#idk i need to say that im gonna be the main dog walker again
armandism · 2 months
my dog just snapped at another dog and hes never done that before and now idk what to do. like was that dogs vibe just off or is my guy starting to be a shithead
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babygirlstiel · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @butterbun  !! ❤
Instructions : Tag 10 followers you want to know better.
Gender: Female
Star Sign : Virgo 
Sexuality : hmmmmmm..... excellent question. I don’t really have it figured out yet. I’m definitely primarily attracted to males. But there are like very specific girls that I’m very attracted to and would definitely be interested in. But it’s sort of rare, and I’ve never talked about with anyone. So idk. you decide. 
Height : i’m  5′7 (and a half)
Hogwarts house: IM A HUFFLEPUFF (pls tell me someone has seen that video).  For real though, I’ve never taken a sorting quiz that didn’t put me in Hufflepuff.
Favourite animals : Foxes and snakes I think. Maybe manatees too. V cute. 
Average hours of sleep : 3-5 hours (I’m an anxious person and I don’t sleep very well lol). 
Current time : 12:30 (EST, Canada)
Dogs or cats: DOGS DOGS DOGS. I can’t handle how much I want a dog. But I like cats too
Number of blankets I sleep with: One big duvet when I sleep. But I have a weighted blanket for when that ~anxiety~ kicks it up a notch. 
Dream job : Social Worker. I’m in school to get my degree at this very moment. (or professional dog walker, but that aint gonna pay the bills)
When I created this blog : I created the blog in 2012, and was really active until about 6 years ago when I start university. (I was multifandom and I had a different url back then). I took a 6 year hiatus, until this year when I started rewatching Merlin and felt the NEED to starting talking about it again. So I re-vamped my blog to be just Merlin shit. 
Follower count : 590  (but like some are left over from when I first created this blog and had like 1000, so who knows if some are still active)
Why I made this blog : I got really hooked into shows with large fan bases in high school, like Supernatural and Doctor Who, Merlin, and Sherlock, so I created a multifandom blog about that. And also my mental health was pretty shit in high school, so I used Tumblr as like an escape. 
How did I came up with this URL : I remembered Gauis saying “Merlin, my boy” in like a fatherly way. And also merlin is  MY boy ya know. My main dude. So.. yeah. But I have one or two other urls that I recently saved and I’m very seriously considering switching. 
I’m not gonna tag anyone cause I’ve seen a bunch of people do this and I can’t remember who has or hasn’t. But if you haven’t and want to do it, pls say I tagged you!. 
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