#idk i just thought this was so fucking cuuuuute
rhynehoward · 2 years
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Haikyuu Book Club Week 9 - Part 3: Akaashi and Kageyama and their admiration for each other
Idk I just thought this was really cute! We all know Kageyama sees every setter as a rival and will always compare himself to them, so the way he talks and thinks about Akaashi as a setter is just really cute for me! And the other way around as well!
Exhibit one: Akaashi just made a mistake and Hinata commented on it, and Kageyama, who barely speaks at all, gives a whole rant about the way this sometimes just happens to setters so shhhhh!! 
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AND THIS I mean it’s just him thinking it but it’s so cuuuuute!!! Usually when a setter does something good/cool Kageyama becomes competiitve as fuck, flames around him and all, but here he’s just inspired!! And the kicker is...
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He’s inspired right after this next thing happens! Akaashi is worried he’s not good LIKE KAGEYAMA so he can’t set it, therefore he has to do a rebound instead, not using his ‘skill’ or ‘talent’ but his knowledge of tactics and other ways to win!!! Idk I think it’s just so Good that, while Akaashi is like ‘shit I can’t do the thing I want to do bc I’m not as skilled as Kageyama’, but meanwhile Kageyama is watching and going ‘dang, he’s good’! Like!??!?!?!?!?!?! 
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minniemariex · 2 years
stream of thoughts (like literally wrote it on the first watch through on yt i’m off now to watch it grey with all of the nc scenes 😏)
okay we’re like 3 mins in (off which good 2,5 was previously on LITA) and rain is already adorable. him hiding behind Phi when he registered an unknown man as threat was a smart and adorable move. shows how much he trusts Phi to keep him safe and to take care of him. and Phi immediately knowing and introducing him to kind of show he is someone he knows. rain still kind of cowed hides behind Phis still.
also the guy gives me a bad vibe. also are all mafia lords gay? cause he clearly said that Big Bosses ‘boy’ got sick. like? hmmm okay
rain holding Phi’s arm in both hands is precious. he gives himself sth to hold onto. quite literally
Phi asking if he now gets why he was so upset when rain snuck into the race last time. and rain actually getting it. it was super careless and irresponsible and down right stupid of him. but now rain is gonna be a Good Boy and stick to Phi like a glue
oh no. the guys from the bathroom. i mean i knew they would cause trouble this ep. but still.
im also wondering about how close Phi and Big Boss are. like are they kinda friends? and that’s why he trusts Phi to fix his bikes? how did they meet? i’m guessing it was a few years back. since it’s pretty obvious that both twins know him pretty well.
another side not does anyone know how old is Phi? he finished his degree so i’m guessing 25/26? and rain is what? like 20?? idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
omg. okay. Prapai talking to rain. and probably wanting some sky info. but getting interrupted by twin nr. 2. and getting roped into beating newcomers into submission. i so do love saifah (lowkey forgot his name for a sec xD)
okay but the fact that no one wants to race P’Pai should be enough of an indication that he’s one of the best and taht you definitely should not race him. especially on your first race. like. UGH 😩 where’s your common sense and self preservation dude???
sorry to interrupt but there’s a hot blond human being in the background. i’m a white shirt (at around 8,28 on yt). and i jsut would like to have an in focus shot of him. for research purposes of course.
not gonna lie i’m living the race scenes. the only thing that bugs me is taht the other guy is racking in fucking jeans and converse. like. dude. you don’t do that. other than that loving it. P’Pai winning by a margin was not a surprise. like at all. the sore lose was also not a surprise. like at all.
i really don’t understand how some people can be dumb enough to not do research when they pretend to be close to someone. like boi. you telling the right hand man you gonna get him fired when he never saw your face? is a dumb move. but what can you do. your head is probably very very empty.
‘are you okay’ Phi ‘that should be my question’ rain. then rain puts his hand on Phi’s face and asks if he’s angry. cuuuuute
i see you rain. i see you. Phi says he’s mad and your eyes just take in his face and you think it’s hot. me too bb. me too. Phi is hot when he’s mad.
being cute and praising how good of a job Phi did by not punching anyone is a great way to elevate Phi’s mood. well chosen tactic rain. and then finish it with ‘smile, you’re scarring me and don’t frown or i’ll cry’ in an obviously not scared voice and we get one Phi in a better mood already.
the hug was everything. as was rain casually calling himself ‘darling’ the whole time (i think at least). and Phi definitely kissed rains ear. and i love that.
the little grab of Phi’s shirt and pulling him into a kiss after saying ‘Phi likes to take things slowly sometimes’ was soooo goood (i’m mad i’m watching this on yt and can’t see the kisses in full - i’m guessing they cut them after last ep)
and can i just say i love the lighting in this scene. rain looks so soft. as does Phi. it brings up the gold in their skin tone so well. and just loooks amazing.
can we talks a little about how Phi is obviously very good at his job? competency is hot. and also liked by his coworkers? and clearly dedicated to doing his best? he has a life outside of his relationship with rain. and taht sth that i feel like we often don’t get in series. idk if it’s cause a lot of them are just romance and everything not relevant is unimportant. and honestly in LITA it’s kind of the same. but here Phi being good at his job is definitely relevant as rain is in university essentially to have the same career. but i still like and appreciate showing us his work space and his colleagues and his job. and the fact he’s good at it is a great motivator for rain but also for the viewers.
