#idk if adult life is making things harder but hhhhhhh
nullians · 2 years
… kinda feels like lots of my irl friendships are fading away 😔😔😔
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amjustagirl · 4 years
moshi moshi, nikki congrats on 400!!!! idk what do you mean by small blog afsgshdhd but I'm so happy for you and also meeting you too! I feel like I have known you for years, even tho we just met months ago hhhhhhh
okay, since I wasn't someone who know lit nor I have any fav poems on my mind rn, but if you still have free slot for me, I'll request for (1) sakusa (2) 🌩️ with this line— how can I love the heartbreak when you're the one I love
but it's okay if you didn't include it too!
anyway, love you chim chim <333 from ah ma to ah ma
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Sakusa Kiyoomi x Breakup (378 words) 
Aww Yeon ILY too! We vibe so well and have so much fun (online) tgt! 
I hope...this satisfies your craving for Omi + angst. 
Masterlist link here
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“We should break up.”
The fork in your hands stops its ascent to your lips. You stare at your boyfriend in disbelief. This meal was intended to celebrate Omi’s recruitment by the MSBY Black Jackals. You painstakingly grilled his favourite onigiris with umeboshi, bought the expensive oden from the corner shop, only for him to disarm you with just four words. 
Sakusa Kiyoomi does not do things by halves. He does not look away as he breaks your heart. 
“I’m not ready to commit to a long distance relationship.” 
You’ve done your research. Osaka is approximately five hundred kilometers away from Tokyo, three hours away via the Shinkansen, eight hours via an overnight bus. You have enough funds squirreled away to visit him every other weekend between school and visiting your parents. He shakes his head when you tell him that. 
“I’d prefer if we leave each other behind with good memories than allow our relationship to wither from distance and neglect.”
You’re about to throw your plate at his face, scream and shout that it isn’t fair, shouldn’t you have a say in all of this, but you’re thrown off balance when he rises to his feet, crossing the distance between you to kneel at your feet. 
“Please”, he begs, lips trembling. “Don’t make it harder than it already is.”
You close your eyes. 
You imagine a world where you can shift your entire life to Osaka without a care, where you don’t have responsibilities like school and work and your family to think about. You imagine a world where you share meals and quiet laughter every day and night in a little nest just for you and him. 
It hurts - but you imagine it anyway. 
Then you open your eyes. The world you imagine crumbles to your feet, taking your heart and dreams with it. 
Still, you are an adult. You accept your defeat with as much grace as you can muster with shaking hands, whispering your surrender into his ear. 
“Thank you”, he says, voice cracking before he falls apart in your lap. You can only watch him, numb, broken inside. 
You only give in to tears when he asks to kiss you. Once to seek your forgiveness, twice to bid you farewell.
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