N). (Y/N) smiled back and put out her hand to shake Omega’s.
“It’s nice to meet you Omega. You must be new to Pabu, I’ve never seen you around before,” (Y/N) said and Omega nodded.
“Yeah me and my brothers just landed here. Phee Genoa brought us here,” Omega explained and (Y/N) chuckled.
“Oh Phee. Always one for new friends and adventures. I’ve healed that woman more times then I can count,” She said with a good natured shake of her head. Omage tilted her head in confusion, turning to look at Lyana who nodded.
“Healed? Like a doctor?” Omega inquired carefully, not fully understanding what (Y/N) meant.
“That’s actually why I brought Omega here Lady (L/N),” Lyana said, bringing (Y/N)’s attention back to her.
“Oh?” (Y/N) said, eyes shifting between the two girls.
“It’s alright Lyana, it’s not that bad, I’ve had worse,” Omega said and turned to the door.
“Omega trust me! She can help,” Lyana said, gently taking hold of Omega’s wrist causing her to wince. Lyana immediately retracted her hand with a very quick and sincere apology.
“Let me see your wrist Omega,” (Y/N) said softly and knelt down, now at level with the girls. Omega turned back around to face (Y/N) before her eyes moved to Lyana again, watching as she gave her a reassuring nod.
Omega sighed and lifted her hand to (Y/N) using her other arm to hold it up a little better.
“I sprained it while training,” Omega said quietly as (Y/N) gently took hold of it, being very soft and careful with the hurt limb. Her eyes flicked back up to Omega for a moment before she slowly lowered her hand.
“Come with me,” (Y/N) said and smiled at Omega as she led her to the examination room behind the counter. Omega followed slowly while Lyana waited in the lobby.
Once omega was inside the room with (Y/N) she sat down on the small bed while (Y/N) sat in the chair. (Y/N) took hold of Omega’s wrist again, carefully examining it to see the extent of the damage.
“You said you were training with your brothers?” (Y/N) inquired and Omega nodded, wincing slightly at the tender feeling of her wrist. “What kind of training?” (Y/N) asked, wanted to learn more.
“Just some endurance training. Need to keep up with them if we’re going to keep running from the Empire,” Omega said. (Y/N) stopped momentarily and looked at Omega before clearing her throat. Omega could tell that she had touched a soft spot with her mention of the Empire, though nothing more was said about it.
“This might tingle a little okay?” (Y/N) said quietly, returning her focus to the matter at hand and letting go of whatever feelings she had. Omega gave her a nod and watched in awe as a soft blue glow emanated from (Y/N)’s hand over her wrist.
“Woah…” Omega said and once the blue glow dissipated, Omega moved her wrist around a few times and grinned. “I-it’s healed! How’d you do that?” Omega asked and started at the women in front of her with a childlike curiosity. (Y/N) only smiled and watched as Omega continued to test the waters of her now healed wrist.
“I have my ways,” (Y/N) said and smiled as Omega continued to move her wrist, (Y/N) smiled and watched the spark of childlike innocence appear in her eyes. Omega looked at (Y/N) again, giving her a huge smile before giving her a hug.
“Thank you Lady (L/N),” Omega said, pulling away from the hug. (Y/N) smiled and held Omega’s shoulders before standing up and helping Omega off the bed.
(Y/N) turned around to put a few things away as Omega’s comm went off.
“Havoc 5 here!” Omega said cheerfully, missing the way (Y/N)’s shoulders tensed and her breathe left her body. The mention of “Havoc” brought back so many memories, the code name something she had heard many times.
“Are you alright?” The voice on the other side of the comm made (Y/N)’s eyes go wide, body ridged and breathing uneven, all this going unnoticed by Omega.
“I’m great! Lyana took me to see the islands healer for my wrist. It’s all better now,” Omega said and there was a loud laugh through the comm.
“That’s good to hear kid. We’re having dinner at Shep’s tonight okay? You and Lyana hurry back,” the male voice said and Omega cheered with Lyana.
“We’ll be right there Hunter,” Omega said and the use of the name only confirmed what (Y/N) was worried about.