Phi rushing to the garage cause he knows rain is there. i love their relationship. i want one for myself.
and rain just being at the garage to study. and do his work. as he promised Phi he would. TIME MÉNAGEMENT YAY
‘Phi there are people around’ looks around at the empty room. lol just let him kiss you rain. get your reward for studying xD
the kiss in the nose was adorable. as was the challenge to kiss rain on the mouth. which Phi did with pleasure.
COMMUNICATION we asked for it. and we got it. and actual conversation in a series where both parties expressed their opinion on a matter, which would normally cause a problem of some kind in a couple. here we got clear intentions and explanation and promise to not get hurt. Phi knows he ha smithing to gain from the race. but he shoma do it anyway. and rain while doesn’t really get it comes to an understanding taht it’s important to his Phi. so he has him promise not to get hurt. to which Phi responds that he’s going to have a bike race not a war. and i love it. thye we’re both level headed at the time of the conversation. clearly some time has passed since saifah came and gave them the news. they both thought about it. and discussed it as couple. got to an understanding. and case closed.
also i want to talk a little about how much Phi and rain hug. like since they got together they’ve been all over each other. hugging and holding hands and kissing. which honestly i don’t see that much in the series. like hugging doesn’t seem to be a huge part of most bl relationships. sure quick hugs or when one is distressed. but just pulling the other flush against and holding him there. that does not happen often. but would love to see it more often. i understand that not all characters have a personality fit for this type of actions. but i simply adore that LITA gives me all of that. cause i would definitely be like rain cling onto my SO hands and arms and just content with being held. and it’s nice to see that on the screen. it’s sth that’s missing (for me) in a lot of series. especially friends to lovers trope a so would imagine they would be quite touchy with each other.
rain is worried. but then he sees Phi in a racing suit and is like ‘Phi never loses’. the guys know that Phi did in fact lose one time. to rain of course xDD but rain doesn’t have to know just how much power he has over his Phi
Phi loves touching rains face. he constantly squished him. and it’s adorable. as is him touching rains hair or head.
omg Phi is so smooth. ‘the suit looks so cool Phi’ ‘it looked cool when i put it on. wanna see me take it off?’ Phi you’re gonna kill rain at some point with your flirting.
‘put them on for me’ gives rain his gloves. i’m in love with this man.
and of course then the duchebag shows up.
rain being protective of his Phi something i would love to see more of. also rain swearing in Phis presence is so hot. since he never does it anymore as Phi doesn’t like ba mannered boys. but when someone touches his Phi? all of that goes out of the window. and Phi is obviously proud of the way rain is supporting him and protecting him (kind of not really but you get what i mean)
also why did the duchebags friend had to have such beautiful and low voice?? he said like two lines but i’m ready to get him out of that friendship.
the race. well obviously Phi will win. i wonder if it’s really the actors. i mean i knwo that some parts at least are them. but i wonder if they had some more capable people race and do it like super fast and then stitch it together. and like i said. Phi won. fair and square.
and apparently that was hot for rain. cause those kisses are saying a lot. yes boy go and take that suit off like Phi wanted you before. UGH YOUTUBE WHY DO YOU KEEP STOPPING BEFORE THE BEST PART?!?!?!?!? imma watch it later on grey xD
rain is discovering a whole new world with Phi. works of wonderful sex and wonderful kinks to try out xD
rain wants to see Phi in a race suit but not race again. and i kinda get it.
Phi’s backstory of why he chose architecture is hilarious. but so true lol. you make some weird choices on some random decisions you made as a kid.
i’m in love with this scene. just them quietly talking about themselves. getting to know each other. and confessing it’s ‘more than like’ and that ‘it been more than like for a while now’ is so wholesome. i want that with my SO some day.
my biggest pet peeve is when you are in bed and under the covers but your feet stand out. CANT STAND IT 😫
rain made breakfast. in underwear. and Phi came in. and smacked his ass. and let me tell you something. thai kind of simple domesticity is great and i love every second of it given to me. rain not even being bothered but the smack has just added few points for the scene.
Phi being a gentleman and kissing rains hand is such a great contrast to him smacking rains ass and i love it.
aww rain is a stay at home boyfriend now. so cute.
that’s suspicious. rain do not go to carry the package. like boi be smart. your Phi jsut had a conflict with a guy who clearly saw you kiss him, thus he knows you’re important to him. this little clue les bean.
okay i’m sorry but like. they didn’t even tie him up. wtf ??
okay i’m sorry? that’s an unbearably messy room?? you’ve clearly never saw mine lol omg is he gonna realize it’s Phi’s triangle (i honestly have no idea what’s it called in english lol)
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charleecat-bat · 1 year
I think I've told you I ship Big and Storm? 🤔 If I haven't before now I have LOL.
