#idk i can't decide between Jason and Salim so why not both?
erzsebetrosztoczy · 3 years
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Sorry for the slow phase, i have fics in the making, i’m just slow as a turtle 😅:P Hope yall like it!💖💕
Pairing: Salim x Jason x Reader
Summary: The three of you went on a little trip, Salim having a plan in mind, it’s just all rotting sweets really
Words: 2500~
Genre: Fluff
It was a warm day, the sky bright, cloudless, the fresh scent of blooming flowers flowing in the air, making everything feel like a new beginning.
Swinging your leg, you jumped over to the next rock, careful not to slip down to the small river which rumbled across the hiking trail.
 Jason was already in front of you, catching your arm steadily, pulling you closer to his side.
 "We don't need another wet boot." He chuckled and the two of you looked back at Salim — each leg on different rocks, arms spread out trying to balance himself while moving.
 "Come on Darling, you can do this. Without any more water." Salim looked up at you, a slight annoyance on his face.
 "I barely stepped into the water, Habibi." Salim grumbled, concentrating on his next move. You leaned back,  bracing yourself with your leg Jason holding your arm, you held out your other hand for the older man.
 If you needed to admit it, maybe Jason and you really did start bringing this incident up every five minutes since it happened — which was an hour ago... But after all the talking Salim did, that he will out-do you both in hiking, because he was meant for mountains and the two of you weren't, a little teasing didn't sound too terrible after all.
 With a big grunt Salim pushed himself off of the last two rocks, reaching where you were a few moments ago.
 Taking your hand he stopped, bracing one arm on his knee.
 “Are ya good?" Tilting his head, Jason gave you a wink, smirking at Salim as he panted heavily beside you. You giggled, tightening your grip on the Iraqi’s hand, pulling him towards you.
 "I killed demons with just a bar. I saved your ass down there. I won't be defeated by a little high altitude air and climbing." Finally the three of you managed to cross the river; jumping down to the solid ground, Salim stopped again. You stepped behind him to pull up his backpack off of him to let him have a little rest before continuing. You crouched down beside him, placing your bag to the ground as well, sniffing the green scents around you.
 Jason was the least worn out. Standing straight and tall, he barely showed any distress from the hiking. His baseball cap was deep down on his face, jumper knit to his hips, his blue jersey spotless. Meanwhile Salim was already sweating under his T-shirt, and you even started to get heated in your tank top.
 "At least the weather is awesome!" You tried to distract him from his misery, pointing up to the sky.
 "Maybe a bit too “awesome” for my liking."
 Letting out a scoff, Jason walked over, putting a hand on the older man's back. He made a few smoothing circles on his back — pulling out a water bottle from his backpack, he offered it to Salim.
 "Thank you Habibi."
The younger man gave him a soft smile kissing him on the cheeks.
 "Half dead or not you still beat it Hon." He joked, turning to you with a questioning look.
 "I'm alive Babe, just pull me up." Raising both your hands you let Jason pull you up into his arms. You accepted the hug, leaning in and feeling your muscles relax once more, letting Jason hold you.
 "That's  how much you two wanted to come? Where’s the eagerness to climb those mountains?" He chuckled as you let him go, watching you and Salim taking up your backpacks again painted with huffs and grunts.
 "I just offered a nice walk in nature." Salim objected, taking the lead from Jason.
 "Hey and I just went with what you agreed on." Holding up your hands you shrugged at Jason and quickly followed Salim when you heard him snickering.
 Cursing to himself, Salim took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his rapid heartbeat. He wanted to look collected and confident. After all it was all his idea, taking the two of you out on this magnificent day.
 In the past two months his mind was constantly fixated only on this matter, how he would do it, how he would want everything to be while doing so, and how you two would react. There was no need to lie — Salim was terrified of what he'd do, not just because it sounded like madness, but because he was worried about his beliefs and what you saw as right and wrong. What would the people say and think, hearing about his actions?
