#idk if anyone here has even watched both infinity train and south park but
hatsunevitu · 11 months
did i mention i love kyman crossovers? i have come up with a kyman au that is a crossover with infinity train.
first of all if someone has no idea what infinity train is, that’s a cartoon about an odd train with an endless amount of cars in it. people get to this train suddenly, and they have a green flashing number on their hand, each is individual. it represents the main psychological trouble a person has. number can go up and down depending on how far a person is from solving the problem. the main aim of the train is to help ppl solve their trouble and make peace with themselves. (for example the main character of season 1 was a girl whose parents were divorced, and she blamed herself for that. she could only get off the train when she realised she’s not responsible for their decision and sometimes things change for the better)
so basically m4 + butters got to the train to the different cars each, but eventually they would find each other. i think first of all kyle found someone like butters or kenny, and cartman found stan. they would wander around through all those cars trying to understand the meaning of the numbers. when they finally all met up they saw that everyone’s numbers are different (butters has the biggest one and kenny has the least one) except for kyman because they share the same number. and it really pisses them off, because they have no idea why the hell they have something (anything) in common. so they’d start arguing and fighting AND THE NUMBER SUDDENLY WENT UP.
cartman: Aye! Are you copying me or what?
kyle: What are you talking about, Fata– oh! Your number! The same as mine…
cartman: Yeah, Kahl, that’s what I wanted to ask you about!
kyle: I have no idea why it is this way. Probably a coincidence?
cartman: What are the odds of this, huh?
kyle: I don’t know! And fuck off already, I’m already pretty sick of hearing you again.
cartman: You’re sick?? I’m the one who is forced to stay in a godforsaken closeted space with fucking Kyle!
kyle: Ughhh, it was much better to walk with Kenny, you fat fuck.
cartman: Yes, I also prefer Stan’s company muuuch better! …Wait.
kyle: Huh?
cartman: The number. It changed. It was 167 and now it’s 176!
kyle: …Mine too…
cartman: So they are connected.
kyle: I guess they are…
cartman: Oh, screw it, now my number is connected to the jew’s number! That’s not good, I swear it’s a bad luck…
kyle: Shut up already, would you?? I’m trying to think. You made our numbers go up.
cartman: Oh, so now it’s my fault?!
kyle: Whose else could it be?
cartman: My number was totally fine until I met you! I bet you did something to it and now because of your tricks I’ll never leave that train and never go home and that means I’ll never eat my goddamn KFC dinner my mother had promised me today.
kyle: Oh, so that’s the only thing that bothers you??
cartman: No, it actually bothers me a lot that I’m stuck here with you, of all people!!
(lmao btw the numbers are not random, 167 is a number of s16e7 “cartman finds love” and 176 is “ginger cow :D)
so they fight a lot and their number goes up and up, and then cartman does one small nice things for kyle and number goes a but down, so he realises the number depends on their friendship??? so he starts using it trying to act nice and good to kyle (not genuinely ofc)
cartman, opens the car’s door for kyle: After you, my dear friend.
kyle: What are you doing?
cartman: What? Just trying to help you, that’s all.
kyle: …You enter this one first.
cartman: What. Why?
kyle: I don’t trust you. It’s probably the most dangerous one and you just want to lock me there or something.
cartman: Why would I do that, Kahl?
kyle: Because you hate me.
cartman: That’s not true! It’s just friendly fighting, nothing more. Come on, Kyle, I’ll help you with that car! Hey, and did I mention you look sooo great today?
kyle, raising an eyebrow: The fuck are you talking about? What’s the catch? And why do you keep looking at your number?
cartman: Oh my GOD! Can’t I just be nice to you for a goddamn minute without you suspecting me of some delusional ideas, you fucking jew?!
kyle: I want to know why you’re nice, because I will never believe you’re genuine about that.
cartman: Oh, for fuck’s sake, just keep going!
and he realises it doesn’t work until it’s sincere.
so it takes them about two months to fix their friendship and be honest about it. that they don’t actually hate each other, that they have much more in common than they thought. and then they’re stuck at something like 10, for, um, two weeks. nothing they do can change their number no matter how nice and good they are to each other. the thing is the train wanted them to be honest to themselves, and they couldn’t do it without admitting they like each other more than friends :3
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