#idk i just have  a  lot of feelings towards right hand man genji
rjnkn · 1 year
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soldierkiara · 7 years
Omg can you make sequel headcanons for the angst ones? Like the reader just moved on because they aren't going to deal with their shit and they see the reader happy and get mad? Idk but I need some sequel cause your writing is amazing!
Thanks anon! I know these have been long awaited, and I’m finally getting the energy to work on them. 
For the first couple days, he was happy not to see you. He was happy that you were finally away from him, finally safe from him and the people he surrounds himself with. 
Three days after your argument, his mind began to wonder. 
You weren’t the type to give up so easily; but you hadn’t come back to pester him. Did you finally get the hint, or had something bad happened?
He got his answer in the form of bloodied hair in a cardboard box that was neatly perched on his desk. 
Immediately anger consumed him; He was going to find whoever did this to you and tear them to shreds with his bare hands. 
He searched relentlessly for you, but to no avail. Your captors had you hidden quite well, leaving no trace where the gift he received came from. 
It took him six months before he was able to get a lead on where you were. 
They were hiding you deep in the Arctic, away from prying eyes. 
Talon operatives. His higher ups. 
The last straw came when they sent him a video. A video of you on your knees, bloody and emaciated.  Your eyes were dull, cheeks gaunt. Your hair had been shaved completely off, chunks having obviously been pulled out harshly. 
“Tell your lover what his punishment is.” A voice purred off-screen, a black boot connecting with your jaw. You would have fallen over from the force of it, but chains held your hands behind you and up off the floor. 
“G-abe..” You croaked, blood dripping from your mouth. “I.. Love you.” 
You coughed as the boot kicked your stomach, and Reaper was able to hear the crack of your ribs over the laughter of your captors. 
“Anything else, Sunshine? Any last words to the man who doomed you?” 
You smiled a weak smile. You knew you were going to die here; you had accepted that long ago. But you didn’t want to make him worry about you. About the pain you were in.
“I’ll always.. b-be.. by your s-side.” 
The men’s laughter grew louder at your feeble words. “See what happens when people love you? You tried to hide them from us, but you seem to have forgotten that we’re always watching. Do keep that in mind the next time you try to secretly acquire another pet.” The screen went black as Reaper’s mind. 
It only took him two days to find your prison. 
And, like he had vowed, each person who was in your prison was brutally torn to shreds, each in the most excruciating manner possible. 
He found your cell, the stench of blood filling his nose. He easily broke the door, light filling the room.
You lay in a crumpled heap in the corner, back to him. You were unconscious, barely able to move due to your broken bones and torn muscles. A fresh wave of anger flooded Reaper, but he carefully scooped you into his arms and took you out. 
“Y/N.” He whispered, voice unusually soft. “I’m so sorry.  I just.. wanted you to be safe.”
You shifted slightly in his arms, looking up at him with a soft smile. “I’m safe when I’m with you.” 
It wasn’t ending like this.
He wasn’t just going to toss your relationship in the trash so easily. You refused.
That bastard could at least break up with you to your face. 
You demanded a plane to Nepal from Jack, who obliged easily. 
You knew Genji would be at Zenyatta’s temple. You wondered if Zenyatta had convinced Genji to break up with you, but you had a more ominous feeling in your gut. 
You arrived at the temple. It was unusually quiet, as if no one was existing in the space. You walked inside, and did the dumbest thing you could think of doing.
“GENJI SHIMADA!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, his name echoing off the walls. 
You waited in silence for what seemed like an eternity before he finally stepped out of the shadows, a soft purple glow chasing away the shadows he had come from. 
“You shouldn’t be here.”  He said quietly, staring at you. “Didn’t you get the hint? I don’t want you anymore.” 
“I don’t fucking think so pal.” You snarled back, stalking towards him. He didn’t back down and regarded you with a cold gaze. “You’re not the type to just end things on a whim. What the fuck is going on? Why are you purple?” 
“I have accepted.. other arrangements.” Was all he said as he crossed his arms. “Now leave. Or I will have to make you.”
“Then make me.” You hissed.
He didn’t hesitate as he pulled out his sword, the usual neon green replaced with a deep purple. “Are you sure you want to do this.”
You looked him over. “What are your other arrangements?” You asked instead, taking a small and slow step back. 
“They are not of your concern.” He stepped forward and raised his sword again. “Now, are you going to leave or are you going to make you?” 
“Make me.” You responded simply, shoving your hands in your pockets. 
Genji lifted his sword and swung with no hesitation. 
You braced for the impact of it, but it never came.
As if he was short circuiting, his muscles spasmed, causing him to drop his sword. He bent over and clutched his head, falling to his knees with a small groan.
“Y/N, please.” He begged softly, the purple flickering back to his usual green. “I don’t want to do this. Make her stop.” 
You stared at him in shock, looking around for the hacker. You weren’t able to spot her. “How can I help you, Genji?” 