They never move in together or anything like that. Storm didn't want to leave the airship and the other Rogues and Big didn't want to leave Mystic Ruins, so they decided that's for squares and they're perfectly fine NOT doing that.
ANYWAY, the reason I bring all this up in an OC fact trade is they get a kiddo! Wave built them a robot kid named Leaf. 🥰 They told Wave not to program Leaf to be a fantastic Extreme Gear boarder, and she complied... by making Leaf a fantastic mechanic/inventor instead. But anyway, they pass Leaf back and forth between each other on a schedule.
Leaf keeps building Big inventions that either make fishing more efficient or would allow him to catch more fish at once because the poor kid hasn't quite grasped why Big fishes and they want to help their dad do it better. They mean well though, so Big always appreciates the gesture.
awwwwwwr this is cuuuuute
you did tell me they were a couple in your canon but i didn’t know they had a kid together. that’s adorable <3 <3 Leaf sounds precious.
I have been tempted to give them a fankid of my own, a tiny little thing that somewhere gets into all sorts of places like Froggy. But so far only one AU they’re in is confirmed that they get a kid.
Storms main activity as a father is FINDING HIS CHILD IN PLACES THAT HE CANNOT FATHOM
Ummmm i’m trying to think of an oc to talk about
fffffffuck it i’ll talk about my rendition (or at least one) of Knuckles’ father His name is Lance (Short for Lancer) and he was an originally a Locke reboot but now he’s developed into something of my own character.
 He’s very intelligent and yet still a bit of an idiot. He gives very much Michael Reeves and Markiplier vibes. Being so smart yet also an idiot. He’s very much into robotics and even managed to amke his own robotic hand, he was born with disfigured that got removed so he just went fuck it imma make my own hand. And you know that while hsi creations of robotics are a wonder of science and engineering... he still has his moments. He either makes the most stupid memeist things because of boredom or the internet. Like a goddamn screaming roomba (if you know the reference i love you). He knows more memes and more about internet culture than his own son but he adores his son. He has moments where his depression will get really bad and he’ll become dead inside but he stilll tries his best to be there for his son even with his issues and will drag himself out of bed for him (AND NOT MICROWAVE HIS GODDAMN CHILD FROM A BAD DREAM GOD FUCKING DAMMIT LOCKE. LANCE GETS DUMB AND INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU ACT ON THEM FUCKING-). Most of the time you can tell when h’es in a good mood cause when he is feeling good... the gremlin comes out. Knuckles may be happy that his dad is happy but then he wishes that he wouldn’t become such a gremlin man because then he creates the weirdest shit.
Lance: i’m trying to speed up the robot apocalypse and these drones go after people after scanning their faces
Knuckles: WHY
Lance: idk i thought it was funny
Knuckles: DAD PLS
He’s also neurodivergent af
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bhah ch5 reread time for emotions
idk why eddie half-asleep mumbling about pancakes is so funny to me but like... relatable king
we love the contrasting feelings of Dani and Eddie vs Jamie’s house
lmao poor mikey. let the boy shred on his air guitar in peace
god this is all so domestic I want what they have (owen’s pastries and Jamie in a bandana)
a great, good place huh???? idk why clever canon line inclusion sometimes makes me go a little bit mad but here we are
Dani wanting to leave her mark on this place vs... whatever the fuck is going on in her own home the signs are all there babe
Jamie seeing the problem of Dani not having a desk to work at and immediately wanting to fix it vs Eddie just being Eddie hmmmmm
Carson and Mikey being buddies is actually something that can be so personal
dang Jamie and her quiet temper are so intimidating
problem solver Dani is here we love her. god they’re such a good match
skjfhdfkjfh so much talk about loins ladies get a room already
"Sometimes I just like making other people happy, is all." Dani you are toooo sweet (even if this gets you into trouble sometimes)
oh she is having Thoughts about their thighs pressing together and their fingertips grazing. this is so gay. gayer than whatever is gonna happen when they finally bone (I will happily retract this statement if proven wrong 👀👀👀). nothing tops this on the homosexual heirarcy of intimacy
mikey trotting towards school w the lil packed lunch jamie just threw him is so adorable I love the visuals of this fic
I am headcanoning Dani’s Aunt Liz who moved out east to be gay and no one will convince me otherwise (also bring her back Dani needs a cool gay aunt in her life)
Dani being presented with an opportunity to not hang out with Eddie’s familly: I will be there also I can be there 7 hours early also I will bring snacks
Charlotte? Charlotte Wingrave?? Is she on maternity leave to have Miles???