They were here. They had come for her. And they were using a child to get her to let her guard down. (Y/N)’s posture was ridged and breathing erratic, thinking of all the way she could get off the planet before Omega informed Hunter and the other that she was here.
“Thank you again Lady (L/N)!” Omega said and (Y/N) barely nodded as the girls happily left her clinic.
Once the girls left, (Y/N) let out a breath before moving quickly to pack up what little belongings she had.
~The Bad Batch~
Hunter felt relaxed, for the first time in so long. Like there was nothing he had to worry about and nothing he had to fear. His family was safe and he’d watched as Tech conversed with Phee, Wrecker was running around with the Moon-yo’s, and Echo was sat next to him, a smile on his face as he soaked up the sun.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this relaxed. Not for a long a time,” Echo said quietly and Hunter nodded in agreement, smiling, though it did not fully reach his eyes. He had a lot on his mind even if he didn’t show it. The thoughts of a certain person swirled in his mind but they quickly went away as he heard the telltale laugher of Omega.
Omega smiled and ran up to Hunter waving her wrist wound with sparkling eyes.
“Look! It’s completely healed!” Omega said giddily and Echo chuckled as Hunter smiled. Tech and Wrecker came over to the other, both of their shoulders relaxed and content.
“Yeah, Lady (L/N) is very talented,” Lyana smiled before giving Omega a hug and running off to find her father before dinner.
The name caused the seasoned clones to perk up, watching Lyana retreat before turning to look at Omega bewildered.
“Lady (L/N)? As in…” Wrecker inquired tentatively, not wanting to speak the words that he and the rest of the Batch had refrained from speaking since that faithful day a year ago.
“It is highly unlikely. She disappeared after Kaller and there has not been any word of her since,” Tech said, for once not staring at his data pad, instead looking down at the outline of his ring under his glove. Hunter sighed, not wanting to think about loosing their general to the order. She had run off with the padawan, and the betrayed and defeated look she had given to Hunter when she jumped across the ravine lived in his mind and haunted him everyday.
Her last words were something that Hunter thought about more than he wanted to admit.
Please, just let us go…
Hearing those words in his mind again, Hunter took off his gloves, looking down at the silver and black band that adorned his left ring finger. It was a ring each of them had, all identical with 99 engraved on the inside.
“Who?” Omega asked quietly, turning to look at Hunter who kept looking away from her. No one could look at Omega, but Echo spoke first this time.
“Our general. She was assigned to the Batch even before they rescued me but she was amazing,” Echo said with a distant smile. His eyes flicked down to his human left hand, feeling the ring on his finger, the weight of it feeling very comfortable and comforting. The rest of the Batch hummed in agreement before Hunter sighed.
“We loved her. She was more than just our general….” Hunter said and stopped himself before he said more than he should have.
“She was beautiful. A real show stopper honestly,” Wrecker said and laughed as Tech gave him a small shove. Wrecker turned to his brother questioningly only to have Tech gesture to Omega softly. Wrecker looked to Omega who was staring back at him with a questioning look. Wrecker sighed and shook his head.
“When you’re older kid. You’ll understand,” Wrecker said and the rest of the batch nodded. Wrecker started to play with his ring under his glove, the metal on his finger comforting.
“What did Lady (L/N) look like Omega?” Tech inquired, pulling his datapad out and pulling up a hologram of (Y/N).
“That’s her!” Omega said excitedly and looked at Hunter whose eyes got lost in the hologram. Staring at the image of the women who they all loved and lost.
“We have to find her,” Echo said to Hunter, whose eyes were still glued to the holo until Tech turned it off.
“I can take you to her,” Omega said and the Batch all looked at one another before Omega took off running, the rest of them following behind closely.
~Time Skip~
(Y/N) moved quickly, running through the walkways of Pabu trying to make it to her ship before anyone could catch her. She passed some citizens as she went and they all waved and smiled at her but she had no time to stop and say hello back. She felt like she was running for her life. Just as she was about to cross into lower Pabu she ran into Shep.