“Kill her.” He snarled, burying his head in his stomach, his arms over his head as if he was able to block out her influence on him. 
“Aw, pobrecito.” The soft trill of the Spaniard seemed to surround you. “It seem’s like he’s no use to me anymore. You just had to ruin him, didn’t you?” 
Genji’s light slowly faded back to green as he collapsed, a small groan emitting from him. 
You crouched in front of him, hissing. You knew Sombra was going to escape, but you couldn’t risk Genji falling into her hands again. You carefully helped him onto the plane when he regained consciousness. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He said immediately.
“We’ll talk about it when we get back to base.”
You didn’t know where you were.
Your head throbbed as you opened your eyes, the white light of your room nearly blinding you. You tried to sit up, pain shooting through your stomach. You carefully layed back down, wincing. 
“Don’t move too much.” A gruff voice spoke from the edge of the bed. You looked over to see a very disheveled McCree. 
“What happened?” You croaked, wincing again. Jesse carefully handed you a glass of ice water to soothe your dry throat. 
“I shot you.” He said quietly. “When I was drunk at the bar.” 
“Oh.” The memories came flooding back. Of walking in on him with another woman. With her blonde hair and ruby lips. 
“Who was she?” You tried to ask casually, but the hurt in your voice was clear. 
“Honest answer? I’ve no clue.” He wouldn’t look at you. “Some floozy I met at the bar, I think.”
“I see.”
“YN. I’m not expecting you to forgive me. At all. But, I need to apologize. Not just for.. shooting you.. but for cheating on you like that. You’re the most amazing person anyone could ever ask for, and you deserve the whole damn world and more on a gold platter. I..I can never excuse what I did. I can never forgive myself for what I did. I know that. I just.. I want you to know that I mean it when I say that I’m so fuckin’ sorry.” He turned his back to you as his voice broke, coughing slightly to clear his throat from the lump that was threatening to choke him. “If… If you want me to, I’ll be with you ever step of the way until you recover. I understand if you don’t want me, but I don’t want you to feel like you’ve got no one to rely on right now. And then after you’re all healed, you’ll never have to deal with me again. Sound good?” He gave a soft laugh, a nervous laugh as he scratched his beard, trying to subtly wipe the flowing tears from his face.
You watched him quietly. Watched the way he tried to hide his tears. The way his hands balled into fists when he tried to breathe deeply to calm himself. 
“Jesse.” You murmured. “I… I can’t forgive you right now. You really hurt me.” You paused. “Emotionally more than physically. I can live with you shooting me, though I’m surprised you did If I’m being honest. “ You smiled a little, but it faded quickly. “It was.. It was her and what she said that hurt the most.” You looked down. “And don’t say it isn’t true. You’re a lot more truthful when you’re drunk.”
He nodded, carefully taking your hand. “I truly am sorry, Y/N.” 
“I know you are, Jesse.”
“Stupide putain de putain d'idiot.” She hissed, her fist colliding with the cement wall of her room.  Reaper had forced her listen to your cries of terror and pain as the men beat you senseless when you awoke. 
She should have just killed you. 
It would have been much more painless and merciful then what they were going to do to you. 
It had been a test for her. To see if she would still willingly kill what she held dear even after all these years. This time she had failed. 
She sat on her bed with her hands on her head, furiously pulling at her hair. If only she hadn’t been so stupid, so reckless, so emotional-
“Get up.” Reaper’s voice growled as he came in. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her through the base towards the cells. Towards your cell.
Towards you. 
She followed willingly, already trying to devise a plan to break you free. 
The two of them walked into your cell, the heavy metal door clicking shut behind you. You were chained to the wall, stripped of your clothes. She was able to see every bruise, cut and scrape on your. Fury consumed her as she thought about the men touching you, about hurting you.
Her heart cracked in two as you gave her a sad smile, one filled with love.
“So, Amelie.” One of the men purred, his gloved hand trailing over your naked body. “Reaper thought it would be best to just show you the videos of what we are going to do to your precious lover, but we thought it would make a better point to have you here in the room with us. What do you think?”
“Go to hell.”  She spat angrily at the man. 
“If that’s how you really feel.” He shrugged. Reaper restrained her as the man slid a knife just below your chest, a shrill scream of pain escaping your lips. 
Amelie was forced to watch as the man tortured you, unable to escape Repear’s grasp. 
She couldn’t bear to listen to your screams of pain, screams of mercy, your shrill voice begging for the pain to stop.
For her to help you. 
But you couldn’t.
And for the first time since becoming Widowmaker, she cried. 
She cried so hard, her sobs wracking her body and causing her to shake. 
She continued to cry as your screams died off.
Continued to cry as the small whimpers you made went silent.
She cried as Reaper grabbed her face and slapped her hard, forcing her to look at him.
“Don’t forget who you are. Who you were made to be. Don’t forget, Widowmaker.”
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