“"Yeah," she lied.” is one of my fave sentences ever idk why I just... the agreement and the deceit of it all (not necessarily specific to this moment tho it is a good one. I just love them in general)
ooft Dani feels so close to breaking here r.e. Eddie and their relationship and I cannot help but wonder if she’s been like this for a while or if the Jamie of it all is really accelerating things
aww Dani’s birthday we love to celebrate she
Dani looking for Jamie I always always imagine as a grounding thing even if she’s not aware of it. Jamie truly is her person and I will be going insane about it ty
Jamie’s wardrobe is truly top tier she is so dreamy
gah the um. heights of everyone on the wall... the familyness of it all. the history. time to look away before I explode
“It’s just the way it’s always been.” ooooohhhh these lines in sort of inconesquential moments that capture the essence of everything!!!!! genius
i fucking hate how hot I find Jamie smoking akjdfhdjfh why can I see it so clearly in my head and why am I like Dani Clayton levels of attracted to her about it
oof Dani truly hates her n Eddie’s house (a house is not a home.glee.mp3 etc). I’m also just realising with a return to the wall heights thing that Jamie was probably thinking back to simpler times and what this house represented as a home to her (both as a welcoming place to be/an ideal kind of home but something she will never really have/be a part of) my heart hurts
What is Dani wishing for as she blows out the candles does she even know what she wants???
Jamie insisting she gets to sit beside Dani is so adorable
the casual domesticity of Dani and Jamie together has me making the stupidest most endeared faces at my screen I love it
the camping trip mention kjfdghdfkj I will never forget Dani gay panicking the whole time I love this lead up
god why am I thinking so hard about the different paths Dani and Jamie went down r.e. their sexualitites rn like Dani being all scared of Jamie mixing w her work life and people realising that there’s something there is just... she’s so fuckign afraid of being herself and then u have Jamie who has lived her life as authentically as she can in that sense and the contrast of it all is so damn interesting (and breaks my heart a bunch)
is this the scarf Dani gave her for christmas does she still have it oh my god
“"And here I thought you were a fan of delayed gratification," Jamie said, chuckling softly.” please tell me this is a surprise tool that will help us later
wait i take it back about the gayest thing ever. I think this blindfolded w Jamie gently guiding her w a hand on her back while she says gentle reassurances like “I got you” is possibly the gayest they’ve ever been. OH she’s guiding her to the desk she refurbished with her own two gay hands this is peak lesbianism. i’m gonna make a heirarcy of needs pyramid based on this fic one day just u wait
ok but this is really soft as hell god I love the thoughtfulness of Jamie. get u a best friend that will fulfill ur every need and feels like home and then kiss her a bunch
“I feel like I'm standing in the middle of the room, screaming, and nobody even looks at me. Nobody can see me." this nell crain ref pls I cant
i think it’s really like... sweet in a way that both of them are sort of dancing around this like there are so many feelings there and they’re just sort of clinging to each other and the familiarity of their bond without pushing it into anything more even incidentally. i think it’s v much a testament to the writing that their relationship and what it is/what it could become isn’t overwhelming to either of them in moments like this. it all just feels very authentic and I love this fic so dang much for it
the library trip ok are we ready 4 the gay meltdown of the century
god them lowkey playfighting on the bus pls this is just like the perfect mix of teacher Dani trying to be professional meets teenage Dani and Jamie cuteness aaah
lmao is Jamie having a small gay meltdown over Hannah Grose that is perfection
fvkdjfgkjfh Hannah and Jamie discussing Dani’s pretty eyes I love this so much please I need more of this and Dani getting flustered about it
god the Jamie and Jackie history I need to know this backstory so bad
plsss Jamie putting Dani’s hand in her jacket pocket to keep it warm could you two be any more digustingly cuuuuute.
jesus fuck the tension of them almost making out in the back rowww. Jamie having a meltdown. Dani falling impossibly harder in love
i can’t believe this moment was it for Dani. lesbianism is stored in the library
oof the parallels between this and the school dance bathroom meltdown Jamie gone vs Jamie HERE in ways she can barely even comprehend. everything is NOT OK
“She couldn’t want this. She couldn’t want Jamie.” Ms Dani your delusions
yeehaw I’m officially halfway through my reread may the next 5 chapters align with the universe and see me through until ch11 is here amen
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harrysdimples · 5 years
lover first listen
ok just pre-warning u now I didn’t listen to the tracks that have already been released already as singles so some of my thoughts might be bc there wasn’t something else to break up that sound for me. anyway, without further ado: 
1. I forgot that you existed - hmmm not sure how i feel about this intro lol. quite long for such a short song. ok whomever said this was state of grace but pop LIED TO ME and I feel hurt by such a comparison. ‘it isn’t love, it isn’t hate, it’s just indifference’ LEGEND. whomst is this about ???? calvin ????? SCREAMING. the verse lyrics are cute but was expecting a bit more production on the chorus? lots of speaking parts which I like. the laughs n stuff are cute and add to the song but still a bit meh for me. not sure if it’s just this low quality of this leak but will probs take a while to come back to this. not my fave but not the worst either. the ‘so yeah’ at the end was iconic.