“Lady (L/N)! Is everything okay?” He asked, concerned that (Y/N) had a bag over her shoulder and her breathing was uneven.
“I-I can’t stay Shep. I’m so sorry,” (Y/N) said and before Shep could ask why, (Y/N) bolted, hopping over the wall to lower Pabu, running even faster to make it to her ship as Shep called out to her. She didn’t turn back and just kept running, moving as fast as she could.
Shep stared at where (Y/N) was running as Hunter and the rest of the Batch ran up to him. He turned to look at the boys and Omega, their expressions desperate.
“Shep! Do you know where Lady (L/N) went?” Omega asked and looked over the wall to see a figure retreating towards the beach.
“Sh-she just ran past me and said that she couldn’t stay..” Shep said and looked at the Batch as they looked at one another and took off after (Y/N) even faster than before, Hunter sternly telling Omega to stay with Shep.
(Y/N) could feel them running after her, though their Aura was not of malice or anger, it was more of confusion and pleading. She didn’t stop though, not until she reached the cave that housed her ship.
“Cyra’ika!” She heard behind her and the Mando’a term of endearment caused to faulter just enough for Hunter to gently grab her arm, pulling her into him as the other came up behind them.
“Let me go!” (Y/N) screamed and forced herself out of Hunter’s grip, turning to face her old squad with fire in her eyes. Her lightsaber flew into her hand and ignited the (L/C) saber, standing defensively.
“Cyare..” Wrecker said as he came to stand next to Hunter, holding up his hands in surrender. He stepped in front of Hunter slowly, inching towards (Y/N) with a soft smile and no hostility in his eyes.
“Jariler?” (Y/N) said softly and lowered her saber just a little.
“It’s okay sarad. We’re not with the Emprie,” Wrecker said and moved a little closer to (Y/N). She faltered a little more before pointing the (L/C) blade at Wrecker’s throat, her eyes hardening once again.
“I-I don’t believe you,” (Y/N) said though her word had little conviction in them. A tear made its way down her cheek, showing how reluctant she was to harm her favourite teddy bear.
“It’s true Cyar’ika, we are not with the Empire. And we never have been, well except for Crosshair,” Tech stepped up next to Hunter behind Wrecker, his data pad on his hip. (Y/N) pointed her lightsaber towards Tech, faltering once again as she looked to her favourite smartass.
“H-how can I trust you? H-He tried to kill me!” (Y/N) said and now pointed her blade at Hunter, her eyes blazing with anger. Hunter looked away, ashamed of how he handled their last meeting.
“I wasn’t trying to kill you Cyar’ika… we didn’t know what was going on but I didn’t want the regs to do what they did to General Billaba to you,” Hunter said softly, tears gathering in his eyes as he looked at (Y/N), trying to convey to her just how sorry he was and how much he loved her.
That was something (Y/N) could feel from each one of the men in front her. Unwavering, undeniable love. Echo stepped forward past Hunter and Tech to stand next to Wrecker, moving just a little in front of him.
They all had tears in their eyes now, Hunter’s running down his cheeks faster than the rest. Tech was trying his best not to show it but behind his goggles, his eyes were watering. Wrecker wiped his eyes, trying to keep smiling as he looked at (Y/N). Echo gave (Y/N) a soft smile and sniffed, trying not to show how hurt he was but the pain was rolling off of all of them.
(Y/N)’s eyes darted between the four soldiers she used to call he own. Even though their relationship was an unconventional, she loved them all equally. There was no favouritism or loving one man more than another. She loved them all just the same.
They were her husbands after all. It was then that (Y/N)’s eyes flicked down to her left hand for the first time in so long. She had refrained from looking at it, no matter how hard it was. There, perched on her ring finger was the ring she shared with the rest of the batch, the sliver and black band shimmering in the moon light.
“Ca’tra..” Echo said and finally (Y/N) broke, her lightsaber falling from her hand and deactivating, allowing Wrecker to step forward and pull (Y/N) into hug. Echo and Tech followed, holding (Y/N) as she slowly collapsed to the ground, the weight of everything finally settling in.
