#idk i used to be a makeup junkie but not anymore
theparadoxmachine · 1 year
I'm sorry I just can't take Ed's Kraken beard seriously anymore ever since I realized that a possible modern equivalent would be him drawing it on with a sharpie. He'd look like he passed out drunk at a frat party
Then he has to spend an hour scrubbing it off because the fumes are making him dizzy. Then like the heartbroken idiot he is, he decides to redraw it with a scented marker which is worse because now everything smells like licorice.
Finally Izzy walks in on him scribbling all over his face with an eyeliner pencil in front of the bathroom mirror while a Taylor Swift song blasts from his phone and, grumbling a string a expletives under his breath, Izzy just grabs his keys and walks out to go find Stede because as much as he hates the guy, he just cannot take this shit anymore. He's had Nothing Compares 2 U stuck in his head for over a week and besides that was HIS eyeliner.
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chilltouch · 3 years
7 and 32!
7. is the fastest?
I feel like emotionally this character isn't the fastest, but I can in no way contemplate the speed of a variety of my characters, some including gods, demigods (Godsend my beloved), and immortal dragons (Dragonheart my other beloved) from other ttrpg systems. SO, fastest character within 6 seconds of movement speed in dnd is my kensei monk Ishtar (they/them). They are a Kalashtar monk who is connected to the Dreaming due to their quori companion Ishara (she/her). Their relationship can be described as that vine where a person is asking the character what they want, and the demon inside the character is like 'the souls of the innocent,' and the character outloud says 'a bagel.' I love them :D
32. is the most likely to be a twitch streamer?
GOD, what a question
How do i even answer this oh wait-
Ignatius, Bellicrose, Onyx, Z, Torne, N3W.WAV, Dahlia, Adam, Coco, and Al would be twitch streamers. All of them. But for different categories.
Ignatius (he/him): he would be a gamer, but casually. And Only through other friend's houses bc he doesn't have a house or money for consoles really. He would gain some notoriety towards that, but also for his awesome outfits as he plays Hatoful Boyfriend and Doki Doki Literature Club.
Bellicrose (he/she): Hers would be a mix of lo-fi studying and also chill streams where he talks about his life and chats with her audience. One stream where she gains a lot of clout is when he does fun lifehacks using magic (specifically fireball) and then in a big readable font that scrolls through the screen it says "THIS IS NOT A COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION. TO BECOME A WIZARD REQUIRES PAYMENTS IN SO MUCH GOLD. JUST DON'T DO IT UNLESS YOU COMMIT TO IT"
Onyx (They/Any): They would be another Just Chatting streamer on Twitch, but also this cool goth teen would introduce you to being a radical in your politics and offer resources and links to charities/organizations to help. The other half of their streams is full body closet cosplay of emo/goth anime characters, and then attempting to create the makeup for them.
Z (They/Them): Idk if this category exists anymore but Real Life category where they do the Most dangerous stunts and their audience goes wild for them pulling it off, not realizing this teen is undead and feeding off the adrenaline <3
Torne (He/They): Also Real Life/Just Chatting category where they show off their newest outfits, chat about their life, and gush about their bestie and their shared bunny bf. It's semi-wholesome until you realize this m?n is being threatened by his boss to manage his finances better
Al (They/Them): They, like Z, are an adrenaline junkie, but doesn't do it to an unhealthy aspect and Is an alive adult with a support system (patron friend :D). Some acts are in the circus they work seasonally in, some in the city they live in.
N3W.WAV (They/Them), Dahlia (either no nouns or fae/faer; if i didnt fear backlash in this public dnd text server and also knew more neopronouns i would've committed to it), Adam (He/They), Coco (He/Him): Easy question, they're All bards and would do Live Music. ALL of their styles would clash. ALL of them.
- N3W.WAV: built-in hurdy-gurdy folk music with swords dancing. It's all done either on a handmade stage or in the woods somewhere. No one knows where they are doing this at
- Dahlia: Dahlia is a rock star, so for Some of the rest of the bards the styles Wouldn't clash. However, the personalities 100% Will,
- Adam: Emo Country. He plays the guitar, yes the first song he learned was Wonderwall how did you know-
- CoCo: Religious Pop Punk. It's such a fusion of styles that it will drown out anything else honestly
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