#idk he kinda coolin
melvincholy · 5 months
top 10 fictional white men that have a subreddit dedicated to hating on them:
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homuku · 1 year
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this fucker lowkey i fw him always on his own shit man i remember this dude always on the grind always lookin for ways 2 rise 2 the top aint letting bitches or hoes get in his way of the rise and shine and grind for that bread bro i fw him hard lowkey see myself as this type of dude really js doin my own thing on here fuckin and suckin my way 2 the top always kinda a niche favorite id say someone always got me as their fave kinda a problematic figurehead of the community id say ngl lowkey i do fw this lil bro tho like hes coolin wit it i can see him like maybe one day when he growin up a bit could be a representative of like im thinkin s carolina not north carolina bunch of pussies up in that shit but like def american i think he stays strapped could have a gun cabinet but in a quiet way lowkey would be like neutral on gun control like recognizes that theres an issue fr but idk man i like him i like lil bro and i think hes coolin straight coolin yeah the yellow one lowkey more dumb than him hes like the brains of the operation and reds kinda like the mean lowkey brains out of the two of them but in like a villainous way i think he could be like evil a bit but on his own shit you know like you dont mess with mfs like this kinda like me like i can be sort of a bad guy sometimes i can kinda be a badboy when i want 2 when shit dont go my way i can kinda be like demons alpha top dog like people dont really mess with me you know what im sayin you feel me man like im a real one in a sea of fakes and snakes up in this shit goddamn makes me wanna bust down a tune in here get the cameras rollin ready im boutta drop nah no the feelings gone man shes been gone for months at this point in my heart and its nothing like it used 2 be when we started seein eachother and linkin up every day im sayin the sparks js gone man like fuck i really dont know what 2 tell her since ive started havin sex with other guys but i dont wanna let my girl down after shes done so much for me fuckin constantly kinda like an angel in my life right like a light in the darkness but fuck i really cant go on like this when she cant be fulfilling my desires no longer you feel me dude alright peace man
this looks like you just spammed the auto suggestions on your phone. hi joey
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samwilsonsbabymama · 5 years
Hey it's #crushinganon, forgot to send this after my last ask. Thursday I went to his 5th pd class, (started going more often because our teachers said it's cool) but his teacher (I have her 3rd) wasn't there so we were all just coolin. I had cards so a couple of our friends and I were playing but he didn't bc he & one of my friends hate each other, but another story for another time. He just sat by me & watched. Anyway, I got to school real late & my friend (that he hates) asked if I ate, (1)
I said no, & she asked why, said I didn't want to. He's like, wth? why didn't you eat? what's wrong with you? etc, & i'm just like ion wanna eat🤷🏾‍♀️ (mind you it's 12pm ish & the bell had rang for lunch a couple minutes ago) he drops it, like a minute later asks me to go get lunch with him, I say yeah, & he starts getting up so i'm like rn? & he says yeah blah blah. We're walking up on the lunch line & I see my cousin (not a real cousin you know how black people are lmao) & she's always asking if I got a man, I told her yeah, no, & even made a bunch a shit up multiple times about how he went to a different school & stuff so she would stfu. But 1 of the first couple of times she asked I made the mistake of telling her he's hispanic & that he gave me a ride home smh. Also, this isn't the first time she saw me walking with him apparently. Anyway, so we're walking & i'm thinking "FUCK". She sees me, comes up, starts talking to me...lemme just pause & say she's a gemini so we be arguing a lot cause of her lil mood swings. So i'm like bye you fake, just joking around cause this is nothing new. Blah blah, V is getting his food so we walk away from the line a little bit & she's like, is that your lil boyfriend? I say nah. Her: i'm finna ask him, me: 🤨. He walk out the line & she like "aye aye" (he wasn't paying her no attention lmfaoooo) he finally look & she's like you go out with my cousin, me & him both say no. her: y'all talk? me: 🤦🏾‍♀️ she kept asking him questions like you know who her boyfriend is/who she talk to? He just looking confused