#idk if anyone would like a continuation since not whole TRC plot is covered
mairyuu · 2 years
TRC AU where the vampire twins have been part of the Tsubasa gang's journey from the very beginning.
Ohh this is intriguing. I won't be going too much into TRC concrete plot or relationship between TRC main gang themselves, I'll focus mostly on Subaru and Kamui (and SubKam):
Paying with their blood isn't enough for twins to hop dimensions so Yuuko suggests they travel with TRC crew. Kamui is instantly distrustful of them (nothing person, he's just vigilant like that) but even Subaru is slightly on guard. After all, person who he trusted just betrayed him and tried to kill him, forcing twins to be on a run.Seeing as they have no option other than accept, they begin traveling with Syaoran, Sakura, Fai, Kurogane and Mokona.
When they arrive to Hanshin republic twins see Sorata and Arashi and are instantly reminded of ones from their world. Of course, Sorata and Arashi from this world don't recognize them; since it's their first world, Subaru get extra melancholic and lonely because of that. Kamui gets frustrated too but mostly beause of Subaru's melancholy and fact they're surrounded by strangers (TRC gang). However it's in this world where all six of them are getting to know each other (ofc minus twins and Syaoran -> Sakura). They instantly bond with Mokona however, Kamui can’t say no to that cuteness and being doted on. Mokona compares him to a hissing kitten. Kamui blushes and is about to join Kurogane’s mission of killing that little thing - but it’s first time he saw Subaru laugh since they stated being on run, so Kamui lets it slide. He’s a hissing kitten from there on.
In Koryo and Fog country Subaru and Kamui begin forming bonds with rest of crew. Since Fai is shady af in this part, Kamui takes a subtle disliking on him because see what happened last time they trusted someone shady? Subaru consoles Kamui and suggests they give Fai a chance (to which Kamui hisses even more but he can't really be mad at Subaru). Fortunately for Kamui, Subaru spends more time with Syaoran and Sakura; Kamui follows as well and he feels like they're safe with those two teenagers. Twins are hiding fact that they're vampires although, mainly because they aren't sure if they'll be hunted down and how TRC crew would react. Plus Kamui is worried something like what happened with Seishirou would happened again and someone would get vampire blood from them. Nonetheless, Kurogane suspects something isn't as it seems about twins. Something feels off. just like with Fai, he won't hold back on calling Kamui out on 'moving so fast' or 'never seen eating human food' and so on. Kamui avoids him because of those call outs. Twin feed on each other only, in complete privacy so noone knows.
It's in Outo that things go down. Since Kamui is more battle-inclined than Subaru, Fai suggests Subaru stays behind and helps with Cat eye cafe while Kamui helps Syaoran and Kurogane fight against demons (Kamui gets called hissing kitten and Subaru docile puppy). Nonetheless neither of twins can shake sense that something just feels off about Outo. Kamui is worried something really bad might happen but Subaru reassures him everything would be fine; he cant stand seeing his twin anxious like that. Then one day Syaoran returns to cafe saying he ran into his ex-teacher, Seishirou. Last bit of hope vanishes when Syaoran retells story of how they met and how he’s searching for vampire twins. Seeing as how pale and anxious twins became, Kurogane and Fai put two and two together but kept realization between themselves.
Of course twins want to leave world asap but there’s a catch: Sakura’s feather in still somewhere in country. Kamui denies they’re vampires upon asking but even he knows it’s inane to conceal truth any longer. Gang agrees to stay in world few more days the most and if feather isn’t found in that time, they’ll leave for safety reasons. Kamui refused to leave Subaru’s side in meantime; that night instead of going to his room Kamui said he’ll sleep by Subaru’s bedside. Subaru insisted Kamui shouldn’t sleep on floor when they shared same bed when younger countless times before. So they cuddle and reassure each other, eventually falling asleep in each other’s embrace; still, neither of them can deny that something fees different from how they cuddled before. Why bumping heart and fuzzy feeling within chest? Still, they have much more pressing issue at hand than sources of said warm fuzzy feelings and mushy thoughts.
Since they’re connected via blood, Seishirou manages to locate Subaru and Cat eye cafe next day. Full blown fight breaks out. Fai goes out first just like in manga; Seishirou removes him as he has no business with him. So that leaves twins (and Sakura, who was told to escape and seek Kurogane and Syaoran) with Seishirou. They fight but Subaru is more focused on protecting Kamui than injuring Seishirou (for various reasons). In the end Seishirou fake-attacks Suabru, causing Kamui to attack recklessly; just as Seishirou is about to deliver a blow to Kamui, Subaru pushes him out of way and gets pierced by scythe instead. He ‘dies’ and transports to Edonis where Fai and Chitose explain everything about Outo. Of course, Kamui knows none of that and thinks Subaru is really dead - he goes berserk. Kurogane and Syaoran arrive in meantime and Outo slowly dissolves. Seeing how fiery and none-human Kamui is fighting, Crew concludes twins are vampires. Even if Seishirou caught up with twins, he never imagined they wouldn’t be alone. As it’s 1-vs-5, he has no choice other than to leave; but he threatens he’ll never abandon what is ‘his’. Ofc Kamui’s blood boil when he hears that hunter refer to his twin like that (and he’s still afraid for Subaru’s safety), but there’s more to ire than protectiveness. Twins reunite and Kamui weeps in Subaru’s arms how he thought he was dead. TRC crew gives them a minute of privacy before leaving Edonis. Subaru reassures him and cuddles closer; they talk, faces inches apart. Magnetic pull is drawing them together, Subaru impulsively leans in to - Fai accidentally interrupts them; he knows what has almost happened between twins but chooses not to comment or tell others.
In Idol country they sort of catch a break. Twins disclose some of history they share with Seishirou and why he’s hunting them down. Inconvinince for all of them yes, but Kurogane says he’ll give them a hand in battle if it comes to that (since he took personal disliking on Seishirou; very valid of you Kurogane). Subaru and Kamui are glued to each other after Outo accident but neither of them can deny how atmosphere between them shifted; there is tension lingering. Kurogane, Fai and Mokona notice it too, but only Fai knows what that is truly about. Just like with rest of crew, he’s trying to keep emotional distance but not be too obvious about it so Fai decides it’s better for him not to meddle. Mokona asks Subaru why he’s being so jumpy whenever Kamui touches him now, but Subaru can’t give a proper answer; neither to himself nor Mokona. She asks Kamui in private too, he can’t answer either.
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