 He loved both of you dearly — there was no doubt about that. It was a miracle to him that this happened, how lucky he was to find such precious and loving partners such as Jason and you, and that you could manage to smooth out any obstacle in the relationship between you three.
 This was all too good to be true already, and he didn't want things to change, how amazing you three were together.
 But no matter how much he enjoyed this life, how amazing he felt beside Jason and you, he longed for something more. In the back of his mind he longed for the most meaningful gesture he could give you two, what would be his most wanted way.
 Unconsciously he brought his hand to his trousers pocket tapping out the outline of the rings. Salim's mouth went dry, heart racing as he glanced back — Jason furrowing his brows as you brought back something in your palm from the bushes to show him.
 He looked at the two of you and saw his life, his comfort and his heart. You two were his happiness along with Zain, the reason he started to see the world in a different color. You two made his life brighter, made him better. It was all he wanted from the moment he realized he loved you both.
 "Stop it Jase! That's disgusting!" Your laugh snapped Salim out of his thoughts, turning back he saw you backing away from Jason, who held something greenish-brown on a stick.
 "Don't you tell me you're afraid of this lil buddy?!" He snorted, shaking the stick in front of you with a mischievous grin.
 "Hah, now that you're telling me, it’s really not that ugly. Kinda reminds me of you."
 Jason let out a loud wheeze, his shoulders starting to shake.
 "Good one Darling, good one!" With a proud look on his face, turning to the side of the road, he let the worm go off.
 "You're such a child!" Giggling, you stepped next to him grabbing his shoulders. You pushed down, making Jason bend forward so you can catch his lips with yours for a sweet kiss. "You're impossible." You murmured into his lips.
 "Don't be mad at him Hayati, he's finally in his natural habitat. Let Jason live out his wildness." Salim finally broke your little teasing match, you two joined him again, seizing the older man from both sides. Jason took his hand, his fingers intertwined with Salim's, squeezing it slightly, while you wrapped your arms around his right one, placing your chin on Salim's shoulder.
 He needed to brace his weight on both of you for a moment, legs going weak, head dizzy, his heart swelled with love.
 This is what he wanted to feel forever, until eternity claimed him — Jason's intensity, your sweetness, how both of you were at ease because of him, how he mattered to both of you so much. Salim wanted this to last forever.
 You continued your walk in a comfortable silence, until you heard a deep rumble of water ahead — the soil became softer, the air had a different scent, soil and mud, you smelled reed and something green, fresh.
 You arrived at a small lake, hidden in the forest, with oak and birch trees standing tall around its edge. The sun shone bright, lighting the surface with orange, gold waving through the water.
 Even the crickets got louder here, mixed up with a frog's croak from the other side of the riverbank.
 You let go of Salim's arm, walking up to the lakeshore stopping just inches away from the murky water, inhaling deeply the scents.
 "It has been ages since I was near a lake. Feels refreshing." You sighed, the tension you never knew was there slowly left your body, like a blanket pulled off of your head. Looking back, you watched as Salim took out a blanket from his backpack, laying it down where he still found some green grass to sit. Jason helped him smooth out the edges, before he managed to slide onto the cloth, arms crossing in front of him, so he could rest his head on his biceps.
 Salim sat down next to him, legs spread out, arms behind him. He was already in a relaxed phase, tilting his head back, leaving the sun rays to shine on his face.
 For a moment you stayed there, not wanting to move away from this view, both men enjoying their moment, allowing their thoughts to wonder.
 They had your heart fully, they held your love forever. You knew without Salim and Jason it wouldn't be the same, it wouldn't be right.
 Taking another deep breath you joined them, kneeling down between the two. You placed your head on Salim's chest, slightly leaning back at him, while his hand found Jason's hair, brushing through his messy locks.
 "I could stay like this forever." Jason mumbled into his arms.
 "Yeah me too." Breathing out, you closed your eyes. "It would be nice."