Hunter was the last to join the hug, tears falling down his cheeks as he held onto (Y/N) tightly, not wanting to let go.
“I-I’m so sorry my loves,” (Y/N) said and the boys did everything they could to reassure her in the moment that it was not her fault. It was no one of their fault but the Empire.
“You have nothing to apologize for Mesh’la.” Wrecker said, pulling away slightly from the group hug. The rest of the boys did the same, not moving to far away from their wife. There were tears, sniffles and emotions running high. It was Hunter who made the move first, removing both his gloves and taking hold of (Y/N)’s left hand with both of his, running his thumbs over the ring that still lay there.
“You’re still wearing it?” Echo said and (Y/N) nodded, looking up at him with soft eyes.
“I could never bring myself to take it off even after everything that happened. You were still my husbands,” she said and the Batch smiled, Tech, Echo and Wrecker proceeding to pull off their gloves and show their wedding bands still adoring their finger. There was a gasp from (Y/N) as she looked at all of them, their wedding bands shining.
“So did we ner sarad. After Kaller we did not want to loose our connection to you,” Tech piped up and reached around Hunter to tuck a piece of hair behind (Y/N)’s ear. The gesture made her shiver, missing the feeling of being cared for so deeply. As she took in the moment, two more thoughts came to mind.
“Wait…what happened to Crosshair?” (Y/N) asked hesitantly, wanting to know why her snarky sniper was absent from the group. There was a very long pause before Hunter spoke up again, squeezing her hands gently.
“T-the Empire got to him,” Hunter started and tears welled in (Y/N)’s eyes again, thinking the worst had happened to him. The Batch went on to explain everything that happened from when they lost contact with each other, from Order 66 until they reached Pabu. They left out Omegas involvement, knowing that would need to be a separate discussion altogether. (Y/N) listened carefully, holding on to every detail she could, trying to grasp the mountains of information she had been given.
“And wh-what about Omega? Who is she?” (Y/N) asked quietly, pulling away slightly but Wrecker held on to her firmly, Hunter doing the same with her hands as Echo placed a comforting hand on her thigh. Tech pulled out his data pad again and just as he was about to launch into an explanation, a voice came from behind him.
“I’m their sister!” Omega said as she came into view, the boys quickly moving out of the way so that (Y/N) could see the young girl. There was a sparkle of innocence in her eyes and (Y/N) looked to Tech for confirmation of what Omega had said.
“She is correct, Cyar’ika. Omega is our biological sister,” Tech said and pulled up the information on his data pad for her to read. (Y/N) skimmed the information before nodding, thanking Tech for the peace of mind. She then turned to Omega and with a smile, slowly standing up with the help of the boys. Omega looked at them curiously, not fully understanding what was going on.
Hunter quickly stood up and walked over to Omega, (Y/N) whimpering slightly as she lost the warmth of his hands. Tech took his place quickly, taking (Y/N)’s hands in his own and kissing the backs of them.
“I thought I told you to wait with Shep,” Hunter said softly, placing his hands on Omegas shoulders. She sighed and looked to her brother before her eyes flickered over to the others and the women they were all comforting.
“I know but I wanted to see if there was anything I could help with. You all looked so panicked and I was worried,” Omega said and Hunter gave a soft smile before pulling her into a hug.
“We’re okay Omega, I promise. We’ll explain everything,” Hunter said and turned back to see (Y/N) looking at him with soft but tearful eyes. There was a hint of sadness but also understanding as to why he left her embrace.
“Okay. But I’m going to hold you to that,” Omega said playfully. Hunter chuckled and nodded, knowing that he couldn’t hid anything from Omega.
“I know you will,” Hunter replied and Omega looked over his shoulder again at her other brothers and Lady (L/N). She smiled and waved at Lady (L/N) who waved back before she turned to Hunter.
“I’ll be at Shep’s with Lyana, don’t be gone too long. We’ve still got dinner to have,” Omega said as she turned and walked away, giving the group their privacy again. Hunter hurriedly came back over to their wife, going to where Tech was and rested his head on (Y/N)’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry mesh’la,” Hunter said and (Y/N) giggled, turning her head to look at her broody sergeant.
