aedirns · 2 years
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Looking for a Discord writing server? Come and join us! We just opened and plan on having some fun challenging and events in the near future. For roleplayers, fanfiction authors, and writers of any other kind!
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aedirns · 2 years
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in a world of action, theory is not enough; don’t drown. fly.
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aedirns · 2 years
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for when your hands are fire and sparks; for when burning others is all you know.
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aedirns · 2 years
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Name: Minerva Anne McGonagall
Age: 42
The part of themselves they want to show the world: Fierce, determined, quick-witted, loyal. A value asset for the Order, tough but fair, ultimately desperately passionate about the cause.
The part of themselves that they want to hide from the world: She’s not sure she can win this—she’s never said so out loud, doesn’t voice the cynicism.
Their views on blood politics/purism: Very much rejects it.
Their views on magical supremacy overall: She would say she rejects it, but there’s that way she looks at Muggles; pityingly, because they can never hope to compete with magic.
Their views on technomancy: She is… wary.
Character parallels: A little April Ludgate (Parks & Rec), a little Kat Stratford (10 Things I Hate About You), a little Catelyn Stark (Game of Thrones).
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aedirns · 2 years
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Name: Bartemius Victor Crouch Sr.
Age: 51
The part of themselves they want to show the world: Both the unstoppable force and the immovable object; fierce, resilient, and utterly unrelenting. Blood between his teeth, bruises on his knuckles, and bones of absolute steel; do not cross. 
The part of themselves that they want to hide from the world: Terrified of becoming his father, so much so that he has done just that and pushed his son miles away; spiteful, angry, vengeful, more ruled by his emotions than he would ever admit. 
Their views on blood politics/purism: He rejects it, thinks it’s disgusting; your blood has no basis on your ability or who you are as a person.
Their views on magical supremacy overall: For the most part, rejects it, though definitely has a condescending view towards Muggles that slips out now and again. 
Their views on technomancy: He’s into anything that can help the DMLE (position tbd, but very pro-DMLE) crush both the Death Eaters and the Order (and only slightly hates the former more than the latter).
Character parallels: A somewhat more morally questionable John Wick is what it’s coming to mind right away tbh.
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aedirns · 2 years
“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive. Never surrender.”
— Tupac Shakur
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aedirns · 2 years
Name: syl!
Age: i turn 30 this year, unforch.
Timezone: est.
Favourite tropes and/or canons: jerk with a heart of gold, the noble demon, good is not nice… basically anything that plays with the dichotomy between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and the potentially blurred lines there.
What do you want to see in a cyberpunk setting?: honestly impressed with the lore already released pls just continue it’s all great.
Most used emojis: ���👀😭
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aedirns · 3 years
I only watch true crime videos if the guy in the mugshot for the thumbnail looks like my dad
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aedirns · 4 years
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James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room
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aedirns · 4 years
ultimately i think we all want someone who will tenderly wipe the blood off our face
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aedirns · 4 years
a woman’s face at the end of a horror/thriller movie? where she has that serene expression on her face - whether it shows peace, joy, a bone-deep exhaustion, satisfaction, or simply growing insanity? with her skin absolutely dripping with blood and grime, her clothes torn and ragged, and her being illuminated by police lights and/or a raging fire? that’s some fine-fucking-art
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aedirns · 4 years
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aedirns · 4 years
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JESSICA CHASTAIN by David Roemer for Harper’s Bazaar Spain, 2020.
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aedirns · 4 years
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Rainer Maria Rilke, The Book of Images
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aedirns · 4 years
“Life requires collapse holds it out to us sweet and fragrant.”
— Danusha Laméris, from The Moons of August; “Apples”
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aedirns · 4 years
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Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost
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aedirns · 4 years
sometimes faith feels too far away to be of any use     a distant moon built from the prophets’ holy bones     other times it’s so near I can hold it between my teeth
Calling a Wolf a Wolf, ‘Tassiopeia’ by Kaveh Akbar (via oiseauperdu)
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