2. cruel summer - ok, this is supposed to a BOP with a capital B so I have high hopes for this!!! and written by st vincent too!! oh this is cuuuuute! the chorus bumps!!!! wish it was a bit slower/longer though. this is groovy. can imagine vibing whilst driving to this song. THE BRIDGE???? GO OFF HUN??? oooookay this a banger after the chorus. can’t wait for a full high quality version of this. chewn. (also cough i know this is about hiddlestone......and yet.........******) a banger but wish it was just a tad longer, like an extra verse or chorus would’ve made it god tier but still!!! very much like her a lot
3. the man - the production lowkey sounds quite similar to i forgot you existed. the first verse is very much *insert eye emoji here* because she is correct!! hm. not a fan of the prechorus. the chorus is cool though, with that bit towards the end of it too. I’D BE JUST LIKE LEO IN SAINT TROPEZ I SCREAMED. is she swearing ??? I can’t tell if she’s saying picture or not with the quality of this leak ahdsjdsj. this is a chill bop. vibey. 
4. i think he knows - oooookay hun. uuhhhhhh not sure about this one lol. the production is a lil clunky and not the biggest fan of the chorus. the lyrics are.....a choice. bridge is v cute though and the bit afterwards is cool too. not my fave I have to say.
5. miss americana - ooooh this intro ? ooooooh I like this a lot. okay lol i like the verses but the chorus will probably take some time to grow on me. I feel like the verses remind me of something but I can’t put my finger on what. the ‘bad bad girl’ line is a bit cringe but the miss americana and the heartbreak prince bit is cool. really not sure how I feel about this on first listen. the violins!!!!!! love em!!! why isn’t the whole song like that!!!
6. paper hearts - why does the intro sound like something that would be used in gavin & stacey. this sounds like early 2000s british pop punk bands. she’s not holding back on mentioning blue in this album is she?? lol. the chorus lowkey gives me stay x3/youtuber montage vibes lol. the lyrics are cute though. sad I can’t relate afhdsgdsj. love.....wonder what’s that like. it’s cute but not really my vibe.
7. cornelia street - not sure how to describe my feelings towards this lol. half of me likes it and the other half doesn’t afjsks. idk if it’s just me listening to all the songs back to back but this sounds quite similar to other songs on the album already. the bridge (as always) is nice but it leaves something to be desired imo lyrically. the chorus is....idk how I feel about it. this song is a question mark for me rn. i’ll have to listen a couple more times I think.
8. death by a thousand cuts - one of my most anticipated tracks. ok christmas carol intro?? hm. not what I thought the subject was going to be for this song. who is this about??? the bridge is chef’s kiss. it’s cute. will take a couple more listens I think.
9. london boy - idris elba ??? dont remind me of cats taylor. dimples and the accent???? *COUGH* refer to my url please *COUGH* this very much An American(tm) talking about london afhdssdj. this is so very..........how do you do fellow kids.gif but with people from the uk lmfao. this is so funny lmfao. the chorus is cute. this is like if taylor took the top 100 british slang words and challenged herself to write a song mentioning all of them. I mean.....yeah. it’s cute. if a bit cringe as a brit but still. cute.
10. soon you’ll get better - god. here we go. oh fuck. oh shit. im crying. well. that was beautiful. im going to put that in a box to never touch again because if I do I’ll have a breakdown.
11. false god - SAX???? loves IT VERY MUCHLY. like this. I knew I’d like this from the title alone. really like this a lot. up there with cruel summer as my faves from this album so far. really wish she’d experiment with this type of sound a bit more. chef’s kiss of a song.
12. afterglow - ok. taylor. hun. I love you but how many times do u want to mention/reference the word blue in this album lol. I was more hyped for this song considering what the secret sessioners said about it. idk, I felt like this song dragged on a bit, but I think i’ll like it more once I listen outside of the album context and just by itself.
13. it’s nice to have a friend - this is supposed to be the worst song the album judging by secret sessioners? deadass thought she said ‘gay’ at first instead of ‘gave’ adhfghd. this isn’t really going anywhere? it’s a meh. probably could’ve been cut. 
14. daylight - okayyyyy last song on the album. really like this a lot. very noice indeed. :’)))))) let it go indeed. the voice message at the end was very lovely. 
overall - a very mixed album with a couple of songs that I think need to grow on me a bit more before I absolutely love them. favourites on first listen have to be cruel summer, false god, daylight, the archer and lover (already released). listening in full I can’t help but feel the 18 tracks probably could’ve done with a few more tweaks and editing imo, but I’m excited to listen in higher quality. my taylor opinions are always subject to change though, I didn’t like lover (the song) all that much when I first heard it but now I really love it! so we shall see. probably ranks my 3rd-4th fave album from her? 1989, RED, speak now, rep = lover, fearless, self titled is my ranking thus far. 
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drivingsideways · 5 years
Episodes 7 & 8
Spoilers and yelling under the cut
Well, just a note that I really love the theme music, esp the bit they use as the love theme. 