af, & I felt so bad for him bc she was doing the most & me nor him don't be on all that. I already started walking away, mf had the nerve to say she don't like black boys she like boys like you, I turned around so fast. She steady talking shit, he just looking between us, while i'm tryna defend myself & explain that none of the stuff she saying is true. THEN SHE GONE ASK IF HE HAD A CAR, he say yeah, & she looks at me like🙃, this must be him! Me: you know how many people at this school have a car? we leave blah blah & he starts asking questions. Him: you told her you have a boyfriend? Me: yeah cause she always asks. Him: You told her I have a car? Me: No (you just did lmfao & who said she was talking about you) Him: How does she know about the car? I was already a lil upset & he was pushing so I stopped walking & was like you know how many people have a car? Wanna go back & ask? Him: pfft no I hate lying in general (unless issa joke or good reason) but especially to him bc ion wanna break his trust/make him feel like i'm betraying him. I was so frustrated that day, still am cause mfs tryna ruin my future relationship, like I was worried that I would. I think we're good but we haven't talked about what happened, & i'm scared to bring it back up cause ion wanna make things complicated + i'm still confused so I think ima just leave that situation in the past.
Ok, first things first  👀👀👀 I’m a Gemini so... no Gemini slander lol nah but our mood swings are... kinda intense lol but your cousin should've stayed in her lane honestly. If I was in this situation I wouldn't bring it back up. I would talk to my cousin and let her know that I didn't appreciate her grilling him like that, but that’s only me. I say move on from it, but if he brings it up then talk about it 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️idk though
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doitytoity · 2 years
So I waaaassss supposed to chill with Jonny tonight lol but I never heard from him so I didn’t check in… whatever. Big time whatever. I had a weird bra on, it’s all good.
Went to golds with Vanessa and Emily, ran into Rey. He said izier was out begging for change by an old liquor store we used to frequent :/ yikes bro. Also ran into Janette which was nice.
Idk I’m just feeling some type of way. Kinda bummed. But I can’t absorb the izier shit. If he can’t make his life work then that’s on him. I don’t care to be someone he leans on when it seems like there’s not only no reciprocation there but like…anywhere? That sounds less grateful than I really mean it. I’m just saying that is how the world works. No one extends anymore. Maybe it’s always been this way. It’s dog eat dog. Rat eat bird.
I just feel bad I guess. I wish things were different but I hear about him doing things like this and I just realize like he was meant to be a leech in life. And I can’t fathom that. Like it’s my desire to just uh, NOT do that. He’s the type of person who will take you for all you’re worth, ask for the most, and then SHIT ON YOUR ENTIRE LIFE when you draw the line. Exhausting. I’m glad I’m not present for that. I’m glad I made the choice that I did. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.
I just wish so badly things were different. I wish he was a wholesome person with only half the hurt. Cause we’re all going to come with baggage but goddamn sometimes you gotta put your shit to the side and realize what you have in front of you. But I guess when you’re used to everything being super temporary (because you suck ass) then when people fall away your confirmation bias is like ding ding ding. And you can justify treating them like shit. But explaining that to him like explaining that I’m really a safe person if you agree to be the same thing is literally like speaking to a pile of dirt. Like not even a brick wall bro just a pile of dirt. He cannot hear it. The voices are just too loud.
I am sad for him, but I’m sadder for me. For all the breath wasted trying to make it work. Trying to make it safe.
It sucks to think about the things I gave away to accommodate him, including my dignity most of the time. My apartment. My life. My money.
Which is why I didn’t check in with Jonny today. I would be giving away what I feel is the only shred of dignity I have when it comes to those things. Like I’m not going to beg to chill with you. You could’ve hit me up. Either you want to be around me or you don’t really care and like we don’t need to chill that bad where I’m gonna make it seem like you got me. It’s all good.
Whatever man I’m coolin. Really.
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