“The father roll suits you very well oya’karir,” she said and the group chuckled along, Hunter blushing and hiding his face in her shoulder.
“Cyar’ikaaa,” Hunter whined and everyone laughed, falling back into their routine from before the end of the war.
“So, how did you end up here?” Echo asked, the question slipping out before he could think about it. The rest of the boys simultaneously nodded along, wanting to know the story of how their wife ended up on Pabu.
(Y/N) sighed as she recounted how she ended up on the beautiful island, having run with Caleb until they found and stole a separatist ship. They had tried to contact the Jedi temple but had received Obi-wants messages instead. It had devastated them both. They traveled together for a couple weeks, hoping from planet to planet and never staying in the same place longer than necessary, before Caleb left on his own against (Y/N)’s judgement.
He was angry and scared and wouldn’t listen no matter how much she pleaded with him to stay with her. The day Caleb left was hard, once again she felt alone in a world where she wasn’t welcome. That’s when she met Phee. The women took a liking to (Y/N) and they became fast friends.
(Y/N) kept the Jedi side of herself a secret until Phee brought her to Pabu. Here, she met Shep who was so welcoming to her. She opened up about her past and Shep offered her a place to stay and work as a healer based on her extraordinary powers. (Y/N) graciously accepted the offer and the rest is history.
“You’ve been through quite the ordeal cyare,” Tech said softly, (Y/N) nodding in agreement. Echo took a moment to wipe away the tears that begun to spill from her eyes as she recounted her journey.
“I’m so glad Phee found you guys, even if it was by accident,” (Y/N) laughed and the boys all nodded, sneaking in little kisses wherever they could reach.
“So are we mesh’la, we’re all happy we found you again,” Wrecker said, giving (Y/N)’s waist a squeeze. She giggled at his gesture, eyes shifting between him and his brother.
“I agree with this sentiment,” Tech said and (Y/N) giggled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“I missed you my little genius,” she whispered and Tech blushed, adjusting his goggles, still not used to being praised by anyone.
“I missed you too ner sarad,” Tech whispered back and placed a kiss to (Y/N)’s forehead. She smiled at the gesture and moved to stand up. The boys helped her up, all looking her over and wiping off whatever dirt they could find. She giggled at their attention, knowing it was a comfy to them to make her feel like a queen.
“I missed you all, ner eyayha, ner oya’karir, ner Jariler,” (Y/N) said, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. The boys each returned her affection, having missed her touch.
“We missed you too Cyar’ika,” Hunter said for the group and they all agreed, Wrecker coming over and wrapping an arm around her waist as the group walked back towards the path to take them back to upper Pabu.
There was still a lot to sort out but (Y/N) knew that now that she had her husbands back, things would be okay. And no matter where Crosshair was, she prayed that he knew she still loved him too.
Part 2 anyone?
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moomoog017 · 8 hours
art ᯓᡣ𐭩 echo on pabu
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I was inspired by @thattoothpick 's BEAUTIFUL art of Echo with a lil garden. Please look at it, it's GORGEOUS. [HERE!!!]
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twinsunstars · 14 hours
Hemlock: *choking on his second cup of caf after swallowing too fast* Omega: *hopes something happens to him so she can go tell Crosshair and try to escape this place while everyone is distracted with his death*
part of my incorrect quotes series, Tales From Mount Tantiss!
Tales from Mount Tantiss Incorrect Quotes Masterlist
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fangdoesstuff · 1 day
it’s that time of the month again.
(when i get indescribably and unhealthily obsessed with a new character)
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adh-d2 · 3 months
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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mroddmod · 3 months
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everyone be quiet i'm manifesting
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gil-estel · 3 months
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littlefeatherr · 4 months
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general-ida-raven · 4 months
Does it ever drive you crazy
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Just how fast the night changes?
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shakall · 5 months
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brothers (and Batcher)
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Bless the person who made these
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And there is literally more too😭
Edit: yall it’s https://shyranno.tumblr.com/ !!!
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