-honestly I feel bad for Feng Hao. Like sure, he’s not the sharpest tool in the box, and frankly, he’s like..entitled and annoying until this part of the series, but the dude has a point about the whole “at least tell me the truth before i die!!!” thing. 
-Anyways, the Feng/Qiu family dynamic is also so interesting- Feng Zhiwei and Feng Hao are such different personalities! My guess is that Mingying both devoted a lot of her resources to making sure Feng Zhiwei would be “ready” when the time came, but also held her to impossibly high standards! Feng Zhiwei is scared of her mom in ways that Feng Hao is not! And perhaps Qiu Mingying compensated for (placing Feng Zhiwei first) with spoiling Feng Hao, so that he basically got away with being an idiot most of the time. 
-Prince of Chu literally jumping in between Feng Zhiwei and a sword *starry eyes *
-Hahaha, Feng Zhiwei being all like “you better fucking save my mother and brother, PRINCE” before she realizes he’s actually wounded. Also, the fact that she calls him Mr.Tailor before she calls him Prince of Chu (oh no oh no!)
I think Ning Yi never realized the depth of her devotion to Qiu Mingying and Feng Hao, though honestly, he should have- starting from when she’s willing to take her mother’s crime upon her? Somehow he doesn’t seem to grasp, later, how much their deaths devastated her, especially since she blames her own existence for that.  
-Oh no, Ning Yi trying to tease her because he doesn’t know how to deal with her distress! (also the soft lighting and the general intimacy of that scene, THANKS FOR NOTHING SHOW)
-Feng Zhiwei blaming herself for everything-pretty similar to how Ning Yi also internalizes blame and guilt-in some ways they are both so similar in this, that’s perhaps one of the reasons that they can’t talk through things, later. 
-Ning Yi has like 50 expressions in the space of 1 minute going from “oh no i need to comfort her which is awkward and weird and i’d best deflect her by teasing to oh fuck what am i doing”, the entire thing is delicious, YOU COMPLETE IDIOT NING YI. 
-Chen Kun’s cheekbones should be declared illegal, that’s just a fact. 
-Ning Cheng is the best because he knows when he’d be An Intruder (the way he sneaks off while Feng Zhiwei is being nurse-maid to a sleeping Ning Yi is so cuuuuute) 
-I wish there were subs for the song that plays over this scene. 
-Poor Zhiwei- so conscious of the seriousness of her oath, which she doesn’t fully understand, and also this-something- she feels for Ning Yi, which she doesn’t quite understand, either. 
-Ning Yi watching her sleep, don’t be a creeper, Ning Yi, sorry, this whole trope was ruined for me with Twilight, and I can’t stand seeing it on screen anymore! 
-His exaggerating the pain to deflect- you’re such a loser, NY, omg. lol i love how she sees through him. That’s one of my favourite parts of this pairing at the start, how they intuit each other’s true feelings/intentions more often than not. But that can never be a substitute for actual talking???about things??? and you can see how they fail at the end. GOD I AM MAKING MYSELF SAD IN ADVANCE. 
- Ning Yan, you’re like not even playing in the same league as your brothers, I’m so glad you died fast. Like honestly, Ning Chuan’s expression alone should have made you run for the hills, but you actually thought you were getting somewhere. 
-Note on the sets at Prince of Chu’s residence- I fucking love that room with the opera masks - need to find a BTS video subbed in English to figure out more about them, but 100% that was a great choice for Ning Yi’s personality, and we often see him framed against those, as I recall. 
-The repeated theme of “hiding” from Feng Zhiwei- the first time they meet, he’s literally hiding from her behind a screen at the House of Lanxiang, until he knocks it down because he’s curious about her-and now he’s hiding in a different way, because he doesn’t want to answer her questions-but she’s literally like “there’s no place to hide” and just *sigh * i love how that’s both literal and metaphorical in this story between them. Ning Yi has spent his life hiding-his feelings, his skills, his intelligence- and Feng Zhiwei forces all of that out into the sunlight, so to speak. *starry eyed about it *
-I love how Ning Cheng is all of us, if he had popcorn, you bet he’d be eating it right now. 
-XZ being all passive aggressive about Feng Zhiwei *cough cough *
-XZ has no second thoughts about sacrificing the entire Qiu family if it will eliminate Ning Chuan, although the earlier, the killing of the canal workers troubled him quite a bit. It’s Ning Yi who says “I don’t want my throne to be tainted with innocent blood”. Idk why XZ feels differently about the canal workers vs the Qiu family- perhaps, on some level, he can justify this by saying that they *were * after all, “enemy of the state”- and their fate would be the same whether it was the Emperor who dealt the killing blow or them- so in XZ’s scheme of things, it just makes sense to use it to their advantage, as the outcome would not have varied, in any case. Unlike the canal workers, who were entirely caught up in this by accident. 
-I like how Ning Yi says the line “I’m the only one who can protect her”, twice; the first time is a justification to XZ, the second is a justification to *himself *.  And XZ knows it too. 