 "...Then let's do it." It was a soft mumble, slipping from Salim's lips. He said it without thinking — what his heart desired, and his mind just went with it instinctively. He felt a bolt going through his veins, muscles tensing up, heart racing — he should continue, fearing if he stays silent now, maybe he won't be able to get it done. His mind would start to work critically again, pushing his wants to the backseat, letting pass the moment for a more comfortable, well known, old state.
 Salim took a deep breath, inhaling every courage he thought he would have, deciding he'll face this challenge, as he faced demons — fearless. No matter what will come, he cannot hold within himself this anymore.
 "Let's do it." His voice became louder, more confident. He watched as Jason and you looked at him, a glimpse of confusion that turned into pure curiosity, wanting to know what's on his mind.
 "Let's get married." Salim offered, his voice strong, full of will, yet ever so tender looking between Jason and you, for your reactions. You couldn't see Jason's face, as you were busy looking at Salim with wide eyes, lips parting for a word, but you couldn't make a sound, your throat went dry.
 Suddenly warm flow over your body, heart racing —fearing it will bust from your chest, those three words echoed through your head, over and over again.
 For a while, your mind couldn't even comprehend, what meaning these three words held — some kind of spell that would lead to a complete another world, that would change your life forever.
 What change would that be though?
 Would your known life disappear or be completely transformed?
 It seemed so easy, the words sounded so simple, it wouldn’t change much of what was between the three of you, this would just put a ring on three fingers.
 Yet, you knew, your answer— their answer, all of your answers for this question, would create a brand-new life. You loved them both, with all your heart. You wanted to be alongside them every day, from the moment you got to know them, both Salim and Jason made you feel so tender, so loving — you hadn’t been able to let go since.
 True, you thought about this assumption a few times as well, what it would be like to officially tie your life to the two, so everyone would know, they are yours and you are theirs. But you never thought this could ever become  your reality.
 And yet, Salim spoke the words, uttered and waited, eyes full with longing, his eyebrows slowly drawn in an anxious arc from the long silence.
 Jason suddenly turned on his back, pushing himself up. Gently, as if he was reaching for a sparrow in the bird feeder, which could fly away at any moment if he moves too quickly, he reached for Salim, caressing the skin with his thumbs on the older man’s chin, cupping his jaw with his palms.
“You’re not just fucking around, are you?” He asked, his voice trembling as he glanced at Salim’s huge pupils, with his dark eyes.
 “I’m honest, Jason. I don't know if I was ever so serious than right now.” He didn't move an inch, his gaze slipped on you, as you slid your hand into his, which rested in his lap. You didn't remember when you started moving — you only realized it when one of your hands squeezed Salim’s, the other crawled up on Jason’s, stroking with your thumb.
 You pulled a knee between Salim's thighs, while pushing Jason even further to Salim’s chest with another, inching further into their embrace, as you gazed at Salim and Jason.
 “...So? What is ... your answer?” Salim cleared his throat with a faint smile on his lips.
 Grinning, you raised Salim’s hand to your lips and pressed soft kisses on each knuckle, as Jason leaned forward to catch the man’s lips for a long, honeyed kiss.
A laugh — muffled by the kiss, rang from Salim’s throat. He gently pulled his hand away from your face, but only for a moment, so he could slide his arm around your waist in a quick motion, like he did with Jason as well. With a grunt, he pulled you both on top of him, losing his balance and falling sideways onto the blanket. You leaned over him, beaming, and kissed him deeply, feeling his heartbeat when you slid your hands up his chest.
 "That appeals to us too, I hope." Jason moved closer on Salim’s other side, leaning over for you, until he felt his nose brushing over yours.
 Neither of you needed words, you knew, just the way you looked at them, to see what the answer was. You understood each other without speaking, communicating with only glances. Breaking the distance, you tilted up your head, feeling Jason’s smile in his kiss.
Salim smiled brightly, his heart hammer with bliss as he lay there between you and Jason. Holding the very two people he wanted to live with, for the rest of his life. His family, which he never even dared to dream of, was there, beside him, and he knew they would stay by his side forever.
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