-lol NY’s absolute fury at Feng Zhiwei being like “so long and thanks for all the fish” - god, he hates having his plans interfered with, and this woman just won’t listen, will she?
-Idk if this is a subbing issue, but occasionally, there are lines,esp idioms that seem completely out of place in the show. For eg “Each man for himself, the devil take the hindmost” is something both Gu Yan and Col Qiu say; and in this episode Col Qiu says “Man proposes, God disposes” which seems really weird. Anyways. 
-Oh Ning Yi, the relief he feels when he sees Feng Zhiwei safe-under his roof, thanks to Chief Gu-after that whole dialogue earlier to Col Qiu about “Wouldn’t it be better if a person didn’t have to care for other people” . *cackling * My poor prince, having to spend his life pretending he doesn’t care, when the problem is that he cares *too much * (about some people!)
-The scene between Gu Yan and Qiu Mingying is one of the best scenes in the show! For one, it features Qiu Mingying who gets tooo few scenes, gdi. Second, god I love how she uses her silence as a weapon here- in the Qiu household, she had to stay silent, swallowing every insult until it became truly dangerous to be silent, and she makes her thoughts known very strongly- but here she reduces Gu Yan to tears with her silence. If she had (justifiably) given  vent to her anger, I don’t think it would have been half as effective! The person who holds the power in that room is not the Chief of the Royal Guards, it is that unyielding woman and her silence. 
-Honestly, all the actors in this series are so GOOD, like Hai Yitian as Ning Chuan is just perfect as the paranoid, menacing and not very competent Crown Prince. 
And finally, gosh, I love our manipulative Prince of Chu literally setting a “little cat” among the pigeons.
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daegunotes · 7 years
Summary: the lyrics to the newest song written by Namjoon raise suspicion in Yoongi, what happens next..... Genre: Fluff Words: 1.6k Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
“When is this going to end, my eyes feeling like they’re going to sink into their sockets, how many more lyric checks and concept checks do we have to do?” Yoongi said to Pddogg in a huff while crossing his arms across his chest.
“Just one more song Yoongi-ah, Namjoon really wants it in the album for some reason, here take the sheet, he was scribbling on it like a madman, I think we’ll have to clean it up.” Pdogg said while sliding the thin sheet of paper across the boardroom table to where Yoongi sat.
“Illegal? Is it a diss track?” questioned Yoongi squinting at the title scrawled in a neat hand on top of the piece of paper.
“That dimple is illegal ...no, it’s dangerous, oh yes..so I call you illegirl...your existence alone is a cr-...” “What is this??? What are these corny ass lyrics?? Did namjoon really write these? Am I on hidden camera right now??” he said in disbelief while looking around for any clue that he was being pranked.
“I asked him the same thing, he just kept mumbling something about dimples and how we need to give the fans a new love song.” Pdogg said with a slight laugh.
“Go talk to him about it, I don't know where his attention is nowadays.” he said as he turned around to return to reviewing the other songs.
“You bet I will, gotta knock some sense in that boy. What is the cheesy shit….can't believe the same dude wrote Spring Day.” mumbled Yoongi as he exited the main boardroom.
Yoongi was a little mad but mostly confused at this, in principle the song fit, it would sell and the fans would love it. What didn't make sense to him was how Namjoon suddenly vaulted into writing such simplistic songs.
While making his way to Mon Studio,  He ran into you.
“Oh hey Yoongi, how's the prep coming along? You getting some sleep?” you said cheerily to the rapper
“Sleep? Idk what that is anymore but what's new. What brings you here? Is Jimin being whiny again?” he shot off the questions in quick succession
“Hey, don’t call my best friend, whiny. That was one time! Anyway, I’m on my way to pick up Seokjin, Tae, Gguk and Chim for dinner. Hoseok wants us to try this new place he found 20 mins ago….he’s waiting for us there.” your voice trailed off as you saw Yoongi raise one eyebrow.
“You’re going….to a restaurant….that hobi found out about 20 mins ago? No research into it, nothing?” he asked with an amused expression on his face.
“Hey, if Jung Hoseok says he’s found the best Jjajangmyeon in Seoul, you best believe I will haul ass and get there. I happen to believe in Hobi’s conviction.” you huffed with both your hands placed on either sides of your waist which was coincidentally your favorite fighting stance.
“Ok… whatever you say crazy. Also, thanks for getting those loud children out of our hair, we have a lot of work to do, gotta make Namjoon rewrite a whole damn song.” he said through gritted teeth as he started to walk down the hallway again.
“Won’t tell Seokjin you called him one of the children again. He’ll chew your ear off.” you said to him and laughed a little at the thought of a red in the face Seokjin yelling at Yoongi about disrespecting him.
“Thanks. Have fun.” Yoongi said, signalling his approval with a thumbs up and  continuing to walk down the hallway.
“You too. Don’t work Namjoon too hard!” you said to Yoongi as you ran in the other direction to pick up your quarry.
Yoongi had a soft smile on his face as he walked the length of the hallway to MON STUDIO, he liked your energy, he liked having (finally) some female energy around after years of dealing with the testosterone filled premises.
You had sprung into their lives quite suddenly, by the virtue of being Jimin’s best friend from his Busan Arts High days and had quickly become inseparable with 5 of the 7 members. Namjoon and Yoongi couldn’t really spare much time to hang out recently since they basically ate and slept in their respective studios but they still had a certain fondness for you. Yoongi was especially pleased with how you raised everyone’s spirit when you came around.
Without bothering to knock, Yoongi threw open the door to Namjoon’s studio and immediately started his verbal attack on the younger member, “Yah Namjoon - what’s going on with you bruh? Why the fuck are you writing songs about dimples and calling someone illegirl like how corny is that dude?” he said, finishing his tirade by plopping his behind into the grey couch.
Namjoon was visibly startled by Yoongi’s appearance and hurriedly closed the browser on his computer. Yoongi hadn’t noticed but the now closed browser tab looked suspiciously like a Facebook profile.
“What do you mean? It’s a perfectly fine song.” Namjoon was quick to rise to his own defence.
“Really? Wait what was it? Yeah, that dimple is illegal but I want it anyway… you ok Joon? Something you wanna discuss with me? It’s very….simplistic for you.” Yoongi said dropping his tone to a conspiratorial whisper.
“Hey, I have dimples too and we haven't really written a simple love song in awhile you know. I think our fans deserve a nice love song.” he said with more conviction than he actually could feel
“My spidey senses are tingling, that is an excuse and you know I see right through you.” Yoongi replied narrowing his eyes at his friend.
Namjoon’s mouth opened to explain but immediately closed. The two rappers could hear the faint sound of their other friends approaching the studio.
“Wow Y/N your dimples really come out when you laugh huh. Cuuuuute.” Taehyung could be heard saying.
“He’s right, I think yours might be deeper than Joon’s!” Seokjin responded for you.
“That reminds me when we were in the 6th grade, I was so mad that Y/N had dimples and I didn’t that I kept poking my cheek with dull end of a pencil.” Jimin said, laughing at the memory.
“Wow Jimin hyung I guess you’ve been a dumbass since forever.” Jeongguk’s quiet voice said and all 4 except for Jimin started to convulse in laughter, with yours ringing out the longest.
Yoongi scowled and got up to open the door, he didn’t like this decibel level at all.
“Hey, I thought you were taking these kids out, what happe….” he stopped dead in his tracks with the door half open, as the conversation he had overheard came together in his mind.
He stared at your face and the way your dimples deepened when you smiled, for a good 30 seconds until your voice shook him out of his reverie.
“Sorry I wanted to ask if Namjoon and you wanted to join us? Hoseok is already there.” you asked.
“You guys go ahead…….Namjoon and I will see you there. We just have this one song to nail.” Yoongi replied, with his scowl slowly turning into a smirk as the truth dawned on him.
“Suit yourselves! Bye! See ya later!” you said while bouncing out of the door and down the hall with the other 4 bickering and following you like a herd of sheep.
Yoongi turned around slowly and locked his gaze onto his friend. The friend who was currently shuffling his feet and looking at anywhere but in Yoongi’s direction.
“You idiot, you’re so transparent. Did you really think you would get this past me? How long has it been?” he asked while scoffing at Namjoon’s pathetic attempt at hiding his feelings
“I should’ve guessed, I can never get anything past you. I just….. I don’t know. I always thought she was cool but I think I started feeling….something more recently. You know me, it all pours out in verses.” Namjoon said sheepishly covering his reddened face with his hands.
“Well… the song’s good. Simple. If that’s how your feelings are too then you’ll be fine. Err.. I’m not good at this encouragement stuff, maybe ask Hoseok.” Yoongi replied in a hesitant voice, his hand automatically rubbing the back of his neck, a gesture he defaulted to when he was uncertain about something.
“Hoseok already knows, he’s been helping me build up my courage.” Namjoon said quietly
Yoongi rolled his eyes and smiled his trademark gummy smile at Joon, for a worldwide superstar, the man sure was shy.
“I might not know about love advice but I do know music advice so here’s some: don't call it illegal, call it something like….Dimple. She might never hear it on air waves if you call it Illegal.” he said.
“That’s good advice. Thank you. I’ll keep it in mind and re-work it a little.” Namjoon replied, a weight lifted off his chest.
“Oh and also, I am not singing this at all, get her bffs to do it. It’ll sound better as a vocal line only song.” Yoongi said offering the last piece of advice before he exited the room.
“Oh…. yeah I guess that’ll be more pleasing to her...I mean the fans’ ears.” Namjoon said quickly, covering his face with his hands again in case the colour of his cheeks had betrayed him.
His slip wasn’t heard by Yoongi however, as he was already out the door and laughing his way down the hall.
As the sound of Yoongi’s laughter died down, Namjoon started working on the lyrics again. This had to be the perfect song, he had a lot riding on it.
“Ok Namjoon, here you go, Dimple, don’t fuck it up…..”
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